Ape Escape Wiki
Ape Escape Wiki
Sky Flyer

Appears In

Ape Escape (Comics)

Used By

Spike, Professor, Natalie, Jake, Casi, Pipo Monkeys, Jimmy, Helga, Pipotrons, Pipotron G, Kei, Yumi


Lets you reach high places.

The Sky Flyer, known in Japan as the Tobitonbo (トビトンボ), is a Gadget that is present in almost every Ape Escape game to date. It allows the user to hover up to high places they normally couldn't reach, as well as glide to far away platforms.


Ape Escape 1-3[]

To use the Sky Flyer, equip it and rotate the right analog stick clockwise or counter clockwise (depending on preference) to launch up into the air. Continue to rotate the right analog stick to glide downwards for as long as you want.

PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale[]

PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale - Sky Flyer

Spike with the Sky Flyer in PSASBR.

The Sky Flyer appears as a movement ability for Spike in PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale. To use the Sky Flyer, either jump or double jump, then press and hold the jump button ( by default) for Spike to equip it and slowly descend to the ground.


Designs + Sprites[]

In Game[]

Names Sorted by Release[]

North America (English) Europe (English) Japan
Ape Escape Sky Flyer[1] Propeller[2] トビトンボ
Ape Escape (Comics) Sky Flyer[4]
Ape Escape 2 Sky Flyer[5] Sky Flyer[6] トビトンボ
Ape Escape:
Pumped & Primed
Ape Escape:
On the Loose

(Ape Escape P)
Sky Flyer[10] Sky Flyer[11] トビトンボ
Ape Escape 3 Sky Flyer[13] Sky Flyer[14] トビトンボ
PlayStation All-Stars
Battle Royale
Sky Flyer

See also[]


  1. ↑ Ape Escape (1999) NTSC-U/C "Sky Flyer" [1]
  2. ↑ Ape Escape (1999) PAL - "Propeller" [2]
  3. ↑ Saru Getchu (1999) - Japan "Tobitonbo" [3]
  4. ↑ Disney Adventures (Winter 2000) Page 54 "Sky Flyer" [4]
  5. ↑ Ape Escape 2 - NTSC-U/C "Sky Flyer" [5]
  6. ↑ Ape Escape 2 - PAL "Sky Flyer" [6]
  7. ↑ Saru Getchu 2 - Japan "Tobitonbo" [7]
  8. ↑ Ape Escape: Pumped & Primed - NTSC-U/C "Dragonfly" [8]
  9. ↑ Gachameka Stadium Sarubato~re - Japan "Tobitonbo" [9]
  10. ↑ Ape Escape: On the Loose - NTSC-U/C "Sky Flyer" [10]
  11. ↑ Ape Escape P - PAL "Sky Flyer" [11]
  12. ↑ Saru Getchu P! - Japan "Tobitonbo" [12]
  13. ↑ Ape Escape 3 - NTSC-U/C "Sky Flyer" [13]
  14. ↑ Ape Escape 3 - PAL "Sky Flyer" [14]
  15. ↑ Saru Getchu 3 - Japan "Tobitonbo" [15]
Ape Escape Franchise
Main Games Ape Escape ( On the Loose )  Â· Ape Escape 2  Â· Ape Escape 3
Spin-offs Ape Escape 2001  Â· Ape Escape Million Monkeys  Â· Saru Get You: Pipo Saru Racer  Â· Ape Escape SaruSaru Big Mission  Â· Ape Quest
Party games Ape Escape: Pumped & Primed  Â· EyeToy: Monkey Mania  Â· Ape Academy  Â· Ape Academy 2  Â· Ape Escape Move
Soundtracks Ape Escape Originape  Â· Ape Escape 3 Originape  Â· Ape Escape: Pumped & Primed ~Sound Tracks!!~
Other Media Anime  Â· Cartoon  Â· Shorts  Â· Comics  Â· Manga  Â· Cameos
Gameplay Chips  Â· Cookies  Â· Glitches  Â· Grid Core  Â· Peak Point Helmet  Â· Shirts  Â· Specter Coins
Minigames Galaxy Monkey  Â· Ski Kidz Racing  Â· Specter Boxing  Â· Ape Ping Pong  Â· Jake Attacks

Dance Monkey Dance  Â· Monkey Climber  Â· Monkey Soccer
Mesal Gear Solid  Â· Super Monkey Throw Stadium  Â· Ultim-ape Fighter!

Protagonists Spike  Â· Jimmy  Â· Kei  Â· Yumi  Â· Professor  Â· Casi  Â· Natalie  Â· Helga  Â· Aki  Â· Pipotchi  Â· Pipo Snake
Antagonists Specter (Dark Specter)  Â· Jake (Dark Jake) Â· Doctor Tomoki  Â· Monkeys  Â· Monkey Five ( Blue  Â· Pink  Â· Red  Â· White  Â· Yellow )  Â· Pipotrons (Pipotron J)  Â· Virus Casi
Enemies Ape Escape Enemies  Â· Ape Escape 2 Enemies  Â· Teleborgs
Gadgets Ape Vacuum  Â· Bananarang  Â· Banannerizer  Â· Dash Hoop  Â· Electro Magnet  Â· Magic Punch  Â· Monkey Radar  Â· R.C. Car  Â· Sky Flyer  Â· Slingback Shooter  Â· Smasher  Â· Stun Club  Â· Time Net  Â· Water Cannon  Â· Water Net
Vehicles Boat  Â· Pipobot  Â· Robot  Â· Snowmobile  Â· Sports Car  Â· Submarine  Â· Tank
Characters Casi  Â· Jake  Â· Natalie  Â· Professor  Â· Specter  Â· Spike
Gadgets Dash Hoop  Â· Magic Punch  Â· Monkey Radar  Â· R.C. Car  Â· Sky Flyer  Â· Slingback Shooter  Â· Stun Club  Â· Time Net  Â· Water Net
Levels (/ Apes/ Enemies)
Hub World
Time Station
Prehistoric Era/ The Lost Land Fossil Field  Â· Primordial Ooze  Â· Molten Lava
Cenozoic Era/ Mysterious Age Thick Jungle  Â· Dark Ruins  Â· Cryptic Relics
Dimension/Dimension X Stadium Attack
Primitive Age/Oceana Crabby beach  Â· Coral Cave  Â· Dexter's Island
Ice age/New Freezeland Snowy Mammoth  Â· Frosty Retreat  Â· Hot Springs
Dimension/Dimension X Gladiator Attack
Recent Past/Medieval Mayhem Sushi Temple  Â· Wabi Sabi Wall  Â· Crumbling Castle
Present-Day/Futurama City Park  Â· Specter's Factory  Â· TV Tower
Present-Day 2/Specter Land Monkey Madness
Dimension/Dimension X Peak Point Matrix