I couldn't miss the chance to practice my drawing!
Hamujj Gah is a non-player character from Final Fantasy XIV. He is the leader of the Brotherhood of Ash, a faction of Amalj'aa that view the followers of Ifrit as dishonorable cowards.
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn[]
Hamujj Gah leads the Brotherhood of Ash at their enclave in Southern Thanalan. His clan are opposed to the followers of Ifrit, and make many attempts to halt the plans of their addled brethren. His ideals of honor and martial perfection transcend race, as he has a Miqo'te tribeswoman named Loonh Gah in his ranks, and is willing to do the same for adventurers.
In the final Allied Beast-Tribe quests, Hamujj Gah appears with Clutchfather Novv, Sezul Totoloc, Elder Frixio, and 789th Order Pickman Gi Gu as they confront the rogue sellsword Nhaza'a Jaab in the Invisible City. Hamuj has Frixio procide a magical barrier to deflect Nhaza'a's knife throws, given Novv an opportunity to stike him down.