The category lawful neutral lists all creatures in the Baldur's Gate series of lawful neutral alignment, based on ALIGNMEN.ids
Note: Manual addition of this category to any article is not recommended, as a properly filled infobox will automatically categorize it. Set the infobox's parameter
to "yes" or "opt" instead.Trending pages
Gorion's Ward -
Anomen Delryn -
Xan -
Cromwell -
Aldeth Sashenstar -
Balthazar -
Ghost of Ulcaster -
Sister Garlena
All items (364)
- Aabir
- Aataqah
- Addy
- Aldeth Sashenstar
- Aldun Forgecaster
- Amaunator
- Amnian Guard
- Amnian Soldier (Baldur's Gate)
- Amnian Soldier (Barracks)
- Amnian Soldier (Beggar)
- Amnian Soldier (Circus Tent)
- Amnian Soldier (Council of Six Building)
- Amnian Soldier (Guild War)
- Ander
- Anomen Delryn
- Archer (illithid hideout)
- Archivist Giltham
- Areana
- Asmay Jahag
- Caedmon
- Calbor
- Candlekeep chanters
- Captain Arat
- Captain Cernick
- Captain Dennis
- Caravan Driver
- Chanelle the Maid
- Charleston Nib
- Chief Inspector Brega
- Chore
- Christian of Waterdeep
- Citizen
- Cloaked Figure
- Colette
- Copper Coronet Guard
- Corneil
- Count Claylan
- Cowled Enforcer
- Cromwell
- Cult Guard
- Cultist
- Cultist Guard
- Fadell Ironeye
- Female Thrall
- Fenuku
- Fergus
- Fetch
- Finderlig
- Firebead Elvenhair
- Flaming Fist
- Flaming Fist Enforcer (Baldur's Gate)
- Flaming Fist Mercenary (Baldur's Gate)
- Food (NPC)
- Fuller
- Galileus
- Galken
- Galtok
- Gamesman
- Garuk
- Gatekeeper
- Gatewarden
- Gerard Travenhurst
- Ghost Knight
- Ghost of Ulcaster
- Glaicus
- Gorion's Ward
- Gorje Hilldark
- Gorpel Hind
- Goshan
- Gristor
- Groncaner
- Guard (Baldur's Gate)
- Guard (de'Arnise Keep)
- Guard (Saerk's House)
- Guardian Telwyn
- Guardian Vottnar
- Gyllian