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Power of the Duelist is a set in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Official Card Game (OCG) and Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game (TCG). It is the first set of the OCG's 5th series. It is followed by Cyberdark Impact.


Power of the Duelist contains cards used by GX characters Jaden Yuki, Syrus Truesdale, Zane Truesdale, Aster Phoenix and Tyranno Hassleberry. "Alien" monsters are also introduced, with abilities focused on the weakening and control of opponent's monsters through "A-Counters." Highly sought after cards include "Chimeratech Overdragon", "Elemental Hero Dark Neos", "Future Fusion", "Overload Fusion", "Neo-Spacian Dark Panther" and "Mausoleum of the Emperor".

This is the first TCG booster pack to use the 4 character naming system (POTD) rather than the previous 3 letter naming system (such as EOJ for Enemy of Justice)


In the Japanese version there are 5 cards per pack and 30 packs per box.

The OCG set includes 60 cards. This is comprised of:

In the TCG there are 9 cards per pack and 24 packs per box. The set contains 60 cards. The master set contains 85 cards. This is comprised of:



Card numberNameRarityCategory
POTD-EN001"Elemental HERO Neos" (as "Elemental Hero Neos")CommonNormal Monster
POTD-EN002"Sabersaurus"CommonNormal Monster
POTD-EN003"Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-EN004"Neo-Spacian Flare Scarab"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-EN005"Neo-Spacian Dark Panther"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-EN006"Chrysalis Dolphin"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-EN007"Rallis the Star Bird"CommonEffect Monster
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-EN009"Ambulanceroid"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-EN010"Decoyroid"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-EN011"Rescueroid"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-EN012"Destiny HERO - Double Dude" (as "Destiny Hero - Double Dude")Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-EN013"Destiny HERO - Defender" (as "Destiny Hero - Defender")CommonEffect Monster
POTD-EN014"Destiny HERO - Dogma" (as "Destiny Hero - Dogma")Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-EN015"Destiny HERO - Blade Master" (as "Destiny Hero - Blade Master")CommonEffect Monster
POTD-EN016"Destiny HERO - Fear Monger" (as "Destiny Hero - Fear Monger")CommonEffect Monster
POTD-EN017"Destiny HERO - Dasher" (as "Destiny Hero - Dasher")Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-EN018"Black Ptera"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-EN019"Black Stego"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-EN020"Ultimate Tyranno"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-EN021"Miracle Jurassic Egg"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-EN022"Babycerasaurus"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-EN023"Bitelon"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-EN024"Alien Grey"CommonFlip monster
POTD-EN025"Alien Skull"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-EN026"Alien Hunter"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-EN027"Alien Warrior"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-EN028"Alien Mother"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-EN029"Cosmic Horror Gangi'el"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-EN030"Flying Saucer Muusik'i"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-EN031"Elemental HERO Aqua Neos" (as "Elemental Hero Aqua Neos")Ultra Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Fusion Monster
POTD-EN032"Elemental HERO Flare Neos" (as "Elemental Hero Flare Neos")Ultra Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Fusion Monster
POTD-EN033"Elemental HERO Dark Neos" (as "Elemental Hero Dark Neos")Ultra RareEffect Fusion Monster
POTD-EN034"Chimeratech Overdragon"Ultra Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Fusion Monster
POTD-EN035"Ambulance Rescueroid"CommonEffect Fusion Monster
POTD-EN036"Super Vehicroid Jumbo Drill"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Fusion Monster
POTD-EN037"Contact"CommonNormal Spell Card
POTD-EN038"Fake Hero"CommonNormal Spell Card
POTD-EN039"Spell Calling"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Normal Spell Card
POTD-EN040"Vehicroid Connection Zone"CommonNormal Spell Card
POTD-EN041"D - Spirit"CommonNormal Spell Card
POTD-EN042"Overload Fusion"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Normal Spell Card
POTD-EN043"Cyclone Blade"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Equip Spell Card
POTD-EN044"Future Fusion"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Continuous Spell Card
POTD-EN045"Common Soul"CommonContinuous Spell Card
POTD-EN046"Neo Space"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Field Spell Card
POTD-EN047"Mausoleum of the Emperor"CommonField Spell Card
POTD-EN048"Dark City"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Field Spell Card
POTD-EN049"Destiny Mirage"CommonNormal Trap Card
POTD-EN050"D - Chain"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Normal Trap Card
POTD-EN051"Crop Circles"CommonNormal Trap Card
POTD-EN052"The Paths of Destiny"CommonNormal Trap Card
POTD-EN053"Orbital Bombardment"CommonNormal Trap Card
POTD-EN054"Royal Writ of Taxation"CommonNormal Trap Card
POTD-EN055"Wonder Garage"CommonNormal Trap Card
Ultimate Rare
Normal Trap Card
POTD-EN057"Cyber Summon Blaster"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Continuous Trap Card
POTD-EN058"Fossil Excavation"CommonContinuous Trap Card
POTD-EN059"Synthetic Seraphim"CommonContinuous Trap Card
POTD-EN060"Brainwashing Beam"CommonContinuous Trap Card

Card numberEnglish nameFrench nameRarityCategory
POTD-FR001"Elemental HERO Neos" (as "Néos, Héros Élémentaire")"Néos, HÉROS Élémentaire"CommonNormal Monster
POTD-FR002"Sabersaurus""Sabresaure"CommonNormal Monster
POTD-FR003"Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin""Dauphin Aquatique Néo-Spacien"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-FR004"Neo-Spacian Flare Scarab""Scarabée Flamboyant Néo-Spacien"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-FR005"Neo-Spacian Dark Panther""Panthère Noire Néo-Spacien"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-FR006"Chrysalis Dolphin""Dauphin Chrysalide"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-FR007"Rallis the Star Bird""Rallis, l'Oiseau-Étoile"CommonEffect Monster
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-FR009"Ambulanceroid""Ambulanceroid"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-FR010"Decoyroid""Leurroid"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-FR011"Rescueroid""Sauveteuroid"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-FR012"Destiny HERO - Double Dude""Double Je - Héros de la Destinée"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-FR013"Destiny HERO - Defender" (as "Défenseur - Héros de la Destinée")"Défenseur - HÉROS de la Destinée"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-FR014"Destiny HERO - Dogma" (as "Dogma - Héros de la Destinée")"Dogma - HÉROS de la Destinée"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-FR015"Destiny HERO - Blade Master""Fine Lame - Héros de la Destinée"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-FR016"Destiny HERO - Fear Monger""Marchand de Peur - Héros de la Destinée"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-FR017"Destiny HERO - Dasher""Fonceur - Héros de la Destinée"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-FR018"Black Ptera""Ptéra Noir"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-FR019"Black Stego""Stégo Noir"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-FR020"Ultimate Tyranno""Tyranno Ultime"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-FR021"Miracle Jurassic Egg""Œuf Jurassique Miraculeux"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-FR022"Babycerasaurus""Bébécérasaure"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-FR023"Bitelon""Mordlong"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-FR024"Alien Grey""Alien Gris"CommonFlip monster
POTD-FR025"Alien Skull""Crâne Alien"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-FR026"Alien Hunter""Chasseur Alien"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-FR027"Alien Warrior""Guerrier Alien"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-FR028"Alien Mother""Mère Alien"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-FR029"Cosmic Horror Gangi'el""Gangi'el, Horreur Cosmique"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-FR030"Flying Saucer Muusik'i""Muusik'i, Soucoupe Volante"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-FR031"Elemental HERO Aqua Neos""Néos Aquatique, Héros Élémentaire"Ultra Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Fusion Monster
POTD-FR032"Elemental HERO Flare Neos" (as "Néos Flamboyant, Héros Élémentaire")"Néos Flamboyant, HÉROS Élémentaire"Ultra Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Fusion Monster
POTD-FR033"Elemental HERO Dark Neos" (as "Néos des Ténèbres, Héros Élémentaire")"Néos des Ténèbres, HÉROS Élémentaire"Ultra Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Fusion Monster
POTD-FR034"Chimeratech Overdragon""Chimeratech Over-Dragon"Ultra Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Fusion Monster
POTD-FR035"Ambulance Rescueroid""Ambulance Sauveteuroid"CommonEffect Fusion Monster
POTD-FR036"Super Vehicroid Jumbo Drill""Super Véhicroid Méga-Foreur"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Fusion Monster
POTD-FR037"Contact""Contact"CommonNormal Spell Card
POTD-FR038"Fake Hero""Faux Héros"CommonNormal Spell Card
POTD-FR039"Spell Calling""Appel de la Magie"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Normal Spell Card
POTD-FR040"Vehicroid Connection Zone""Zone de Connexion Véhicroid"CommonNormal Spell Card
POTD-FR041"D - Spirit""Esprit de la Destinée"CommonNormal Spell Card
POTD-FR042"Overload Fusion""Fusion en Surcharge"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Normal Spell Card
POTD-FR043"Cyclone Blade""Lame Cyclone"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Equip Spell Card
POTD-FR044"Future Fusion""Fusion du Futur"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Continuous Spell Card
POTD-FR045"Common Soul""Âme Commune"CommonContinuous Spell Card
POTD-FR046"Neo Space""Néo-Space"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Field Spell Card
POTD-FR047"Mausoleum of the Emperor""Mausolée de l'Empereur"CommonField Spell Card
POTD-FR048"Dark City""Ville Ténébreuse"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Field Spell Card
POTD-FR049"Destiny Mirage""Mirage de la Destinée"CommonNormal Trap Card
POTD-FR050"D - Chain""Chaîne de la Destinée"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Normal Trap Card
POTD-FR051"Crop Circles""Cercles Étranges"CommonNormal Trap Card
POTD-FR052"The Paths of Destiny""Les Chemins de la Destinée"CommonNormal Trap Card
POTD-FR053"Orbital Bombardment""Bombardement Orbital"CommonNormal Trap Card
POTD-FR054"Royal Writ of Taxation""Ordre Royal de Taxation"CommonNormal Trap Card
POTD-FR055"Wonder Garage""Garage Miracle"CommonNormal Trap Card
POTD-FR056"Supercharge""Super Charge"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Normal Trap Card
POTD-FR057"Cyber Summon Blaster""Cyber Canon d'Invocation"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Continuous Trap Card
POTD-FR058"Fossil Excavation""Excavation Fossile"CommonContinuous Trap Card
POTD-FR059"Synthetic Seraphim""Séraphin Artificiel"CommonContinuous Trap Card
POTD-FR060"Brainwashing Beam""Rayon de Lavage de Cerveau"CommonContinuous Trap Card

Card numberEnglish nameGerman nameRarityCategory
POTD-DE001"Elemental HERO Neos" (as "Elementarheld Neos")"Elementar-HELD Neos"CommonNormal Monster
POTD-DE002"Sabersaurus""Säbelsaurier"CommonNormal Monster
POTD-DE003"Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin""Neo-Weltraum Aqua Dolphin"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-DE004"Neo-Spacian Flare Scarab""Neo-Weltraum Flare Scarab"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-DE005"Neo-Spacian Dark Panther""Neo-Weltraum Dark Panther"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-DE006"Chrysalis Dolphin""Verpuppter Delfin"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-DE007"Rallis the Star Bird""Rallis, der Sternenvogel"CommonEffect Monster
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-DE009"Ambulanceroid""Ambulanceroid"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-DE010"Decoyroid""Decoyroid"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-DE011"Rescueroid""Rescueroid"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-DE012"Destiny HERO - Double Dude""Schicksals-HELD - Double Dude"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-DE013"Destiny HERO - Defender" (as "Schicksalsheld - Defender")"Schicksals-HELD - Defender"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-DE014"Destiny HERO - Dogma" (as "Schicksalsheld - Dogma")"Schicksals-HELD - Dogma"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-DE015"Destiny HERO - Blade Master""Schicksals-HELD - Blade Master"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-DE016"Destiny HERO - Fear Monger""Schicksals-HELD - Fear Monger"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-DE017"Destiny HERO - Dasher""Schicksals-HELD - Dasher"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-DE018"Black Ptera""Schwarzer Ptera"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-DE019"Black Stego""Schwarzer Stego"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-DE020"Ultimate Tyranno""Ultimativer Tyranno"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-DE021"Miracle Jurassic Egg""Jurawunderei"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-DE022"Babycerasaurus""Babycerasaurier"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-DE023"Bitelon""Bitelon"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-DE024"Alien Grey""Außerirdischer Grau"CommonFlip monster
POTD-DE025"Alien Skull""Außerirdischer Schädel"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-DE026"Alien Hunter""Außerirdischer Jäger"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-DE027"Alien Warrior""Außerirdischer Krieger"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-DE028"Alien Mother""Außerirdische Mutter"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-DE029"Cosmic Horror Gangi'el""Kosmischer Horror Gangi'el"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-DE030"Flying Saucer Muusik'i""Fliegende Untertasse Muusik'i"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-DE031"Elemental HERO Aqua Neos" (as "Elementarheld Aqua Neos")"Elementar-HELD Aqua Neos"Ultra Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Fusion Monster
POTD-DE032"Elemental HERO Flare Neos" (as "Elementarheld Flare Neos")"Elementar-HELD Flare Neos"Ultra Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Fusion Monster
POTD-DE033"Elemental HERO Dark Neos" (as "Elementarheld Dark Neos")"Elementar-HELD Dark Neos"Ultra Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Fusion Monster
POTD-DE034"Chimeratech Overdragon""Chimeratech-Überdrache"Ultra Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Fusion Monster
POTD-DE035"Ambulance Rescueroid""Ambulance Rescueroid"CommonEffect Fusion Monster
POTD-DE036"Super Vehicroid Jumbo Drill""Super Vehicroid Jumbo Drill"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Fusion Monster
POTD-DE037"Contact""Kontakt"CommonNormal Spell Card
POTD-DE038"Fake Hero""Falscher Held"CommonNormal Spell Card
POTD-DE039"Spell Calling""Zauberruf"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Normal Spell Card
POTD-DE040"Vehicroid Connection Zone""Vehicroid-Ankopplungszone"CommonNormal Spell Card
POTD-DE041"D - Spirit""Schicksalsgeist"CommonNormal Spell Card
POTD-DE042"Overload Fusion""Überlastfusion"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Normal Spell Card
POTD-DE043"Cyclone Blade""Zyklonklinge"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Equip Spell Card
POTD-DE044"Future Fusion""Zukunftsfusion"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Continuous Spell Card
POTD-DE045"Common Soul""Gemeinsame Seele"CommonContinuous Spell Card
POTD-DE046"Neo Space""Neo-Weltraum"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Field Spell Card
POTD-DE047"Mausoleum of the Emperor""Mausoleum des Kaisers"CommonField Spell Card
POTD-DE048"Dark City""Finstere Stadt"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Field Spell Card
POTD-DE049"Destiny Mirage""Schicksalswunder"CommonNormal Trap Card
POTD-DE050"D - Chain""Schicksalskette"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Normal Trap Card
POTD-DE051"Crop Circles""Kornkreise"CommonNormal Trap Card
POTD-DE052"The Paths of Destiny""Die Wege des Schicksals"CommonNormal Trap Card
POTD-DE053"Orbital Bombardment""Orbitalbeschuss"CommonNormal Trap Card
POTD-DE054"Royal Writ of Taxation""Königlicher Steuererlass"CommonNormal Trap Card
POTD-DE055"Wonder Garage""Wunderwerkstatt"CommonNormal Trap Card
Ultimate Rare
Normal Trap Card
POTD-DE057"Cyber Summon Blaster""Cyber Beschwörungssprenger"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Continuous Trap Card
POTD-DE058"Fossil Excavation""Fossile Ausgrabung"CommonContinuous Trap Card
POTD-DE059"Synthetic Seraphim""Künstlicher Seraph"CommonContinuous Trap Card
POTD-DE060"Brainwashing Beam""Gehirnwäschestrahl"CommonContinuous Trap Card

Card numberEnglish nameItalian nameRarityCategory
POTD-IT001"Elemental HERO Neos" (as "Neos Eroe Elementale")"Neos EROE Elementale"CommonNormal Monster
POTD-IT002"Sabersaurus""Sciabolasaurus"CommonNormal Monster
POTD-IT003"Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin""Delfino Aqua Neo-Spaziale"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-IT004"Neo-Spacian Flare Scarab""Scarabeo Fiammata Neo-Spaziale"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-IT005"Neo-Spacian Dark Panther""Pantera Nera Neo-Spaziale"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-IT006"Chrysalis Dolphin""Delfino Crisalide"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-IT007"Rallis the Star Bird""Rallis il Volatile delle Stelle"CommonEffect Monster
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-IT009"Ambulanceroid""Ambulanceroid"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-IT010"Decoyroid""Decoyroid"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-IT011"Rescueroid""Rescueroid"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-IT012"Destiny HERO - Double Dude""Duplicante - Eroe del Destino"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-IT013"Destiny HERO - Defender" (as "Difensore - Eroe del Destino")"Difensore - EROE del Destino"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-IT014"Destiny HERO - Dogma" (as "Dogma - Eroe del Destino")"Dogma - EROE del Destino"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-IT015"Destiny HERO - Blade Master" (as "Maestro di Lame - Eroe del Destino")"Maestro di Lame - EROE del Destino"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-IT016"Destiny HERO - Fear Monger" (as "Dispensatore di Paura - Eroe del Destino")"Dispensatore di Paura - EROE del Destino"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-IT017"Destiny HERO - Dasher" (as "Dasher - Eroe del Destino")"Dasher - EROE del Destino"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-IT018"Black Ptera""Pterodattilo Nero"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-IT019"Black Stego""Stegosauro Oscuro"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-IT020"Ultimate Tyranno""Tirannosauro Finale"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-IT021"Miracle Jurassic Egg""Uovo Giurassico Miracoloso"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-IT022"Babycerasaurus""Babycerasaurus"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-IT023"Bitelon""Bitelon"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-IT024"Alien Grey""Alieno Grigio"CommonFlip monster
POTD-IT025"Alien Skull""Alieno Teschio"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-IT026"Alien Hunter""Alieno Cacciatore"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-IT027"Alien Warrior""Alieno Guerriero"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-IT028"Alien Mother""Alieno Madre"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-IT029"Cosmic Horror Gangi'el""Gangi'el, Orrore Cosmico"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-IT030"Flying Saucer Muusik'i""Muusik'i Disco Volante"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-IT031"Elemental HERO Aqua Neos""Neos Aqua EROE Elementale"Ultra Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Fusion Monster
POTD-IT032"Elemental HERO Flare Neos" (as "Neos Fiammata Eroe Elementale")"Neos Fiammata EROE Elementale"Ultra Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Fusion Monster
POTD-IT033"Elemental HERO Dark Neos" (as "Neos Oscuro Eroe Elementale")"Neos Oscuro EROE Elementale"Ultra Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Fusion Monster
POTD-IT034"Chimeratech Overdragon""Drago Supremo Chimeratech"Ultra Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Fusion Monster
POTD-IT035"Ambulance Rescueroid""Rescueroid Ambulanza"CommonEffect Fusion Monster
POTD-IT036"Super Vehicroid Jumbo Drill""Super Vehicroid Jumbo Drill"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Fusion Monster
POTD-IT037"Contact""Contatto"CommonNormal Spell Card
POTD-IT038"Fake Hero""Eroe Fasullo"CommonNormal Spell Card
POTD-IT039"Spell Calling""Richiama Magia"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Normal Spell Card
POTD-IT040"Vehicroid Connection Zone""Zona di Connessione Vehicroid"CommonNormal Spell Card
POTD-IT041"D - Spirit""Spirito del Destino"CommonNormal Spell Card
POTD-IT042"Overload Fusion""Fusione Sovraccarico"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Normal Spell Card
POTD-IT043"Cyclone Blade""Lama Ciclone"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Equip Spell Card
POTD-IT045"Common Soul""Anima Comune"CommonContinuous Spell Card
POTD-IT046"Neo Space""Neo-Spazio"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Field Spell Card
POTD-IT047"Mausoleum of the Emperor""Mausoleo dell'Imperatore"CommonField Spell Card
POTD-IT048"Dark City""Città Oscura"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Field Spell Card
POTD-IT049"Destiny Mirage""Miraggio del Destino"CommonNormal Trap Card
POTD-IT050"D - Chain""Catena del Destino"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Normal Trap Card
POTD-IT051"Crop Circles""Impronte Circolari nei Campi"CommonNormal Trap Card
POTD-IT052"The Paths of Destiny""Le Vie del Destino"CommonNormal Trap Card
POTD-IT053"Orbital Bombardment""Bombardamento Orbitale"CommonNormal Trap Card
POTD-IT054"Royal Writ of Taxation""Ordinanza Reale della Tassazione"CommonNormal Trap Card
POTD-IT055"Wonder Garage""Garage delle Meraviglie"CommonNormal Trap Card
POTD-IT056"Supercharge""Super Carica"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Normal Trap Card
POTD-IT057"Cyber Summon Blaster""Cyber Fulminatore di Evocazioni"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Continuous Trap Card
POTD-IT058"Fossil Excavation""Scavo Fossile"CommonContinuous Trap Card
POTD-IT059"Synthetic Seraphim""Seraphim Sintetico"CommonContinuous Trap Card
POTD-IT060"Brainwashing Beam""Raggio Lavacervello"CommonContinuous Trap Card

Card numberEnglish nameSpanish nameRarityCategory
POTD-EN001"Elemental HERO Neos" (as "Héroe Elemental Neos")"HÉROE Elemental Neos"CommonNormal Monster
POTD-EN002"Sabersaurus""Sablesaurio"CommonNormal Monster
POTD-EN003"Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin""Delfín Aqua Neo Espacial"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-EN004"Neo-Spacian Flare Scarab""Escarabajo Brillante Neo Espacial"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-EN005"Neo-Spacian Dark Panther""Pantera Oscura Neo Espacial"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-EN006"Chrysalis Dolphin""Delfín Crisálida"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-EN007"Rallis the Star Bird""Rallis el Pájaro Estelar"CommonEffect Monster
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-EN009"Ambulanceroid""Ambulanceroid"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-EN010"Decoyroid""Decoyroid"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-EN011"Rescueroid""Rescueroid"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-EN012"Destiny HERO - Double Dude" (as "Héroe del Destino - Double Dude")"HÉROE del Destino - Double Dude"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-EN013"Destiny HERO - Defender" (as "Héroe del Destino - Defender")"HÉROE del Destino - Defender"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-EN014"Destiny HERO - Dogma" (as "Héroe del Destino - Dogma")"HÉROE del Destino - Dogma"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-EN015"Destiny HERO - Blade Master" (as "Héroe del Destino - Blade Master")"HÉROE del Destino - Blade Master"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-EN016"Destiny HERO - Fear Monger" (as "Héroe del Destino - Fear Monger")"HÉROE del Destino - Fear Monger"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-EN017"Destiny HERO - Dasher" (as "Héroe del Destino - Dasher")"HÉROE del Destino - Dasher"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-EN018"Black Ptera""Ptera Oscuro"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-EN019"Black Stego""Estego Oscuro"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-EN020"Ultimate Tyranno""Ultimate Tyranno"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-EN021"Miracle Jurassic Egg""Huevo Milagroso del Jurásico"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-EN022"Babycerasaurus""Bebecerasaurio"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-EN023"Bitelon""Mordelón"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-EN024"Alien Grey""Alienígena Gris"CommonFlip monster
POTD-EN025"Alien Skull""Calavera Alienígena"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-EN026"Alien Hunter""Cazador Alienígena"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-EN027"Alien Warrior""Guerrero Alienígena"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-EN028"Alien Mother""Madre Alienígena"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-EN029"Cosmic Horror Gangi'el""Horror Cósmico Gangi'el"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-EN030"Flying Saucer Muusik'i""Platilo Volador Muusik'i"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-EN031"Elemental HERO Aqua Neos""HÉROE Elemental Aqua Neos"Ultra Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Fusion Monster
POTD-EN032"Elemental HERO Flare Neos""HÉROE Elemental Flare Neos"Ultra Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Fusion Monster
POTD-EN033"Elemental HERO Dark Neos" (as "Héroe Elemental Dark Neos")"HÉROE Elemental Dark Neos"Ultra Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Fusion Monster
POTD-EN034"Chimeratech Overdragon""Súper Dragón Chimeratech"Ultra Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Fusion Monster
POTD-EN035"Ambulance Rescueroid""Rescueroid Ambulancia"CommonEffect Fusion Monster
POTD-EN036"Super Vehicroid Jumbo Drill""Súper Vehicroid Taladro Gigante"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Fusion Monster
POTD-EN037"Contact""Contacto"CommonNormal Spell Card
POTD-EN038"Fake Hero""Héroe Falso"CommonNormal Spell Card
POTD-EN039"Spell Calling""Llamada de Magia"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Normal Spell Card
POTD-EN040"Vehicroid Connection Zone""Zona de Conexión Vehicroid"CommonNormal Spell Card
POTD-EN041"D - Spirit""Espíritu del Destino"CommonNormal Spell Card
POTD-EN042"Overload Fusion""Sobrecarga de Fusión"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Normal Spell Card
POTD-EN043"Cyclone Blade""Hoja Ciclón"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Equip Spell Card
POTD-EN044"Future Fusion""Fusión Futura"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Continuous Spell Card
POTD-EN045"Common Soul""Alma en Común"CommonContinuous Spell Card
POTD-EN046"Neo Space""Neo Espacio"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Field Spell Card
POTD-EN047"Mausoleum of the Emperor""Mausoleo del Emperador"CommonField Spell Card
POTD-EN048"Dark City""Ciudad Oscura"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Field Spell Card
POTD-EN049"Destiny Mirage""Espejismo del Destino"CommonNormal Trap Card
POTD-EN050"D - Chain""Cadena del Destino"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Normal Trap Card
POTD-EN051"Crop Circles""Círculos en las Cosechas"CommonNormal Trap Card
POTD-EN052"The Paths of Destiny""Los Caminos del Destino"CommonNormal Trap Card
POTD-EN053"Orbital Bombardment""Bombardeo Orbital"CommonNormal Trap Card
POTD-EN054"Royal Writ of Taxation""Mandamiento Real de Impuestos"CommonNormal Trap Card
POTD-EN055"Wonder Garage""Garaje Maravilloso"CommonNormal Trap Card
POTD-EN056"Supercharge""Súper Carga"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Normal Trap Card
POTD-EN057"Cyber Summon Blaster""Cíber Disparador de Invocación"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Continuous Trap Card
POTD-EN058"Fossil Excavation""Excavación de Fósiles"CommonContinuous Trap Card
POTD-EN059"Synthetic Seraphim""Serafín Sintético"CommonContinuous Trap Card
POTD-EN060"Brainwashing Beam""Rayo Lavacerebros"CommonContinuous Trap Card

Card numberEnglish nameJapanese nameRarityCategory
POTD-JP001"Elemental HERO Neos"「E・HERO ネオス」Common
Normal Parallel Rare
Normal Monster
POTD-JP002"Sabersaurus"「セイバーザウルス」CommonNormal Monster
POTD-JP003"Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin"「N・アクア・ドルフィン」Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-JP004"Neo-Spacian Flare Scarab"「N・フレア・スカラベ」Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-JP005"Neo-Spacian Dark Panther"「N・ブラック・パンサー」Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-JP006"Chrysalis Dolphin"「C・ドルフィーナ」Common
Normal Parallel Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-JP007"Rallis the Star Bird"「星見鳥ラリス」CommonEffect Monster
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-JP009"Ambulanceroid"「キューキューロイド」CommonEffect Monster
POTD-JP010"Decoyroid"「デコイロイド」CommonEffect Monster
Normal Parallel Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-JP012"Destiny HERO - Double Dude"「D-HERO ダブルガイ」Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-JP013"Destiny HERO - Defender"「D-HERO ディフェンドガイ」CommonEffect Monster
POTD-JP014"Destiny HERO - Dogma"「D-HERO ��グマガイ」Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-JP015"Destiny HERO - Blade Master"「D-HERO ダガーガイ」CommonEffect Monster
POTD-JP016"Destiny HERO - Fear Monger"「D-HERO ドゥームガイ」Common
Normal Parallel Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-JP017"Destiny HERO - Dasher"「D-HE���O ダッシュガイ」Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-JP018"Black Ptera"「暗黒プテラ」CommonEffect Monster
POTD-JP019"Black Stego"「暗黒ステゴ」Common
Normal Parallel Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-JP020"Ultimate Tyranno"「究極恐獣」Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-JP021"Miracle Jurassic Egg"「奇跡のジュラシック・エッグ」CommonEffect Monster
POTD-JP022"Babycerasaurus"「ベビケラサウルス」CommonEffect Monster
POTD-JP023"Bitelon"「バイトロン」CommonEffect Monster
POTD-JP024"Alien Grey"「エーリアン・グレイ」CommonFlip monster
POTD-JP025"Alien Skull"「エーリアン・スカル」CommonEffect Monster
POTD-JP026"Alien Hunter"「エーリアン・ハンター」CommonEffect Monster
POTD-JP027"Alien Warrior"「エーリアン・ウォリアー」RareEffect Monster
POTD-JP028"Alien Mother"「エーリアン・マザー」RareEffect Monster
POTD-JP029"Cosmic Horror Gangi'el"「宇宙獣ガンギル」Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-JP030"Flying Saucer Muusik'i"「円盤ムスキー」CommonEffect Monster
POTD-JP031"Elemental HERO Aqua Neos"「E・HERO アクア・ネオス」Ultra Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Fusion Monster
POTD-JP032"Elemental HERO Flare Neos"「E・HERO フレア・ネオス」Ultra Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Fusion Monster
POTD-JP033"Elemental HERO Dark Neos"「E・HERO ブラック・ネオス」Ultra Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Fusion Monster
POTD-JP034"Chimeratech Overdragon"「キメラテック・オーバー・ドラゴン」Ultra Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Fusion Monster
POTD-JP035"Ambulance Rescueroid"「レスキューキューロイド」CommonEffect Fusion Monster
POTD-JP036"Super Vehicroid Jumbo Drill"「スーパービークロイド-ジャンボドリル」Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Fusion Monster
POTD-JP037"Contact"「コンタクト」CommonNormal Spell Card
POTD-JP038"Fake Hero"「フェイク・ヒーロー」CommonNormal Spell Card
POTD-JP039"Spell Calling"「コーリング・マジック」RareNormal Spell Card
POTD-JP040"Vehicroid Connection Zone"「ビークロイド・コネクション・ゾーン」CommonNormal Spell Card
POTD-JP041"D - Spirit"「D-スピリッツ」CommonNormal Spell Card
POTD-JP042"Overload Fusion"「オーバーロード・フュージョン」RareNormal Spell Card
POTD-JP043"Cyclone Blade"「旋風剣」RareEquip Spell Card
POTD-JP044"Future Fusion"「未来融合-フューチャー・フュージョン」Rare
Ultimate Rare
Continuous Spell Card
POTD-JP045"Common Soul"「魂の共有-コモンソウル」CommonContinuous Spell Card
POTD-JP046"Neo Space"「ネオスペース」RareField Spell Card
POTD-JP047"Mausoleum of the Emperor"「死皇帝の陵墓」CommonField Spell Card
POTD-JP048"Dark City"「ダーク・シティ」RareField Spell Card
POTD-JP049"Destiny Mirage"「デステニー・ミラージュ」CommonNormal Trap Card
POTD-JP050"D - Chain"「D-チェーン」RareNormal Trap Card
POTD-JP051"Crop Circles"「ミステリーサークル」CommonNormal Trap Card
POTD-JP052"The Paths of Destiny"「運命の分かれ道」CommonNormal Trap Card
POTD-JP053"Orbital Bombardment"「大気圏外射撃」CommonNormal Trap Card
POTD-JP054"Royal Writ of Taxation"「王宮の重税」CommonNormal Trap Card
POTD-JP055"Wonder Garage"「ワンダーガレージ」CommonNormal Trap Card
POTD-JP056"Supercharge"「スーパーチャージ」RareNormal Trap Card
POTD-JP057"Cyber Summon Blaster"「サイバー・サモン・ブラスター」RareContinuous Trap Card
POTD-JP058"Fossil Excavation"「化石発掘」CommonContinuous Trap Card
POTD-JP059"Synthetic Seraphim"「人造天使」CommonContinuous Trap Card
POTD-JP060"Brainwashing Beam"「洗脳光線」CommonContinuous Trap Card

Card numberEnglish nameKorean nameRarityCategory
POTD-KR001"Elemental HERO Neos""엘리멘틀 히어로 네오스"CommonNormal Monster
POTD-KR002"Sabersaurus""세이버 사우루스"CommonNormal Monster
POTD-KR003"Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin""네오 스페이시언 아쿠아 돌핀"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-KR004"Neo-Spacian Flare Scarab""네오 스페이시언 플래어 스캐럽"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-KR005"Neo-Spacian Dark Panther""네오 스페이시언 블랙 팬서"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-KR006"Chrysalis Dolphin""코쿤 돌피너"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-KR007"Rallis the Star Bird""성견조 랠리스"CommonEffect Monster
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-KR009"Ambulanceroid""구급로이드"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-KR010"Decoyroid""데코이로이드"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-KR011"Rescueroid""구조로이드"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-KR012"Destiny HERO - Double Dude""데스티니 히어로 더블 가이"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-KR013"Destiny HERO - Defender""데스티니 히어로 디펜드 가이"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-KR014"Destiny HERO - Dogma""데스티니 히어로 도그마 가이"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-KR015"Destiny HERO - Blade Master""데스티니 히어로 대거 가이"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-KR016"Destiny HERO - Fear Monger""데스티니 히어로 둠 가이"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-KR017"Destiny HERO - Dasher""데스티니 히어로 대시 가이"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-KR018"Black Ptera""블랙 프테라"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-KR019"Black Stego""블랙 스테고"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-KR020"Ultimate Tyranno""궁극의 티라노"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-KR021"Miracle Jurassic Egg""기적의 쥐라기 에그"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-KR022"Babycerasaurus""베이비 케라사우루스"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-KR023"Bitelon""바이트론"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-KR024"Alien Grey""에일리언 그레이"CommonFlip monster
POTD-KR025"Alien Skull""에일리언 스컬"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-KR026"Alien Hunter""에일리언 헌터"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-KR027"Alien Warrior""에일리언 워리어"RareEffect Monster
POTD-KR028"Alien Mother""에일리언 마더"RareEffect Monster
POTD-KR029"Cosmic Horror Gangi'el""우주야수 건길"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
POTD-KR030"Flying Saucer Muusik'i""우주야수 건길"CommonEffect Monster
POTD-KR031"Elemental HERO Aqua Neos""엘리멘틀 히어로 아쿠아 네오스"Ultra Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Fusion Monster
POTD-KR032"Elemental HERO Flare Neos""엘리멘틀 히어로 플레어 네오스"Ultra Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Fusion Monster
POTD-KR033"Elemental HERO Dark Neos""엘리멘틀 히어로 블랙 네오스"Ultra Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Fusion Monster
POTD-KR034"Chimeratech Overdragon""키메라테크 오버 드래곤"Ultra Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Fusion Monster
POTD-KR035"Ambulance Rescueroid""구조 구급로이드"CommonEffect Fusion Monster
POTD-KR036"Super Vehicroid Jumbo Drill""슈퍼 비크로이드 점보 드릴"Super Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Fusion Monster
POTD-KR037"Contact""콘택트"CommonNormal Spell Card
POTD-KR038"Fake Hero""페이크 히어로"CommonNormal Spell Card
POTD-KR039"Spell Calling""콜링 매직"RareNormal Spell Card
POTD-KR040"Vehicroid Connection Zone""비크로이드커넥션존"CommonNormal Spell Card
POTD-KR041"D - Spirit""D-스피릿"CommonNormal Spell Card
POTD-KR042"Overload Fusion""오버로드 퓨전"RareNormal Spell Card
POTD-KR043"Cyclone Blade""싸이크론 블레이드"RareEquip Spell Card
POTD-KR044"Future Fusion""미래융합-퓨처 퓨전"Rare
Ultimate Rare
Continuous Spell Card
POTD-KR045"Common Soul""영혼의 공유-커먼 소울"CommonContinuous Spell Card
POTD-KR046"Neo Space""네오스페이스"RareField Spell Card
POTD-KR047"Mausoleum of the Emperor""사황제의 능묘"CommonField Spell Card
POTD-KR048"Dark City""다크 시티"RareField Spell Card
POTD-KR049"Destiny Mirage""데스티니 미라지"CommonNormal Trap Card
POTD-KR050"D - Chain""D-체인"RareNormal Trap Card
POTD-KR051"Crop Circles""미스터리 서클"CommonNormal Trap Card
POTD-KR052"The Paths of Destiny""운명의 갈림길"CommonNormal Trap Card
POTD-KR053"Orbital Bombardment""대기권 외 사격"CommonNormal Trap Card
POTD-KR054"Royal Writ of Taxation""왕궁의 중과세"CommonNormal Trap Card
POTD-KR055"Wonder Garage""신비한 차고"CommonNormal Trap Card
POTD-KR056"Supercharge""슈퍼 차지"RareNormal Trap Card
POTD-KR057"Cyber Summon Blaster""사이버 소환 블래스터"RareContinuous Trap Card
POTD-KR058"Fossil Excavation""화석발굴"CommonContinuous Trap Card
POTD-KR059"Synthetic Seraphim""인조천사"CommonContinuous Trap Card
POTD-KR060"Brainwashing Beam""세뇌광선"CommonContinuous Trap Card
