G-Max Replenish (move)

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G-Max Replenish
キョダイサイセイ Kyodai Regeneration
Type  Normal
Category  Varies
PP  — (max. —)
Power  —
Accuracy  —%
Priority  0
  • Does not make contact
  • Not affected by Protect
  • Not affected by Magic Coat
  • Not affected by Snatch
  • Not affected by Mirror Move
  • Affected by King's Rock
Opponent Opponent Opponent
Self Ally Ally
1 Other: May affect any adjacent opponent, but not allies
Introduced  Generation VIII
Condition  [[{{{category}}} (condition)|{{{category}}}]]
Appeal  0  
Jam  0  
Condition  [[{{{category}}} (condition)|{{{category}}}]]
Appeal  0  
Condition  [[{{{category}}} (condition)|{{{category}}}]]
Appeal  0  
Jamming  0  

G-Max Replenish (Japanese: キョダイサイセイ Kyodai Regeneration) is a damage-dealing Normal-type G-Max Move introduced in Generation VIII. It is the exclusive G-Max Move of Gigantamax Snorlax.


G-Max Replenish inflicts damage and has a 50% chance of restoring any Berries consumed by the user or its allies. This additional effect is not considered one for purposes of Serene Grace or Sheer Force.

G-Max Replenish can recover Berries consumed by Fling; however, it cannot recover Berries transferred to another Pokémon, Berries destroyed by Incinerate or Knock Off, or Berries eaten with Bug Bite or Pluck. It also cannot restore a Berry if it was collected by a Pokémon with Pickup.

Its power and whether it is a special or physical move depends on the move it is based on.

Base move Power Category Learnable
Bind 90 Physical
Body Slam 130 Physical
Boomburst 140 Special
Covet 110 Physical
Crush Claw 130 Physical
Crush Grip 140 Physical
Cut 100 Physical
Double Hit 120 Physical
Double-Edge 140 Physical
Echoed Voice 90 Special
Endeavor 130 Physical
Explosion 150 Physical
Extreme Speed 130 Physical
Facade 120 Physical
Fake Out 90 Physical
False Swipe 90 Physical
Feint 90 Physical
Flail 130 Physical
Fury Attack 90 Physical
Fury Swipes 100 Physical
Giga Impact 150 Physical
Guillotine 130 Physical
Head Charge 140 Physical
Headbutt 120 Physical Requires Transfer
Hold Back 90 Physical Requires Transfer
Horn Attack 120 Physical
Horn Drill 130 Physical
Hyper Beam 150 Special
Hyper Fang 130 Physical
Hyper Voice 130 Special
Judgment 130 Special
Last Resort 140 Physical
Mega Kick 140 Physical
Mega Punch 130 Physical
Multi-Attack 95 Physical
Pay Day 90 Physical
Pound 90 Physical
Present 100 Physical
Quick Attack 90 Physical
Rapid Spin 100 Physical
Relic Song 130 Special
Retaliate 120 Physical
Revelation Dance 130 Special
Round 110 Special
Scratch 90 Physical
Self-Destruct 150 Physical
Skull Bash 140 Physical Requires Transfer
Slam 130 Physical
Slash 120 Physical
Snore 100 Special
Spit Up 100 Special
Stomp 120 Physical
Strength 130 Physical Requires Transfer
Super Fang 100 Physical
Swift 110 Special
Tackle 90 Physical
Tail Slap 130 Physical
Take Down 130 Physical Requires Transfer
Techno Blast 140 Special
Terrain Pulse 130 Special
Thrash 140 Physical
Tri Attack 130 Special
Uproar 130 Special
Vise Grip 110 Physical
Weather Ball 130 Special
Wrap 90 Physical
Note: A Snorlax transferred with the move Mimic can
potentially use any of these moves for G-Max Replenish.


Games Description
SwSh A Normal-type attack that Gigantamax Snorlax use. This move restores Berries that have been eaten.


Gigantamax Snorlax can use G-Max Replenish if it knows a damaging Normal-type move.

In other games

Pokémon Masters EX

Name Category Base power Max power Target Description Playable sync pairs
Max move
G-Max Replenish Physical 400 480 An opponent Restores one MP of the user's moves. Red & Snorlax
Anabel & Snorlax

In other generations

Spin-off series games

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 超極巨資源再生 Chīu Gihkgeuih Jīyùhn
Mandarin 超極巨資源再生 / 超极巨资源再生 Chāo Jíjù Zīyuán Joisāng
French Récolte G-Max
German Giga-Recycling
Italian Gigarinnovamento
Korean 거다이재생 Geodai Chaesaeng
Brazilian Portuguese Reabastecer G-Max
Spanish Gigarreciclaje
Max Moves
Max StrikeMax KnuckleMax AirstreamMax OozeMax Quake
Max RockfallMax FlutterbyMax PhantasmMax Steelspike
Max FlareMax GeyserMax OvergrowthMax LightningMax Mindstorm
Max HailstormMax WyrmwindMax DarknessMax StarfallMax Guard
Exclusive to Pokémon GO:
Max Spirit
G-Max Moves
G-Max Vine LashG-Max WildfireG-Max CannonadeG-Max Befuddle
G-Max Volt CrashG-Max Gold RushG-Max Chi StrikeG-Max Terror
G-Max Foam BurstG-Max ResonanceG-Max CuddleG-Max Replenish
G-Max MalodorG-Max MeltdownG-Max Drum SoloG-Max Fireball
G-Max HydrosnipeG-Max Wind RageG-Max GravitasG-Max Stonesurge
G-Max VolcalithG-Max TartnessG-Max SweetnessG-Max Sandblast
G-Max Stun ShockG-Max CentifernoG-Max SmiteG-Max SnoozeG-Max Finale
G-Max SteelsurgeG-Max DepletionG-Max One BlowG-Max Rapid Flow

This article is part of Project Moves and Abilities, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on two related aspects of the Pokémon games.