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Fru Fru

Oh my God, did you see those leopard-print jeggings?
―Fru Fru shopping with her friends

Frubelina "Fru Fru" Big is a female Arctic shrew in Zootopia. A member of the Big family, she is the daughter of Mr. Big, the wife of her husband and the future mother of Judy.
She stars in The Real Rodents of Little Rodentia.

Physical Appearance[]

Fru Fru is a slim shrew with golden-brown fur. She has long, black hair in a pouf hairdo, a long snout, and blue eyes identical to her father's. She is also taller than him.

Fru Fru is quite fashionable, and is seen wearing three different outfits during the film;

  • A mint green dress with dark green shamrock patterns and gold jewelry.
  • A lacy, white wedding dress and veil.
  • A mint green muumuu with a lime green ribbon.

Role in the Film[]

Judy saving Fru Fru from being crushed under The Big Donut sign

Judy saves Fru Fru

Fru Fru is first seen shopping with her friends in Little Rodentia at Targoat and Mousy's where she is almost crushed by a "giant" (compared to her), runaway donut sign. She is saved in the nick of time by Officer Judy Hopps, who compliments her hair.

Later, in Tundratown, when Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde are on the verge of being "iced" (plunged into freezing water), she enters her father's office to call him to come dance with her when she notices what he's doing and protests, reminding him of his promise not to ice anyone during her wedding, to which Mr. Big apologizes, but continues the process anyways.

Fru Fru-recognize-Judy

"She's the bunny that saved my life yesterday!"

She also notices that one of the two is the same officer who saved her, which causes Mr. Big to spare them in gratitude, and invites them to Fru Fru's wedding. Meanwhile, Judy compliments her wedding dress.

Later in the film, when Mr. Big is "helping" Judy and Nick with a less-than-cooperative Duke Weaselton, she walks in and is revealed to be pregnant, and that Mr. Big had designated Judy to be the godmother of his future granddaughter.

Fru Fru-pregnant

"I'm gonna name her Judy!"

Fru Fru happily declares that she intends to name her daughter after Judy, much to the rabbit's surprise and delight. In the end, she is seen dancing with her father at Gazelle's concert.

Role in Literature[]

Judy Hopps and the Missing Jumbo-Pop[]

While not having an actual role in the book, Fru Fru is seen watching a hockey match with her father in Tundratown.

The Big Day in Little Rodentia[]

While shopping in Little Rodentia, Fru Fru tells the mouse clerk that she will try on every wedding dress in the store until she finds the perfect one. After sizing a few different dresses, she finds one that she likes. Fru Fru's friends appear pleased with her choice, and Fru Fru buys the dress, lamenting that her great Grandmama cannot see her now.



See Also[]


v - e - dCharacters
Main Characters
Judy HoppsNick WildeChief Bogo
Supporting Characters
Bonnie HoppsFinnickGazelleBenjamin ClawhauserLeodore LionheartMr. BigMrs. OttertonStu HoppsYax
Dawn BellwetherDoug RamsesDuke WeaseltonJesseKevinRaymondSheep copsSheep thugWoolter
Minor Characters
Bucky Oryx-AntlersonDavid KoalabellDr. Madge Honey BadgerEmmitt OttertonFlash SlothmoreFrantic pigFru FruGarethGaryGideon GreyJaguarJerry Jumbeaux Jr.KoslovLarryMajor FriedkinMr. Big's mafiaNews reportersOfficer McHornOnçardo Boi CháPronk Oryx-AntlersonPeter MoosebridgeRenato ManchasSharlaTravis
Incidental Characters
Barry DiCaprioBobby CatmullDharma ArmadilloDMV slothsFrancine PenningtonJeremyMarvinMouse foremanMrs. WildeMissing mammalsMuzzled wolfOfficer DelgatoOfficer FangmeyerOfficer WolfordPig wardenPriscilla TripletoePop-PopRabbit girlTiger Dancers
Unseen Characters
JudyJerry VoleOtterton kidsStephanie StalkinewTerry
Cut Characters
Bat eyewitnessGerbil jerksHoney BadgerHugoJack SavageJack Savage's bossKitty CowlickMayor SwintonMorrisMr. WildeOfficer BrieOfficer MabelRazorbacksSkyeWooly
Book Characters
AlexisAmosArmadillo guestBeatrixBella HacklesBongoCarlaCarsonCheetah delivery boyColbyDandyDinahDinah's familyDorothyDr. Frank CunninghamEarl HacklesElderly wolfElephant waiterErnieGeorge LionelGoat guestGoldie GnuHaroldHedyHyena customerInezJaguar wardenJennyLanaLion TeethfestLloydKameelaKristyMabelMel B.Miss BabbageMomof36Mr. and Mrs. EarsleyMrs. NibblesOfficer CharlesPaulaPennyPeter OinkawitzPolar bear janitorPorcupine protesterRaulRoom4FoodSheep touristsSheep boySheilaSingcor SwimSpencerSpiderSquirrel babySquirrel motherStone KoleStoutheart familySusieTiger boy Tiger conductorTonyVernVince MousawitzVioletWulfricDr. Zander Orshack
Game Characters
AliceAntonioBridgetCarlaChucklesClaraClarenceCleoCliveColbyDetective OatesDinksDinoDonnaDribsEarlEveFinnick's lady friendFlowerGertieGiaGlennGrantHerbertHerveHurrietIlanaIrvJanineJustineKarlKateeKevinKrisLanceLeonard (antelope)Leonard (camel)Le RougeLouiseLuciusMarianMarieMartinMerleMitchMontyNeilNeroNoltePamelaPhernPhil (groundhog)Phil (raccoon)PhyllisRamonaReubenRodneyRolfinaSebastianSecretarySir IanTonyTwo-Ton TeddyVictorWandaWayneWilfredWillYolanda
Toy Characters
Law Breaking MouseSafety Squirrel
