The Centaur (ケンタウロス族, Kentaurosu-zoku) are a demi-human liminal race with the upper body of a human attached to the body of a horse and equine ears. Herbivores, centaurs are normally found in grasslands and savannas, and are a race of nomads who become brave warriors in times of conflict.
Their civilization is ancient, by far the oldest of all the humanoid races known to mankind. Extremely proud and strong-willed, they differ from the other races in that they can characteristically consciously suppress their urges during mating season.
For centuries, Centaurs were a violent, militaristic race that lived around the art of combat. While Centaur males developed into being muscular, vulgar, violent beasts who only saw raw strength as valuable, female Centaurs also known as the Centaurides favored techniques instead and became refined but prideful warriors who were just as aggressive.
A polygynous marital culture with male centaurs having a number of wives, in order to continue their warrior culture, Centaurs mated with only the strongest of their race to ensure strength in the next generation, however, as the Centaur males became more crass as they only focused on honing their physical characteristics so the upbringing of any children they sired were left to their wives. Centarides began disliking the notion of "relations" with their male counterparts and turned to looking for more visually palatable men, such as humans, and this change in taste began to cause the centaur birth rate to dwindle. In order to overcome this problem, at least one generation ago centaurs started using male humans as 'Teasers' to aid in reproduction; where, during intercourse, the female would be sexually teased, or enticed, by a male human that she desires as a mate, then the male Centaur mounts her when she is sufficiently aroused.
These 'Teasers' are chosen from a stock of cultural exchange student applications. While perusing the applicants, the Centaur women would give preference to the applications of the men they find visually pleasing. From there, upon the exchange student's arrival, the Centaurides would engage them in a courtship that would ideally lead to them becoming their 'Teaser'. The Centaur men do not seem to notice or care that their harem wives are taking on these 'Teasers/Lovers'.
However, not all Centaurides wish to engage in this form of relationship either and instead simply claim disinterest in reproduction; embarking instead in search of a "noble lord" to "serve" as their ancestors once did long ago. However, even these women may become forced to at least join a harem so that their familial line may continue.
Apparently, modern centaurs have stuck with breeding with their own kind in the traditional belief that doing so will keep their race strong, in opposed to mating with other species (humans in particular). For them, a position in opposite to this would require hard evidence to prove otherwise. Centorea's mother in particular set out to prove this by duelling her own daughter, because Centorea is actually half human. By duelling her mother, an undefeated champion jouster of the strongest lineage to a standstill, Centorea unknowingly proved that not being full centaur would not dilute the races' strength as a whole.
Physiological Attributes[]

- Large Breasts: Female Centaurs have large breasts for feeding their young, which are larger than human babies and require more nutrition with the exception of smaller subspecies such as Lightweight centaurs.
- Lactation: Female Centaurs can lactate and produce a large amount of milk with the exception of smaller subspecies such as Lightweight centaurs. However, this is rarely seen outside of pregnancy with the exception of the Dairy Breed subspecies which, like Minotaurs, constantly produce milk.

- Herbivores: As herbivores, centaurs generally have twice as many taste buds as omnivores (e.g. humans), while omnivores have over twenty times as many taste buds as carnivores (e.g. Lamia).
- Hair color: Most Centaurs share the same hair colors with humans such as blonde and brown, but at least some of their subspecies, such as Nightmares and Dairy Breed Centaurs, can also have hair color which not (typically) found in humans, such as white and pink. As seen with Centorea and Meamil, their tails have often the same colours as their head hair.
- Body temperature: Centaurs have a standard body temperature of 38 degrees Celsius, like horses.
- While possessing mammary glands like humans, centaurs and centaurides possess equine genitalia, located on their animal half. While the variance of genitalia can presumably make cross-racial intercourse difficult, the equine vulva and vagina are the same in form and function as a human/humanoid's when compared side-by-side (with the same areas of pleasure receptors as a human and a larger clitoris that enlarges further during arousal and intercourse), with the only exception being that an equine's cervical area within the vagina can optionally extend itself back at further lengths than a human/humanoid's vagina to accommodate for the size of an equine penis. As such a centauride can easily engage in pleasurable intercourse with a human/humanoid and become impregnated by their human partners with no biological deficiencies in the offspring. It is unknown whether a human/humanoid female can safely have intercourse with and become impregnated by a centaur, however, as the size of a typical equine penis of adult size is thought to typically exceed the internal capacity of the human vagina (although due to the human vagina's degree of elasticity, it may be possible to achieve penetration and intercourse after a certain amount of preparation has been applied beforehand). Legends do exist where penetration and impregnation between centaurs and human females have happened.
- It is probable that the centaurides also have mammary glands in their equine part, although this is not confirmed.
- Ears: A Centaur's ears are capable of reflecting the centaur's mood as they are able to move much in the same way as a horse's ears.
- Sleep: Much like horses, it seems centaurs only sleep lying down for REM sleep, which they need very little of. The rest of the time they go into a light sleep while standing or sitting from which they can wake up easily in case they get attacked and need to run. Also like horses, centaurs tendons and muscles possess the ability to "lock" to prevent fatigue while sleeping when they are standing or sitting upright.
- Sense of smell: Centaurs have a sense of smell that is 1000 times greater than that of a human as revealed in Chapter 71.
Lightweight Centaur[]

Lightweight Centaur
Lightweight Centaurs (軽量種 Keiryō-shu?), known also as Racing Centaurs, are a Centaur subspecies that excels at running. They are smaller than standard centaurs, with slimmer and tighter bodies. Though they approach their rank and records with a stoic attitude and love running, they are easily injured, and they devote much of their attention to studying health care. They can be rather moody, but this can be attributed to timidity or physical and mental innocence. Since their bodies are not as large, neither are their breasts.
In times in the past, lightweight centaurs likely served as scouts and messengers, but would likely simply perform delicate work like tailoring or peddling in modern times. Given their necessary attention to health care, lightweights probably also serve as doctors and therapists for the community, as well. These centaurs have only standard breasts, and would make heavier use of dairy breed centaurs as wet nurses than the other subspecies do. As running is in their blood, they usually wear track and field clothes designed for centaurs.
Alusia Van Dalsia and Tsen are Lightweight Centaurs.
Dairy Breed Centaur[]

Dairy Breed Centaur
Dairy Breed Centaurs (馬乳種 Banyū-shu?, lit. "Horse Milk Species") are a Centaur subspecies that produces an exceptional amount of milk. Among the already well-endowed female centaurs, Dairy Centaurs have particularly large breasts. Because of this, they often serve as wet nurses for centaur babies whose mothers have trouble producing milk even if they're busty unlike Lightweights, and due to this, it is common for Dairy Centaurs to live among groups of other centaur subspecies. Though they are about the same size as standard centaurs, their waists and legs are especially thick. Dairy centaurs are easygoing and meek. Their maternal instincts are strong, and they love small things.
While they have traditionally served as wet nurses since the age of antiquity, that practice has declined since the advent of formula and powdered milk. Additionally, the milk of some Dairy Breed Centaurs (and centaurs in general) seems to have the effect of temporarily sending the consumer into an infantile state regardless of age. Their usual clothes are extremely low-cut dresses which only cover their nipples that aid them in being milked.
Meamil Airagu is a Dairy Breed Centaur.
Heavyweight Centaur[]

Heavyweight Centaur
Heavyweight Centaurs (重量種 Jūryō-shu?) are the most muscular of the Centaur subspecies. They are so powerful that they can move around unimpeded even while wearing heavy armor. However, since they rarely have opportunities to wear armor in modern times, they apply their strength to farming and agriculture. They are the largest and most muscular of the centaurs, and their legs are far thicker than those of other centaur subspecies. However, most are gentle, good-natured, yet absent-minded and they are often dim-witted.
Cheron Du Pell and Shaia are Heavyweight Centaurs.

Unicorns (ユニコーン Yunikōn?) are a demihuman subspecies of Centaur that have had myths and legends written about them since before Grecian antiquity. Known as a symbol of virgin purity, Unicorns are said to be "only tamable by virgin women". It is said that their horns are able to cure all diseases, with the resulting rumor resulting in a mass hunting for the species. Hunters usually used the species' fondness for virgin women to lay traps to capture them and harvest their horn.
Nicole Unicole and Keros are Unicorns.

Nightmares are a demihuman subspecies of Centaur that can enter the dreams of sleeping individuals and create nightmares, although the exact reason why Nightmares must give other people nightmares, except from that it is part of their culture, isn't explained. If a individual is awake, a Nightmare can also use hypnosis to put the person into sleep, although this skill must be learned as hypnosis is not an innate ability of the Nightmares.
Rem Nighdrem is a Nightmare.

The Pegasus ("Pegasi" plural) are a demihuman subspecies of Centaur that can fly using the powerful wings attached to their equine bodies. Famously appearing in Greek mythology in the stories of several heroes, the Pegasi serve only those who are truly noble and morally strong. Their clothes are custom-made for maximum movement of their wings.
Pegasania Bellerophon is a Pegasus.
In the Manga[]
- Centorea Shianus (Centaur with human ancestry)
- Centorea's Mother (Centaur)
- Alusia Van Dalsia (Lightweight Centaur)
- Meamil Airagu (Dairy Breed Centaur)
- Cheron Du Pell (Heavyweight Centaur)
- Rem Nighdrem (Nightmare)
- Nicole Unicole (Unicorn)
- Pegasania Bellerophon (Pegasus)
- Kiruraru (Centaur)
In the Game[]
Lightweight Centaur[]
Heavyweight Centaur[]
Dairy Breed Centaur[]
See Also[]
- A female Centaur is called as a "Centauride" or "Centauress", whereby Centauress is the more usual term in English. Despite their bestial appearance, they are known for their beauty in ancient Grecian writings.
- Members of this race consider it an unspeakable insult for a man to tire first during mating, and would be so insulted, they may kick her partner to death without another word.
- One of The Eight Brothers is dating a Centaur girl.
- Centaurs do not wear any undergarments.
- However, the sports bra seems to be the only exception for those who love running even if they're not of the lightweight subspecies.
- A Centaur will only allow his or her master ride on their back as forcibly riding a centaur is the same as rape.
- Although Centaurs are described in the manga series as pure herbivores, there is technically no such thing, because in real life there is actually a surprisingly high number of animals that are usually herbivores to eat meat and carrion when they have the opportunity ("opportunistic carnivores)", as meat contains important nutrients such as calcium that are not found in plants. They can get sick if they eat meat in large quantities and regularly, but a small amount can be good for their health. Especially for a specialized herbivore, it is easier to eat meat than a specialized carnivore could eat grass or leaves, as meat is generally much easier to chew and digest than plant material. Given the fact that horses are also "opportunistic carnivores" and Centaurs are specialized herbivores, they should realistically at least be able to eat small amounts of meat at times without getting sick.
- In Episode 10, Centorea uses a golden horseshoe as payment for a monetary donation, implying that Centaurs use horseshoes as currency. However, it is unknown whether this is considered canon for the manga series, as in Chapter 21, on which episode 10 is based, Centorea instead uses normal money for the payment, and so far nowhere in the manga series has it been mentioned or implied that Centaurs use horseshoes as currency.
- Centorea Shianus’ family is known amongst the centaur race as one of the bravest and strongest family lines.
- In Chapter 29, Ms Smith explains to Polt that according to Centaurs laws, duels (like jousting) must take place without armours, because Centaurs place their lives on the line in these duels. However, as mentioned in the official translation, this only applies to high stake battles such as the jousting duel between Centorea and Centorea's mother. In normal jousting duels between Centaurs or Heavyweight Centaurs, wearing armor is allowed, as seen in Chapter 48 at the EXPO or in a flashback of Cheron in Chapter 70.
- Amongst the standard centaurides, Chiron, a centaur male famous for his wisdom and training several heroes of ancient Greece, has been the most highly idolized male centaur for generations. This is true in ancient Greek mythology but today most of them are brutish beasts as shown in the manga and infamous story in the Greek mythology of the war between centaurs and the Lapiths. In the franchise's semi-canonical adaptation Monster Musume I ♥ Monster Girls Volume 3, Rachnera brings up this point when she wonders why Centaurides idolized Chiron even though they are otherwise repulsed by male Centaurs.
- It is possible that the reason why the Centaurides idolize Chiron is because he is by far the best known and most positively portrayed male Centaur in the stories and because he is not only strong but also wise. However, since Chiron is a mythological figure, this idolization has a sad background as it clearly shows that there is not a single real male Centaur in the world of Monster Musume who can be viewed as a positive role models for the Centaurides.
- As Miss Smith said that male centaurs are all brawn but no brains so it's most likely the leaders in their communities are centaurides. This is also supported by the omake of Volume 7 where Centorea's mother says that male Centaurs are mainly busy with muscle training and therefore hardly care about their wives. This neglect of others suggests that most male Centaurs have few qualities, aside from their physical strength, to make them suitable as leaders, as a leader's first priority is to protect his people.
- As Centorea explains in Chapter 48, Centaurs don't normally wear shoes although this is customary for them in Japan as it is really troublesome for them to wipe their hooves every time when they enter a house. In fact, there are some private companies that, among other tools that help Liminals to get along with human society, also produce special, automatically shoes for Centaurs, as seen on the EXPO.
- According to Polt's announcement in Chapter 29, before the duel between Centorea and her mother, the population of the Centaurs is more than thirty million.
- It is not known, however, whether this population figure refers only to the standard Centaurs, or also includes the subspecies of Centaurs.
- Since Centorea has the appearence of a normal centauride despite her semi-human lineage, it can be assumed that centaurs genes are dominant. It is currently not known what a male centaur would look like if he had a human as father, but it can be assumed that he would has a much more handsome and much less brutal appearance than the other male centaurs.
- Although it is shown in Chapter 29 that due to the warlike culture of Centaurs there is rule of only breeding with the strongest, which has resulted that all male Centaurs in modern days becoming aggressive brutes, it is not known whether this also applies to all Centaur subspecies, especially considering that some of them (like Nightmares or Dairy Breed Centaurs) don't seem to have a warlike culture at all. Besides that, as in the case of Lightweight Centaurs and Pegasi, it seems unlikely that their male representatives have evolved in this way, as a muscular, heavy physique would massively impair their abilities to run quickly and to fly, respectively.
- It's also shown in the flashback of chapter 29 that despite being one of the brawniest brutes, male centaurs can be knocked unconscious easily with a well-placed hit on the head by someone way weaker than them. Nevertheless, in the omake of Volume 7, Centorea's mother points out that male Centaurs are still so robust that even a violent blow to their heads by their females can only make them unconscious but cannot actually hurt or even kill them.
- Athough standard centaurides are shown to dress modestly, most of their subspecies counterparts have no objections in putting on skimpy attires. Another thing is that unlike some other liminal species such as Lamias and Mermaids, they're also shown to be more aggressive than some of their subspecies.
- Most centaurides kept their hair tied into a ponytail which is probably a pun on their beast half.
- Because of their wings, pegasi are the only Centaur subspecies with an extra pair of limbs.
- Aside from centaurs, sphinxes and gryphons also have taur-type bodies.
- Because of their equine half, centaurs have difficulty going up stairs as mentioned in Chapter 76.
- Unlike their females, male centaurs are shown to go completely naked or bottomless.
- Due to the distinguishing feature of their females which happen to be a pair of extra-large breasts, it's difficult to imagine the appearance of male Dairy Breed Centaurs.
- Centaurides have breasts on their human half, unlike real mares, which have them located near the genitalia. Because of this, a Centauride's crotch is comparatively bare compared to a real horse.
- Male centaurs having a polygynous culture is similar to wild stallions having a harem in real-life and that means most centaurs will have many paternal half-siblings.
- However the same can be said for them to have many maternal half-siblings who are hybrids if centaurides maybe have affairs with various human teasers which Centorea's mom indicated the possibility in the omake of volume 7, although her daughter's birth is currently the only known such case of being a hybrid.
- Male humans are used as teasers to coax centaurides into mating for their males to be doing the actual job of impregnating them while they're being distracted but it's not known whether this method is applied on their subspecies. Furthermore, this is unlike stallions used as teasers in real-life as they're only used to check whether mares are in heat and are even allowed to breed with them.