DC Database

Sebastian Faust, commonly referred to as simply Faust, is the son of Felix Faust. Like his father before him, he is also a powerful practitioner of magic. Lacking a soul due to his father bargaining it away to a demon, he struggles to distance himself from his evil legacy and to prove himself a hero.


As an infant, Sebastian was subjected to a deal by his father of Nebiros in which Felix can gain greater arcane power by selling the soul of his son. Though his soul was sold, Sebastian was instead given power and became a soul-mage as a result similarly to his father.[3]

Throughout his childhood, Felix tutored his son relentlessly while young Sebastian watched his father influence his mother, who contracted leukemia after birthing Fauna, into performing black magic in order to temporarily relieve her of the pain. Eventually, he would witness his mother's death in a car accident.[4] He ran away from home shortly after to escape his father's dark influence.


Sebastian joins a new iteration of the Outsiders and uses his sorcerous skills to assist them when Markovia becomes under threat of an invasion from vampires.[5]

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Day of Judgment

Asmodel took the power of the Spectre and brought hell to earth. Sebastian was part of the newly reformed sentinels of magic that put a stop to it. To do it he had to reignite the fires of hell by murdering the Enchantress in cold blood. By doing so he lost his newly regained soul.

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Black Baptism

As the Diablos are released by a mysterious demon named Anita Soulfeeda, Sebastian is among the Sentinels of Magic hunted down and worked alongside the Justice League in order to quell the threat despite tensions forming between him and most members of the team due to his lineage as the son of Felix Faust. Eventually, as the Diablos and Anita's plan come to fruition, Sebastian learns that his father, previously helping him under the pretenses of not being involved, is under the control of Hermes Trismegistus and unearths the true identity of Anita: the Enchantress. With the help of the Justice League and Blue Devil, Sebastian defeats the sorcerer while seemingly sacrificing himself in front of the Leaguers. Surviving, he also helps his father, who commends him for his efforts and states he is proud of him.[6]


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Brightest Day

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  • Faustian Empowerment: Sebastian gained formidable magical powers after his father, Felix Faust, bargained with his son's soul to Nebiros in order to gain great power[7] and immortality.[3] However, the mystical power was instead granted to Sebastian at the cost of his soul. He later managed to briefly reacquire his soul only to lose it in the process of reigniting Hell.[8] Due to this he also proved immune to the soul corrupting effects of Michael's Spear.
    • Soul Magic: The power granted manifested as a form of sorcery known as soul magic; spellcraft powered by the souls of others. Due to the nature of the bargain, Faust has been a soul mage since in utero.
      • Spirit Sight: Faust can see the spirits of the dead that are usually invisible to others. In addition, by touching someone, Faust can let that person perceive the spirits as well.[9] Faust can sense and recognize the auras from others. Sometimes, when he does so, he sees people's silhouettes in a color that matches the state of their souls.[9]
      • Divination: He is able to trace magical energy across the globe.[3] Using the ability to discern the location of magical objects.
      • Soul Manipulation: Faust was able to infuse Tempest with the spirits of ancient Atlantean sorcerers, amplifying Tempest's power and magical knowledge as a result.[9]
      • Soul Tapping: By making physical contact with someone, Faust can "tap" someone's soul in order to temporary borrow someone's powers or abilities. The person Faust targets with this ability temporarily loses his or her powers and feels fairly weak when the power transaction first occurs. This ability appears to work on abilities that come from alternate power sources as well as ones that come internally from the source, given that he was able to steal Kyle Rayner's energy construct ability for a short while to save Zatanna.[3]
      • Mana Replenishing: While Faust's mana can naturally replenish, when Faust is low on mana, he can absorb small amounts from others to refuel himself quickly. However, in so doing, he tastes their souls.[3]
      • Phantom Conjuring: Summoned illusory Phantoms to distract Batman.[3]
    • Shadow Walking: Faust can teleport across vast distances virtually instantly by walking through shadows. Having done so to transport himself from Detroit to the inside of Arkham Asylum.[3] Using the shadows he is able to sneak around undetected.[1]
    • Resurrection: He was able to resurrect Blue Devil from a pile of bones, using them as materials for his spell. He actually kept one bone as a means to ensure his loyalty, which he then returned to the demonic hero.[3]
    • Eldritch Blast: By applying his power offensively, Faust can launch brute blasts of eldritch energy[1]
  • Apocritic Treatment: Faust was inoculated with the "apocritic" together with the other members of the Rook program. A solution created using a Star Conquerors DNA to give the affected extra sensory links. Thus he possesses mental rapport with anyone else under the influence of the apocritic like himself.[10]


  • Occultism: Though originally inferior to his father, Faust has quickly grown to become the more formidable of the two. He is an adept spell-caster taught by his father, being capable of performing black magic, and is a known expert to the Justice League on soul magic. His capability in being a soul-mage and skill in translating ancient texts surpasses his father.[9][1] Faust was even capable of programming a variety of spells into Checkmate's Gideon-II system[11] which he was capable of later reversing[11], or cure vampirism, transforming vampires back to humans.[12] Faust's greatest feat was reigniting the Fires of Hell using the soul of Enchantress.
    • Black Magic: Faust is a capable wielder of black magic, a sort of magic known to come at a high cost with it's practitioners.[7] His power in performing it makes him one of the most dangerous mystic menaces on Earth and warranted Doctor Fate to deem him as a significant mystic force to be under magical surveillance.[13][14]
  • Indomitable Will: Faust proved to have a strong will, able to resist the Starheart's attempts at taking away his will for hours.[15]
  • Investigation
  • Hand-to-Hand Combat (Basic)[2]
  • Espionage[2]
  • Stealth


  • Faustian Curse: As a result of losing his soul, which may have given him his soul-magic abilities, Faust also has the unintentional effect of inadvertently making some of those around him be filled with fear, hate, anger, or edginess. This effect does not seem to happen with everyone, but it has an effect on a considerable amount of people, even Batman and the Flash.[3] The reason why Faust wore sunglasses all the time was because his eyes were visibly mutated by his lack of soul.
  • Acrophobia: Sebastian is afraid of heights, and he gets airsick if he is too high off the ground.[16]
  • Symbiotic Link: Use of the Apocritic causes Rooks to share all senses, if one is hit all feel the impact.[10]


  • Magical Pouches: Faust's belt carries an assortment of magic, in which is store in medium sized cloth bags and leather belt containing four canvas pouches; these pouches are hand-made out of unconventional materials which make it magically voluminous, able to carry much more than the outward appearance would suggest. The clasp is made up of high-grade steel and copper rivets allows it to fasten without hoops.[7]
    • Vial of holy water: Faust keeps a vial of holy water, able to use it against malevolent beings.[17]
    • Felix Faust's scrying glass: Sebastian inherited the scrying glass some time after one of Felix's death, in which "followed" to Sebastian's possession, as sorcerous artifacts often find the next bloodline of the creator.[18]
    • Sleeping Powder[19]
  • Collection of Artifacts: As a sorcerer, Faust possess numerous magical artifacts within his warehouse in Detroit. He also was given various artifacts by his father he was possessed by an ancient Egyptian sorcerer, Hermes Trismegistus.[20]

  • Prior to the retcon of Sebastian Faust's abilities originating from a demonic bargain as an infant, he originally lost his soul in a demonic bargain later in his life as a adolescent; this took place the same year Felix Faust fought the Justice League for the first time and the year Zatanna lost her father due to Allura.[7]
  • Although Sebastian is British, he is sometimes mistaken as American.[22]
  • At the time Sebastian was conceived, Felix Faust was inhabiting the body of Dekan Drache, and therefore one would expect Drache would be Sebastian's father, genetically speaking. However, Sebastian inherited one of Felix Faust's artifacts that follows "bloodlines", indicating either mystical inheritance doesn't depend on genetics, or Felix was able to overwrite Drache's genetic information with his own.[23]


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