Pokémon Masters EX

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This article is about the game. For the type of Trainer, see Pokémon Master. For the tournament featured in Pokémon the Series, see Masters Eight Tournament.

Pokémon Masters

Logo of Pokémon Masters
Pokémon Masters EX
ポケモンマスターズ EX

Logo of Pokémon Masters EX
Basic info
Platform: iOS, iPadOS, Android
Category: RPG
Players: N/A
Connectivity: N/A
Developer: DeNA
Publisher: DeNA
Part of: Generation VII - IX spin-off
ESRB: E10+
GSRR: 6+
Release dates
Japan: August 29, 2019 (Masters)
August 25, 2020 (Masters EX)
North America: August 28, 2019[note 1] (Masters)
August 24, 2020 (Masters EX)
Australia: August 29, 2019 (Masters)
August 25, 2020 (Masters EX)
Europe: August 29, 2019 (Masters)
August 25, 2020 (Masters EX)
South Korea: August 29, 2019 (Masters)
August 25, 2020 (Masters EX)
Hong Kong: August 29, 2019 (Masters)
August 25, 2020 (Masters EX)
Taiwan: August 29, 2019 (Masters)
August 25, 2020 (Masters EX)
Japanese: Official site
English: Official site
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Pokémon Masters EX (Japanese: ポケモンマスターズ EX), previously known as Pokémon Masters, is a free-to-start spin-off Pokémon gacha game for iOS, iPadOS, and Android. It allows players to battle various Pokémon Trainers from the core series games and animated series. It was released worldwide on August 29, 2019.[note 1] This game is set on the artificial island of Pasio.

It was officially revealed at the Pokémon 2019 Press Conference on May 29, 2019. More details were revealed on June 27, 2019. A preview version of the game was released in Singapore on July 25, 2019, and in Canada on August 6, 2019.


Start a new adventure in the Pokémon world! Explore the all-new island of Pasio!

There's a tournament of 3-on-3 battles being held on Pasio called the Pokémon Masters League. Aim to become its champion as you battle with famous Trainers and make a dream team of friends on the way!

Form a team with three Trainers and their Pokémon to target your opponents' weaknesses and deal big damage!

Enjoy co-op play with friends all around the world! In co-op play, three players team up for fun, exciting battles! Work together to emerge victorious!


Sync pairs

Main article: Sync pair

A sync pair is a pair consisting of one Pokémon Trainer and one Pokémon. Each sync pair is able to know up to four moves which can be used in battle. Sync pairs also have passive skills that grant passive effects in battle, similar to Abilities. There are five types of sync pairs:

  • Strike sync pairs, which are focused on attacking.
  • Tech sync pairs, which are focused on disrupting the opponents, such as lowering their stats and inflicting status conditions.
  • Support sync pairs, which are focused on defending, healing HP, and increasing stats of the whole team.
  • Sprint sync pairs, which are focused on attacking fast and reducing the sync move countdown.
  • Field sync pairs, which are focused on setting up field effects.
  • Multi sync pairs, which are focused on lowering and raising type rebuff. This role is exclusive to arc suit sync pairs.

The level of a sync pair can be increased gaining experience through battles or by using Level-Up Manuals. Various sync pair stats, moves and skills can be further strengthened using the sync grid feature.

Sync pairs can be recruited by playing the main story, playing special events, or through the Sync Pair Scout at the shop.

Battle mechanics

Main article: Pokémon battle (Masters)
A battle in Pokémon Masters EX

Battles in Pokémon Masters EX are primarily three-on-three battles. Unlike in the core series games, they take place in real-time instead of being turn-based. During battle, the player is able to choose up to one action for each allied sync pair at a time. Some actions require a number of move gauge slots to be used and become highlighted whenever the appropriate number of slots in the move gauge are full. The speed at which the gauge fills up depends on sum of the Speed stats of the sync pairs in the player's team. During battle, the player can freely choose which opponent each ally can target at any time. The opposing side will target whichever sync pair the player chooses as the primary target, as assigned in the Tactics menu.

Players can also team up with up to two other players in co-op battles. Each player brings a team of up to three sync pairs, but only has one sync pair out on the field at a time; players are able to switch between their sync pairs, although switching takes one turn. Each player's team has their own move gauge with which to act and using certain moves will fill the unity gauge, which unleashes a special unity attack when filled.

The battle is won when all sync pairs on a team have been eliminated. If the player wins, the sync pairs will gain experience and obtain items as rewards. If the opposing side wins, the player will be given the option to retry the battle.


Main article: List of moves in Pokémon Masters EX

As a sync pair, both the Pokémon and Trainer can use moves in a battle. Moves used by Pokémon function in the same way as they do in the core series games, retaining the same type, damage category, and properties under normal circumstances. Buddy moves are a special variant of Pokémon moves unique to sync pairs and can only be selected when certain battle conditions are met. Trainers can use non-damaging moves that influence the field in different ways; some Trainer moves are based on items that can be used during battle, and others are unique to the Trainer that influence the allied field of play. Certain moves have a set number of move points (MP) that limit how many times it can be selected in battle, similar to PP in other games.

Sync moves are powerful moves that a sync pair can unleash once the sync move countdown reaches 0. The player's countdown begins at 9, while the opponent's countdown starts at 6. When a move is used, the countdown goes down by one. Once a sync move is used, the countdown resets to the original maximum value. Max Moves can also be used by certain pairs once per battle.


Main article: List of items in Pokémon Masters EX

There are many items in Pokémon Masters EX with varied uses. They are often obtained as battle rewards or through item exchange at the shop.


Coins are the main currency in Pokémon Masters EX. These can be obtained as rewards from battles, by exchanging gears, and are also obtained when event items expire. Coins are used to exchange for items at the shop and to upgrade gear.


Main article: Gem (Masters)

Gems are the premium currency. They can be obtained as first-time battle rewards. They are often also made available through special log-in bonuses and event missions or mission bingos. Gems are used for sync pair scouting.


Main article: Stamina (Masters)

Stamina is a mechanic for certain battles which limits how much they can be played in a day. It recharges on its own at a rate 1 stamina every 4 minutes, but can also be manually refilled through Stamina Refill items. Spending stamina raises Player Rank by an equivalent amount.


Main article: Mission (Masters)

Missions are specific goals for the player to achieve in the game. The player is rewarded with special items such as Gems when the mission is completed. There are three types of missions: Daily, General, and Event missions.

Mission Bingo was introduced in version 1.5.0. These are special missions in a 3×3 bingo format, with each mission representing one tile of the bingo. When the mission is fulfilled, the player will obtain the reward for that mission tile. In addition, if a horizontal, vertical or diagonal row of missions is completed, the player will receive extra rewards. Once all tiles are filled, then there will be a "Blackout!" and the player will be given a special bingo reward.



The Poryphone is a multi-purpose information device that allows the player to communicate with other sync pairs in the team. It is given to the player by Trista once the player registers for the Pokémon Masters League. It has a sync stone embedded in it, allowing the player to use sync moves.

The Poryphone has a menu of functions available to the player:

  • Player details: the player's profile can be edited here.
  • Titles: displays the titles that the player has earned. Players can set their favorite title here.
  • Medals: lists the medals that the player has earned. Players can set up to three favorite medals here.
  • Photo Creator: allows the player to take photos of sync pairs they have recruited. Players can also view other players' profiles at random from this menu.
  • Friends: players can befriend up to 100 friends. Players can search for friends and accept pending friend requests through this tab.
  • Adventure Log: displays player information and records.
  • Missions: allows players to view the currently available missions and claim mission rewards.
  • Dex: provides a list of all available sync pairs.
  • Settings: allows players to change certain settings pertaining to sounds, system, text, and battles.
  • Bag: details the items the player has.
  • Account: allows connection with a Nintendo account.
  • Other: contains several miscellaneous help and information menus.
  • Invitations: allows players to join co-op battles initiated by friends.

The Poryphone is also used to recruit other sync pairs through sync pair scout.

Pokémon Center

Pokémon Center

The Pokémon Center acts as a central point for the player. There are three receptionists at the center:

  • Trista staffs the reception desk. Talking to her opens the Explore or the Tips menu.
  • Tricia staffs the shop. Talking to her opens the shop menu.
  • Trinnia staffs the café. Talking to her opens the Sync Pairs menu.


Main article: Shop (Masters)

Players can perform a variety of exchanges using currency such as coins or Gems at the shop run by Tricia. In-game microtransactions with real-world currency to purchase Gems or other items can also be performed at the shop.

The shop also includes the sync pair scout, where players can recruit sync pairs that are not available through the main story. It costs 300 Gems (or 100 paid Gems) to scout one sync pair, which is chosen randomly from a pool of sync pairs. There is a 73% chance of obtaining a 3★ sync pair (70% during Poké Fair scouts), 20% chance of a 4★ sync pair, and 7% chance of a 5★ sync pair (10% during Poké Fair scouts, and 12% during Master Fair scouts). If rainbow sparks appear when the Pokémon Center doors open at the end of the scouting animation, at least one 5★ sync pair is guaranteed to be scouted. Players can also use the ticket scout to scout for sync pairs using ticket items instead of directly using Gems.


Main article: Jukebox (Masters)

Introduced in version 2.17.0, the Jukebox allows players to listen to songs from the game's soundtrack. New tracks can be obtained via Song Keys which are either bought from the shop with Music Coins or by levelling up specific sync pairs to 6★ EX.

Main story


Main article: PML Arc

The main character is Scottie or Bettie with their partner Pokémon, Pikachu. The game starts with Blue introducing the player, a new Trainer in Pasio, to the Pokémon Masters League, or PML for short. The player registers for the PML at the Pokémon Center, and Trista introduces the player to Brock and Misty who are looking for a Trainer to join their team for the PML.

To enter the PML the player must collect at least five Badges by defeating the PML Leaders. As a team, Brock, Misty, and the player explore Pasio to look for other Trainers and PML Leaders. Along the way, various Trainers join the team and they also battle members of Team Break, whose goal is to steal strong Pokémon from other Trainers and disrupt the PML. They also meet Lear, the founder of Pasio and the PML, and his subordinates, Sawyer and Rachel.

After having collected five Badges, the player's team enters the PML to battle against numerous other teams in order to become the first Champions of the PML.

The story consists of multiple chapters, with the next chapter unlocked once the previous one is completed. Co-op mode is available from Interlude 1. Hard Mode for the main story is unlocked after completing Chapter 4.

Chapter Sync pair recruited
Chapter 1: New Adventure, New Goal Rosa & Snivy
Chapter 2: New Friends, New Foes Barry & Piplup
Chapter 3: Rise Beyond the Flames Flannery & Torkoal
Chapter 4: From Bud to Blossom Erika & Vileplume
Chapter 5: The High-Flying Girl Skyla & Swanna
Chapter 6: A Telling Aura Korrina & Lucario
Chapter 7: Bravery is Half the Victory Norman & Slaking
Chapter 8: A Cold, Harsh Winter Pryce & Seel
Chapter 9: The Beauty of Friendship Iris & Haxorus
Chapter 10: A Matter of Pride Hapu & Mudsdale
Interlude 1: Brock's Grit Sygna Suit Brock & Tyranitar
Chapter 11: Alola's Rising Stars Hau & Raichu
Chapter 12: Candle and Flame Flint & Infernape
Chapter 13: Cold Confidence Clair & Kingdra
Chapter 14: Bug Experts Viola & Surskit
Chapter 15: Dubious Duo Nanu & Persian
Chapter 16: Ninja Kin Koga & Crobat
Chapter 17: Ghostly Trio Acerola & Palossand
Chapter 18: Team Unova Cheren & Stoutland
Interlude 2: A Stubborn Obstacle -
Chapter 19: Rematch vs. Lear -
Chapter 20: Shifting Shadows Calem & Espurr
Chapter 21: Face the Fight! -
Interlude 3: The Truth about Pasio -
Chapter 22: Rival Face-Off! -
Chapter 23: Hearts Connected by Fashion Valerie & Sylveon
Chapter 24: A Shining Spotlight -
Interlude 4: The Once-Charming Prince -
Chapter 25: A Glorious Gambit -
Interlude 5: What Makes a King -
Chapter 26: The Future Is Now! Molayne & Dugtrio
Interlude 6: Royally Alone -
Chapter 27: The Quarterfinals -
Interlude 7: Shining Bonds -
Chapter 28: Change of Heart -
Chapter 29: Semifinal Showdown -
Chapter 30: The Road to Victory -

Villain Arc

Main article: Villain Arc

The Villain Arc continues the story after the completion of the PML Arc, following Team Rocket beginning operation on Pasio and seeking out their rival organization, Team Plasma. When Giovanni watches the Trainers from Sinnoh intervene with the plans of his silent allies, Cyrus and Team Galactic, he decides to call his Executives to preparing the revival. After failing to take over Pasio, they focus their efforts on manipulating Team Magma and Team Aqua. Later, Team Rocket infiltrates Team Flare and the Aether Foundation to steal data in preparation for their next plan. A faction of the Aether Foundation allies itself with Team Rocket to summon Ultra Beasts to Pasio, but they're eventually stopped. Finally, Rose forms an alliance with Giovanni in an attempt take over the management of sync stones, dividing the people of Pasio into Rose supporters and Lear supporters.

Meanwhile, Paulo continues his ongoing quest for strength and reunites with his friend Tina. When Ghetsis tricks him into bringing Hoopa to him and seemingly kills Paulo's Rockruff, Paulo finally snaps and declares he'll use Hoopa's Unbound power to become "the last evil" and wipe out all organizations with potential for evil. For this purpose, he takes over Team Break and provides them with powerful Pokémon. However, this effort backfires during his confrontation with Team Rocket, during which Giovanni takes control of Hoopa from him and starts using its powers to benefit Team Rocket instead.

The story consists of chapters sorted by region. All chapters are unlocked after the player completes the PML Arc and can be played in any order. The chapters are listed in region order rather than chronological order. New chapters are occasionally released with updates.

Villainous organization(s) Chapter
Team Rocket Team Rocket Returns
Team Rocket's Revival
Team Magma
Team Aqua
Delta of Land, Sea, and Sky
Team Galactic Dreaming in Darkness
Team Plasma Team Plasma & Two Heroes
Team Flare Team Flare Flares Up
Team Skull
Aether Foundation
Protecting the Island
Team Yell
Macro Cosmos
A Millennium into the Future
Team Break The Path Forward
Team Rainbow Rocket Where Ideals Cross Paths

Legendary Adventures

Main article: Legendary Adventures

Legendary Adventures is a collection of stories where the player encounters various sync pairs with Legendary Pokémon. These stories are a compilation of the previously available legendary events.

Arceus Arc

Main article: Arceus Arc

The Arceus Arc continues the story following the end of the Villain Arc. It was preceded by the Mysterious Stones Chapter, which was released as monthly parts starting from November 1, 2023 until August 1, 2024. On August 20, 2024, it was rebranded as the prelude chapter of the new story arc. It centers around the mysterious stones, later dubbed sync stones ultimate, which have started to appear on Pasio and appear to bear a connection with the Mythical Pokémon Arceus. Making his first appearance in this arc is the merchant Volo, whom Rei has history with and who desires to meet the deified Pokémon.

When Arceus's voice speaks to the entire Pasio, telling everyone to show it their bond with their Pokémon, Lear organizes a tournament called the Arceus Cup, where the goal is to gain Arceus's approval. It is during this tournament that the power of the sync stones ultimate is fully manifested for the first time in the form of arc suits, special costumes bestowed upon those blessed by Arceus, and more powerful sync moves called divine moves.

Chapter Featured sync pair(s)
Prelude: Mysterious Stones Chapter
The Echo of a Deity's Voice
Chapter 1: Three Champions Arc Suit Cynthia & Garchomp
Arc Suit Steven & Metagross
Arc Suit Lance & Dragonite
Chapter 2: The Bond That Guides Leon Arc Suit Leon & Charizard


There are many different types of events in Pokémon Masters EX. Events often reward the player with vouchers that can be exchanged for items at the shop. The items obtainable during events are generally rarer, such as power-up items.

There are also other events that do not provide new battles or storyline, but give smaller amounts of extra content, such as special log-in bonuses or special mission rewards.

All events start and end at 6 AM (UTC) on each specified day.

Story events

Main article: Story event

Story events are a type of event that features a storyline focused on one to three newly released sync pairs. A common type of story event is seasonal events, which feature sync pairs in special outfits to celebrate specific holidays or times of the year.

Training events

Main article: Training event

During training events, all event battles will have enemies weak to the designated type, and sync pairs of the designated type will earn much more experience than normal.

While this event type was never formally retired, no training events have been held since July 24, 2020.

Special events

Main article: Special event
Event Featured sync pair Duration
Evolution Material Mining! - October 17 to November 28, 2019
September 5 to 17, 2021
Challenge Unova! - June 18 to July 2, 2020
Double Trouble Jessie & Arbok July 9 to September 16, 2020
Blasting Off Again James & Weezing September 17, 2020 to January 25, 2021
Happy Team Break Day! - April 1 to 2, 2021
Weather Alert - May 6 to 28, 2021
Land and Sea Awaken - May 17 to 28, 2021
A Strange Specimen - March 7 to 17, 2022
Rival Challenge - June 20 to July 4, 2022
The Classic Thunderbolt Ash & Pikachu July 7 to 31, 2022
Blazing Battle with Ash Ash & Pikachu August 28 to October 17, 2022
Challenge from Ash Ash & Pikachu August 28 to September 27, 2022
Metronome Day - April 1 to 2, 2023
Helping out on Pasio - April 2 to May 2, 2023
Stop the Evil Mastermind! - September 6 to 16, 2023
Time We Got Down to It! Iono & Bellibolt January 12 to 19, 2024
Electricity Disruptors - April 1 to 2, 2024
Rika's Elite Test Rika & Clodsire April 27 to May 11, 2024

Special Co-op Battle!

Main article: Special Co-op Battle!

A Special Co-op Battle! is a type of special event that celebrates the game's anniversaries. Players can complete a co-op battle that changes each day to earn rare items.

Legendary events

Main article: Legendary event

During legendary events, players could recruit and strengthen an event-exclusive sync pair that includes a Legendary Pokémon.

On November 24, 2021, this event type was retired, and all legendary events were made permanently available in the "Legendary Adventures" section of the Main Story over the next two months.

Solo events

Main article: Solo event

Solo events are similar to story events, but they place emphasis on the battles rather than the story. They contain at least an introductory story area, but any additional story areas are only unlocked after completing battles to collect a certain number of event items.

Egg events

Main article: Egg event

During Egg events, players can collect Eggs, which can be hatched to form additional sync pairs for the player character. An extra Egg incubator will also be available for the duration of the event.

During an Egg event, no Eggs can be received from any areas outside of the event battles, and the Eggs available will only hatch certain species of Pokémon. However, they often contain species of Pokémon that are unavailable in standard Eggs.

Time trial events

Main article: Time trial event

In time trial events, players are tasked with clearing an event battle in as little time as possible. Rewards are given for achieving fast times, as well as accumulating points through multiple attempts.

Extreme battle events

Main article: Extreme battle event

Extreme battle events offer high-difficulty battles for experienced players, usually corresponding to the release of a Master Fair-exclusive sync pair or a new chapter of the Villain Arc.

Gear events

Main article: Gear event

Gear events center around a specific type and introduce 3★ gear for that type. Event battles are co-op-only, and all enemies will be weak to the designated type. The chance of receiving gear as drops is significantly higher than in the EX Plaza, and includes the chance of 3★ gear dropping as well.

Shortly after the conclusion of a gear event, the new 3★ gear is added to the general section of the shop, where it can be redeemed at any time by collecting and selling gear from the EX Plaza.

Special sync pair events

Main article: Special sync pair event

Special sync pair events grant players an event-exclusive sync pair, which can then be powered up by playing the event.

Daily Battles

Main article: Daily Battle

In Daily Battles, players are rewarded with rare or valuable items by completing a battle once per day over a short period of time.

Villain events

Main article: Villain event

During villain events, players can battle a series of Trainers, typically Grunts and the boss or admins of a villainous team, with sync pairs from the corresponding region getting significantly-boosted stats.

These events primarily reward players with region-specific 5★-guaranteed scout tickets and one of the following:

  • Legendary spirits for the legendary event sync pair corresponding to the region.
  • Power boost for the legendary event sync pair corresponding to the region. This can either enable Mega Evolution or unlock additional sync grid tiles for the designated sync pair.

Costume events

Main article: Costume event

Costume events are a type of story event featuring one to four sync pairs in special costumes that all relate to a specific theme.

Pokémon Masters Day

Main article: Pokémon Masters Day

Pokémon Masters Day is a recurring event that occurs on the 25th of each month.

Legendary Gauntlet

Main article: Legendary Gauntlet

The Legendary Gauntlet is an endurance challenge in which players have to complete battles in three different Legendary Arenas, but once a sync pair has been used in any arena, that sync pair cannot be used again until the challenge is reset. Players are encouraged to achieve the highest winning streak they can by using as many different sync pairs as possible.

Throwback Challenge

Main article: Throwback Challenge

A Throwback Challenge is a type of event consisting of battles from previous events or main story areas.

Special battle events

Main article: Special battle event

Special battle events are a type of event that features moderately challenging battles. These battles can be against special opponents or have special missions that the player must complete while taking on specific battles.

Neo Champions

Main article: Neo Champions

Neo Champions events are a type of story event that revolves around the Neo Champion Stadium, a recurring in-universe event that allows Trainers on Pasio to earn the title of Neo Champion. These events focus on one to three characters from a certain region and their journeys to becoming Neo Champions, and they often feature rivals triumphing over player characters.

Trainer Files

Main article: Trainer Files

Trainer Files events are a type of event similar to solo events. They are divided into two parts and feature character-centric stories about certain groups of Trainers.

High score events

Main article: High score event

High score events are a type of event where players aim to get the highest total score over a series of five battles. Each event has one or two featured types, and players receive score multipliers for having sync pairs of the featured type or types on their team.

Ranked damage events

Main article: Ranked damage event

Ranked damage events are a type of event where players aim to get the highest total score over a series of three battles. The player's score in each battle is based on how much damage is dealt to the opponents in a limited amount of time, but each opponent can only be damaged by supereffective attacks. Every battle features opponents with a different weakness type.

Other events

Type Name Featured sync pair(s) Duration
Prestige event Battle Buffet Bash Gloria & Zacian November 30 to December 7, 2020
Battle Point Challenge Daily Region Rotation - June 10, 2021 to present
Daily Type Rotation Type Team-Up - August 5 to 28, 2021
August 4 to 28, 2023
September 12 to October 6, 2024
Music Coin Challenge Daily Battle Event - January 28 to February 7, 2022
Battle with Pals Friendiversary Gifts - March 14 to 22, 2022
- Find the Ditto impostors! - April 1 to 2, 2022
Riddle event Solve the mission riddles! - April 7 to May 4, 2022
Anime Collaboration Let's Have a Battle! Ash & Pikachu July 7 to 14, 2022
Run-Up to Three Special Battles Daily Present Event - August 15 to 28, 2022
Eevee Day Celebration! Three Eevee Tales
Eevee Tales
Eeveelution sync pairs November 21 to December 5, 2022
November 21 to December 8, 2023
November 21 to December 6, 2024
Expedition event Search for the Ball Pokémon! Ball Guy & Amoonguss March 21 to April 7, 2023
- Get the New Gear! event - September 29 to October 13, 2023
Lear Presents Luxurious Missions - June 23 to July 2, 2024
Damage Challenge Training with <Trainer>! - June 28, 2024 to present
Arceus Arc Celebration Special Battle Event Arc suit sync pairs August 28 to September 11, 2024
November 29 to December 17, 2024
Iono Zone Presents Costume Battle Show Fall seasonal sync pairs October 18 to November 4, 2024

Side Area

The Side Area is a hub for side content that can be taken on at any time. Currently, there are three sub-menus in the Side Area: Sync Pair Stories, Challenge the Strong, and Battle Villa.

Sync Pair Stories

Main article: Sync pair story

Most sync pairs have a unique sync pair story, which is a short story segment that allows players to learn more about the sync pair. A sync pair's sync pair story is unlocked once the pair is recruited and can be accessed through the Sync Pair Stories menu.

Some sync pair stories involve a battle which allows the sync pair to evolve their Pokémon; these are called Evolution sync pair stories. Unlike the usual three-on-three battle system seen in Pokémon Masters EX, the battles in Evolution sync pair stories are one-on-one and require the player to bring Evolution items.

Challenge the Strong

Main article: Ultimate Battle

Challenge the Strong is a type of permanent battle content that was added on November 14, 2023. This area is unlocked after the player has completed Champion Stadium Hard Lv. 1 for any region. Each battle has the Ultimate difficulty level, and as such, is called an Ultimate Battle. These battles feature powerful sync pair bosses with very high amounts of HP and powerful passive skills, so high-leveled sync pairs and good strategies are necessary to clear these battles.

List of Ultimate Battles

Name Trainer Pokémon Weakness First-time rewards
Anabel's Flickering Flames


Gems ×300
Thorton's Freezing Frost


Gems ×300
Darach's Daring Wings


Gems ×300
Argenta's Glistening Crystals


Gems ×300
Palmer's Rumbling Might


Gems ×300
Lucy's Entangling Venom


Gems ×300
Leon's Unbeatable Blaze


Gems ×300
Nita's Blessed Land


Gems ×300
Noland's Plucky Punches


Gems ×300
Giovanni's Destructive Power


Gems ×300
Evelyn's High-Subsonic Speed


Gems ×300
Masked Royal's Eternal Chill


Gems ×300
Nemona's Lightning Spirit


Gems ×300
Morgan's Telepathic Light


Gems ×300
Dana's Icy Passion


Gems ×300
Wally's Sensing Swords


Gems ×300

Battle Villa

Main article: Battle Villa

The Battle Villa is a facility that features 30 sequential battle stages. Unlike other battles in Pokémon Masters EX, the HP and MP (Move Points) of the team will be carried over from battles.

Training area

Main article: Training area

The Training area is a mode in Pokémon Masters EX that allows players to repeatedly battle other Trainers to collect useful items.

Legendary Arena

Main article: Legendary Arena

The Legendary Arena is a special battle area introduced in Version 1.10.5 that features battles against a boss Legendary Pokémon. The player can battle the boss with multiple teams but sync pairs that have participated once cannot be used in a team again. The boss has three HP gauges and the boss's attack pattern and moves change with each gauge.

Champion Stadium

Main article: Champion Stadium

The Champion Stadium was introduced on August 28, 2020, and features battles against the Elite Four of a region, followed by the corresponding Pokémon Champion. The Champion can only be challenged after all members of the Elite Four are defeated. After registering all 18 types in the Champion Stadium's medal (registered by using sync pairs in battle of different types), Master Mode is unlocked, which features battles where the player can set parameters to make them more difficult and earn points. Depending on the amount of points they earn, the player can earn rewards like 5★ Power-Up Tickets, co-op sync orbs, Move Candy Coins, Skill Spheres, and Champion Spirits.

EX Plaza

Main article: EX Plaza

The EX Plaza features co-op EX Challenge battles where players can obtain gear and items to upgrade gears.

Trainer Lodge

Main article: Trainer Lodge

The Trainer Lodge is a feature introduced in August 2022. In it, the player can interact with guest Trainers to increase their friendship, gain useful items, and acquire new sync pairs.


Before its release, Pokémon Masters EX had surpassed 5 million pre-registrations.[1] Since its launch, it surpassed 10 million downloads in four days[2] and made $25 million in revenue in its first week.[3]

On October 9, 2019, amid the lukewarm reception from the community, particularly on the lack of content, unfulfilling completion rewards, and difficulty of the game's mechanics, DeNA released a letter from the producers, where they apologized for the delay on addressing the game's problems and promised to focus on the community's complaints first.[4]


Main article: Staff of Pokémon Masters EX

Version history

Main article: Pokémon Masters EX/Version history


At launch, the game could be played on:[5]

Since version 2.44.0, released on April 24, 2024, iOS 12 or higher is required for iOS and iPadOS devices.[6][7][8]

Since version 2.46.0, released on June 26, 2024, Android Nougat (7.0) or higher is required for Android devices.[9][10]


Unlike most other Pokémon games, Pokémon Masters EX was not released in Belgium or the Netherlands, likely due to bans on loot boxes.

Date Locations
August 28, 2019[note 1]
August 29, 2019
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macau, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Venezuela, Vietnam
iOS only: Iceland, Switzerland



In other languages

Pokémon Masters

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese Pokémon Masters
Mandarin Pokémon Masters
French Pokémon Masters
German Pokémon Masters
Italian Pokémon Masters
Korean Pokémon Masters
Spanish Pokémon Masters

Pokémon Masters EX

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese Pokémon Masters EX
Mandarin Pokémon Masters EX
French Pokémon Masters EX
German Pokémon Masters EX
Italian Pokémon Masters EX
Korean Pokémon Masters EX
Spanish Pokémon Masters EX


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Due to time zones, the game was released on August 28, 2019 in North America, even though it was released at the same time as the rest of the world.


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This article is part of Project Sidegames, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Sidegames.