Beloved Wife Day (Aisai-No-Hi) is an annual event in Japan designed to encourage normally reserved men to show affection for their wives.
First conceived in 2005 by Kiyotaka Yamana, a 45-year-old businessman in Kawasaki, the holiday's name, "Beloved Wife Day" or "Aisai," is a play on the Japanese words for 1 and 31. The rules of the event stipulates that husbands must publicly declare their love for the wives by 8 p.m. on January 31st, then return home to spend time with their wives.
Kiyotaka Yamana conceived the event after he and his first wife divorced because she was "fed up with his workaholic ways". When Yamana remarried, he vowed to do things differently and created the "Japan Aisaika (Adoring Husband) Organization", with the goal of educating the country's male populace on how to become less obsessed with work and better their relationships with their wives.
- The group has also come up with five golden rules, like calling one's wife by her name rather than grunting, and looking into her eyes when talking.