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My name is Kul Teska. And what I want, you don't have. But I'll settle on seeing the looks on your faces as your precious Clones die.
~ Kul Teska to Obi-Wan Kenobi

Kul Teska is the main antagonist of Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Republic Heroes.

He was a male Skakoan mercenary who was a scientist for the Techno Union and was active during the Clone Wars. After an accident that damaged his pressure suit, Teska modified his suit and made it into one fit for combat and eventually became a mercenary and began development of various projects such as the Gravity Polarization Beam, a weapon powerful enough to destroy a star. 

Following the outbreak of the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Teska was sought after and eventually hired by Separatist Leader Count Dooku to use his superweapon against the Naboo star as a means of collapsing it and eradicating life on the planet itself. Teska accepted the offer and was given his own personal laboratory on the planet Behpour as he finished development on the weapon.

He was voiced by Troy Baker.


Kul Teska was born on Skako in the Core Worlds sometime during the final years of the Galactic Republic. As he grew up, he joined and became a scientist for the Techno Union and began working on scientific development and research for the conglomerate. He soon became a well-known and renowned scientist as a result of his skills, but an incident which involved his pressure suit sustaining damage had eventually forced him to resign in personal shame. He later rose back up from his depression and rebuilt his suit, this time with various weapons and became a mercenary later on. Despite his departure from the Techno Union, he continued his scientific research and began developing multiple projects in the years leading up to the Clone Wars. One of the projects as the Gravity Polarization Beam, a superweapon with the power to destabilize and collapse an entire star, and this would make him a valuable asset in the Clone Wars. Following the war's outbreak in 22 BBY, Separatist leader Count Dooku approached Teska and hired him to work for the Confederacy, to which the Skakoan accepted the joined the Separatist cause.

After joining the Clone Wars and siding with the Confederacy, Teska was given control over a Techno Union research facility on Behpour where he could continue development on the weapon during the war. By the year 22 BBY, development on the weapon had finally finished and was ready for testing. En route for testing, the two critical features of the weapon, the Gravitic Core, were to be delivered to Behpour on a Munificent-class star frigate. During the trip however, the bounty hunter Cad Bane had infiltrated the frigate and stole one of the crates that was containing the core. To cover his tracks, Bane had the other crate explode and it caused the frigate to collapse and crash land on the Outer Rim world of Alzoc III where the cruiser was originally flying over.

Teska, wanting to retrieve the Gravitic Core, orders his droid army to infiltrate Juma 9, a Republic space station, so that he could take advantage of a radar on the station that would enable him to trace the Core by detecting the energy it left behind after Bane stole it. As his forces fought and slayed clone troopers, Teska had planted incendiaries aboard the station, and eventually he intruded into the station to use the radar, discovering the Core was now on the planet Ryloth. Teska, noticing Separatist and Republic forces battling on Ryloth, relays his command to keep the Republic forces preoccupied so he could reacquire the Core to Dooku.

However, after giving this command, Teska is stopped in his tracks by Plo Koon and Obi-Wan Kenobi confront him with lightsabers in hand. Teska threatens to detonate the explosives aboard the space station if they do not put down their lightsabers. However, after they do so, Teska remarks that they are "no fun", and sets off the bombs anyways, before escaping and running further into the station via rocket boosters. Koon and Kenobi chase Teska into a dead end. An unyielding Teska displays a detonator in his hand, and sadistically threatens to blow up escape pods the clone troopers were aboard. However, Kenobi uses the Force to extricate Teska's detonator when the latter was distracted by an explosion. In response Teska attempts to murder Koon and Kenobi, but is ultimately sucked out of the ship, while Koon destroys his detonator.

Teska however is able to survive the vacuum of space and lands on Ryloth. He discovers the Core is now in the hands of Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano. The two, along with a hostage Bane, were heading to Bane's Sleight of Hand, a Telgorn dropship, in the hopes of taking control of it so that they could hand the Core to the Republic and prevent it from being used for wanton intentions. Teska locates and catches the two Jedis and their captive by surprise, before demanding that the Core be returned to him. He uses his grappling hook to retrieve the crate containing the Core, but Skywalker uses the Force to throw it back into the dropship. However, Teska imprisons Skywalker and Tano inside an energy field, and after two clones arrive and spot him, Teska triggers the force field, which would fatally crush Skywalker and Tano. He then gives two choices to the two clones: chase him down or save their two allies.

The clones choose to liberate their allies, at the expense of letting Teska escape with both the dropship and the Core. With the Core now in his possession, Teska could finally execute his ultimate plan: to collapse the Naboo system star, which would claim all the lives within the solar system. He heads back to his Techno Union facility to prime the weapon, but a senator named Padmè Amidala attempts to invade Teska's base. Although Teska manages to capture her, she is able to dispatch word of Teska's whereabouts and plans to the Jedi before her apprehension.

Jedi forces launch an onslaught on Behpour, and Skywalker and Tano muscle into Teska's hideout. Noticing their presence, Teska pressures them to capitulate or he will slaughter Amidala. Skywalker walks to the Gravitic Core room, where Teska had bound Amidala to the ceiling, and apparently surrenders. Teska boasts about how he had outsmarted the Jedi and how he was a coward for surrendering, but both Skywalker and Teska sight Tano trying to free Amidala. Teska attempts to murder her using his quad cannon, but Tano blocks Teska's shots with her lightsaber. Skywalker liberates Amidala and she goes to sabotage the beam. Meanwhile, Tano uses the Force to hand Skywalker's lightsaber back to him, and the two encroach on Teska. As they confront Teska, the Gravitic Polarization Beam's firing system begins to activate, and it builds up energy to generate a ray that would erase all life in the Naboo system. However, Cad Bane, who had escaped and sought to exact his retribution against Teska, traps Teska aboard the room's platform by shooting at his rocket boosters, disabling them.

Teska, not ready to give up and convinced that he has won, brawls Skywalker and Tano one last time. However, Skywalker and Tano incapacitate Teska and hurl him into the beam. The energy from the beam overwhelms Teska and it begins to squash him to death. An obstinate Teska defiantly claims that the Jedi's efforts were futile and that the Naboo system's fate is inevitable. Nonetheless, Amidala manages to wreck the Gravitic Polarization Beam, saving all life within Naboo system from being eradicated.

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            Star-wars-legends Villains

Galactic Alliance Guard
Darth Caedus | Tahiri Veila

Galactic Empire
Emperor Palpatine | Darth Vader
Admiral Galak Fyyar | Apwar Trigit | Armand Isard | Ars Dangor | Baron Merillion Tarko | Borborygmus Gog | Bow | Crispin Hoedaack | Carnor Jax | COMPNOR | Cos Dashit | Ennix Devian | Edda Gast | Faie | Gilad Pellaeon | Lord Tion | Lord Hethrir | Imperial Navy | Janus Greejatus | Juno Eclipse | Kinman Doriana | Kir Kanos | Keller | Roan Fel | Natasi Daala | Grand Moff Hissa | Ozzik Sturn | Palpatine Counter-Insurgency Front | PROXY | Rom Mohc | Rukh | Sarkli | Sate Pestage | Stafuv Rahz | Thrawn | Tenn Graneet | Trioculus | Vill | Voca | Warlord Zsinj | Ysanne Isard

One Sith
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Darth Krayt's Sith Troopers | Morlish Veed

Prophets of the Dark Side
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Sith and Dark Jedi
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Yuuzhan Vong
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Confederacy of Independent Systems
Count Dooku | Darth Sidious | General Grievous
Alto Stratus | Cavik Toth | Cyborg Separatist Commander | Cydon Prax | Durge | Gizor Dellso | Kul Teska | Oro Dassyne | Sun Fac | Unger Gout

Dark Acolytes
Sev'rance Tann | Sora Bulq | Asajj Ventress | Tol Skorr | Kadrian Sey

Mighella | Sai Sircu | Zalem

Glitteryll Conspiracy
Asanté Vos | Chom Frey Kaa | Pol Secura

New Galactic Empire
Cos Dashit | Crispin Hoedaack | Darth Vader | Valorum | Vantos Coll

8t88 | Abeloth | Amanoa | Ban Papeega | Bando Gora Captain | Beilert Valance | Borsk Fey'lya | Burbakker Teep | Cal Omas | Chop'aa Notimo | Connus Treli | Dezono Qua | Drend Navett | Drexl Roosh | Dur Gejjen | Durga the Hutt | Erisi Dlarit | Gardulla the Elder | Gault Rennow | Gorog | Granta Omega | Grappa the Hutt | Groff Haugg | Jenna Zan Arbor | Jodo Kast | Ke Daiv | Kleef | Krayt Dragons | Longo Two-Guns | Lord Starkiller | Mandalore the Indomitable | Meeko Ghintee | Mnggal-Mnggal | Montross | Niles Ferrier | Prince Xizor | Reelo Baruk | Sebolto | Sun Guard | Lord Nyax | Talon Karrde | Thrackan Sal-Solo | Tor Vizsla | Vengeance | Tyber Zann | Zorba the Hutt

See Also
Star Wars Villains | Star Wars The Old Republic Villains | Star Wars Visions Villains
