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"Watt", known as "Elec" (エレキ Ereki) in the OCG, is the second Thunder archetype after the "Batteryman" archetype. It was introduced in The Shining Darkness, with further support in Duelist Revolution, Starstrike Blast, Storm of Ragnarok and Photon Shockwave, and is used by Misaki in Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2011: Over the Nexus.
Visually, the basic monsters of this archetype are colorful, electrically-themed animals (except "Wattkid", "Wattaildragon" and "Wattsychic Fighter") while the Synchro Monsters are based on mythical creatures.
Each card's name starts with "Watt", and its Japanese name is a portmanteau of Ereki with another word that always contains the katakana キ ki.
English name | Japanese name | Basis for the Japanese portmanteau | Basis for the English name |
Wattaildragon | エレキテルドラゴン Erekiterudoragon | エレキテル erekiteru テール tēru[1] ドラゴン doragon[2] |
Tail Dragon |
Wattberyx | エレキンメダイ Erekinmedai | Beryx | |
Wattbetta | エレキンギョ Erekingyo | Betta | |
Wattchimera | エレキマイラ Erekimaira | キマイラ Kimaira[5] | Chimera |
Wattcobra | エレキングコブラ Erekingukobura | キングコブラ kingu kobura | King cobra |
Wattdragonfly | エレキトンボ Erekitonbo | Dragonfly | |
Wattfox | エレキツネ Erekitsune | Fox | |
Wattgiraffe | エレキリン Erekirin | Giraffe | |
Watthopper | エレキリギリス Erekirigirisu | キリギリス kirigirisu[8] | Grasshopper |
Watthydra | エレキリム Erekirimu | キリム Kirimu[9] | Hydra |
Wattkid (formerly Oscillo Hero #2) | エレキッズ Erekizzu | キッズ kizzu[10] | Kid |
Wattkinetic Puppeteer | キネシス kineshisu[11] | Kinetic | |
Wattkiwi | エレキーウィ Erekīwi | キーウィ kīwi | Kiwi |
Wattkyuki | エレキュウキ Erekyūki | Qiongqi | |
Wattlemur | エレキツネザル Erekitsunezaru | Lemur | |
Wattmole | エレキンモグラ Erekinmogura | Golden mole | |
Wattpheasant | エレキジ Erekiji | キジ kiji | Green pheasant |
Wattsquirrel | エレキタリス Erekitarisu | Red squirrel | |
Wattsychic Fighter | エレキック・ファイター Erekikku Faitā | サイキック saikikku | Psychic |
Wattuna | エレキハダマグロ Erekihadamaguro | キハダマグロ hadamaguro | Yellowfin tuna |
Wattwoodpecker | エレキツツキ Erekitsutsuki | キツツキ kitsutsuki | Woodpecker |
Wattcancel | エレキャンセル Erekyanseru | キャンセル kyanseru | Cancel |
Wattcannon | エレキャノン Erekyanon | キャノン kyanon | Cannon |
Wattcastle | エレキャッスル Erekyassuru | キャッスル kyassuru | Castle |
Wattcine | エレキュア Erekyua | キュア kyua[13] | Vaccine |
Wattcube | エレキューブ Erekyūbu | キューブ kyūbu | Cube |
Wattjustment | エレキャッシュ Erekyasshu | キャッシュ kyasshu[14] | Adjustment |
Wattkeeper | エレキーパー Erekīpā | キーパー kīpā | Keeper |
Wattkingdom | エレキングダム Erekingudamu | キングダム kingudamu | Kingdom |
Wattkey | エレキー Erekī | キー kī | Key |
Playing style[]
The "Watt" archetype consists of low ATK LIGHT monsters with effects mostly revolving around attacking and the Battle Phase. "Watts" have effects that activate after attacking directly, being destroyed by your opponent's cards, or just simply battling. These secondary effects can restrict the opponent's ability to activate effects, although many other types of effects also exist. The two main strategies of the Deck are: an aggressive Deck relying on the Level 4 "Watts" to inflict damage through direct attacks, or using a lockdown by assembling two face-up copies of "Watthopper", which prevents the opponent from targeting all "Watt" monsters for attacks and card effects.
Recommended Cards[]
- Wattchimera
- Watthydra
- Wattkyuki
- Ancient Sacred Wyvern
- Other generic Synchro Monsters
Official Decks[]
- Wattgiraffe x3
- Wattcobra x3
- Wattpheasant x3
- Shining Angel x3
- Thunder Seahorse x3
- Honest x2
- Archetypes and monsters like the "Ally of Justice" monsters benefit from the many LIGHT monsters "Watts" have.
- King Tiger Wanghu can shut down a "Watt" deck with its effect to destroy monsters Summoned with 1400 ATK or less. Other than the Synchro "Watt" monsters, "Watt" monsters have less than 1400 ATK, so they will be destroyed by his effect.
- Since most "Watts" have effects that revolve around the Battle Phase, cards that prevent attacks, like the Mirror Trap series and Battle Fader, can easily stop the deck.
- Cards that negate effects, such as "Brain Golem" or "Skill Drain" can leave your "Watt" monsters useless. "Light-Imprisoning Mirror" hurts any Deck centered around LIGHT monsters.
- "Spirit Barrier" prevents your opponent from taking battle damage while they control a monster. Since "Watt" monsters have low ATK, it can be difficult to deal with.
- "Des Counterblow" destroys monsters after they inflict battle damage by attacking directly, so it can destroy some of your key "Watt" monsters.
- ↑ "Tail"
- ↑ "Dragon"
- ↑ "Splendid alfonsino".
- ↑ "Goldfish".
- ↑ A transcription from Greek for "Chimera". The Latin-based transcription Kimera is also used.
- ↑ "Sympetrum croceolum, aka "yellow darter", a species of yellow dragonfly found in Asia. Here, ki means "yellow" and tonbo means "dragonfly".".
- ↑ "Giraffe"; also "qilin".
- ↑ "Katydid".
- ↑ "Kirimu, a legendary creature in Zaire (present-day Democratic Republic of the Congo).".
- ↑ A rendition of the English word "kid" that is used frequently in Yu-Gi-Oh! card names.
- ↑ "Kinesis"
- ↑ The Japanese word for "lemur" that literally means "fox ape".
- ↑ "Cure"
- ↑ "Cache"