Zootopia Wiki

Not to be confused with Marvin.

Martin is a male panther in Zootopia: Crime Files. He is suspected of rigging the sprinkler system during the Mammal Electronics Show. He appears in Case 14.

Physical Appearance[]

Martin is a tall, muscular black panther with brown eyes. His visible outfit consists of a white collared shirt with sleeves that go up to his elbows, covered by a yellow buttoned vest. He carries a blue pen in his vest pocket and wears small round glasses.

Role in the Game[]


After talking to Eve, Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde talk to the nutty inventor, Martin, who says his bed in his room sounded funny. Nick asks him if he's crazy and did he sabotage the convention. Martin responds that the bed sounded funny and when he heard how it sounded, he bolted out of his room. And when he bolts, he bolts, because he's fast and he can outrun any funny sound. Nick says they're going with he's crazy and thanks him.


In the lobby, Judy and Nick find a strange contraption, which is a musk scanner. They send it to the lab so Clawhauser can identify it. Then, Clawhauser confirms that it is a musk scanner. He says that it's a device used to scan a particular musk and tells what animal it came from. Judy believes it and sees a copyright printed on it with Martin's name and they go talk to him again. Judy tells Martin they found his musk scanner in the lobby, which is a phrase she never said before. Martin realizes that's where he left it. He says it's his latest invention and he brought it here to get funding so he can build a bigger one and identify larger, bulkier musks. Judy asks Martin if he discovered any good musks lately by the pool. Martin says it doesn't work and getting something to work is "Phase 9 of the process". Nick suggests they take a closer look at reception, just to walk away from Martin.


After the case is solved, Martin tells Judy and Nick he was working on a new invention, when he realizes he left the battery in the lobby and asks them to retrieve it for him. Nick agrees, only to find out what it does. The pair find a toolbox, which belongs to Martin, and find the battery inside. They return the battery to Martin, who thanks them. He puts the battery in his invention and he disappears in a flash of light and a puff of smoke, surprising the two. Judy questions this and Nick says he saw nothing and he's sticking to his story.


  • Martin is the only panther to be seen in Zootopia: Crime Files.

v - e - dCharacters
Main Characters
Judy HoppsNick WildeChief Bogo
Supporting Characters
Bonnie HoppsFinnickGazelleBenjamin ClawhauserLeodore LionheartMr. BigMrs. OttertonStu HoppsYax
Dawn BellwetherDoug RamsesDuke WeaseltonJesseKevinRaymondSheep copsSheep thugWoolter
Minor Characters
Bucky Oryx-AntlersonDavid KoalabellDr. Madge Honey BadgerEmmitt OttertonFlash SlothmoreFrantic pigFru FruGarethGaryGideon GreyJaguarJerry Jumbeaux Jr.KoslovLarryMajor FriedkinMr. Big's mafiaNews reportersOfficer McHornOnçardo Boi CháPronk Oryx-AntlersonPeter MoosebridgeRenato ManchasSharlaTravis
Incidental Characters
Barry DiCaprioBobby CatmullDharma ArmadilloDMV slothsFrancine PenningtonJeremyMarvinMouse foremanMrs. WildeMissing mammalsMuzzled wolfOfficer DelgatoOfficer FangmeyerOfficer WolfordPig wardenPriscilla TripletoePop-PopRabbit girlTiger Dancers
Unseen Characters
JudyJerry VoleOtterton kidsStephanie StalkinewTerry
Cut Characters
Bat eyewitnessGerbil jerksHoney BadgerHugoJack SavageJack Savage's bossKitty CowlickMayor SwintonMorrisMr. WildeOfficer BrieOfficer MabelRazorbacksSkyeWooly
Book Characters
AlexisAmosArmadillo guestBeatrixBella HacklesBongoCarlaCarsonCheetah delivery boyColbyDandyDinahDinah's familyDorothyDr. Frank CunninghamEarl HacklesElderly wolfElephant waiterErnieGeorge LionelGoat guestGoldie GnuHaroldHedyHyena customerInezJaguar wardenJennyLanaLion TeethfestLloydKameelaKristyMabelMel B.Miss BabbageMomof36Mr. and Mrs. EarsleyMrs. NibblesOfficer CharlesPaulaPennyPeter OinkawitzPolar bear janitorPorcupine protesterRaulRoom4FoodSheep touristsSheep boySheilaSingcor SwimSpencerSpiderSquirrel babySquirrel motherStone KoleStoutheart familySusieTiger boy Tiger conductorTonyVernVince MousawitzVioletWulfricDr. Zander Orshack
Game Characters
AliceAntonioBridgetCarlaChucklesClaraClarenceCleoCliveColbyDetective OatesDinksDinoDonnaDribsEarlEveFinnick's lady friendFlowerGertieGiaGlennGrantHerbertHerveHurrietIlanaIrvJanineJustineKarlKateeKevinKrisLanceLeonard (antelope)Leonard (camel)Le RougeLouiseLuciusMarianMarieMartinMerleMitchMontyNeilNeroNoltePamelaPhernPhil (groundhog)Phil (raccoon)PhyllisRamonaReubenRodneyRolfinaSebastianSecretarySir IanTonyTwo-Ton TeddyVictorWandaWayneWilfredWillYolanda
Toy Characters
Law Breaking MouseSafety Squirrel

v - e - dZootopia: Crime Files
A Jewel of a NutMelting MessesSlashy TiresMissing Opossum ReportNecklace NabbersThe Big CatchGuilty As ChargedBurgled BerriesJail Break!It's Only NaturalGroundhog DazeAbracadabraWi-Fi JamA Fine "Mes"I Do!
AliceAntonioBridgetCarlaChucklesClaraClarenceCleoCliveColbyDetective OatesDinksDinoDonnaDribsEarlEveFinnick's Lady FriendFlowerGertieGiaGlennGrantHerbertHerveHurrietIlanaIrvJanineJustineKarlKateeKevinKrisLanceLe RougeLeonard (antelope)Leonard (camel)LouiseLuciusMarianMarieMartinMerleMitchMontyNeilNeroNoltePamelaPhernPhil (groundhog)Phil (raccoon)PhyllisRamonaReubenRodneyRolfinaSebastianSecretarySir IanTonyTwo-Ton TeddyVictorWandaWayneWilfredWillYolanda
Phil's Pawn ShopRodney's Pawn ShopSebastian's auditoriumSequoia TowersTiger's Eye Jewelry StoreVermin'sWee Classy Chapel
