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I had the most brilliant minds in the world study that Mirrorverse. You know what they found? It's incompatible with the human brain. That place warps the mind until the person is no longer recognizable. Your Iris is long gone. I suggest you accept that and move on.
~ Joseph Carver to Barry Allen.
Joseph Carver is the secondary antagonist of Season 6 of the TV series The Flash.
He was the CEO of McCulloch Technologies, the husband of Eva McCulloch, and secretly the leader of the terrorist organization and smuggling ring Black Hole.
At some point, Joseph Carver became the CEO of McCulloch Technologies alongside his wife, Eva McCulloch, as well as a member of Black Hole. During Thawne's Particle Accelerator Explosion, his wife Eva McCulloch died and a mirror duplicate of her was created in the Mirrorverse.
Confronted by Iris West-Allen[]
After learning of Black Hole and McCulloch Technologies' affiliation with them, Iris West-Allen went off to interview Joseph Carver in order to find a lead. However, Carver rebuffed her and denied any relation to them. Afterwards, he decided to sue The Central City Citizen for defamation. Despite this, Iris obtained information from an informant that could place his company into jeopardy and Joseph was blackmailed into dropping the lawsuit.
Since Joe West was leading an investigation about him, Joseph attempted to have him killed and assigned Peter Merkel to that task. While he failed, Joe decided he had to leave for witness protection.
Confronted by Eva and Death[]
Joseph requested Barry to be protected from Eva.
Esperanza Garcia/Ultraviolet, Kimiyo Hoshi/Dr. Light and Millie Rawlins/Sunshine joined Eva's side for revenge on Carver. Eva kills Carver with mirror shards, despite Flash's attempt to stop her.
It was at first assumed that he wrote his wife off as dead due to his failure to rescue her and the Mirrorverse being known to damage its inhabitants' minds, but in footage of the events it was seen that he was right about his wife being dead.
Bilingualism: Joseph is capable of fluently speaking English and Japanese.
Great business acumen: Joseph is presumably apt at making profitable business decisions due to the success and longevity of McCulloch Technologies in his wife's absence.