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Asian Town
Previous level Haunted House
Next Level Spa Gardens
Monkeys 51

Asian Town, also known as 眠らない街 アジアンタウン (The city that never sleeps, Asian Town) in Japan, is the eighth level of PlayStation Move: Ape Escape, and takes place inside a Japanese metropolitan city. It is the second in a series of levels at this city, the first being Monkey Road and the third being Food City.


"A big boss rules over this town that bustles in the night."

Target Score[]

  • Gold - 120,000
  • Silver - 90,000
  • Bronze - 50,000

Monkey List[]

1. Heath
2. Soco
3. Caperon Diaz
4. Apey Ape-o
5. Aperoma
6. Emon
7. Bruce Apelis
8. Mumbles
9. Wki
10. V.Inspector
11. Tonkotsu
12. Chan Pon
13. Sevenpan
14. Loney
15. The Boss
16. Eco
17. Lio
18. Prickly
19. Oliver
20. Chao Han
21. Shu Mai
22. Jet Key
23. Edgar
24. Celaprity
25. Paul Newape
26. Gourmon
27. Stacy
28. Baby Nana
29. Apezile 14
30. Atom - Secret Monkey
31. Ii
32. Er
33. San
34. Su
35. Wu
36. Yor
37. Funksta
38. Baddo
39. Quarter Ape
40. Full Ape
41. Half Ape
42. Wide Aper
43. Ape Backer
44. Apo Hung
45. Apelavelli
46. Yuen Blape
47. Olivia
48. Ape Capone
49. Chief
50. Newton - Secret Monkey
51. Sightster

1. Heath - A banana a day keeps the doctor away.
2. Soco - Bananas are good for the soul.
3. Caperon Diaz - There’s something about her.
4. Apey Ape-o - Has visions of a giant robot.
5. Aperoma - Has a wonderful scent.
6. Emon - "Please leave me be…"
7. Bruce Apelis - Never seems to die hard.
8. Mumbles - Is always mumbling.
9. Wki - "There’s nothing you can’t find out!"
10. V.Inspector - An experienced ape who’s settling down.
11. Tonkotsu - "Monkeys need the shoulder."
12. Chan Pon - "Want a large helping?"
13. Sevenpan - Wears all seven pants he owns.
14. Loney - Loves being alone.
15. The Boss - "I run things around here."
16. Eco - Will pick up random objects.
17. Lio - The number six Ape Ken user.
18. Prickly - Is not very good with others.
19. Oliver - "Would you like some more?"
20. Chao Han - "You need to cook at high heat!"
21. Shu Mai - "Green peas are the key!"
22. Jet Key - Specializes in Shaolin kung fu.
23. Sophie - Very pretty.
24. Celaprity - Hates paparazzi.
25. Paul Newape - Shoots towards the setting banana.
26. Gourmon - has depth and richness.
27. Stacy - Tracy’s child.
28. Baby Nana - Youngest member of the Banana Girls.
29. Apezile 14 - 14th brother looking for his brothers.
30. Ratchape - Secret Monkey - Saved the galaxy.
31. Ii - The number one Ape Ken user.
32. Er - The number two Ape Ken user.
33. San - The number three Ape Ken user.
34. Su - The number four Ape Ken user.
35. Wu - The number five Ape Ken user.
36. Yor - Lacking in self confidence.
37. Funksta - Is always grooving.
38. Baddo - Thinks monkeys should be bad.
39. Quarter Ape - Has what it takes to be a leader.
40. Full Ape - Likes being behind Quarter Ape.
41. Half Ape - Likes being behind Full Ape.
42. Wide Aper - Is good at getting the ball.
43. Ape Backer - The star on defense.
44. Apo Hung - This chubby ape can move.
45. Apeiavelli - Loves power and politics.
46. Yuen Biape - Jonkey and Apo’s successor.
47. Olivia - The tragic heroine.
48. Ape Capone - Wants to be in charge.
49. Chief - Mid level manager will protect others.
50. Newton - Secret Monkey - A really smart ape.
51. Sightster - Brags that his sight is better than Specter's.

1. Heinz - Eine Banane am Tag hält den Affen gesund.
2. Soco - Bananen sind gut für die Seele.
3. Caffron Diaz - Man ist verrückt nach ihr.
4. Affi Aff-o - Hat Visionen eines Riesenkaninchens.
5. Affroma - Hat einen herrlichen Duft.
6. Emon - "Bitte lass mich in Ruhe..."
7. Bruce Afflis - Scheint nie langsam zu sterben.
8. Murmel - Murmelt ständig.
9. Wki - "Es gibt nichts, was man nicht herausfinden kann!"
10. V. Inspektor - Ein erfahrener Affe, der ruhiger wird.
11. Tonkotsu - "Affen brauchen die Schulter."
12. Chan Pon - "Willst du eine große Portion?"
13. Siebenhos - Trägt alle sieben Hosen, die er besitzt.
14. Loni - Ist gern allein.
15. Der Boss - "Ich hab hier das Sagen."
16. Öko - Hebt beliebige Objekte auf.
17. Lio - Ken-Aff-Nutzer Nummer 6.
18. Stachel - Kann nicht sehr gut mit anderen.
19. Olive - "Möchtest du etwas mehr?"
20. Chao Han - "Du musst bei großer Hitze kochen!"
21. Shu Mai - "Grüne Erbsen sind der Schlüssel!"
22. Jet Schimp - Spezialisiert auf Shaolin-Kung-Fu.
23. Geisha - Beherrscht die Teezeremonie.
24. Beräfftheit - Hasst Paparazzi.
25. Paul Newaff - Schießt auf die untergehende Banane.
26. Lauchaff - Isst Kartoffelsuppe nicht ohne.
27. Tubbsaff - Sonnyaffs Partner.
28. Baby Nana - Jüngstes Mitglied der Bananen-Girls.
29. Affezil 14 - 14. Bruder, sucht nach seinen Brüdern.
30. Raffchet - Geheimer Affe - Hat die Galaxie gerettet.
31. Ii - Ken-Aff-Nutzer Nummer 1.
32. Er - Ken-Aff-Nutzer Nummer 2.
33. San - Ken-Aff-Nutzer Nummer 3.
34. Su - Ken-Aff-Nutzer Nummer 4.
35. Wu - Ken-Aff-Nutzer Nummer 5.
36. Yor - Hat wenig Selbstvertrauen.
37. Funksta - Ist stets am Grooven.
38. Böso - Meint, Affen sollten böse sein.
39. Quarteraff - Hat das Zeug zum Anführer.
40. Fullaff - Ist gern hinter Quarteraff.
41. Halfaff - Ist gern hinter Fullaff.
42. Wideaffer - Bekommt oft den Ball.
43. Affbacker - Der Star der Abwehr.
44. Apo Hung - Dieser mollige Affe kann sich bewegen.
45. Samantha - Liebt Macht und Politik.
46. Yuen Biaff - Jaffis und Apos Nachfolger.
47. Olivia - Die tragische Heldin.
48. Aff Capone - Hat gern das Sagen.
49. Chef - Mittlere Führungsebene, schützt andere.
50. Newton - Geheimer Affe - Ein richtig smarter Affe.
51. Sichtster - Prahlt, er sehe besser als Specter.

Names in Other Languages[]

Language Name Meaning
Japanese 眠らない街 アジアンタウン[1]
Nemuranaimachi ajiantaun
The city that never sleeps, Asian Town
Chinese TBE TBE
French TBE TBE
German Asienstadt[2] Asia Town
Italian TBE TBE
Spanish TBE TBE




  1. Furi Furi! Saru Get You! - Japanese level name [1]
  2. Ape Escape (2011) - German level name [2]
Ape Escape Franchise
Main Games Ape Escape ( On the Loose )  · Ape Escape 2  · Ape Escape 3
Spin-offs Ape Escape 2001  · Ape Escape Million Monkeys  · Saru Get You: Pipo Saru Racer  · Ape Escape SaruSaru Big Mission  · Ape Quest
Party games Ape Escape: Pumped & Primed  · EyeToy: Monkey Mania  · Ape Academy  · Ape Academy 2  · Ape Escape Move
Soundtracks Ape Escape Originape  · Ape Escape 3 Originape  · Ape Escape: Pumped & Primed ~Sound Tracks!!~
Other Media Anime  · Cartoon  · Shorts  · Comics  · Manga  · Cameos
Gameplay Chips  · Cookies  · Glitches  · Grid Core  · Peak Point Helmet  · Shirts  · Specter Coins
Minigames Galaxy Monkey  · Ski Kidz Racing  · Specter Boxing  · Ape Ping Pong  · Jake Attacks

Dance Monkey Dance  · Monkey Climber  · Monkey Soccer
Mesal Gear Solid  · Super Monkey Throw Stadium  · Ultim-ape Fighter!

Protagonists Spike  · Jimmy  · Kei  · Yumi  · Professor  · Casi  · Natalie  · Helga  · Aki  · Pipotchi  · Pipo Snake
Antagonists Specter (Dark Specter)  · Jake (Dark Jake) · Doctor Tomoki  · Monkeys  · Monkey Five ( Blue  · Pink  · Red  · White  · Yellow )  · Pipotrons (Pipotron J)  · Virus Casi
Enemies Ape Escape Enemies  · Ape Escape 2 Enemies  · Teleborgs
Gadgets Ape Vacuum  · Bananarang  · Banannerizer  · Dash Hoop  · Electro Magnet  · Magic Punch  · Monkey Radar  · R.C. Car  · Sky Flyer  · Slingback Shooter  · Smasher  · Stun Club  · Time Net  · Water Cannon  · Water Net
Vehicles Boat  · Pipobot  · Robot  · Snowmobile  · Sports Car  · Submarine  · Tank
Characters Casi  · Jake  · Natalie  · Professor  · Specter  · Spike
Gadgets Dash Hoop  · Magic Punch  · Monkey Radar  · R.C. Car  · Sky Flyer  · Slingback Shooter  · Stun Club  · Time Net  · Water Net
Levels (/ Apes/ Enemies)
Hub World
Time Station
Prehistoric Era/ The Lost Land Fossil Field  · Primordial Ooze  · Molten Lava
Cenozoic Era/ Mysterious Age Thick Jungle  · Dark Ruins  · Cryptic Relics
Dimension/Dimension X Stadium Attack
Primitive Age/Oceana Crabby beach  · Coral Cave  · Dexter's Island
Ice age/New Freezeland Snowy Mammoth  · Frosty Retreat  · Hot Springs
Dimension/Dimension X Gladiator Attack
Recent Past/Medieval Mayhem Sushi Temple  · Wabi Sabi Wall  · Crumbling Castle
Present-Day/Futurama City Park  · Specter's Factory  · TV Tower
Present-Day 2/Specter Land Monkey Madness
Dimension/Dimension X Peak Point Matrix