The Ninja, also known as Ninja Ned, is the secondary antagonist in the wrestling manga and anime series Kinnikuman and the secondary protagonist in the sequel Ultimate Muscle. In the English dub of Ultimate Muscle, he has turned from a Japanese ninja into an American imposter who studies ninjitsu as a hobby.
A chojin skilled in the most deadly and dangerous arts of ninjitsu, he was one of the Devil Knights who served Akuma Shogun and stole the Golden Mask of the Kinniku Tribe. When the Devil Knights retreated into Warsman's body for the Five-Story Ring battle, he fought Brocken Jr.. Although he had the advantage throughout the fight, Brocken won in the end when he threw the both of them over the side of the ring. As they fell, Ninja disguised himself as Brocken so Robin Mask (in the next ring down) would save him. Robin only had time to save one Brocken and, fortunately, he grabbed the real one, causing Ninja to be killed when he was impaled on Junkman's spikes.
The Ninja appeared again, alive and reformed, as a member of Kinnikuman Soldier's team during the survivor series for the throne of Planet Kinniku. He fought Satan Cross and was killed by his Triangle Dreamer finishing move, but was brought back to life along with the rest of Team Soldier by Kinnikuman's Face Flash.
Ultimate Muscle[]
Years later, The Ninja forms a chojin police organisation with Ataru Kinniku/Soldier. He interrupted Mantaro's fight against Hanzo, who was captured by the Ninja after his best student was killed. At the end, Hanzo kills The Ninja, who later helps Mantaro through the fight as a spirit.
His spirit reappears during the Demon Seed Arc to encourage Hanzo during his fight against Gepparland. Whether or not he is revived by the Reborn Diamond with the other fallen Justice Chojin is unknown as he has not been seen since.