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Shadow holding a weapon, specifically a Pistol, from Shadow the Hedgehog.

The weapons in Shadow the Hedgehog vary from their respective, as they change as their ammo, color, damage and sometimes can be the same exact gun with a different internal structure.

Each weapon in Shadow the Hedgehog falls under one of seven weapon types; Close Combat, Gun, Cannon, Lock-on, Laser, Vacuum, and Special. Should the fallen weapon from an enemy not be picked up, it will disappear after a while.

List of weapons[]


Guns are the most common weapons in Shadow the Hedgehog. Guns fire small rounds and typically have a larger ammo capacity than other weapon types. Some guns are automatic, meaning that they can fire continuously if SNNBGAMECUBEDISCO/Square/XboxX is held down.

Image Weapon Faction Damage Rounds Range
Egg gun Egg Gun Eggman Empire Low 20 Medium
Flash Shot Flash Shot Black Arms Low
Gatlinggunner Gatling Gun GUN High 40 High
Hmg Heavy Machine Gun 30
HeavyShot Heavy Shot Black Arms Medium Medium
Light Shot Light Shot Low 20
Pistolshoot Pistol GUN 10 Low
Ring Shot Ring Shot Black Arms Medium 20 High
Semiautoriflegunner Semi-Auto Rifle GUN 30 Medium
Smgun Sub-Machine Gun Low 20 Low

Close Combat[]

Close Combat weapons are weapons which are used for short-ranged meelee attacks. Despite being melee weapons, these weapons still have an ammo meter and will become unusable when depleted. Also, the Close Combat weapons will be automatically discarded if the player hops into a vehicle.

Image Weapon Faction Damage Rounds Range
Black Sword Black Sword Black Arms Medium 6 Low
Dark Hammer Dark Hammer High Low
Egg spear Egg Spear Eggman Empire Low Low
Env objects Environmental Objects N/A 4–6 Low
Survival Knife Survival Knife GUN 6 Low


Cannons are heavy duty weapons that fire explosive shells. Unlike some other weapons, cannons do not automatically lock on to enemies, instead the player has to aim manually with a crosshair that indicates where the shell will explode.

Image Weapon Faction Damage Rounds Range
Bazooka Bazooka GUN High 6 Low
BigBarrel Big Barrel Black Arms Medium 8 Low
Blackbarrelikethisbaby Black Barrel Low
Egg bazooka Egg Bazooka Eggman Empire 6 Low
Grenadelauncher Grenade Launcher GUN Low
TankCannon Tank Cannon High 4 Low


Laser weapons fire laser beams to attack enemies. Laser beams can bounce off of walls and other objects to potentially damage more enemies in one shot.

Image Weapon Faction Damage Rounds Range
LR Laser Rifle GUN Medium 20 Medium
Refractor Refractor Black Arms Medium 20 Medium
Splitter Splitter Medium 20 Medium


Lock-On weapons allow the player to fire missiles that lock-on to enemies. The player must fire hold down SNNBGAMECUBEDISCO/Square/XboxX to activate a laser target which will lock on to enemies nearby. Releasing the button will then fire several missiles to attack all targeted enemies.

Image Weapon Faction Damage Rounds Range
Rpgun 4-Shot RPG GUN High 12 High
RPG8 8-Shot RPG High 24 High
BigWormShooter Big Worm Shooter Black Arms High 6 High
WideWormShooter Wide Worm Shooter Black Arms High 18 Low
Wormshooterdun Worm Shooter High 6 High


Vacuums are a unique weapon type, as only one true vacuum weapon exists in game. Vacuum weapons allow the player to suck up various objects, including enemies, which then can be fired back to deal damage to other opponents. Some special walls can also be pulled away using this type of weapon.

Image Weapon Faction Damage Rounds Range
VacuumPod Vacuum Pod Black Arms Medium 20 Low


There are a variety of unique weapons in Shadow the Hedgehog. Special weapons are unlocked by completing the final stages in story mode. Most of these weapons can be upgraded by completing the same stage again and fighting the other boss. Special weapons do not have a common attribute, and instead, each Special weapon takes on the attributes of one of the six other weapon types. Special weapons can only be found in special Shadow Containers scattered in each stage.

Image Weapon Faction Notes Damage Rounds Range
Lv. 1 Lv. 2 Lv. 1 Lv. 2 Lv. 1 Lv. 2
Egg Vacume Egg Vacuum Eggman Empire Unlocked by completing Lava Shelter in Story Mode. Functions like a Vacuum weapon, can be used to pull walls in certain stages. High 20 30 Low
Heal Cannon Heal Cannon N/A Unlocked by completing Final Haunt in Story Mode. Functions like a Cannon weapon. Heals and sways the loyalty of enemies. N/A 10 20 Low Medium
Omochao Gun Omochao Gun Unlocked by completing Cosmic Fall in Story Mode. Functions like a Laser weapon. Medium High High
Samurai blade Samurai Blade GUN Unlocked by completing GUN Fortress in Story Mode. Functions like a Close Combat weapon, when swung it sends out shock waves that deal damage to enemies without consuming ammo. 4 8 Low
Satilite laser v2 Satellite Gun Black Arms Unlocked by completing Black Comet in Story Mode. Functions as a Lock-On weapon that causes giant laser beams to fire from the sky, similar to the ones seen in Westopolis. Low Medium
Shadow rifle Shadow Rifle N/A Unlocked by completing The Last Way. Functions as a Gun type weapon and defeats most enemies in a single shot. Cannot be upgraded. Automatic. Max N/A 20 N/A High N/A
