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Every face in this city I know. Yours I do not. This is the threshold of the Crystarium, stranger, and I am its gatekeeper. If you would enter, you will answer my questions.

Lyna to the Warrior of Darkness

Lyna is a character from Final Fantasy XIV who first appears in the third expansion Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers. A Viis from the First and the captain of the Crystarium's guards, she is a brave woman who protects her nation from the sin eaters.


Early life[]

Lyna's mother and father were accomplished hunters who fled the forests for the Crystarium, where both served the city guard from nigh on its inception until the day that a sudden sin eater attack saw them tragically slain. The infant Lyna was taken in and raised under the auspices of the Settlement council, although it was the Crystal Exarch who, having been close friends with her parents, paid special attention to her upbringing, becoming something like a grandfather to her. After coming of age, she joined the the Crystarium Guard, and later became its captain.[1]

Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers[]

Lyna was the second person the Warrior of Light meets as they arrive to the First, though Lyna, like everyone else, were unaware of the Source or other reflections. She was wary about the Warrior, but saved them from a sin eater that was about to attack them. Lyna noticed the eater was weak, but it had just recently eaten: the merchant whom the Warrior had met a moment earlier.

The Crystal Exarch arrived and took responsibility about the Warrior, leaving a still wary Lyna to resume her duties.

When the Crystarium got word that sin eaters have assaulted the nearby village of Holminster Switch, Lyna led the Crystarium guards to try and protect the village. She felt that no matter what they did, the Lightwarden leading the attack would only reanimate after its defeat. The Exarch claimed they now had the means to defeat it. Lyna joined the Warrior, Exarch, Alphinaud, and Alisaie in fighting the sin eaters, and they defeated the Lightwarden. Lyna still believed that it was for nothing, but the Exarch claimed the Warrior had the blessing of Light that could contain the Warden's Light. And, to Lyna's astonishment, the Warrior absorbed the Warden's Light, and the night sky, not seen in Norvrandt for a century, returned to Lakeland. Lyna's wariness to the Warrior was abolished, and she recognized them as the Warrior of Darkness. The Crystal Exarch, however, asked her to keep it a secret for now.

The return of the night sky alerted Vauthry, leader of Eulmore, who sent his general, Ran'jit, to negotiate. Ran'jit's belief that the world was beyond saving caused him to declare war on the Crystarium. Lyna was horrified but suspected Ran'jit had another reason to be there. Lyna explained to the Warrior about the Oracle of Light, Minfilia, who had halted the Flood a century ago, and about girls with the same name who fought sin eaters with the Eulmorean military. And as fate would have it, a word of a girl named Minfilia, whom Thancred Waters released, caused Lyna to prepare the Crystarium guard for a rescue mission. With the Warrior's assistance, Lyna oversaw the defenses of Lakeland. In the actual conflict, she fought alongside the Warrior and the other members of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, and covered their escape as they fled to Il Mheg.

Throughout the Scions' quest to defeat the Lightwardens and restore night to the First, Lyna kept protecting the Crystarium, and delivered news about what was happening. She grew ever concerned about the Exarch as time passed.

When sin eaters assaulted the Crystarium, Lyna led the guard. In the chaos several of her guards were struck and transformed into sin eaters, forcing her to kill them. She got injured and was nearly killed before Minfilia charged to her aid. Thancred saved her from a greater sin eater and following the battle, the Warrior of Darkness provided succor for Lyna, who was grateful for their aid. She tried to return to duty but could only take few steps before collapsing. While lying on the ground, she cursed being unable to protect her men, just when she had started to feel hopeful for the First's future, something that those who fell would never see. Vauthry delivered his ultimatum, something Lyna knew Crystarium would never accept.

After Vauthry's defeat, the Light returned to the sky. The Warrior, despite the imminent danger of turning into a sin eater, vowed to do everything they could to restore the night. They received encouragement from all citizens of the Crystarium, and as they called them the "Warrior of Darkness", it was clear that Lyna had let it slip. This revelation restored hope to the people and they gave their support to the Warrior. The Warrior and their friends were eventually able to restore the night again.

Lyna was made aware that the Exarch, the Warrior, and the Scions were from a different world. When they were about to return to the Source, Lyna brought all the Crystarium citizens to bid them farewell. She asked the Warrior to look after Exarch, revealed to as G'raha Tia.

Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker[]

The Final Days returned to the Source after Zodiark's death. To gain answers to its cause, the Warrior returned to the First. They met Lyna, who was happy to hear G'raha was well. When the Warrior asked if she had witnessed anything strange, she had not, but to her it was strange that Warrior asked because just recently Ryne had come and asked her the same thing, and Lyna could tell she was worried, complete opposite to how cheerful she had been. Lyna went to look for her and opened the path to the Crystal Tower's Umbilicus so that the Warrior could speak with Elidibus.

Following the Final Days' aversion, the Warrior returned to the First along with Zero, a voidsent from the Thirteenth. They intended to collect primordial Light from the Flood to use it to breach the domain of Golbez within the Thirteenth to stop Zeromus from breaching the barrier between worlds. When the Warrior, Zero, and Ryne were about to get to work, Lyna approached them. She warned that using the very Light that nearly destroyed the First might be upsetting to the people of the First. Even though Lyna trusted the Warrior would never use the Light for ill, she nevertheless suggested they first allay people's fears before collecting the Light. She suggested they visit Eulmore and Slitherbough. She also did her part in helping the Warrior, as she wanted to make sure Exarch's homeworld would not be destroyed.

Lyna later worked with Ryne and Beq Lugg to direct the Light to the Thirteenth through the Crystal Tower. After Zeromus's defeat, she was happy to hear the danger to the Source was averted.



Lyna is a Viis with light blue hair and pink eyes. She wears Crystarium armor and wields Weathered Krishna as weapons in battle.


Captain of the defensive guard at the Crystarium, Lyna is a battle-hardened soldier who cares about the people in the city. She also cares deeply about the Exarch, the other people of the Crystarium noting a grandfather-granddaughter relationship between them. Lyna maintains a professional demeanor in public and tries to carry her duties no matter how emotionally or physically hurt she is, only showing her true feelings when left alone. Because of the state of Norvrandt, Lyna is wary of outsiders, or anyone she does not know. To anyone she respects, she offers her assistance and knowledge.


Lyna is available as a Trust System NPC for Holminster Switch Holminster Switch. After completing Shadowbringers' main scenario, she can no longer be selected since the system changes to Avatar mode. Lyna can be selected again by unlocking the Scenario mode or by using New Game+ mode.

In combat, she fights as Dancer, but she does not use Closed Position on a partner.



  1. 1.0 1.1 Encyclopædia Eorzea: The World of Final Fantasy XIV Volume III, p. 099