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Rockman X... Truly an amazing Reploid. They say... They say he constantly improves... He has unlimited potential! Ha! The mystery of your abilities... Is withing my grasp!
~ Dr. Doppler upon seeing Mega Man X for the first time

Dr. Doppler is the main antagonist of the first half of the manga adaptation of Mega Man X3. As well as the second volume of Rockman Remix.

While he is a mostly faithful adaptation of his mainstream counterpart, he is also presented as considerably worse and more evil than originaly and in some cases even with no redeeming value.


Rockman X3[]

Doppler's role in the story remains largely unchanged, although it is expanded in a number of ways.

Originally Doppler was a respected Reploid scientist and had been a colleague and close friend of Dr. Cain, he had for years attempted to create a cure for the Maverick virus, however his efforts were eventually cut short when he was transfered to a different section. This however didn't deter him, as he still believed a perfect reploid society was still a worthy possibility.

Doppler eventually was also infected by the Sigma virus and secretly began plotting a coup d'etat against humanity, viewing them as inferior for opposing a real solution to the Maverick problem and obstaculizing his original vision.

Getting back to work, Doppler created a vaccine that supposedly cured the Maverick virus, he did this to gain more influence and power and then create his own town, which he would use as a base of operations, he had also created a very advanced mind-controlling cybernetic type of worm which he would use to control the mavericks that wouldn't obey him so easily. Certain Mavericks that joined Doppler's side actually did it willingfully but others were used as victims of his mind controll.

During this time Doppler also began building a new body for Sigma and secretly resucitated Vile as well. Lastly he created the Nightmare Police, Bit and Byte, to ensure order on his newly formed Doppler Town.

Eventually Doppler managed to create his army and launch his uprising against humanity, with X and Zero being specifically sent to stop him, At one point X was captured by the rogue hunter Mac but was freed by Zero. X was able to free many of the Mavericks Doppler had under his control which promted him to send his Nightmare police against them. After a tough fight Bit and Byte were actually successful in defeating the duo, also breaking apart X's armor in the process.

Doppler had X and Zero strapped to a wall and had a mechanism based on Tunnel Rhino's drills about to drill their heads in, he planned to make a televised execution out of them but was foiled when the merploid Marty, with the help of Dr. Cain sneaked in his fortress and was able to free them both, Doppler once again decided to let his Nightmare Police deal with the situation but despite Bit nearly killing her, Marty was able to give X the special armor chips Dr. Light had made for him, allowing him to don his golden armor (Which was a secret item in the game).

With this newfound power X was able to easily defeat the Nightmare police, however Doppler decided to start his backup plan and aboard a mechanized dragon started shooting hundreds of his worms at Bit and Byte, much to the latter protests. Doppler claimed they had outlived their usefulness and decided to fuse them against their will. Creating god-karmachine o inary.

Despite this X was still able to defeat both the Doctor and his new creation after an intense fight. Still not giving up, Doppler atempted to release the Maverick Virus particles across the world, killing everybody but he was tharted again. Dr. Cain, still wanting to help his old friend attempted to repair him. Doppler was baffled by this and claimed that it was useless as if they let him live he would just do everything all over again, to which X replied that if that was truly what his heart desired then so should be it, Doppler's previous sanity started leaking out, as he was starting to seriously reconsider his actions, he revealed his involment with Sigma but before he could do anything else about, his Maverick personality kicked in again and attempted to crush Cain's skull. X was able to save the man but he wasn't fast enought to stop Doppler, who, desperation, ripped his own innards out and killed himself.

X went on to defeat Sigma and Vile but he still felt remorse for not being able to save Doppler from his madness. Cain revealed to him however, that despite Doppler's body being destroyed, he was able to recover his core memory and install him in a computer, thus showing he was still alive.

Rockman Remix 2[]

Doppler returns in the Rockman Remix manga. Reprising his role from Mega Mission. Similarly to Mega Man X3 his role is largely the same but expanded to fit the format better.

Like in the card game, Dr. Doppler creates a completely new virus (The Limited Virus) to conquer the planet, as he is bent on world domination. In order to do this he seeks the data of all previously deceased Mavericks and also creates a sub-replacement to his Nightmare Police in the form of the Incept Chasers (Curtiss and Schmitt).

Doppler also spended a lot of time studying X and Zero but particularly X, as he was amazed by his supposedly unlimited strenght and potential. He sought to use the Limited to recreate the data of every previous Reploid and create himself the most powerful army imaginable, he figured if he could get a hold of X's abilities he'd be unstopabble. Thus he decided to test him causing certain riots with some of his revied Mavericks.

X and Zero suddenly started being attacked by Mavericks they previously defeated, now with healing properties. With X expressing immense regret at having to retire them again, as fighting was never something he particularly enjoyed. After a battle with Wired Sponge, X's arm was infected by a strain of the Limited Virus, causing him to have allucinations and even pass out. He started being tormented by visions of a demented version of himself which caused him to subconciusly attack Zero.

The Limited caused his buster to get upgraded but also to become more aggresive. Doppler watched with delight as X became stronger destroying his newly revived Reploids, go so far as to claim that X was secretly enjoying it. Doppler sended his Incept Chasers to recover X's buster but they were unsuccessful, Curtiss being brutally beaten by X and Schmitt, while getting close, was sucker shot from behind by Zero. Who urged X to come back to his senses.

After getting defeated, Doppler himself showed up and made Schmitt jump into his main Limited computer, using the date from his previous fight to actually create a deranged clone of X, called iX, who nearly killed Zero with a blaster to the back.

Enraged, X gave in to his anger and fully powered up using the Limited inside his body, creating a new set of armor for him, with the help of Zero however, he was able to control himself and rid his body of the virus, also defeating iX in the process. Doppler gleefully aplauded X's efforts and revealed his entire plan was just to recover the data of reploids to create the ultimate fighting machine, thus transforming his Limited Mother Computer into a giant behemoth. X called him insane and replied that even Reploid had souls, destroying the Mother Limited with the help of the deceased reploids ghosts.

Doppler considered the encounter a success nonetheless from having obtained so much data and then proceeded to flee, leaving a hologram behind which Zero destroyed. X wondered where did Reploids go when they died, which Zero answered that he didn't know.



  • This adaptation of Dr. Doppler is quite different than from his original version, although in a more subtle way than other characters.
    • He had been close friends with Dr. Cain, while in the game they only professionally knew each other.
    • Doppler is considerably more sadistic in the manga than in the games.
      • For example, in X3 Doppler actually had an interest in X and Zero joining him but in the manga this is entirely absent and instead Doppler not only wants to specifically kill them, he makes an entire show out of the whole thing.
      • In Mega Mission, the incept chasers are simply defeated but in Rockman Remix, Curtiss is brutally beaten and before he can spill the beans Doppler has Schmitt kill him personally so he doesn't talk.
      • In the regular X3 if Bit and Byte survive, they are taken back to Doppler's lab for repairs and are upgraded but in Rockman X3, Doppler forcefully merges them together against their own will and no consent is ever given. Similarly he also forces Schmitt to fuse himself with the Limited.
      • While in both X3 and Mega Mission Doppler tries to swide X to his side in a more subtle and slower way, in the manga he torments and tortures him with nightmarish allucinations constantly and tries to force him to attack his friends. Again trying to force others to do what he pleases.
    • Doppler is considerably less practical as his hubris ultimately brings upon his defeat.
    • Doppler gets defeated and seemingly killed before X reaches Vile, which is odd given that Doppler is supposedly much stronger stat-wise.
      • Doppler kept Vile inside the basement of his base, instead of letting him out for unknown reasons.
    • Doppler is able to pilot a dragon in the manga that looks extremely similar to Eregion from Mega Man X4.
  • In Rockman Remix Doppler calls X by his full name and is also aware of his unlimited potential, this would imply he is one of the very few characters that actually knows X origin, which makes sense given that he was supposedly Dr Cain's colleague.
  • In the Rockman Remix manga Dr. Doppler has an unnamed reploid assistant, she is never mentioned or seen anywhere else again in the franchise and it's unknown what became of her.


            Mega Man X Logo Villains

Sigma (Maverick Hunter X | Archie Comics) | Vile | Armored Armadillo | Berkana | Boomer Kuwanger | Bospider | Bubble Crab | Chill Penguin | Crescent Grizzly | Crystal Snail | Cyber Peacock | Dark Necrobat | Double | Dynamo | Flame Mammoth | Flame Stag | Gareth | Geemel | Launch Octopus | Magma Dragoon | Magna Centipede | Mechaniloids | Morph Moth | Nightmare Phenomenon | Overdrive Ostrich | Shining Firefly | Spark Mandrill | Spike Rosered | Split Mushroom | Sting Chameleon | Storm Eagle | Tidal Whale | Wheel Gator | Wire Sponge | Volt Kraken | Zain
Agile | Violen | Serges

Doppler Army
Dr. Doppler | Blast Hornet | Blizzard Buffalo | Crush Crawfish | Gravity Beetle | Mac | Neon Tiger | Toxic Seahorse | Tunnel Rhino | Volt Catfish
Nightmare Police
Bit | Byte

General | Colonel | Web Spider | Storm Owl | Slash Beast | Frost Walrus | Jet Stingray | Burn Dinorex | Spiral Pegasus

Nightmare Investigators
Gate | Isoc | High Max | Blaze Heatnix | Blizzard Wolfang | Commander Yammark | Ground Scaravich | Infinity Mijinion | Metal Shark Player | Rainy Turtloid | Shield Sheldon

Red Alert Syndicate
Red | Soldier Stonekong | Splash Warfly | Flame Hyenard | Wind Crowrang | Snipe Anteator | Vanishing Gungaroo | Tornado Tonion | Ride Boarski

New Generation Reploids
Lumine | Avalanche Yeti | Bamboo Pandamonium | Burn Rooster | Dark Mantis | Earthrock Trilobyte | Gigabolt Man-O-War | Gravity Antonion | Optic Sunflower

Rebellion Army
Epsilon | Shadow | Botos | Ferham | Scarface

Mavericks Hunters
Colonel Redips

Dr. Wily

Boomerang Kuwanger (Yoshihiro Iwamoto) | Flame Stag (Yoshihiro Iwamoto) | Frost Walrus (Yoshihiro Iwamoto) | Heel | Serges (Yoshihiro Iwamoto) | Dr. Doppler (Rockman X Mangas) | Sigma (Yoshihiro Iwamoto)
