Flip Summon
Japanese (ruby)
Japanese (base text)
Japanese (romanized)
Hanten Shōkan
Japanese (translated)
Reverse Summon
Flip Summon
Other names
- French: Invocation Flip
Verb: Invoquer par Flip
- German: Flippbeschwörung
Verb: beschwören als Flippbeschwörung
- Italian: Evocazione per Scoperta
Verb: Evocare per Scoperta
- Portuguese: Invocação-Virar
Verb: Invocar por Invocação-Virar
- Spanish: Invocación por Volteo
Verb: Invocar por Volteo
- Korean: 반전 소환 (反轉召喚) Banjeon Sohwan
- Traditional Chinese: 反轉召喚 Fánzhuǎn Zhàohuàn / Faan2 zyun3 Ziu6 wun6
- Simplified Chinese: 反转召唤 Fánzhuǎn Zhàohuàn
A Flip Summon (Japanese: 反転召喚 Hanten Shōkan "Reverse Summon") is a way to Summon monsters. It can only be performed when the game state is open during your Main Phase. You simply flip a face-down monster manually into face-up Attack Position. A monster is considered to be not on the Field during the Flip Summon's Summon negation window. Flip Summon is simultaneously regarded as both a Summon and Battle position change.
A face-down monster flipped into face-up Attack Position by a card effect such as "Book of Taiyou" or "Ancient Forest" is not considered a Flip Summon. Flip Summon does not take up your Normal Summon/Set for the turn.
You cannot Flip Summon a monster at the same turn it was Summoned, Normal Set, declared an attack (even if the attack was negated or canceled), or its battle position was changed manually that turn.