Max Move

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A Max Move (Japanese: ダイマックスわざ Daimax Move) is a special type of move introduced in Generation VIII. While Dynamaxed, all of a Dynamax Pokémon's moves are replaced by their corresponding Max Moves. For Gigantamax Pokémon, attacking moves of a certain type become G-Max Moves instead. Max Moves are often more powerful than regular moves and all have secondary effects.


Similar to Z-Moves, the type, damage category and base power of Max Moves that a Dynamax Pokémon knows depend on the moves it knew before Dynamaxing. The exception to this are status moves, which instead all become the Normal-type Max Guard. If the base move's type is changed either by a move's effect or an Ability (e.g. Pixilate, Electrify, or Weather Ball), then the Max Move will also be converted to that of the new type with the same power; however, the move selection screen will still display the Max Move of the original type. For instance, if a Fighting-type Silvally knows Multi-Attack, the Max Move will still display as Max Strike, but when executed it becomes Max Knuckle.

Damaging Max Moves deal 25% of their total damage against targets that use protection moves (such as Protect and Spiky Shield), and secondary effects are still applied. Only the Max Move Max Guard fully protects against Max Moves. Secondary effects of Max Moves may also affect targets and their allies behind a substitute. Max Moves also never miss, unless the target is semi-invulnerable.

For Gigantamax Pokémon, damaging moves of a certain type become its exclusive G-Max Move instead of the normal corresponding Max Move; the type of moves affected depends on the Gigantamax Pokémon's species. Eternamax Eternatus can also use Max Moves, but this form cannot be obtained by the player.

List of Max Moves

Max Move Type Additional effect Image
Max Strike Normal Decreases the Speed of the target and its allies by one stage
Max Knuckle Fighting Increases the Attack of the user and its allies by one stage
Max Airstream Flying Increases the Speed of the user and its allies by one stage
Max Ooze Poison Increases the Special Attack of the user and its allies by one stage
Max Quake Ground Increases the Special Defense of the user and its allies by one stage
Max Rockfall Rock Creates a sandstorm for five turns.
Max Flutterby Bug Decreases the Special Attack of the target and its allies by one stage
Max Phantasm Ghost Decreases the Defense of the target and its allies by one stage
Max Steelspike Steel Increases the Defense of the user and its allies by one stage
Max Flare Fire Creates harsh sunlight for five turns.
Max Geyser Water Creates rain for five turns.
Max Overgrowth Grass Creates Grassy Terrain for five turns.
Max Lightning Electric Creates Electric Terrain for five turns.
Max Mindstorm Psychic Creates Psychic Terrain for five turns.
Max Hailstorm Ice Creates hail for five turns.
Max Wyrmwind Dragon Decreases the Attack of the target and its allies by one stage
Max Darkness Dark Decreases the Special Defense of the target and its allies by one stage
Max Starfall Fairy Creates Misty Terrain for five turns.
Max Guard Normal Protects from all moves, including Max Moves


The following table shows the power of a Max Move based on its respective base move. The same power values are also used for most G-Max Moves.

In the spin-off games

Pokémon GO

Dynamax Pokémon initially have access to an attacking Max Move based on the type of the Pokémon's Fast Attack. Dynamax Pokémon can also learn Max Guard, which reduces incoming damage, and Max Spirit, which recovers HP; both of these moves also affect ally Pokémon. All Max Moves start at Level 1 and can be increased up to a maximum of Level 3. Unlocking Max Guard or Max Spirit, and leveling up any of the three Max Moves, requires spending Max Particles and Candy or Candy XL, depending on the move level and the Pokémon species, and awards experience. Using a Fast TM to change the Fast Attack to a move of a different type, and therefore change the attacking Max Move, does not change the Max Move's level.

List of Max Moves

Max Move Type Costs
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Max Strike Normal N/A 600
Candy XL40–55
Max Knuckle Fighting
Max Airstream Flying
Max Ooze Poison
Max Quake Ground
Max Rockfall Rock
Max Flutterby Bug
Max Phantasm Ghost
Max Steelspike Steel
Max Flare Fire
Max Geyser Water
Max Overgrowth Grass
Max Lightning Electric
Max Mindstorm Psychic
Max Hailstorm Ice
Max Wyrmwind Dragon
Max Darkness Dark
Max Starfall Fairy
Max Guard Normal 400
Max Spirit Normal
XP Reward +4000 +6000 +8000

Pokémon Masters EX

Certain sync pairs are capable of Dynamaxing their partner Pokémon, including some Trainers that do not have Dynamax Bands in the core series. All attacking max moves[note 1] start at 400 base power and can be increased up to a maximum power of 480.

A sync pair can only use a max move once per battle, but it can be used at any time. If all three sync pairs on the player's team are capable of using max moves, the player can use up to three max moves in that battle—one for each sync pair. Similar to sync moves, using a max move does not advance the user's sync move countdown, but it never misses and ignores the target's Enduring effect, if applicable.

List of max moves

Max Move Type Additional effect Image Playable sync pairs
Max Strike Normal Lowers the Speed of all opposing sync pairs by 2 stat ranks. Palmer & Regigigas
Max Knuckle Fighting Raises the Attack of all allied sync pairs by two stat ranks. Red & Snorlax
Allister & Gengar
Gloria (Dojo Uniform) & Urshifu
Gloria (Alt. 2) & Cinderace
Riley & Lucario
Max Airstream Flying Raises the Speed of all allied sync pairs by two stat ranks. Leon & Charizard
Gloria (Alt. 2) & Cinderace
Max Ooze Poison Raises the Sp. Atk of all allied sync pairs by two stat ranks. Allister & Gengar
Sygna Suit Giovanni & Nidoking
Sygna Suit Roxie & Toxtricity
Klara & Slowbro
Max Quake Ground Raises the Sp. Def of all allied sync pairs by two stat ranks. Sygna Suit Giovanni & Nidoking
Victor & Rillaboom
Leon & Charizard
Rose & Copperajah
Victor & Spectrier
Raihan (New Year's 2025) & Sandaconda
Max Rockfall Rock Causes a sandstorm. Rose & Copperajah
Paulo & Lycanroc
Raihan (New Year's 2025) & Sandaconda
Max Phantasm Ghost Lowers the Defense of all opposing sync pairs by 2 stat ranks. Victor & Spectrier
Wallace (New Year's 2024) & Blacephalon
Sygna Suit Ingo & Chandelure
Max Steelspike Steel Raises the Defense of all allied sync pairs by two stat ranks. Sygna Suit Giovanni & Nidoking
Gloria (Dojo Uniform) & Urshifu
Argenta & Skarmory
Riley & Lucario
Max Flare Fire Makes the weather sunny. Raihan (Anniversary 2022) & Flygon
Bede & Hatterene
Gordie & Coalossal
Wallace (New Year's 2024) & Blacephalon
Blue (Classic) & Charizard
Marnie & Cinderace
Max Geyser Water Makes the weather rainy. Dahlia & Ludicolo
Leaf & Blastoise
Bede & Inteleon
Max Overgrowth Grass Turns the field of play’s terrain into Grassy Terrain. Red & Venusaur
Dahlia & Ludicolo
Greta & Breloom
Milo & Eldegoss
Hop & Rillaboom
Max Lightning Electric Turns the field of play's terrain into Electric Terrain. Elesa (Classic) & Emolga
Sygna Suit Emmet & Eelektross
Max Mindstorm Psychic Turns the field of play's terrain into Psychic Terrain. Bede & Hatterene
Avery & Slowking
Max Wyrmwind Dragon Lowers the Attack of all opposing sync pairs by two stat ranks. Raihan (Anniversary 2022) & Flygon
Leon (Alt.) & Dragapult
Max Guard Normal Applies the Damage Guard Next effect to an ally. Elesa (Classic) & Emolga
Raihan (Anniversary 2022) & Flygon
Sygna Suit Red (Thunderbolt) & Pikachu
Gordie & Coalossal
Melony & Lapras
Anabel & Snorlax
Oleana & Garbodor
Leon (Alt.) & Dragapult
Victor & Spectrier
Paulo & Lycanroc
Argenta & Skarmory
Sygna Suit Roxie & Toxtricity
Dahlia & Ludicolo
Kabu & Centiskorch
Avery & Slowking
Greta & Breloom
Sygna Suit Ingo & Chandelure
Arc Suit Leon & Charizard
Milo & Eldegoss
Marnie & Cinderace
Hop & Rillaboom
Bede & Inteleon
Raihan (New Year's 2025) & Sandaconda

In animation

Pokémon the Series

Pokémon Journeys: The Series

Max Moves were first featured in Pokémon Journeys: The Series in the World Coronation Series finals match between Lance and Leon in Flash of the Titans!.

List of Max Moves used

Pokémon Max Move Image Debut
Gyarados Lance's Gyarados Max Geyser Flash of the Titans!
Charizard Leon's Charizard Max Lightning
Flash of the Titans!
Gyarados Lance's Gyarados Max Strike
Flash of the Titans!
Charizard Leon's Charizard Max Airstream Flash of the Titans!
Gyarados Lance's Gyarados Max Guard Flash of the Titans!
Pikachu Ash's Pikachu Max Steelspike The Climb to Be the Very Best!
Drednaw Drednaw Max Rockfall The Climb to Be the Very Best!
Pikachu Ash's Pikachu Max Strike The Climb to Be the Very Best!
Duraludon Raihan's Duraludon Max Rockfall Toughing It Out!
Charizard Leon's Charizard Max Knuckle Toughing It Out!
Duraludon Raihan's Duraludon Max Steelspike Toughing It Out!
Centiskorch Doug's Centy Max Flutterby Sword and Shield, Slumbering Weald!
Raboot Goh's Raboot Max Flare Sword and Shield: The Darkest Day!
Garbodor Subordinate's Garbodor Max Steelspike Sword and Shield: "From Here to Eternatus!"
Raboot Goh's Raboot Max Knuckle Sword and Shield: "From Here to Eternatus!"
Machamp Bea's Machamp Max Steelspike A Battle of Mega Versus Max!
Machamp Bea's Machamp Max Strike A Battle of Mega Versus Max!
Grimmsnarl Marnie's Grimmsnarl Max Quake Battling Turned Up to Eleven!
Gengar Ash's Gengar Max Ooze Battling Turned Up to Eleven!
Grimmsnarl Marnie's Grimmsnarl Max Starfall Battling Turned Up to Eleven!
Gengar Ash's Gengar Max Hailstorm Battling Turned Up to Eleven!
Gengar Ash's Gengar Max Starfall Aim For The Eight!
Rillaboom Leon's Rillaboom Max Airstream Curtain Up! Fight the Fights!
Rillaboom Leon's Rillaboom Max Quake Curtain Up! Fight the Fights!
Dragonite Lance's Dragonite Max Hailstorm Pride of a Champion!
Dragonite Lance's Dragonite Max Strike Pride of a Champion!
Dragonite Lance's Dragonite Max Wyrmwind Pride of a Champion!
Togekiss Cynthia's Togekiss Max Airstream Whittle While You Work!
Charizard Leon's Charizard Max Rockfall Paring Pokémon While Parrying!
Charizard Leon's Charizard Max Wyrmwind Paring Pokémon While Parrying!

Pokémon: Twilight Wings

List of Max Moves used

Pokémon Max Move Image Debut
Duraludon Raihan's Duraludon Max Guard Sky

In the manga

Pokémon Adventures

List of Max Moves used

Pokémon Max Move Image Debut
Eldegoss Milo's Eldegoss Max Overgrowth Watch Out!! Strong Rivals
Sirfetch'd Henry's Lancelot Max Knuckle Blinding!! The End of the Battle
Eldegoss Milo's Eldegoss Max Strike Blinding!! The End of the Battle
Drednaw Nessa's Drednaw Max Strike Splish Splash!! Gigantamax Battle
Gengar Allister's Gengar Max Ooze Teary!! The Voice of the Master
Oranguru Henry's Fanguru Max Guard Teary!! The Voice of the Master
Oranguru Henry's Fanguru Max Darkness Teary!! The Voice of the Master
Sirfetch'd Henry's Lancelot Max Steelspike Stealth!! Infiltrate the Energy Plant

Pokémon Journeys

In the TCG

Mimikyu VMAX has the attack "Max Shadow", which starts with "Max" as though it is a Max Move. That attack's cost is more difficult to meet than the card's alternative "Ominious Numbers".

In the Pokémon Trading Card Game, every Pokémon VMAX card depicting a Dynamax Pokémon has one attack whose name starts with the phrase "Max". This may allude to the concept of Max Moves, although these attacks have no special qualities. If the Pokemon has two attacks, this attack is always the second of the attacks, and as such always has an attack cost that is more difficult to meet compared to the other attack. Some of these attack share names with a Max Move, such as the Max Rockfall attack on Stonjourner VMAX, and Max Darkness on Umbreon VMAX. Still others share the name of a regular move, but with "Max" appended to the start. Examples include Max Pyro Ball from Cinderace VMAX and Max Take Down from Aggron VMAX. And plenty are entirely original, with names like Max Gimme Gimme used on Greedent VMAX and Max Cure with Gardevoir VMAX. These possibly imply some flexibility in how Max Moves and G-Max Moves are represented in the TCG.

Despite its prevalence in the video games, Max Guard was never printed as an attack on a Pokémon card.

For Gigantamax Pokémon, a similar pattern occurs where their most expensive attack starts with the phrase "G-Max", alluding to G-Max Moves.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 極巨招式 Gihkgeuih Jīusīk
Mandarin 極巨招式 / 极巨招式 Jíjù Zhāoshì
Czech Maximální útok
Finnish Max-liike
French Capacité Dynamax
German Dynamax-Attacke
Italian Mossa Dynamax
Korean 다이맥스기술 Daimax Gisul
Polish Max Ruch
Portuguese Brazil Movimento Max
Portugal Técnica Max
Russian Максимальные атака Maksimal'nyye ataka
Spanish Movimiento Dinamax


  1. The term "max move" is formatted in sentence case in Pokémon Masters EX, though it is still occasionally formatted as "Max Move" in official newsletters.

Related articles

Max Moves
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Max RockfallMax FlutterbyMax PhantasmMax Steelspike
Max FlareMax GeyserMax OvergrowthMax LightningMax Mindstorm
Max HailstormMax WyrmwindMax DarknessMax StarfallMax Guard
Exclusive to Pokémon GO:
Max Spirit
G-Max Moves
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This game mechanic article is part of Project Games, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon games.