Beyond the Wall
The Others
Night King |
White Walker Commander |
Viserion |
Mag Mar Tun Doh Weg |
Free Folk
Mance Rayder |
Tormund Giantsbane |
Styr |
Rattleshirt |
Orell |
Craster |
Varamyr Sixskins |
Harma Dogshead |
The Weeper |
Alfyn Crowkiller |
Ygritte |
Hali |
Sylas the Grim
The Wall
Night's Watch
Night's King |
Rat Cook |
Mad Axe |
Olyver Bracken |
Raymund Mallery |
George Graceford |
Perkin the Flea |
Alliser Thorne |
Bowen Marsh |
Othell Yarwyck |
Janos Slynt |
Olly |
Karl Tanner |
Dirk |
Ollo Lophand |
Clubfoot Karl |
Chett |
Rast |
Brant |
Derek |
Stiv |
Wallen |
Rorge |
Biter |
Allar Deem
The Thing that Came in the Night
The North
House Stark
Theon Stark |
Cregan Stark |
Arya Stark |
House Bolton
Royce IV Bolton |
Roose Bolton |
Ramsay Bolton |
Locke |
Reek |
Myranda |
Violet |
Little Walder Frey |
Big Walder Frey |
Bastard's Boys |
Master torturer |
Smalljon Umber
House Karstark
Rickard Karstark |
Arnolf Karstark |
Cregan Karstark |
Arthor Karstark |
Harald Karstark
Bowen Marsh |
Jorah Mormont |
The Vale of Arryn
House Arryn
Lysa Arryn |
Marillion |
Mord |
Mandon Moore
House Baelish
Petyr Baelish |
Oswell Kettleblack
Vale Mountain Clans
Lyn Corbray |
House Baelish of Harrenhal
Petyr Baelish
House Frey
Walder Frey |
Emmon Frey |
Aenys Frey |
Walder Rivers |
Jared Frey |
Hosteen Frey |
Symond Frey |
Merrett Frey |
Raymund Frey |
Lothar Frey |
Whalen Frey |
Benfrey Frey |
Ryman Frey |
Rhaegar Frey |
Big Walder Frey |
Little Walder Frey |
Edwyn Frey |
Black Walder Frey |
Tytos Frey |
Leslyn Haigh |
Harys Haigh
House Strong
Larys Strong |
Alys Rivers |
Larys Strong's Prisoners
House Bracken
Lothar Bracken |
Olyver Bracken |
Aegor Rivers
House Blackwood
Samwell Blackwood |
Willem Blackwood
Brotherhood Without Banners
Lady Stoneheart |
Lem Lemoncloak |
Tom of Sevenstreams |
Morgan |
Chett |
Garse Goodbrook |
Lysa Tully |
Danelle Lothston |
Harren the Red |
Gargon Qoherys |
Raymund Mallery
Iron Islands
House Greyjoy
Dalton Greyjoy |
Dagon Greyjoy |
Balon IX Greyjoy |
Euron III Greyjoy |
Victarion Greyjoy |
Aeron Greyjoy |
Asha Greyjoy |
Yara Greyjoy |
Theon Greyjoy |
Dagmer Cleftjaw |
Black Lorren |
Stygg |
Drennan |
Adrack Humble |
Red Oarsman |
Lucas Codd |
Torwold Browntooth |
Harrag |
Iron Fleet
House Hoare
Qhored I Hoare |
Hagon Hoare |
Harwyn Hoare |
Harren Hoare
Joron I Blacktyde |
Urrathon IV Goodbrother |
Urron Greyiron |
The Shrike
House Lannister
Lann the Clever |
Jason Lannister |
Johanna Lannister |
Tywin Lannister |
Cersei Lannister |
Jaime Lannister |
Tyrion Lannister |
Lancel Lannister |
Amory Lorch |
Ilyn Payne |
Preston Greenfield |
Shae |
House Clegane
Gregor Clegane |
Sandor Clegane |
Polliver |
Rafford |
The Tickler |
Weasel |
Mountain's Men
House Reyne
Ellyn Reyne |
Roger Reyne
House Spicer
Rolph Spicer |
Sybell Spicer
Alfred Broome |
Androw Farman |
Othell Yarwyck
Faith of the Seven
High Sparrow |
The Shepherd |
Septon Bernard |
Baelor I Targaryen |
Septa Unella |
Faith Militant |
Lancel Lannister
House Targaryen
Aegon I Targaryen |
Visenya Targaryen |
Rhaenys Targaryen |
Maegor I Targaryen |
Rhaenys Targaryen |
Daemon Targaryen |
Rhaenyra Targaryen |
Aegon II Targaryen |
Aemond Targaryen |
Daeron Targaryen |
Daeron I Targaryen |
Baelor I Targaryen |
Aegon IV Targaryen |
Aerion Targaryen |
Aerys II Targaryen |
Rhaegar Targaryen |
Viserys Targaryen |
Daenerys I Targaryen
House Baratheon of King's Landing
Robert I Baratheon |
Joffrey I Baratheon |
Cersei Lannister |
Janos Slynt |
Ilyn Payne |
Bronn |
Sandor Clegane |
Kettleblack Brothers |
House Baratheon of Dragonstone
Stannis Baratheon |
Selyse Florent |
Melisandre |
Axell Florent |
Richard Horpe |
Clayton Suggs |
Salladhor Saan |
Shadow Assassins
House Blackfyre
Daemon I Blackfyre |
Daemon II Blackfyre |
Haegon I Blackfyre |
Aegor Rivers |
Alyn Cockshaw |
Golden Company
Sworn Brotherhood of the Kingsguard
Olyver Bracken |
Raymund Mallery |
Criston Cole |
Marston Waters |
Amaury Peake |
Mervyn Flowers |
Jaime Lannister |
Boros Blount |
Meryn Trant |
Mandon Moore |
Preston Greenfield |
Sandor Clegane |
Osmund Kettleblack |
Loras Tyrell |
Robert Strong
Aegon II Targaryen |
Alicent Hightower |
Otto Hightower |
Aemond Targaryen |
Daeron Targaryen |
Criston Cole |
Borros Baratheon |
Ormund Hightower |
Jason Lannister |
Unwin Peake |
George Graceford |
Jon Roxton |
Larys Strong |
Larys Strong's prisoners |
Alys Rivers |
Hugh Hammer |
Ulf White |
Hobert Hightower |
Alfred Broome |
Arryk Cargyll |
Marston Waters |
Perkin the Flea |
Luthor Largent |
Rhaenyra Targaryen |
Daemon Targaryen |
Rhaenys Targaryen |
Cregan Stark |
Mysaria |
Hugh Hammer |
Ulf White |
Luthor Largent |
Bartimos Celtigar |
Alfred Broome |
Dalton Greyjoy |
Samwell Blackwood |
Willem Blackwood |
Blood and Cheese
House Kettleblack
Oswell Kettleblack |
Osmund Kettleblack |
Osfryd Kettleblack |
Osney Kettleblack
City Watch of King's Landing
Daemon Targaryen |
Janos Slynt |
Allar Deem |
Bronn |
Osfryd Kettleblack |
Blood |
Perkin the Flea
Alchemists' Guild
Rossart |
Garigus |
Kingswood Brotherhood
Simon Toyne |
Smiling Knight |
Wenda the White Fawn
Alliser Thorne |
Rorge |
Biter |
Arryk Cargyll |
Bartimos Celtigar |
Denys Darklyn |
Hugh Hammer |
Luthor Largent |
Ulf White |
Marston Waters |
Qarl Correy |
Karl Tanner |
Olyvar |
King's Landing Rioters
House Baratheon
Orys Baratheon |
Borys Baratheon |
Borros Baratheon |
Robert I Baratheon |
Stannis Baratheon |
Renly Baratheon |
Joffrey Baratheon |
Richard Horpe |
Meryn Trant
Kingswood Brotherhood
Simon Toyne |
Smiling Knight |
Wenda the White Fawn
Criston Cole |
Brothers Toyne |
Jon Connington
The Reach
House Tyrell
Mace Tyrell |
Loras Tyrell |
Randyll Tarly
House Hightower
Ormund Hightower |
Otto Hightower |
Alicent Hightower |
Hobert Hightower |
Daeron Targaryen
House Florent
Axell Florent |
Selyse Florent
House Peake
Unwin Peake |
Amaury Peake |
Mervyn Flowers |
Gormon Peake |
Septon Bernard |
Order of Maesters of the Citadel
Pycelle |
Jon Roxton |
George Graceford |
Ben Buttercakes |
Alyn Cockshaw |
Obara Sand |
House Martell
Morion Martell |
Aliandra Martell |
Ellaria Sand |
Obara Sand |
Nymeria Sand |
Tyene Sand
Joffrey Dayne |
Wyl of Wyl |
Gerold Dayne |
Timeon |
Vulture Kings
Others in Westeros
Faith of the Seven
Faith Militant |
Maidenpool Septa Conspiracy |
Septon Bernard
Pretty Meris |
Shagwell |
Smiling Knight |
The Little Birds |
The Rat, the Hawk, and the Pig
Free Cities
Faceless Men
Kindly Man |
Waif |
Jaqen H'ghar |
Alchemist |
Craghas Drahar |
Sharako Lohar |
Racallio Ryndoon
House Blackfyre
Aegor Rivers |
Daemon II Blackfyre |
Haegon I Blackfyre |
Daemon III Blackfyre |
Maelys I Blackfyre
Golden Company
Aegor Rivers |
Maelys I Blackfyre |
Harry Strickland |
Jon Connington
Brave Companions
Vargo Hoat |
Rorge |
Biter |
Shagwell |
Qyburn |
Timeon |
Tattered Prince |
Caggo Corpsekiller |
Pretty Meris
Second Sons
Mero |
Ben Plumm |
Tyrion Lannister |
Jorah Mormont |
Kasporio the Cunning |
Harwyn Hoare |
Aerion Targaryen |
Aegor Rivers |
Tattered Prince
Lady Korra
The Sorrows
Stone Men
Belicho Paenymion |
Bloodbeard |
Daario Naharis |
Daenerys Targaryen |
Doreah |
Illyrio Mopatis |
Malaquo Maegyr |
Moqorro |
Mysaria |
Ollo Lophand |
Old Man |
Tyanna of the Tower |
Varys |
Viserys Targaryen |
Sorcerer |
Nymeria Sand |
Bianca |
Tessario |
Saan Family |
Band of Nine |
The Little Birds
Dothraki Sea
Dothraki |
Moro |
Drogo |
Jhaqo |
Daenerys Targaryen |
Caggo Corpsekiller |
Mago |
Moro |
Qotho |
Zollo |
Qorro |
Brozho |
Rhalko |
Forzho |
Mirri Maz Duur
Slaver's Bay
Great Masters |
Wise Masters |
Good Masters |
Daenerys Targaryen |
Hizdahr zo Loraq |
Kraznys mo Nakloz |
Grazdan mo Ullhor |
Cleon the Great |
Malko |
Malazza |
Oznak zo Pahl |
Prendahl na Ghezn |
Razdal mo Eraz |
Yezzan zo Qaggaz |
Skahaz mo Kandaq |
Yurkhaz zo Yunzak |
Sons of the Harpy |
Vala |
Grey Worm |
Pureborn |
Undying Ones |
Pyat Pree |
Warlocks of Qarth |
Xaro Xhoan Daxos |
Sorrowful Men
Collections of Countries
Old Empire of Ghis |
Valyrian Freehold |
Slaver Alliance
Far East Essos
Yi Ti
Bloodstone Emperor |
Lo Bu |
Jar Har
Asshai and Shadow Lands
Melisandre |
Shadow Assassins
Across the Known World
Crew of the Silence
Balerion |
The Cannibal |
Drogon |
Meraxes |
Rhaegal |
Silverwing |
Sunfyre |
Vermithor |
Vhagar |
Drowned God |
Goddess of the Wind |
Great Other |
Horse God |
Lion of Night |
Many-Faced God |
Old Gods |
Old Ones |
R'hllor |
Sea God |
Storm God