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Fusion Substitute Monster

Fusion Substitute Monster

Japanese (base text)


Japanese (romanized)

Yūgō Sozai Daiyō Monsutā

Japanese (translated)

Fusion Material Substitute Monster


Fusion Substitute Monster

A Fusion Substitute Monster ( (ゆう) (ごう) () (ざい) (だい) (よう) モンスター Yūgō Sozai Daiyō Monsutā) is a monster with an effect that allows it to replace a single specifically named Fusion Material for the Fusion Summon of a Fusion Monster (with the exception of "Shaddoll Core", which substitues for Attributes instead), as long as the other monster(s) used are the correct one(s).

Official Wording[]

This card can be used as a substitute for any 1 Fusion Material whose name is specifically listed on the Fusion Monster Card, but the other Fusion Material(s) must be correct.

— The latest version of the wording used on Fusion Substitute Monsters in the TCG.


Fusion Substitute Monsters cannot be used for:

  • Fusion Monsters that can only be Special Summoned from the Extra Deck by removing the Fusion Materials listed on it from your field without using "Polymerization" (Contact Fusion). Such as with the "Neos", "Gladiator Beast", and "A-to-Z" Fusion Monsters.
  • Fusion Monsters that have a strict Fusion Summon condition.
    • Any monster in the Hex-Sealed Fusion series can be used as Fusion Material for a Special Summon with its own Ignition Effect, even for the Special Summon of such Fusion Monsters, since this Special Summon is not a Fusion Summon.
  • Fusion Monsters that do not specifically name any of their Fusion Materials, such as "Ojama Knight" or "Evil HERO Dark Gaia".
    • If the Fusion Monster has both specifically named and unnamed Fusion Materials (like "Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem"), then a Fusion Substitute Monster can be used, but only for the specifically named Fusion Material.
  • A Fusion Summon which is already using another Fusion Substitute Monster.
  • An effect that is treated as Fusion Summon, but specified its effect's procedure otherwise (even if there is a specific monster name, such as "Cyberdark Impact!"

The effect that allows Fusion Substitute Monsters to replace a Fusion Material has no classification. It applies on the field (even while face-down), in the hand, and in the Graveyard. It does not apply while in the Main Deck or while banished, so this effect cannot be used for "Future Fusion" or "Parallel World Fusion".

Fusion Substitute Monsters[]


 Japanese namePrimary typeSecondary typeAttributeTypeLevel/ RankATKDEF
Beastking of the Swamps沼地の魔獣王Effect MonsterWATERAqua410001100
The Dark - Hex-Sealed Fusion融合呪印生物-闇Effect MonsterDARKRock310001600
The Earth - Hex-Sealed Fusion融合呪印生物-地Effect MonsterEARTHRock310001600
Evil HERO Dead-End PrisonE-HERO デス・プリズンEffect MonsterLIGHTRock417001100
Fusion Parasiteパラサイト・フュージョナーEffect MonsterDARKInsect100
Goddess with the Third Eye心眼の女神Effect MonsterLIGHTFairy412001000
King of the Swamp沼地の魔神王Effect MonsterWATERAqua35001100
The Light - Hex-Sealed Fusion融合呪印生物-光Effect MonsterLIGHTRock310001600
Muddy MudragonドロドロゴンEffect Monster
Synchro Monster
Mystical Sheep #1イリュージョン・シープEffect MonsterEARTHBeast31150900
Patchwork Fluffalパッチワーク・ファーニマルEffect MonsterEARTHFairy100
Versago the Destroyer破壊神 ヴァサーゴEffect MonsterDARKFiend31100900
 Japanese nameCard typeProperty
Shaddoll Core影依の原核Trap Card
Continuous Trap Card
Continuous Trap Card


 Japanese namePrimary typeSecondary typeAttributeTypeLevel/ RankATKDEF
Crystal Roseクリスタル・ローズEffect MonsterLIGHTRock000200000???00000500
Fusion Parasiteパラサイト・フュージョナーEffect MonsterDARKInsect000100000???00000000
Goddess with the Third Eye心眼の女神Effect MonsterLIGHTFairy000400000???00001200
King of the Swamp沼地の魔神王Effect MonsterWATERAqua000300000???00000500
Versago the Destroyer破壊神 ヴァサーゴEffect MonsterDARKFiend000300000???00001100
 Japanese nameCard typeProperty
D/D/D FusionDDD フュージョンSpell CardNormal Spell Card


 Japanese namePrimary typeSecondary typeAttributeTypeLevel/ RankATKDEF
Fluffal Bearパッチワーク・ファーニマルEffect MonsterEARTHFairy00010000000000000000

Treated as alternate name[]

Some cards can replace Fusion Materials by treating their name as that of a Fusion Material.

For example, "Elemental HERO Prisma" can send a Fusion Material listed on a Fusion Monster card from the Deck to the Graveyard to treat its name as that card's. Since it is being treated as that card's name and not replacing a Fusion Material, it is not a Fusion Substitute Monster and treated as being correct, so can be used for the Fusion Summon of monsters with strict Fusion Materials, such as "Cyber End Dragon" and "Cyber Blader". Also, for Fusion Summons in which Fusion Substitute Monsters are valid, it can be used in the same Fusion Summon as one.


See also[]
