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Age of Overlord is a Booster Pack in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Official Card Game (OCG). It is the second set in the OCG's 12th series, following Duelist Nexus and followed by Phantom Nightmare.



  • In Asian-English, there are 5 cards per Pack and 30 packs per box. The Set contains 121 cards:
    • 1 Quarter Century Secret Rare
    • 14 Ultra Rares
    • 18 Super Rares
    • 25 Rares
    • 63 Commons
  • 1 Ultra Rare is also available as Holograpic Rare
  • 9 Ultra Rares are also available as Ultimate Rares
  • 25 Ultra Rares and Super Rares are also available as Secret Rares and Quarter Century Secret Rare
  • +1 Bonus Pack included only in the first-run limited edition box.



Card numberNameRarityCategoryPrint
AGOV-EN000"Magicians of Bonds and Unity"Quarter Century Secret RareEffect Monsteryellow background
AGOV-EN001"Supreme King Gate Magician"Super RareEffect Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-EN002"Supreme King Dragon Lightwurm"CommonEffect Tuner Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-EN003"T.G. Rocket Salamander"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-EN004"Visas Samsara"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Tuner monsterNew
AGOV-EN005"Veda Kalarcanum"Super RareEffect Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-EN006"Diabellstar the Black Witch"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-EN007"Snake-Eye Ash"Super RareEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-EN008"Snake-Eye Oak"Super RareEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-EN009"Snake-Eye Birch"Super RareEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-EN010"Snake-Eyes Flamberge Dragon"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-EN011"Imsety, Glory of Horus"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-EN012"Duamutef, Blessing of Horus"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-EN013"Hapi, Guidance of Horus"Super RareEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-EN014"Qebehsenuef, Protection of Horus"Super RareEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-EN015"Wattuna"CommonEffect Tuner monsterNew
AGOV-EN016"Nephilabyss, the Ogdoadic Overlord"Super RareEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-EN017"Arias the Labrynth Butler"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-EN018"Vanquish Soul Jiaolong"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-EN019"Poissonniere de Nouvelles"Super RareEffect Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-EN020"Dark Hole Dragon"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-EN021"UFOLight"CommonEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-EN022"Seed-Spitting Saplings"Super RareEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-EN023"I.A.S. -Invasive Alien Species-"CommonEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-EN024"Tarai"CommonEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-EN025"Master Tao the Chanter"CommonEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-EN026"Cursed Bride Doll"CommonEffect Tuner monsterNew
AGOV-EN027"Origami Goddess"CommonEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-EN028"Shinobaroness Shade Peacock"CommonSpirit Ritual MonsterNew
AGOV-EN029"Shinobaron Shade Peacock"CommonSpirit Ritual MonsterNew
AGOV-EN030"Odd-Eyes Arcray Dragon"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Fusion Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-EN031"Earthbound Servant Geo Gremlina"CommonEffect Fusion MonsterNew
AGOV-EN032"Berfomet the Mythical King of Phantom Beasts"Super RareEffect Fusion MonsterNew
AGOV-EN033"Gaia Prominence, the Fierce Force"CommonEffect Fusion MonsterNew
AGOV-EN034"T.G. Mighty Striker"Super RareEffect Tuner Synchro MonsterNew
AGOV-EN035"T.G. Over Dragonar"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Synchro MonsterNew
AGOV-EN036"T.G. Glaive Blaster"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Synchro MonsterNew
AGOV-EN037"Mannadium Trisukta"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Tuner Synchro MonsterNew
AGOV-EN038"Wattkyuki"CommonEffect Synchro MonsterNew
AGOV-EN039"Xyz Armor Torpedo"Super RareEffect Xyz MonsterNew
AGOV-EN040"Xyz Armor Fortress"Super RareEffect Xyz MonsterNew
AGOV-EN041"Full Armored Dark Knight Lancer"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Xyz MonsterNew
AGOV-EN042"Super Starslayer TY-PHON - Sky Crisis"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Xyz MonsterNew
AGOV-EN043"Infernal Flame Banshee"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Xyz MonsterNew
AGOV-EN044"Transcendosaurus Exaraptor"CommonEffect Link MonsterNew
AGOV-EN045"Exceed the Pendulum"Super RareEffect Link MonsterNew
AGOV-EN046"S:P Little Knight"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Link MonsterNew
AGOV-EN047"Pendulum Evolution"CommonContinuous Spell CardNew
AGOV-EN048"Wings of Light"Super RareQuick-Play Spell CardNew
AGOV-EN049"T.G. Limiter Removal"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Normal Spell CardNew
AGOV-EN050"T.G. All Clear"Super RareContinuous Spell CardNew
AGOV-EN051"Xyz Entrust"CommonNormal Spell CardNew
AGOV-EN052"Realm Elegy"Super RareNormal Spell CardNew
AGOV-EN053"Realm Eulogy"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardNew
AGOV-EN054"WANTED: Seeker of Sinful Spoils"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Quick-Play Spell CardNew
AGOV-EN055"Sinful Spoils of Doom - Rciela"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardNew
AGOV-EN056"Divine Temple of the Snake-Eye"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Field Spell CardNew
AGOV-EN057"Original Sinful Spoils - Snake-Eye"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Normal Spell CardNew
AGOV-EN058"King's Sarcophagus"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Continuous Spell CardNew
AGOV-EN059"Fire Recovery"Super RareNormal Spell CardNew
AGOV-EN060"Synchro Rumble"Super RareNormal Spell CardNew
AGOV-EN061"Stars Align Above the Shrine"CommonField Spell CardNew
AGOV-EN062"Wattkingdom"CommonContinuous Spell CardNew
AGOV-EN063"Ogdoadic Daybreak"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardNew
AGOV-EN064"Concours de Cuisine"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardNew
AGOV-EN065"Angelica's Angelic Ring"CommonEquip Spell CardNew
AGOV-EN066"Card Scanner"CommonContinuous Spell CardNew
AGOV-EN067"The Immortal Bushi Mourns the Mortal Body"CommonContinuous Spell CardNew
AGOV-EN068"Miracle of the Supreme King"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-EN069"Soul of the Supreme Celestial King"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-EN070"T.G. Close"CommonCounter Trap CardNew
AGOV-EN071"Full-Armored Xyz"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-EN072"Sharv Sarga"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-EN073"Loka Samsara"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-EN074"Sinful Spoils of Betrayal - Silvera"Super RareNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-EN075"Startling Stare of the Snake-Eyes"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-EN076"Canopic Protector"Super RareContinuous Trap CardNew
AGOV-EN077"Nemleria Repeter"CommonContinuous Trap CardNew
AGOV-EN078"Vanquish Soul Snow Devil"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-EN079"Starry Dragon's Cycle"Super RareNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-EN080"Escapegoat"CommonContinuous Trap CardNew
AGOV-EN081"Ken the Warrior Dragon"CommonEffect MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-EN082"Gen the Diamond Tiger"CommonEffect MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-EN083"Asset Mountis"CommonEffect MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-EN084"Pitknight Filly"CommonEffect Link MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-EN085"Wattsychic Fighting Porter"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardWorld premiere
AGOV-EN086"Fallen of the Tistina"CommonEffect MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-EN087"Returned of the Tistina"CommonEffect MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-EN088"Tainted of the Tistina"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-EN089"Tistina, the Divinity that Defies Darkness"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Xyz MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-EN090"Play of the Tistina"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardWorld premiere
AGOV-EN091"Embrace of the Tistina"Super RareContinuous Trap CardWorld premiere
AGOV-EN092"Discordance of the Tistina"CommonNormal Trap CardWorld premiere
AGOV-EN093"Rose Papillon"CommonEffect MonsterOCG import
AGOV-EN094"Burning Dragon"Super RareEffect MonsterOCG import
AGOV-EN095"Starring Knight"CommonEffect Xyz MonsterOCG import
AGOV-EN096"Red Arrows"CommonNormal Spell CardOCG import
AGOV-EN097"Sweet Roommaid"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardOCG import
AGOV-EN098"Lil-la Rap"CommonContinuous Spell CardOCG import
AGOV-EN099"Switch Point"Super RareNormal Trap CardOCG import
AGOV-EN100"Alpha Summon"CommonNormal Trap CardOCG import

Card numberEnglish nameFrench nameRarityCategoryPrint
AGOV-FR000"Magicians of Bonds and Unity""Magiciens des Liens et de l'Unité"Quarter Century Secret RareEffect Monsteryellow background
AGOV-FR001"Supreme King Gate Magician""Magicien, Roi Suprême du Portail"Super RareEffect Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-FR002"Supreme King Dragon Lightwurm""Lightwurm, Roi Suprême du Dragon"CommonEffect Tuner Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-FR003"T.G. Rocket Salamander""Salamandre Roquette T.G."Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-FR004"Visas Samsara""Visas Samsara"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Tuner monsterNew
AGOV-FR005"Veda Kalarcanum""Veda Kalarcanum"Super RareEffect Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-FR006"Diabellstar the Black Witch""Diabellstar la Sorcière Sombre"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-FR007"Snake-Eye Ash""Frêne de l'Œil de Serpent"Super RareEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-FR008"Snake-Eye Oak""Chêne de l'Œil de Serpent"Super RareEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-FR009"Snake-Eye Birch""Bouleau de l'Œil de Serpent"Super RareEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-FR010"Snake-Eyes Flamberge Dragon""Dragon Flamberge de l'Œil de Serpent"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-FR011"Imsety, Glory of Horus""Amset, Gloire d'Horus"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-FR012"Duamutef, Blessing of Horus""Douamoutef, Bénédiction d'Horus"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-FR013"Hapi, Guidance of Horus""Hâpi, Guide d'Horus"Super RareEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-FR014"Qebehsenuef, Protection of Horus""Kébehsénouf, Protection d'Horus"Super RareEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-FR015"Wattuna""Électro-Thon"CommonEffect Tuner monsterNew
AGOV-FR016"Nephilabyss, the Ogdoadic Overlord""Nephilabyss, le Seigneur Ogdoadique"Super RareEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-FR017"Arias the Labrynth Butler""Arias l'Intendante Labrynth"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-FR018"Vanquish Soul Jiaolong""Âme du Vainqueur Jiaolong"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-FR019"Poissonniere de Nouvelles""Poissonnière de Nouvelles"Super RareEffect Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-FR020"Dark Hole Dragon""Dragon du Trou Noir"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-FR021"UFOLight""UFOLumière"CommonEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-FR022"Seed-Spitting Saplings""Jeunes Arbres Cracheurs de Graines"Super RareEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-FR023"I.A.S. -Invasive Alien Species-""E.A.E. -Espèce Alien Envahissante-"CommonEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-FR024"Tarai""Tarai"CommonEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-FR025"Master Tao the Chanter""Maître Tao, le Chanteur"CommonEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-FR026"Cursed Bride Doll""Poupée de Mariée Maudite"CommonEffect Tuner monsterNew
AGOV-FR027"Origami Goddess""Déesse Origami"CommonEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-FR028"Shinobaroness Shade Peacock""Paon Ombré Shinobaronne"CommonSpirit Ritual MonsterNew
AGOV-FR029"Shinobaron Shade Peacock""Paon Ombré Shinobaron"CommonSpirit Ritual MonsterNew
AGOV-FR030"Odd-Eyes Arcray Dragon""Dragon Arcray aux Yeux Impairs"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Fusion Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-FR031"Earthbound Servant Geo Gremlina""Esprit de la Terre Servant Géo Gremlina"CommonEffect Fusion MonsterNew
AGOV-FR032"Berfomet the Mythical King of Phantom Beasts""Berfomet, Roi Mythique Bête Fantôme"Super RareEffect Fusion MonsterNew
AGOV-FR033"Gaia Prominence, the Fierce Force""Proéminence Gaïa, Force Implacable"CommonEffect Fusion MonsterNew
AGOV-FR034"T.G. Mighty Striker""Attaquant Puissant T.G."Super RareEffect Tuner Synchro MonsterNew
AGOV-FR035"T.G. Over Dragonar""Surdragonier T.G."Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Synchro MonsterNew
AGOV-FR036"T.G. Glaive Blaster""Exploseur au Glaive T.G."Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Synchro MonsterNew
AGOV-FR037"Mannadium Trisukta""Trisukta Mannadium"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Tuner Synchro MonsterNew
AGOV-FR038"Wattkyuki""Électro-Kyuki"CommonEffect Synchro MonsterNew
AGOV-FR039"Xyz Armor Torpedo""Torpille à l'Armure Xyz"Super RareEffect Xyz MonsterNew
AGOV-FR040"Xyz Armor Fortress""Forteresse à l'Armure Xyz"Super RareEffect Xyz MonsterNew
AGOV-FR041"Full Armored Dark Knight Lancer""Armure Complète - Chevalier Lancier des Ténèbres"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Xyz MonsterNew
AGOV-FR042"Super Starslayer TY-PHON - Sky Crisis""Super Tueur des Étoiles TY-PHON - Crise Céleste"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Xyz MonsterNew
AGOV-FR043"Infernal Flame Banshee""Banshee de la Flamme Infernale"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Xyz MonsterNew
AGOV-FR044"Transcendosaurus Exaraptor""Transcendosaure Exaraptor"CommonEffect Link MonsterNew
AGOV-FR045"Exceed the Pendulum""Dépassement du Pendule"Super RareEffect Link MonsterNew
AGOV-FR046"S:P Little Knight""S:P Petite Chevaleresse"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Link MonsterNew
AGOV-FR047"Pendulum Evolution""Évolution des Pendules"CommonContinuous Spell CardNew
AGOV-FR048"Wings of Light""Ailes de Lumière"Super RareQuick-Play Spell CardNew
AGOV-FR049"T.G. Limiter Removal""Supprimeur de Limites T.G."Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Normal Spell CardNew
AGOV-FR050"T.G. All Clear""Feu Vert T.G."Super RareContinuous Spell CardNew
AGOV-FR051"Xyz Entrust""Confiance Xyz"CommonNormal Spell CardNew
AGOV-FR052"Realm Elegy""Élégie du Royaume"Super RareNormal Spell CardNew
AGOV-FR053"Realm Eulogy""Oraison du Royaume"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardNew
AGOV-FR054"WANTED: Seeker of Sinful Spoils""RECHERCHÉE : Chercheuse du Butin du Péché"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Quick-Play Spell CardNew
AGOV-FR055"Sinful Spoils of Doom - Rciela""Butin du Péché de la Mort - Rciela"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardNew
AGOV-FR056"Divine Temple of the Snake-Eye""Temple Divin de l'Œil de Serpent"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Field Spell CardNew
AGOV-FR057"Original Sinful Spoils - Snake-Eye""Butin du Péché Originel - Œil de Serpent"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Normal Spell CardNew
AGOV-FR058"King's Sarcophagus""Sarcophage du Roi"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Continuous Spell CardNew
AGOV-FR059"Fire Recovery""Guérison par le Feu"Super RareNormal Spell CardNew
AGOV-FR060"Synchro Rumble""Grondement Synchro"Super RareNormal Spell CardNew
AGOV-FR061"Stars Align Above the Shrine""Alignement d'Étoiles Au-Dessus du Sanctuaire"CommonField Spell CardNew
AGOV-FR062"Wattkingdom""Électro-Royaume"CommonContinuous Spell CardNew
AGOV-FR063"Ogdoadic Daybreak""Aube Ogdoadique"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardNew
AGOV-FR064"Concours de Cuisine""Concours de Cuisine"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardNew
AGOV-FR065"Angelica's Angelic Ring""Anneau Angélique d'Angélica"CommonEquip Spell CardNew
AGOV-FR066"Card Scanner""Scanneur de Cartes"CommonContinuous Spell CardNew
AGOV-FR067"The Immortal Bushi Mourns the Mortal Body""Le Bushi Immortel Déplore le Corps Mortel"CommonContinuous Spell CardNew
AGOV-FR068"Miracle of the Supreme King""Miracle du Roi Suprême"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-FR069"Soul of the Supreme Celestial King""Âme du Roi Céleste Suprême"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-FR070"T.G. Close""Fin T.G."CommonCounter Trap CardNew
AGOV-FR071"Full-Armored Xyz""Omni-Blindé Xyz"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-FR072"Sharv Sarga""Sharv Sarga"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-FR073"Loka Samsara""Loka Samsara"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-FR074"Sinful Spoils of Betrayal - Silvera""Butin du Péché de la Trahison - Silvera"Super RareNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-FR075"Startling Stare of the Snake-Eyes""Regard Effrayant de l'Œil de Serpent"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-FR076"Canopic Protector""Protecteur Canopien"Super RareContinuous Trap CardNew
AGOV-FR077"Nemleria Repeter""Répéteur de Nemleria"CommonContinuous Trap CardNew
AGOV-FR078"Vanquish Soul Snow Devil""Âme du Vainqueur Tourbillon de Neige"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-FR079"Starry Dragon's Cycle""Cycle du Dragon Étoilé"Super RareNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-FR080"Escapegoat""Bouc Émissaire en Fuite"CommonContinuous Trap CardNew
AGOV-FR081"Ken the Warrior Dragon""Ken le Guerrier Dragon"CommonEffect MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-FR082"Gen the Diamond Tiger""Gen le Tigre de Diamant"CommonEffect MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-FR083"Asset Mountis""Actif Mantagne"CommonEffect MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-FR084"Pitknight Filly""Filly, Chevalier du Stand"CommonEffect Link MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-FR085"Wattsychic Fighting Porter""Porteur de Combat Électro-Psychique"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardWorld premiere
AGOV-FR086"Fallen of the Tistina""Déchu de Tistina"CommonEffect MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-FR087"Returned of the Tistina""Revenant de Tistina"CommonEffect MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-FR088"Tainted of the Tistina""Contaminé de Tistina"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-FR089"Tistina, the Divinity that Defies Darkness""Tistina, la Divinité qui Défie les Ténèbres"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Xyz MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-FR090"Play of the Tistina""Jeu de Tistina"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardWorld premiere
AGOV-FR091"Embrace of the Tistina""Étreinte de Tistina"Super RareContinuous Trap CardWorld premiere
AGOV-FR092"Discordance of the Tistina""Dissonance de Tistina"CommonNormal Trap CardWorld premiere
AGOV-FR093"Rose Papillon""Papillon Rose"CommonEffect MonsterOCG import
AGOV-FR094"Burning Dragon""Burning Dragon"Super RareEffect MonsterOCG import
AGOV-FR095"Starring Knight""Chevalier Étoilant"CommonEffect Xyz MonsterOCG import
AGOV-FR096"Red Arrows""Flèches Rouges"CommonNormal Spell CardOCG import
AGOV-FR097"Sweet Roommaid""Adorables Femmes de Chambre"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardOCG import
AGOV-FR098"Lil-la Rap""Rap Lil-la"CommonContinuous Spell CardOCG import
AGOV-FR099"Switch Point""Point de Commutation"Super RareNormal Trap CardOCG import
AGOV-FR100"Alpha Summon""Invocation Alpha"CommonNormal Trap CardOCG import

Card numberEnglish nameGerman nameRarityCategoryPrint
AGOV-DE000"Magicians of Bonds and Unity""Magier der Versprechen und der Einheit"Quarter Century Secret RareEffect Monsteryellow background
AGOV-DE001"Supreme King Gate Magician""Oberster König Tormagier"Super RareEffect Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-DE002"Supreme King Dragon Lightwurm""Oberster König Drachenlichtgewürm"CommonEffect Tuner Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-DE003"T.G. Rocket Salamander""T.G. Raketensalamander"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-DE004"Visas Samsara""Visas Samsara"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Tuner monsterNew
AGOV-DE005"Veda Kalarcanum""Veda Kalarcanum"Super RareEffect Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-DE006"Diabellstar the Black Witch""Diabellstar die schwarze Hexe"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-DE007"Snake-Eye Ash""Schlangenauge Esche"Super RareEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-DE008"Snake-Eye Oak""„Schlangenauge Eiche"Super RareEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-DE009"Snake-Eye Birch""Schlangenauge Birke"Super RareEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-DE010"Snake-Eyes Flamberge Dragon""Schlangenauge Flambergendrache"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-DE011"Imsety, Glory of Horus""Amset, Ehre des Horus"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-DE012"Duamutef, Blessing of Horus""Duamutef, Segen des Horus"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-DE013"Hapi, Guidance of Horus""Hapi, Führung des Horus"Super RareEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-DE014"Qebehsenuef, Protection of Horus""Kebechsenuef, Schutz des Horus"Super RareEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-DE015"Wattuna""Watthunfisch"CommonEffect Tuner monsterNew
AGOV-DE016"Nephilabyss, the Ogdoadic Overlord""Nephilabyss, der Achtheits-Oberherrscher"Super RareEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-DE017"Arias the Labrynth Butler""Arias die Labrynth-Butlerin"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-DE018"Vanquish Soul Jiaolong""Bezwingerseele Jiaolong"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-DE019"Poissonniere de Nouvelles""Poissonniere der Nouvelles"Super RareEffect Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-DE020"Dark Hole Dragon""Schwarzes-Loch-Drache"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-DE021"UFOLight""UFOLicht"CommonEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-DE022"Seed-Spitting Saplings""Samenkornspuckender Schössling"Super RareEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-DE023"I.A.S. -Invasive Alien Species-""I.A.A. -Invasive Außerirdischen-Art"CommonEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-DE024"Tarai""Tarai"CommonEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-DE025"Master Tao the Chanter""Tao, Sängermeister"CommonEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-DE026"Cursed Bride Doll""Origami-Göttin"CommonEffect Tuner monsterNew
AGOV-DE027"Origami Goddess""Origami-Göttin"CommonEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-DE028"Shinobaroness Shade Peacock""Shinobaroness Schattenpfau"CommonSpirit Ritual MonsterNew
AGOV-DE029"Shinobaron Shade Peacock""Shinobaron Schattenpfau"CommonSpirit Ritual MonsterNew
AGOV-DE030"Odd-Eyes Arcray Dragon""Buntäugiger Arcray-Drache"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Fusion Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-DE031"Earthbound Servant Geo Gremlina""Erdgebundener Diener Geo Gremlina"CommonEffect Fusion MonsterNew
AGOV-DE032"Berfomet the Mythical King of Phantom Beasts""Schimäre das fliegende Sagenungeheuer"Super RareEffect Fusion MonsterNew
AGOV-DE033"Gaia Prominence, the Fierce Force""Gaia-Prominenz, die zornige Kraft"CommonEffect Fusion MonsterNew
AGOV-DE034"T.G. Mighty Striker""T.G. Mächtiger Schläger"Super RareEffect Tuner Synchro MonsterNew
AGOV-DE035"T.G. Over Dragonar""T.G. Über-Drachenar"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Synchro MonsterNew
AGOV-DE036"T.G. Glaive Blaster""Mannadium Trisukta"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Synchro MonsterNew
AGOV-DE037"Mannadium Trisukta""Mannadium Trisukta"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Tuner Synchro MonsterNew
AGOV-DE038"Wattkyuki""Wattkyuki"CommonEffect Synchro MonsterNew
AGOV-DE039"Xyz Armor Torpedo""Xyz-Panzerungstorpedo"Super RareEffect Xyz MonsterNew
AGOV-DE040"Xyz Armor Fortress""Xyz-Panzerungsfestung"Super RareEffect Xyz MonsterNew
AGOV-DE041"Full Armored Dark Knight Lancer""Voll gepanzerter dunkler Lanzenträger"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Xyz MonsterNew
AGOV-DE042"Super Starslayer TY-PHON - Sky Crisis""Super-Sternenschlächter TY-PHON - Himmelskrise"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Xyz MonsterNew
AGOV-DE043"Infernal Flame Banshee""Infernale Flammenbanshee"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Xyz MonsterNew
AGOV-DE044"Transcendosaurus Exaraptor""Transzendosaurier Exaraptor"CommonEffect Link MonsterNew
AGOV-DE045"Exceed the Pendulum""Über dem Pendel"Super RareEffect Link MonsterNew
AGOV-DE046"S:P Little Knight""S:P Kleine Ritterin"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Link MonsterNew
AGOV-DE047"Pendulum Evolution""Pendelevolution"CommonContinuous Spell CardNew
AGOV-DE048"Wings of Light""Flügel des Lichts"Super RareQuick-Play Spell CardNew
AGOV-DE049"T.G. Limiter Removal""T.G. Begrenzer-Entferner"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Normal Spell CardNew
AGOV-DE050"T.G. All Clear""T.G. Alles frei"Super RareContinuous Spell CardNew
AGOV-DE051"Xyz Entrust""Xyz-Vertrauen"CommonNormal Spell CardNew
AGOV-DE052"Realm Elegy""Klagelied des Reichs"Super RareNormal Spell CardNew
AGOV-DE053"Realm Eulogy""Lobrede des Reichs"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardNew
AGOV-DE054"WANTED: Seeker of Sinful Spoils""GESUCHT: Sündhafte Beutesucherin"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Quick-Play Spell CardNew
AGOV-DE055"Sinful Spoils of Doom - Rciela""Sündhafte Beute des Schicksals - Rciela"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardNew
AGOV-DE056"Divine Temple of the Snake-Eye""Göttlicher Tempel des Schlangenauges"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Field Spell CardNew
AGOV-DE057"Original Sinful Spoils - Snake-Eye""Erbsündhafte Beute - Schlangenauge"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Normal Spell CardNew
AGOV-DE058"King's Sarcophagus""Sarkophag des Königs"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Continuous Spell CardNew
AGOV-DE059"Fire Recovery""Rettung aus dem Feuer"Super RareNormal Spell CardNew
AGOV-DE060"Synchro Rumble""Synchrogrollen"Super RareNormal Spell CardNew
AGOV-DE061"Stars Align Above the Shrine""Sterne begegnen sich über dem Schrein"CommonField Spell CardNew
AGOV-DE062"Wattkingdom""Wattkönigreich"CommonContinuous Spell CardNew
AGOV-DE063"Ogdoadic Daybreak""Achtheits-Tagesanbruch"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardNew
AGOV-DE064"Concours de Cuisine""Concours de Cuisine (Kulinarische Konfrontation)"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardNew
AGOV-DE065"Angelica's Angelic Ring""Angelicas engelhafter Ring"CommonEquip Spell CardNew
AGOV-DE066"Card Scanner""Kartenscanner"CommonContinuous Spell CardNew
AGOV-DE067"The Immortal Bushi Mourns the Mortal Body""Der unsterbliche Bushi trauert um den sterblichen Körper"CommonContinuous Spell CardNew
AGOV-DE068"Miracle of the Supreme King""Wunder des Obersten Königs"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-DE069"Soul of the Supreme Celestial King""Seele des Obersten Himmlischen Königs"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-DE070"T.G. Close""T.G. Schließen"CommonCounter Trap CardNew
AGOV-DE071"Full-Armored Xyz""Vollpanzerungs-Xyz"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-DE072"Sharv Sarga""Sharv Sarga"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-DE073"Loka Samsara""Loka Samsara"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-DE074"Sinful Spoils of Betrayal - Silvera""Sündhafte Beute des Verrats - Silvera"Super RareNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-DE075"Startling Stare of the Snake-Eyes""Starrer Blick der Schlangenaugen"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-DE076"Canopic Protector""Kanopischer Beschützer"Super RareContinuous Trap CardNew
AGOV-DE077"Nemleria Repeter""Nemleria-Repeter"CommonContinuous Trap CardNew
AGOV-DE078"Vanquish Soul Snow Devil""Bezwingerseelen-Schneewirbel"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-DE079"Starry Dragon's Cycle""Zyklus des Sternendrachen"Super RareNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-DE080"Escapegoat""Fliehender Sündenbock"CommonContinuous Trap CardNew
AGOV-DE081"Ken the Warrior Dragon""Ken der Kriegerdrache"CommonEffect MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-DE082"Gen the Diamond Tiger""Gen der Diamanttiger"CommonEffect MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-DE083"Asset Mountis""Vermögende Berganbeterin"CommonEffect MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-DE084"Pitknight Filly""Boxenritterin Filly"CommonEffect Link MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-DE085"Wattsychic Fighting Porter""Wattsychischer Kampfporter"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardWorld premiere
AGOV-DE086"Fallen of the Tistina""Gefallener der Tistina"CommonEffect MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-DE087"Returned of the Tistina""Zurückgekehrter der Tistina"CommonEffect MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-DE088"Tainted of the Tistina""Befleckter der Tistina"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-DE089"Tistina, the Divinity that Defies Darkness""Tistina, die der Finsternis trotzende Gottheit"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Xyz MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-DE090"Play of the Tistina""Spiel der Tistina"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardWorld premiere
AGOV-DE091"Embrace of the Tistina""Umarmung der Tistina"Super RareContinuous Trap CardWorld premiere
AGOV-DE092"Discordance of the Tistina""Missklang der Tistina"CommonNormal Trap CardWorld premiere
AGOV-DE093"Rose Papillon""Rosen-Papillon"CommonEffect MonsterOCG import
AGOV-DE094"Burning Dragon""Brennender Drache"Super RareEffect MonsterOCG import
AGOV-DE095"Starring Knight""Sternengleicher Ritter"CommonEffect Xyz MonsterOCG import
AGOV-DE096"Red Arrows""Rote Pfeile"CommonNormal Spell CardOCG import
AGOV-DE097"Sweet Roommaid""Süßes Zimmermädchen"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardOCG import
AGOV-DE098"Lil-la Rap""Lil-la-Rap"CommonContinuous Spell CardOCG import
AGOV-DE099"Switch Point""Weiche"Super RareNormal Trap CardOCG import
AGOV-DE100"Alpha Summon""Alpha-Beschwörung"CommonNormal Trap CardOCG import

Card numberEnglish nameItalian nameRarityCategoryPrint
AGOV-IT000"Magicians of Bonds and Unity""Maghi del Legame e dell'Unità"Quarter Century Secret RareEffect Monsteryellow background
AGOV-IT001"Supreme King Gate Magician""Re Supremo Cancello Mago"Super RareEffect Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-IT002"Supreme King Dragon Lightwurm""Re Supremo Drago Lucewurm"CommonEffect Tuner Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-IT003"T.G. Rocket Salamander""T.G. Salamandra Razzo"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-IT004"Visas Samsara""Visas Samsara"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Tuner monsterNew
AGOV-IT005"Veda Kalarcanum""Veda Kalarcanum"Super RareEffect Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-IT006"Diabellstar the Black Witch""Diabellstar la Strega Nera"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-IT007"Snake-Eye Ash""Occhi di Serpente Frassino"Super RareEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-IT008"Snake-Eye Oak""Occhi di Serpente Quercia"Super RareEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-IT009"Snake-Eye Birch""Occhi di Serpente Betulla"Super RareEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-IT010"Snake-Eyes Flamberge Dragon""Drago Flamberga Occhi di Serpente"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-IT011"Imsety, Glory of Horus""Imsety, Gloria di Horus"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-IT012"Duamutef, Blessing of Horus""Duamutef, Benedizione di Horus"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-IT013"Hapi, Guidance of Horus""Hapi, Guida di Horus"Super RareEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-IT014"Qebehsenuef, Protection of Horus""Qebehsenuf, Protezione di Horus"Super RareEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-IT015"Wattuna""Wattonno"CommonEffect Tuner monsterNew
AGOV-IT016"Nephilabyss, the Ogdoadic Overlord""Nephilabyss, il Sovrano Ogdoadico"Super RareEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-IT017"Arias the Labrynth Butler""Arias la Maggiordoma del Labrinto"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-IT018"Vanquish Soul Jiaolong""Sgomina Anima Jiaolong"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-IT019"Poissonniere de Nouvelles""Poissonniere de Nouvelles"Super RareEffect Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-IT020"Dark Hole Dragon""Drago Buco Nero"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-IT021"UFOLight""UFOLuce"CommonEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-IT022"Seed-Spitting Saplings""Alberello Sputa-Seme"Super RareEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-IT023"I.A.S. -Invasive Alien Species-""A.S.I. -Alieno Specie Invasiva-"CommonEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-IT024"Tarai""Tarai"CommonEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-IT025"Master Tao the Chanter""Maestro Tao il Cantore"CommonEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-IT026"Cursed Bride Doll""Bambola Sposa Maledetta"CommonEffect Tuner monsterNew
AGOV-IT027"Origami Goddess""Dea Origami"CommonEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-IT028"Shinobaroness Shade Peacock""Shinobibaronessa Ombra Pavone"CommonSpirit Ritual MonsterNew
AGOV-IT029"Shinobaron Shade Peacock""Shinobibarone Ombra Pavone"CommonSpirit Ritual MonsterNew
AGOV-IT030"Odd-Eyes Arcray Dragon""Drago Arcray Occhi Diversi"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Fusion Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-IT031"Earthbound Servant Geo Gremlina""Servitore Terrestre Geo Gremlina"CommonEffect Fusion MonsterNew
AGOV-IT032"Berfomet the Mythical King of Phantom Beasts""Berfomet, il Mitico Re delle Bestie Fantasma"Super RareEffect Fusion MonsterNew
AGOV-IT033"Gaia Prominence, the Fierce Force""Prominenza Gaia, la Forza Feroce"CommonEffect Fusion MonsterNew
AGOV-IT034"T.G. Mighty Striker""T.G. Potente Assaltatore"Super RareEffect Tuner Synchro MonsterNew
AGOV-IT035"T.G. Over Dragonar""T.G. Sovra Dragonar"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Synchro MonsterNew
AGOV-IT036"T.G. Glaive Blaster""T.G. Falcione Distruttore"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Synchro MonsterNew
AGOV-IT037"Mannadium Trisukta""Mannadium Trisukta"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Tuner Synchro MonsterNew
AGOV-IT038"Wattkyuki""Wattkyuki"CommonEffect Synchro MonsterNew
AGOV-IT039"Xyz Armor Torpedo""Xyz Armatura Torpedine"Super RareEffect Xyz MonsterNew
AGOV-IT040"Xyz Armor Fortress""Xyz Armatura Fortezza"Super RareEffect Xyz MonsterNew
AGOV-IT041"Full Armored Dark Knight Lancer""Lanciere Cavaliere Oscuro Armatura Completa"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Xyz MonsterNew
AGOV-IT042"Super Starslayer TY-PHON - Sky Crisis""Super Stellassassino TY-PHON - Crisi del Cielo"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Xyz MonsterNew
AGOV-IT043"Infernal Flame Banshee""Fiamma Infernale Banshee"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Xyz MonsterNew
AGOV-IT044"Transcendosaurus Exaraptor""Trascendosauro Exaraptor"CommonEffect Link MonsterNew
AGOV-IT045"Exceed the Pendulum""Superare il Pendulum"Super RareEffect Link MonsterNew
AGOV-IT046"S:P Little Knight""S:P Piccolo Cavaliere"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Link MonsterNew
AGOV-IT047"Pendulum Evolution""Evoluzione Pendulum"CommonContinuous Spell CardNew
AGOV-IT048"Wings of Light""Re Supremo Z-ARC"Super RareQuick-Play Spell CardNew
AGOV-IT049"T.G. Limiter Removal""T.G. Rimozione di Limite"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Normal Spell CardNew
AGOV-IT050"T.G. All Clear""T.G. Tutto a Posto"Super RareContinuous Spell CardNew
AGOV-IT051"Xyz Entrust""Affido Xyz"CommonNormal Spell CardNew
AGOV-IT052"Realm Elegy""Elegia del Reame"Super RareNormal Spell CardNew
AGOV-IT053"Realm Eulogy""Eulogia del Reame"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardNew
AGOV-IT054"WANTED: Seeker of Sinful Spoils""RICERCATA: Cercatrice delle Spoglie del Peccato"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Quick-Play Spell CardNew
AGOV-IT055"Sinful Spoils of Doom - Rciela""Spoglie del Peccato del Destino - Rciela"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardNew
AGOV-IT056"Divine Temple of the Snake-Eye""Tempio Divino degli Occhi di Serpente"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Field Spell CardNew
AGOV-IT057"Original Sinful Spoils - Snake-Eye""Spoglie del Peccato Originale - Occhi di Serpente"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Normal Spell CardNew
AGOV-IT058"King's Sarcophagus""Sarcofago del Re"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Continuous Spell CardNew
AGOV-IT059"Fire Recovery""Recupero del Fuoco"Super RareNormal Spell CardNew
AGOV-IT060"Synchro Rumble""Rombo Synchro"Super RareNormal Spell CardNew
AGOV-IT061"Stars Align Above the Shrine""Le Stelle si Allineano Sopra al Reliquiario"CommonField Spell CardNew
AGOV-IT062"Wattkingdom""Wattregno"CommonContinuous Spell CardNew
AGOV-IT063"Ogdoadic Daybreak""Alba Ogdoadica"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardNew
AGOV-IT064"Concours de Cuisine""Concours de Cuisine (Concorso Culinario)"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardNew
AGOV-IT065"Angelica's Angelic Ring""Anello Angelico di Angelica"CommonEquip Spell CardNew
AGOV-IT066"Card Scanner""Scanner di Carte"CommonContinuous Spell CardNew
AGOV-IT067"The Immortal Bushi Mourns the Mortal Body""Bushi l'Immortale Compiange il Corpo Mortale"CommonContinuous Spell CardNew
AGOV-IT068"Miracle of the Supreme King""Miracolo del Re Supremo"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-IT069"Soul of the Supreme Celestial King""Anima del Re Celestiale Supremo"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-IT070"T.G. Close""T.G. Chiusura"CommonCounter Trap CardNew
AGOV-IT071"Full-Armored Xyz""Pienamente-Corazzato Xyz"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-IT072"Sharv Sarga""Sharv Sarga"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-IT073"Loka Samsara""Loka Samsara"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-IT074"Sinful Spoils of Betrayal - Silvera""Spoglie del Peccato del Tradimento - Silvera"Super RareNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-IT075"Startling Stare of the Snake-Eyes""Sguardo Impressionante degli Occhi di Serpente"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-IT076"Canopic Protector""Protettore Canopico"Super RareContinuous Trap CardNew
AGOV-IT077"Nemleria Repeter""Nemleria Repeter"CommonContinuous Trap CardNew
AGOV-IT078"Vanquish Soul Snow Devil""Sgomina Anima Diavolo di Neve"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-IT079"Starry Dragon's Cycle""Ciclo del Drago Stellato"Super RareNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-IT080"Escapegoat""Fuga Capro Espiatorio"CommonContinuous Trap CardNew
AGOV-IT081"Ken the Warrior Dragon""Ken il Drago Guerriero"CommonEffect MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-IT082"Gen the Diamond Tiger""Gen la Tigre Diamante"CommonEffect MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-IT083"Asset Mountis""Patrimonio Montide"CommonEffect MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-IT084"Pitknight Filly""Pitcavaliere Filly"CommonEffect Link MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-IT085"Wattsychic Fighting Porter""Trasportatore da Combattimento Wattsichico"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardWorld premiere
AGOV-IT086"Fallen of the Tistina""Caduto di Tistina"CommonEffect MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-IT087"Returned of the Tistina""Ritornato di Tistina"CommonEffect MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-IT088"Tainted of the Tistina""Contaminato di Tistina"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-IT089"Tistina, the Divinity that Defies Darkness""Tistina, la Divinità che Sfida l'Oscurità"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Xyz MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-IT090"Play of the Tistina""Gioco di Tistina"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardWorld premiere
AGOV-IT091"Embrace of the Tistina""Abbraccio di Tistina"Super RareContinuous Trap CardWorld premiere
AGOV-IT092"Discordance of the Tistina""Discordanza di Tistina"CommonNormal Trap CardWorld premiere
AGOV-IT093"Rose Papillon""Papillon Rosa"CommonEffect MonsterOCG import
AGOV-IT094"Burning Dragon""Drago Bruciante"Super RareEffect MonsterOCG import
AGOV-IT095"Starring Knight""Cavaliere Stellante"CommonEffect Xyz MonsterOCG import
AGOV-IT096"Red Arrows""Frecce Rosse"CommonNormal Spell CardOCG import
AGOV-IT097"Sweet Roommaid""Dolce Cameronzella"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardOCG import
AGOV-IT098"Lil-la Rap""Lil-la Rap"CommonContinuous Spell CardOCG import
AGOV-IT099"Switch Point""Punto di Commutazione"Super RareNormal Trap CardOCG import
AGOV-IT100"Alpha Summon""Evocazione Alfa"CommonNormal Trap CardOCG import

Card numberEnglish namePortuguese nameRarityCategoryPrint
AGOV-PT000"Magicians of Bonds and Unity""Magos de Laços e Unidade"Quarter Century Secret RareEffect Monsteryellow background
AGOV-PT001"Supreme King Gate Magician""Mago do Rei Supremo Portal"Super RareEffect Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-PT002"Supreme King Dragon Lightwurm""Rei Supremo Dragão Wurmclaro"CommonEffect Tuner Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-PT003"T.G. Rocket Salamander""T.G. Salamandra Foguete"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-PT004"Visas Samsara""Visas Samsara"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Tuner monsterNew
AGOV-PT005"Veda Kalarcanum""Veda Kalarcanum"Super RareEffect Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-PT006"Diabellstar the Black Witch""Diabellstar, a Bruxa Negra"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-PT007"Snake-Eye Ash""Freixo Olho de Cobra"Super RareEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-PT008"Snake-Eye Oak""Carvalho Olho de Cobra"Super RareEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-PT009"Snake-Eye Birch""Bétula Olho de Cobra"Super RareEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-PT010"Snake-Eyes Flamberge Dragon""Dragão Flambérgia Olho de Cobra"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-PT011"Imsety, Glory of Horus""Imseti, a Glória de Horus"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-PT012"Duamutef, Blessing of Horus""Duamutefe, a Bênção de Horus"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-PT013"Hapi, Guidance of Horus""Hapi, a Orientação de Horus"Super RareEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-PT014"Qebehsenuef, Protection of Horus""Quebesenuefe, a Proteção de Horus"Super RareEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-PT015"Wattuna""Wattum"CommonEffect Tuner monsterNew
AGOV-PT016"Nephilabyss, the Ogdoadic Overlord""Nephilabyss, o Suserano Ogdoádico"Super RareEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-PT017"Arias the Labrynth Butler""Arias, o Mordomo de Labrinto"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-PT018"Vanquish Soul Jiaolong""Alma Aniquiladora Jiaolong"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-PT019"Poissonniere de Nouvelles""Poissonniere de Nouvelles"Super RareEffect Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-PT020"Dark Hole Dragon""Dragão do Buraco Negro"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-PT021"UFOLight""UFOLuz"CommonEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-PT022"Seed-Spitting Saplings""Mudas Cuspidoras de Sementes"Super RareEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-PT023"I.A.S. -Invasive Alien Species-""E.A.I. -Espécies Alienígenas Invasivas"CommonEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-PT024"Tarai""Tarai"CommonEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-PT025"Master Tao the Chanter""Mestre Tao, o Declamador"CommonEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-PT026"Cursed Bride Doll""Boneca de Noiva Amaldiçoada"CommonEffect Tuner monsterNew
AGOV-PT027"Origami Goddess""Deusa Origami"CommonEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-PT028"Shinobaroness Shade Peacock""Shinobaronesa Pavoa das Sombras"CommonSpirit Ritual MonsterNew
AGOV-PT029"Shinobaron Shade Peacock""Shinobarão Pavão das Sombras"CommonSpirit Ritual MonsterNew
AGOV-PT030"Odd-Eyes Arcray Dragon""Dragão Arcray de Olhos Anômalos"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Fusion Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-PT031"Earthbound Servant Geo Gremlina""Servente Terrestre Geo Gremlina"CommonEffect Fusion MonsterNew
AGOV-PT032"Berfomet the Mythical King of Phantom Beasts""Berfomet, o Rei Místico Besta Fantasma"Super RareEffect Fusion MonsterNew
AGOV-PT033"Gaia Prominence, the Fierce Force""Proeminência de Gaia, a Força Impetuosa"CommonEffect Fusion MonsterNew
AGOV-PT034"T.G. Mighty Striker""T.G. Golpeador Poderoso"Super RareEffect Tuner Synchro MonsterNew
AGOV-PT035"T.G. Over Dragonar""T.G. Sobredragonar"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Synchro MonsterNew
AGOV-PT036"T.G. Glaive Blaster""T.G. Gládio Explosivo"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Synchro MonsterNew
AGOV-PT037"Mannadium Trisukta""Mannadium Trisukta"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Tuner Synchro MonsterNew
AGOV-PT038"Wattkyuki""Wattkyuki"CommonEffect Synchro MonsterNew
AGOV-PT039"Xyz Armor Torpedo""Armadura Xyz Torpedo"Super RareEffect Xyz MonsterNew
AGOV-PT040"Xyz Armor Fortress""Armadura Xyz Fortaleza"Super RareEffect Xyz MonsterNew
AGOV-PT041"Full Armored Dark Knight Lancer""Lanceiro Cavaleiro Negro de Armadura Completa"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Xyz MonsterNew
AGOV-PT042"Super Starslayer TY-PHON - Sky Crisis""Super Matador Estelar TY-PHON - Crise Celeste"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Xyz MonsterNew
AGOV-PT043"Infernal Flame Banshee""Banshee da Chama Infernal"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Xyz MonsterNew
AGOV-PT044"Transcendosaurus Exaraptor""Transcendossauro Exaraptor"CommonEffect Link MonsterNew
AGOV-PT045"Exceed the Pendulum""Exceder o Pêndulo"Super RareEffect Link MonsterNew
AGOV-PT046"S:P Little Knight""S:P Pequena Cavaleira"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Link MonsterNew
AGOV-PT047"Pendulum Evolution""Evolução Pêndulo"CommonContinuous Spell CardNew
AGOV-PT048"Wings of Light""Asas de Luz"Super RareQuick-Play Spell CardNew
AGOV-PT049"T.G. Limiter Removal""T.G. Remoção de Limitador"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Normal Spell CardNew
AGOV-PT050"T.G. All Clear""T.G. Tudo Limpo"Super RareContinuous Spell CardNew
AGOV-PT051"Xyz Entrust""Confiança Xyz"CommonNormal Spell CardNew
AGOV-PT052"Realm Elegy""Elegia do Reino"Super RareNormal Spell CardNew
AGOV-PT053"Realm Eulogy""Encômio do Reino"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardNew
AGOV-PT054"WANTED: Seeker of Sinful Spoils""PROCURADA: Caçadora dos Despojos do Pecado"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Quick-Play Spell CardNew
AGOV-PT055"Sinful Spoils of Doom - Rciela""Despojos do Pecado da Perdição - Rciela"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardNew
AGOV-PT056"Divine Temple of the Snake-Eye""Templo Divino do Olho de Cobra"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Field Spell CardNew
AGOV-PT057"Original Sinful Spoils - Snake-Eye""Despojos do Pecado Original - Olho de Cobra"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Normal Spell CardNew
AGOV-PT058"King's Sarcophagus""Sarcófago do Rei"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Continuous Spell CardNew
AGOV-PT059"Fire Recovery""Recuperação de Fogo"Super RareNormal Spell CardNew
AGOV-PT060"Synchro Rumble""Estrondo Sincro"Super RareNormal Spell CardNew
AGOV-PT061"Stars Align Above the Shrine""Alinhamento Estelar Sobre o Santuário"CommonField Spell CardNew
AGOV-PT062"Wattkingdom""Wattreino"CommonContinuous Spell CardNew
AGOV-PT063"Ogdoadic Daybreak""Aurora Ogdoádica"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardNew
AGOV-PT064"Concours de Cuisine""Concours de Cuisine (Confronto Culinário)"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardNew
AGOV-PT065"Angelica's Angelic Ring""Anel Angelical de Angélica"CommonEquip Spell CardNew
AGOV-PT066"Card Scanner""Scanner de Cards"CommonContinuous Spell CardNew
AGOV-PT067"The Immortal Bushi Mourns the Mortal Body""O Bushi Imortal Lamenta o Corpo Mortal"CommonContinuous Spell CardNew
AGOV-PT068"Miracle of the Supreme King""Milagre do Rei Supremo"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-PT069"Soul of the Supreme Celestial King""Alma do Rei Celestial Supremo"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-PT070"T.G. Close""T.G. Encerrar"CommonCounter Trap CardNew
AGOV-PT071"Full-Armored Xyz""Xyz de Armadura Completa"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-PT072"Sharv Sarga""Sharv Sarga"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-PT073"Loka Samsara""Loka Samsara"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-PT074"Sinful Spoils of Betrayal - Silvera""Despojos do Pecado da Traição - Silvera"Super RareNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-PT075"Startling Stare of the Snake-Eyes""Olhar Surpreendente do Olho de Cobra"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-PT076"Canopic Protector""Protettore Canopico"Super RareContinuous Trap CardNew
AGOV-PT077"Nemleria Repeter""Nemleria Repeter"CommonContinuous Trap CardNew
AGOV-PT078"Vanquish Soul Snow Devil""Redemoinho de Neve da Alma Aniquiladora"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-PT079"Starry Dragon's Cycle""Ciclo do Dragão Estrelado"Super RareNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-PT080"Escapegoat""Bode Expiatório de Fuga"CommonContinuous Trap CardNew
AGOV-PT081"Ken the Warrior Dragon""Ken, o Dragão Guerreiro"CommonEffect MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-PT082"Gen the Diamond Tiger""Gen, o Tigre de Diamante"CommonEffect MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-PT083"Asset Mountis""Louva-a-montanha de Posses"CommonEffect MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-PT084"Pitknight Filly""Cabicavaleira Filly"CommonEffect Link MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-PT085"Wattsychic Fighting Porter""Portar de Luta Wattsíquico"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardWorld premiere
AGOV-PT086"Fallen of the Tistina""Caído da Tistina"CommonEffect MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-PT087"Returned of the Tistina""Retornado da Tistina"CommonEffect MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-PT088"Tainted of the Tistina""Maculado da Tistina"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-PT089"Tistina, the Divinity that Defies Darkness""Tistina, a Divindade que Desafia a Escuridão"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Xyz MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-PT090"Play of the Tistina""Jogo da Tistina"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardWorld premiere
AGOV-PT091"Embrace of the Tistina""Abraço da Tistina"Super RareContinuous Trap CardWorld premiere
AGOV-PT092"Discordance of the Tistina""Discordância da Tistina"CommonNormal Trap CardWorld premiere
AGOV-PT093"Rose Papillon""Papillon Rosa"CommonEffect MonsterOCG import
AGOV-PT094"Burning Dragon""Dragão em Chamas"Super RareEffect MonsterOCG import
AGOV-PT095"Starring Knight""Cavaleiro Estrelado"CommonEffect Xyz MonsterOCG import
AGOV-PT096"Red Arrows""Flechas Vermelhas"CommonNormal Spell CardOCG import
AGOV-PT097"Sweet Roommaid""Doce Camareira"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardOCG import
AGOV-PT098"Lil-la Rap""Rap de Lil-la"CommonContinuous Spell CardOCG import
AGOV-PT099"Switch Point""Ponto de Comutação"Super RareNormal Trap CardOCG import
AGOV-PT100"Alpha Summon""Invocação Alfa"CommonNormal Trap CardOCG import

Card numberEnglish nameSpanish nameRarityCategoryPrint
AGOV-SP000"Magicians of Bonds and Unity""Magos de Lazos y Unidad"Quarter Century Secret RareEffect Monsteryellow background
AGOV-SP001"Supreme King Gate Magician""Rey Supremo Puerta Mago"Super RareEffect Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-SP002"Supreme King Dragon Lightwurm""Rey Supremo Dragón Sierpeluz"CommonEffect Tuner Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-SP003"T.G. Rocket Salamander""T.G. Salamandra Cohete"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-SP004"Visas Samsara""Visas Samsara"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Tuner monsterNew
AGOV-SP005"Veda Kalarcanum""Vedas Kalarcanum"Super RareEffect Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-SP006"Diabellstar the Black Witch""Diabellstar la Bruja Negra"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-SP007"Snake-Eye Ash""Freixo Olho de Cobra"Super RareEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-SP008"Snake-Eye Oak""Roble Ojo de Serpiente"Super RareEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-SP009"Snake-Eye Birch""Abedul Ojo de Serpiente"Super RareEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-SP010"Snake-Eyes Flamberge Dragon""Dragón Flamberge Ojo de Serpiente"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-SP011"Imsety, Glory of Horus""Amset, Gloria de Horus"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-SP012"Duamutef, Blessing of Horus""Duamutef, Bendición de Horus"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-SP013"Hapi, Guidance of Horus""Hapi, a Orientação de Horus"Super RareEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-SP014"Qebehsenuef, Protection of Horus""Qebehsenuf, Protección de Horus"Super RareEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-SP015"Wattuna""Wattún"CommonEffect Tuner monsterNew
AGOV-SP016"Nephilabyss, the Ogdoadic Overlord""Nephilabyss, el Señor Supremo Ogdoádico"Super RareEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-SP017"Arias the Labrynth Butler""Arias la Mayordoma del Labrislinto"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-SP018"Vanquish Soul Jiaolong""Derrota Almas Jiaolong"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-SP019"Poissonniere de Nouvelles""Poissonniere de Nouvelles"Super RareEffect Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-SP020"Dark Hole Dragon""Dragón Agujero Oscuro"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-SP021"UFOLight""UFOLuz"CommonEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-SP022"Seed-Spitting Saplings""Retoños Escupe-Semillas"Super RareEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-SP023"I.A.S. -Invasive Alien Species-""E-A-I -Especies Alienígenas Invasoras-"CommonEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-SP024"Tarai""Tarai"CommonEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-SP025"Master Tao the Chanter""Maestro Tao el Chanter"CommonEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-SP026"Cursed Bride Doll""Muñeca de Novia Maldita"CommonEffect Tuner monsterNew
AGOV-SP027"Origami Goddess""Diosa del Origami"CommonEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-SP028"Shinobaroness Shade Peacock""Sombra Shinobaronesa Pavoreal"CommonSpirit Ritual MonsterNew
AGOV-SP029"Shinobaron Shade Peacock""Sombra Shinobarón Pavoreal"CommonSpirit Ritual MonsterNew
AGOV-SP030"Odd-Eyes Arcray Dragon""Dragón Arcray de Ojos Anómalos"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Fusion Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-SP031"Earthbound Servant Geo Gremlina""Servente Terrestre Geo Gremlina"CommonEffect Fusion MonsterNew
AGOV-SP032"Berfomet the Mythical King of Phantom Beasts""Berfomet el Mítico Rey de la Bestia Fantasma"Super RareEffect Fusion MonsterNew
AGOV-SP033"Gaia Prominence, the Fierce Force""Prominencia Gaia, la Fuerza Feroz"CommonEffect Fusion MonsterNew
AGOV-SP034"T.G. Mighty Striker""T.G. Golpeador Poderoso"Super RareEffect Tuner Synchro MonsterNew
AGOV-SP035"T.G. Over Dragonar""T.G. Sobre Dragonar"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Synchro MonsterNew
AGOV-SP036"T.G. Glaive Blaster""T.G. Disparador Guja"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Synchro MonsterNew
AGOV-SP037"Mannadium Trisukta""Mannadium Trisukta"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Tuner Synchro MonsterNew
AGOV-SP038"Wattkyuki""Wattkyuki"CommonEffect Synchro MonsterNew
AGOV-SP039"Xyz Armor Torpedo""Torpedo Armadura Xyz"Super RareEffect Xyz MonsterNew
AGOV-SP040"Xyz Armor Fortress""Fortaleza Armadura Xyz"Super RareEffect Xyz MonsterNew
AGOV-SP041"Full Armored Dark Knight Lancer""Lancero Caballero Oscuro de Armadura Completa"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Xyz MonsterNew
AGOV-SP042"Super Starslayer TY-PHON - Sky Crisis""Súper Asesino Estelar TY-PHON - Crisis Celeste"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Xyz MonsterNew
AGOV-SP043"Infernal Flame Banshee""Banshee de la Llama Infernal"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Xyz MonsterNew
AGOV-SP044"Transcendosaurus Exaraptor""Exarraptor Trascendosaurio"CommonEffect Link MonsterNew
AGOV-SP045"Exceed the Pendulum""Exceder o Pêndulo"Super RareEffect Link MonsterNew
AGOV-SP046"S:P Little Knight""S:P Pequeña Caballera"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Link MonsterNew
AGOV-SP047"Pendulum Evolution""Evolución del Péndulo"CommonContinuous Spell CardNew
AGOV-SP048"Wings of Light""Alas de Luz"Super RareQuick-Play Spell CardNew
AGOV-SP049"T.G. Limiter Removal""T.G. Eliminación de Limitador"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Normal Spell CardNew
AGOV-SP050"T.G. All Clear""T.G. Todo Correcto"Super RareContinuous Spell CardNew
AGOV-SP051"Xyz Entrust""Encomienda Xyz"CommonNormal Spell CardNew
AGOV-SP052"Realm Elegy""Elegía del Reino"Super RareNormal Spell CardNew
AGOV-SP053"Realm Eulogy""Elogio del Reino"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardNew
AGOV-SP054"WANTED: Seeker of Sinful Spoils""SE BUSCA: Rastreadora del Botín del Pecado"Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Quick-Play Spell CardNew
AGOV-SP055"Sinful Spoils of Doom - Rciela""Botín del Pecado de Perdición - Rciela"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardNew
AGOV-SP056"Divine Temple of the Snake-Eye""Templo Divino del Ojo de Serpiente"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Field Spell CardNew
AGOV-SP057"Original Sinful Spoils - Snake-Eye""Botín del Pecado Original - Ojo de Serpiente"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Normal Spell CardNew
AGOV-SP058"King's Sarcophagus""Sarcófago del Rey"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Continuous Spell CardNew
AGOV-SP059"Fire Recovery""Recuperación de Fuego"Super RareNormal Spell CardNew
AGOV-SP060"Synchro Rumble""Gruñido Sincro"Super RareNormal Spell CardNew
AGOV-SP061"Stars Align Above the Shrine""Las Estrellas se Encuentran Sobre el Santuario"CommonField Spell CardNew
AGOV-SP062"Wattkingdom""Wattreino"CommonContinuous Spell CardNew
AGOV-SP063"Ogdoadic Daybreak""Amanecer Ogdoádico"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardNew
AGOV-SP064"Concours de Cuisine""Concours de Cuisine (Enfrentamiento Culinario)"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardNew
AGOV-SP065"Angelica's Angelic Ring""Anel Angelical de Angélica"CommonEquip Spell CardNew
AGOV-SP066"Card Scanner""Escáner de Cartas"CommonContinuous Spell CardNew
AGOV-SP067"The Immortal Bushi Mourns the Mortal Body""Bushi el Inmortal Lamenta el Cuerpo Mortal"CommonContinuous Spell CardNew
AGOV-SP068"Miracle of the Supreme King""Milagro del Rey Supremo"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-SP069"Soul of the Supreme Celestial King""Alma del Rey Supremo Celestial"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-SP070"T.G. Close""T.G. Terminar"CommonCounter Trap CardNew
AGOV-SP071"Full-Armored Xyz""Xyz Armado Completamente"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-SP072"Sharv Sarga""Sharv Sarga"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-SP073"Loka Samsara""Loka Samsara"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-SP074"Sinful Spoils of Betrayal - Silvera""Botín del Pecado de Traición - Silvera"Super RareNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-SP075"Startling Stare of the Snake-Eyes""Aterradora Mirada de Ojo de Serpiente"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-SP076"Canopic Protector""Protector Canópico"Super RareContinuous Trap CardNew
AGOV-SP077"Nemleria Repeter""Nemleria Repeter"CommonContinuous Trap CardNew
AGOV-SP078"Vanquish Soul Snow Devil""Derrota Almas Demonio de la Nieve"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-SP079"Starry Dragon's Cycle""Ciclo de Dragón de Estrellas"Super RareNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-SP080"Escapegoat""Escapegoat"CommonContinuous Trap CardNew
AGOV-SP081"Ken the Warrior Dragon""Ken el Dragón Guerrero"CommonEffect MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-SP082"Gen the Diamond Tiger""Gen el Tigre Diamante"CommonEffect MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-SP083"Asset Mountis""Activo Montis"CommonEffect MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-SP084"Pitknight Filly""Filly Pitllera"CommonEffect Link MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-SP085"Wattsychic Fighting Porter""Porte Luchando Wattpsíquico"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardWorld premiere
AGOV-SP086"Fallen of the Tistina""Caído de Tistina"CommonEffect MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-SP087"Returned of the Tistina""Regresado de Tistina"CommonEffect MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-SP088"Tainted of the Tistina""Mancillado de Tistina"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-SP089"Tistina, the Divinity that Defies Darkness""Tistina, la Divinidad que Desafía la Oscuridad"Ultra Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Xyz MonsterWorld premiere
AGOV-SP090"Play of the Tistina""Juego de Tistina"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardWorld premiere
AGOV-SP091"Embrace of the Tistina""Abrazo de Tistina"Super RareContinuous Trap CardWorld premiere
AGOV-SP092"Discordance of the Tistina""Discordancia de Tistina"CommonNormal Trap CardWorld premiere
AGOV-SP093"Rose Papillon""Papillon Rosa"CommonEffect MonsterOCG import
AGOV-SP094"Burning Dragon""Dragón Ardiente"Super RareEffect MonsterOCG import
AGOV-SP095"Starring Knight""Cavaleiro Estrelado"CommonEffect Xyz MonsterOCG import
AGOV-SP096"Red Arrows""Flechas Rojas"CommonNormal Spell CardOCG import
AGOV-SP097"Sweet Roommaid""Dulce Doncella"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardOCG import
AGOV-SP098"Lil-la Rap""Lil-la Rap"CommonContinuous Spell CardOCG import
AGOV-SP099"Switch Point""Punto de Desvío"Super RareNormal Trap CardOCG import
AGOV-SP100"Alpha Summon""Invocación Alfa"CommonNormal Trap CardOCG import

Card numberEnglish nameJapanese nameRarityCategory
AGOV-JP000"Magicians of Bonds and Unity"「結束と絆の魔術師」Quarter Century Secret RareEffect Monster
AGOV-JP001"Supreme King Gate Magician"「覇王門の魔術師」Super Rare
Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Pendulum Monster
AGOV-JP002"Supreme King Dragon Lightwurm"「覇王眷竜ライトヴルム」CommonEffect Tuner Pendulum Monster
AGOV-JP003"T.G. Rocket Salamander"「TG ロケッド・サラマンダー」Super Rare
Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Monster
AGOV-JP004"Visas Samsara"「ヴィサス=サンサーラ」RareEffect Tuner monster
AGOV-JP005"Veda Kalarcanum"「ヴェーダ=ウパニシャッド」Ultra Rare
Secret Rare
Ultimate Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Pendulum Monster
AGOV-JP006"Diabellstar the Black Witch"「黒魔女ディアベルスター」Ultra Rare
Secret Rare
Ultimate Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Monster
AGOV-JP007"Snake-Eye Ash"「スネークアイ・エクセル」Super Rare
Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Monster
AGOV-JP008"Snake-Eye Oak"「スネークアイ・オーク」CommonEffect Monster
AGOV-JP009"Snake-Eye Birch"「スネークアイ・ワイトバーチ」CommonEffect Monster
AGOV-JP010"Snake-Eyes Flamberge Dragon"「蛇眼の炎龍」Ultra Rare
Secret Rare
Ultimate Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Monster
AGOV-JP011"Imsety, Glory of Horus"「ホルスの栄光-イムセティ」Ultra Rare
Secret Rare
Ultimate Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Monster
AGOV-JP012"Duamutef, Blessing of Horus"「ホルスの祝福-ドゥアムテフ」RareEffect Monster
AGOV-JP013"Hapi, Guidance of Horus"「ホルスの先導-ハーピ」CommonEffect Monster
AGOV-JP014"Qebehsenuef, Protection of Horus"「ホルスの加護-ケベンセヌフ」CommonEffect Monster
AGOV-JP015"Wattuna"「エレキハダマグロ」CommonEffect Tuner monster
AGOV-JP016"Nephilabyss, the Ogdoadic Overlord"「溟界神-ネフェルアビス」Super Rare
Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Monster
AGOV-JP017"Arias the Labrynth Butler"「白銀の城の執事 アリアス」Super Rare
Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Monster
AGOV-JP018"Vanquish Soul Jiaolong"「VS 蛟龍」CommonEffect Monster
AGOV-JP019"Poissonniere de Nouvelles"「ポワソニエル・ド・ヌーベルズ」Super Rare
Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Pendulum Monster
AGOV-JP020"Dark Hole Dragon"「ブラック・ホール・ドラゴン」Ultra Rare
Secret Rare
Ultimate Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Monster
AGOV-JP021"UFOLight"「幻日灯火」CommonEffect Monster
AGOV-JP022"Seed-Spitting Saplings"「オオヤツ・ツマムヒメ」CommonEffect Monster
AGOV-JP023"I.A.S. -Invasive Alien Species-"「侵略的外来種-I.A.S」CommonEffect Monster
AGOV-JP024"Tarai"「陀羅威」CommonEffect Monster
AGOV-JP025"Master Tao the Chanter"「大陰陽師 タオ」CommonEffect Monster
AGOV-JP026"Cursed Bride Doll"「離世召人形」CommonEffect Tuner monster
AGOV-JP027"Origami Goddess"「折々の紙神」Normal RareEffect Monster
AGOV-JP028"Shinobaroness Shade Peacock"「霊魂鳥影-姫孔雀」RareSpirit Ritual Monster
AGOV-JP029"Shinobaron Shade Peacock"「霊魂鳥影-彦孔雀」RareSpirit Ritual Monster
AGOV-JP030"Odd-Eyes Arcray Dragon"「覇王天龍オッドアイズ・アークレイ・ドラゴン」Ultra Rare
Secret Rare
Ultimate Rare
Holographic Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Fusion Pendulum Monster
AGOV-JP031"Earthbound Servant Geo Gremlina"「地縛戒隷ジオグレムリーナ」CommonEffect Fusion Monster
AGOV-JP032"Berfomet the Mythical King of Phantom Beasts"「幻獣魔王バフォメット」Super Rare
Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Fusion Monster
AGOV-JP033"Gaia Prominence, the Fierce Force"「熾天の騎士ガイアプロミネンス」RareEffect Fusion Monster
AGOV-JP034"T.G. Mighty Striker"「TG マイティ・ストライカー」CommonEffect Tuner Synchro Monster
AGOV-JP035"T.G. Over Dragonar"「TG オーバー・ドラグハー」Super Rare
Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Synchro Monster
AGOV-JP036"T.G. Glaive Blaster"「TG グレイヴ・ブラスター」Ultra Rare
Secret Rare
Ultimate Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Synchro Monster
AGOV-JP037"Mannadium Trisukta"「マナドゥム・トリロスークダ」Super Rare
Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Tuner Synchro Monster
AGOV-JP038"Wattkyuki"「エレキュウキ」RareEffect Synchro Monster
AGOV-JP039"Xyz Armor Torpedo"「エクシーズ・アーマー・トルピード」RareEffect Xyz Monster
AGOV-JP040"Xyz Armor Fortress"「エクシーズ・アーマー・フォートレス」CommonEffect Xyz Monster
AGOV-JP041"Full Armored Dark Knight Lancer"「FA-ダーク・ナイト・ランサー」Ultra Rare
Secret Rare
Ultimate Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Xyz Monster
AGOV-JP042"Super Starslayer TY-PHON - Sky Crisis"「厄災の星ティ・フォン」Ultra Rare
Secret Rare
Ultimate Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Xyz Monster
AGOV-JP043"Infernal Flame Banshee"「ヘルフレイムバンシー」RareEffect Xyz Monster
AGOV-JP044"Transcendosaurus Exaraptor"「超越竜エグザラプトル」CommonEffect Link Monster
AGOV-JP045"Exceed the Pendulum"「奇跡の魔導剣士」Super Rare
Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Link Monster
AGOV-JP046"S:P Little Knight"「S:Pリトルナイト」Super Rare
Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Link Monster
AGOV-JP047"Pendulum Evolution"「ペンデュラム・エボリューション」CommonContinuous Spell Card
AGOV-JP048"Wings of Light"「光翼の竜」RareQuick-Play Spell Card
AGOV-JP049"T.G. Limiter Removal"「TG-ブレイクリミター」RareNormal Spell Card
AGOV-JP050"T.G. All Clear"「TG-オールクリア」RareContinuous Spell Card
AGOV-JP051"Xyz Entrust"「エクシーズ・エントラスト」CommonNormal Spell Card
AGOV-JP052"Realm Elegy"「世壊挽歌」CommonNormal Spell Card
AGOV-JP053"Realm Eulogy"「世壊賛歌」CommonQuick-Play Spell Card
AGOV-JP054"WANTED: Seeker of Sinful Spoils"「“罪宝狩りの悪魔”」RareQuick-Play Spell Card
AGOV-JP055"Sinful Spoils of Doom - Rciela"「死の罪宝-ルシエラ」CommonQuick-Play Spell Card
AGOV-JP056"Divine Temple of the Snake-Eye"「蛇眼神殿スネークアイ」CommonField Spell Card
AGOV-JP057"Original Sinful Spoils - Snake-Eye"「原罪宝-スネークアイ」RareNormal Spell Card
AGOV-JP058"King's Sarcophagus"「王の棺」RareContinuous Spell Card
AGOV-JP059"Fire Recovery"「ファイヤー・バック」RareNormal Spell Card
AGOV-JP060"Synchro Rumble"「シンクロ・ランブル」RareNormal Spell Card
AGOV-JP061"Stars Align Above the Shrine"「星逢の神籬」CommonField Spell Card
AGOV-JP062"Wattkingdom"「エレキングダム」CommonContinuous Spell Card
AGOV-JP063"Ogdoadic Daybreak"「黎溟界闢」CommonQuick-Play Spell Card
AGOV-JP064"Concours de Cuisine"「Concours de Cuisine~菓冷なる料理対決~」CommonQuick-Play Spell Card
AGOV-JP065"Angelica's Angelic Ring"「天子の指輪」RareEquip Spell Card
AGOV-JP066"Card Scanner"「カードスキャナー」CommonContinuous Spell Card
AGOV-JP067"The Immortal Bushi Mourns the Mortal Body"「不死武士の悼み」Normal RareContinuous Spell Card
AGOV-JP068"Miracle of the Supreme King"「覇王龍の奇跡」CommonNormal Trap Card
AGOV-JP069"Soul of the Supreme Celestial King"「覇王天龍の魂」CommonNormal Trap Card
AGOV-JP070"T.G. Close"「TG-クローズ」CommonCounter Trap Card
AGOV-JP071"Full-Armored Xyz"「フル・アーマード・エクシーズ」CommonNormal Trap Card
AGOV-JP072"Sharv Sarga"「新壊廻」CommonNormal Trap Card
AGOV-JP073"Loka Samsara"「世壊輪廻」CommonNormal Trap Card
AGOV-JP074"Sinful Spoils of Betrayal - Silvera"「裏切りの罪宝-シルウィア」RareNormal Trap Card
AGOV-JP075"Startling Stare of the Snake-Eyes"「睨み統べるスネークアイズ」CommonNormal Trap Card
AGOV-JP076"Canopic Protector"「カノプスの守護者」CommonContinuous Trap Card
AGOV-JP077"Nemleria Repeter"「ネムレリア・レペッテ」CommonContinuous Trap Card
AGOV-JP078"Vanquish Soul Snow Devil"「VS 裏螺旋流雪風」CommonNormal Trap Card
AGOV-JP079"Starry Dragon's Cycle"「星宵竜転」RareNormal Trap Card
AGOV-JP080"Escapegoat"「エスケープ・ゴート」Normal RareContinuous Trap Card

Card numberNameRarityCategoryPrint
AGOV-AE000"Magicians of Bonds and Unity"Quarter Century Secret RareEffect MonsterNew background
AGOV-AE001"Supreme King Gate Magician"Super Rare
Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-AE002"Supreme King Dragon Lightwurm"CommonEffect Tuner Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-AE003"T.G. Rocket Salamander"Super Rare
Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-AE004"Visas Samsara"RareEffect Tuner monsterNew
AGOV-AE005"Veda Kalarcanum"Ultra Rare
Secret Rare
Ultimate Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-AE006"Diabellstar the Black Witch"Ultra Rare
Secret Rare
Ultimate Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-AE007"Snake-Eye Ash"Super Rare
Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-AE008"Snake-Eye Oak"CommonEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-AE009"Snake-Eye Birch"CommonEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-AE010"Snake-Eyes Flamberge Dragon"Ultra Rare
Secret Rare
Ultimate Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-AE011"Imsety, Glory of Horus"Ultra Rare
Secret Rare
Ultimate Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-AE012"Duamutef, Blessing of Horus"RareEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-AE013"Hapi, Guidance of Horus"CommonEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-AE014"Qebehsenuef, Protection of Horus"CommonEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-AE015"Wattuna"CommonEffect Tuner monsterNew
AGOV-AE016"Nephilabyss, the Ogdoadic Overlord"RareEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-AE017"Arias the Labrynth Butler"Super Rare
Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-AE018"Vanquish Soul Jiaolong"Super Rare
Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-AE019"Poissonniere de Nouvelles"Super Rare
Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-AE020"Dark Hole Dragon"Ultra Rare
Secret Rare
Ultimate Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-AE021"UFOLight"CommonEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-AE022"Seed-Spitting Saplings"CommonEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-AE023"I.A.S. -Invasive Alien Species-"CommonEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-AE024"Tarai"CommonEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-AE025"Master Tao the Chanter"CommonEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-AE026"Cursed Bride Doll"CommonEffect Tuner monsterNew
AGOV-AE027"Origami Goddess"CommonEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-AE028"Shinobaroness Shade Peacock"RareSpirit Ritual MonsterNew
AGOV-AE029"Shinobaron Shade Peacock"RareSpirit Ritual MonsterNew
AGOV-AE030"Odd-Eyes Arcray Dragon"Ultra Rare
Secret Rare
Ultimate Rare
Holographic Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Fusion Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-AE031"Earthbound Servant Geo Gremlina"CommonEffect Fusion MonsterNew
AGOV-AE032"Berfomet the Mythical King of Phantom Beasts"Super Rare
Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Fusion MonsterNew
AGOV-AE033"Gaia Prominence, the Fierce Force"RareEffect Fusion MonsterNew
AGOV-AE034"T.G. Mighty Striker"CommonEffect Tuner Synchro MonsterNew
AGOV-AE035"T.G. Over Dragonar"RareEffect Synchro MonsterNew
AGOV-AE036"T.G. Glaive Blaster"Ultra Rare
Secret Rare
Ultimate Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Synchro MonsterNew
AGOV-AE037"Mannadium Trisukta"Super Rare
Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Tuner Synchro MonsterNew
AGOV-AE038"Wattkyuki"RareEffect Synchro MonsterNew
AGOV-AE039"Xyz Armor Torpedo"RareEffect Xyz MonsterNew
AGOV-AE040"Xyz Armor Fortress"CommonEffect Xyz MonsterNew
AGOV-AE041"Full Armored Dark Knight Lancer"Ultra Rare
Secret Rare
Ultimate Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Xyz MonsterNew
AGOV-AE042"Super Starslayer TY-PHON - Sky Crisis"Ultra Rare
Secret Rare
Ultimate Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Xyz MonsterNew
AGOV-AE043"Infernal Flame Banshee"RareEffect Xyz MonsterNew
AGOV-AE044"Transcendosaurus Exaraptor"CommonEffect Link MonsterNew
AGOV-AE045"Exceed the Pendulum"Super Rare
Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Link MonsterNew
AGOV-AE046"S:P Little Knight"Super Rare
Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Link MonsterNew
AGOV-AE047"Pendulum Evolution"CommonContinuous Spell CardNew
AGOV-AE048"Wings of Light"RareQuick-Play Spell CardNew
AGOV-AE049"T.G. Limiter Removal"RareNormal Spell CardNew
AGOV-AE050"T.G. All Clear"RareContinuous Spell CardNew
AGOV-AE051"Xyz Entrust"CommonNormal Spell CardNew
AGOV-AE052"Realm Elegy"CommonNormal Spell CardNew
AGOV-AE053"Realm Eulogy"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardNew
AGOV-AE054"WANTED: Seeker of Sinful Spoils"Super Rare
Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Quick-Play Spell CardNew
AGOV-AE055"Sinful Spoils of Doom - Rciela"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardNew
AGOV-AE056"Divine Temple of the Snake-Eye"CommonField Spell CardNew
AGOV-AE057"Original Sinful Spoils - Snake-Eye"Super Rare
Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Normal Spell CardNew
AGOV-AE058"King's Sarcophagus"Super Rare
Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Continuous Spell CardNew
AGOV-AE059"Fire Recovery"RareNormal Spell CardNew
AGOV-AE060"Synchro Rumble"RareNormal Spell CardNew
AGOV-AE061"Stars Align Above the Shrine"CommonField Spell CardNew
AGOV-AE062"Wattkingdom"CommonContinuous Spell CardNew
AGOV-AE063"Ogdoadic Daybreak"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardNew
AGOV-AE064"Concours de Cuisine"CommonQuick-Play Spell CardNew
AGOV-AE065"Angelica's Angelic Ring"RareEquip Spell Card
AGOV-AE066"Card Scanner"CommonContinuous Spell CardNew
AGOV-AE067"The Immortal Bushi Mourns the Mortal Body"CommonContinuous Spell CardNew
AGOV-AE068"Miracle of the Supreme King"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-AE069"Soul of the Supreme Celestial King"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-AE070"T.G. Close"CommonCounter Trap CardNew
AGOV-AE071"Full-Armored Xyz"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-AE072"Sharv Sarga"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-AE073"Loka Samsara"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-AE074"Sinful Spoils of Betrayal - Silvera"RareNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-AE075"Startling Stare of the Snake-Eyes"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-AE076"Canopic Protector"CommonContinuous Trap CardNew
AGOV-AE077"Nemleria Repeter"CommonContinuous Trap CardNew
AGOV-AE078"Vanquish Soul Snow Devil"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-AE079"Starry Dragon's Cycle"RareNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-AE080"Escapegoat"CommonContinuous Trap CardNew
AGOV-AE081"Performapal Pendulum Sorcerer"Super Rare
Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-AE082"Performapal Skullcrobat Joker"Super Rare
Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Effect Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-AE083"Performapal Monkeyboard"CommonEffect Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-AE084"Performapal Odd-Eyes Dissolver"CommonEffect Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-AE085"Performapal Odd-Eyes Synchron"CommonEffect Tuner Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-AE086"Performapal Five-Rainbow Magician"Ultra Rare
Secret Rare
Effect Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-AE087"Performapal Celestial Magician"Ultra Rare
Secret Rare
Effect Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-AE088"Performapal Odd-Eyes Butler"CommonEffect Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-AE089"Performapal Odd-Eyes Valet"CommonEffect Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-AE090"Performapal Gentrude"CommonEffect Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-AE091"Performapal Ladyange"CommonEffect Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-AE092"Performapal Duelist Extraordinaire"Ultra Rare
Secret Rare
Effect Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-AE093"Performapal Odd-Eyes Seer"CommonEffect Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-AE094"Shinobird Crow"CommonSpirit monsterNew
AGOV-AE095"Shinobird Crane"CommonSpirit monsterNew
AGOV-AE096"Shinobird Pigeon"CommonSpirit monsterNew
AGOV-AE097"Volcanic Rimfire"RareEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-AE098"Volcanic Trooper"RareEffect MonsterNew
AGOV-AE099"Volcanic Emperor"Ultra Rare
Secret Rare
Effect MonsterNew
AGOV-AE100"Shinobaroness Peacock"RareSpirit Ritual MonsterNew
AGOV-AE101"Shinobaron Peacock"RareSpirit Ritual MonsterNew
AGOV-AE102"Supreme King Z-ARC"Ultra Rare
Secret Rare
Effect Fusion Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-AE103"Patissciel Couverture"CommonEffect Fusion Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-AE104"Enlightenment Paladin"CommonEffect Synchro MonsterNew
AGOV-AE105"Nirvana High Paladin"CommonEffect Synchro Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-AE106"Tilting Entrainment"CommonEffect Synchro MonsterNew
AGOV-AE107"Daidaratant the Ooze Giant"CommonEffect Xyz Pendulum MonsterNew
AGOV-AE108"Pendulum Call"CommonNormal Spell CardNew
AGOV-AE109"Amazing Pendulum"CommonNormal Spell CardNew
AGOV-AE110"Duelist Alliance"Super Rare
Secret Rare
Quarter Century Secret Rare
Normal Spell CardNew
AGOV-AE111"Shinobird's Calling"CommonRitual Spell CardNew
AGOV-AE112"Shinobird Power Spot"CommonContinuous Spell CardNew
AGOV-AE113"Volcanic Blaze Accelerator"RareContinuous Spell CardNew
AGOV-AE114"Fire Ejection"Super RareNormal Spell CardNew
AGOV-AE115"Eye of Illusion"Super RareQuick-Play Spell CardNew
AGOV-AE116"Armored Xyz"RareNormal Spell CardNew
AGOV-AE117"Shinobird Salvation"CommonContinuous Trap CardNew
AGOV-AE118"Stars Align across the Milky Way"CommonNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-AE119"Volcanic Emission"RareNormal Trap CardNew
AGOV-AE120"Volcanic Inferno"CommonContinuous Trap CardNew

Set Card Lists:Age of Overlord (OCG-SC)

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