Final Fantasy Wiki

On the far side of that great bridge unfolded the wilds of Shaaloani—"where the sun guides" in the Shetona tongue. A harsh guide, to be sure, with its blazing rays scorching the land and hardening its inhabitants. But sweeping change had come to the arid expanse when, beneath its red crust, vast deposits of ceruleum were discovered. Embracing this opportunity, Vow Koana's supporters hurtle on, driven by dreams of a future illuminated by blue flame. It is here that our journey continues, our path taking us along wending roads of steel. Each length of track a declaration of hope—and ambition.

Shaaloani is a location in Final Fantasy XIV introduced in the expansion Dawntrail.



Places of interest[]


Musical themes[]

  • "Ceruleum Smoke at High Noon": Shaaloani's daytime field theme.
  • "Ceruleum Embers by Dusk": Shaaloani's nighttime field theme.
  • "Desertwalkers": Xak Tural settlement theme.

Behind the scenes[]

