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Toon monster

Toon monster


トゥーン(モンスター)[Notes 1]

Japanese (romanized)



1st and 3rd format: Toon (monster)
2nd format: Toon (Monster)

Appears in (anime)
Appears in (manga)



Toon monsters (トゥーンモンスター Tūn Monsutā) are cartoonized counterparts of existing monsters, having some reliance on the card "Toon World".

Originally, in the manga and anime, Toon monsters were formed by having the effect of "Toon World" applied to non-Toon monsters. These Toon monsters had the ability to avoid being destroyed in battle.

In the OCG and TCG, Toon is an ability. Toon monsters exist as separate cards than their non-Toon counterpart, with whom they share no direct in-game relationship. They are capable of attacking the opponent directly and while they benefit from the card "Toon World", they can be used without it. There are five classes of "Toon monsters", dubbed by fans Class A, B, C, D, and E.

All Toon monsters belong to the "Toon" archetype (including "Manga Ryu-Ran", since its Japanese name contains トゥーン).

Toon monsters were the first Effect Monsters with an ability to be introduced, debuting in Spell Ruler. While Flip monsters (as Flip Effect Monsters) were introduced earlier, they were not treated as having an ability until much later.

Toon monsters can also be Special Summon Monsters.

Classes of Toon monster[]


Class A[]

  • Must first Special Summon itself from the hand, by Tributing the same number of monsters as for a Tribute Summon of a monster with its original Level (the number is specified in its card text), while you control "Toon World".
    • After being Special Summoned properly, it can be Special Summoned from the Graveyard or while banished by any appropriate effect (it is not necessary to control "Toon World").
  • Requires payment of 500 LP to attack.
  • If "Toon World" on the field is destroyed, so is the Toon monster.

Class A Toons: "Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon", "Toon Summoned Skull", "Manga Ryu-Ran", "Toon Mermaid"

Class B[]

  • Must first Special Summon itself from the hand, by Tributing monsters in a similar manner to properly Summoning its original, while you control "Toon World".
    • After being Special Summoned properly, it can be Special Summoned from the Graveyard or while banished by any appropriate effect (it is not necessary to control "Toon World").
  • If "Toon World" on the field is destroyed, so is the Toon monster.

Class B Toons: "Toon Dark Magician Girl", "Toon Black Luster Soldier".

Class C[]

  • If the player controls "Toon World" and the opponent doesn't control any Toon monsters, it can attack directly.

Class C Toons: "Toon Cannon Soldier", "Toon Gemini Elf", "Toon Goblin Attack Force", "Toon Masked Sorcerer".

Class D[]

  • Cannot Special Summon itself from the hand (unless due to the base card's effect).
  • Cannot attack the turn it is Summoned.
  • If the player controls "Toon World" and the opponent doesn't control any Toon monsters, it can attack directly.

Class D Toons: "Toon Ancient Gear Golem", "Toon Barrel Dragon", "Toon Buster Blader", "Toon Cyber Dragon", "Red-Eyes Toon Dragon", "Toon Dark Magician".

Class E[]

  • Must first Special Summon itself from the hand by Tributing the same number of monsters as for a Tribute Summon of a monster with its current Level.
  • Requires payment of 500 LP to attack.

Class E Toons: "Blue Eyes Toon Dragon" (TCG only), "Toon Summoned Skull" (TCG only), "Manga Ryu-Ran" (TCG only), "Toon Mermaid" (TCG only)[Notes 2]


"Dark Rabbit" "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" "Dragon Capture Jar" "Bickuribox" "Red Archery Girl" "Ryu-Ran" "Summoned Skull"
"Dark Rabbit" "Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon" "Dragon Capture Jar" "Bickuribox" "Toon Mermaid" "Manga Ryu-Ran" "Toon Summoned Skull"

While "Toon World" is on the field, each of its controllers monsters are converted to their Toon counterparts.

In their Toon form, monsters could dodge attacks and hide within the "Toon World" book.

Although "Toon World" was used with "Dark Rabbit", "Dragon Capture Jar" and "Bickuribox", they were not given separate names while affected and "Dragon Capture Jar" did not demonstrate the ability to dodge attacks.


Duelist Kingdom[]

"Blue-Eyes White Dragon" "Red Archery Girl" "Ryu-Ran" "Summoned Skull"
"Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon" "Toon Mermaid" "Manga Ryu-Ran" "Toon Summoned Skull"

In the anime, during the Duelist Kingdom tournament, Toon monsters functioned the same way that they did in the manga.

Post-Duelist Kingdom[]

"Gemini Elf" "Dark Magician Girl" "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" "Summoned Skull" "Masked Sorcerer"
"Toon-Gemini Elf" "Toon Dark Magician Girl" "Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon" "Toon Summoned Skull" "Toon Masked Sorcerer"

After Duelist Kingdom, Toon monsters were changed to more closely match their OCG/TCG selves.

"Ancient Gear Golem"
"Toon Ancient Gear Golem"

Playing style[]



  1. The parentheses here specify what part is not shown on the cards' Type/Ability line.
  2. As of the most recent printing, Speed Duel Starter Decks: Match of the Millennium, these cards have undergone errata and now fall under Class A thereby rendering this class defunct.