- 100-Series Observational Realian
- 27-Series Asura
- ? (Enemy)
- A.G.W.S.
- A.M.W.S.
- A Dark Omen
- A Field of Battle ~ Bitter (Ver. 2)
- A Memory of a Tragedy
- A New World
- A New World (No. 2)
- A Prelude to the Tragedy
- Abandon (Enemy)
- Abel
- Abel's Ark
- Abel (Xenogears)
- Abyss
- Achtzehn
- Achtzehn (Enemy)
- Adel
- Aegisknight
- Agatha
- Agnes
- Ai
- Aizen Magus
- Albedo (Episode II song)
- Albedo (song I)
- Albedo Piazzolla
- Alby
- Alessio
- Alex
- Alexei Tsiolkovskyi
- Alice
- Alkanshel
- Allen Ridgeley
- Almadel
- Alois
- Alpha Weltall
- Ambassador Lock-Up Incident
- Amphysvena
- Anchorage
- Andrew Cherenkov
- Android
- Andvari
- Anfisa
- Anima
- Anima Dungeon One
- Anima Dungeon Two
- Anima Relics
- Anima Relics (Xenogears)
- Animus
- Anne
- Anonelbe
- Anti-Solaris Alliance
- Antitype
- Anxiety
- Aoi Uzuki
- Apostles
- Aquvy
- Arabella
- Ariadne
- Ariadne Incident
- Arnaud
- Arthur
- Assault
- Atalya
- Auto-Tech
- Aveh
- Aveh-Kislev Border
- Awakening
- Awakening (episode)
- Babel Tower
- Bailan
- Bailey
- Banu
- Bardas
- Bart's Crew
- Bart's Lair
- Barth
- Bartholomew Fatima
- Battle
- Battle's End
- Battle of Elsa
- Battle of Elsa (Ver. 2)
- Battleland
- Beach of Nothingness
- Beach of Nothingness (song)
- Bernard
- Betty
- Big Joe
- Bill
- Billy's Orphanage
- Billy Lee Black
- Bitter
- Blackmoon Forest
- Bladegash
- Blair
- Bledavik
- Bloody (Enemy)
- Boccio
- Bonham
- Boris
- Bormeo University
- Boss
- Bradbury
- Brezza
- Brigandier
- Bugs
- Bunnie
- Bunnie Bob
- C-1 Vierge
- Cab
- Cain
- Calamity
- Calx
- Camelle
- Canaan
- Captain
- Carioca
- Carlos
- Caspase
- Cathedral Ship
- Cecilia
- Cecily and Cathe
- Chance Encounter
- Chaos
- Chase
- Cherenkov's Daughter
- Cherenkov's Wife
- Chief Lee
- Chu-Chu
- Chu-Chu (species)
- Cisca
- Citan's House
- Citan Uzuki
- Citrine
- Claudia Balthasar
- Clawknight
- Coconut Monkey
- Colin
- Collective Unconscious
- Colleen O'Shaughnessey
- Communication Breakdown
- Compass of Order and Chaos
- Consciousness
- Contact
- Coolidge
- Corel
- Cornelia
- Creeping Fear
- Creeping Into
- Creid
- Crescens
- Crimson Knight
- Crisis Coming
- Curry
- Cyborg
- Cyril
- Cyrus
- DME addiction
- Dabrye Mine
- Dan
- Daniel
- Dario
- Dark Erde Kaiser
- Dark Professor
- Dawson
- Day of Collapse
- Dazil
- Deez
- Degville
- Delusion
- Demi-human
- Dennis
- Dery
- Desert Pirates
- Designer Children
- Deus
- Dharga Rishuna
- Diabolos Corps
- Dickens
- Dike
- Dmitri Yuriev
- Dock Colony
- Doctus
- Domenico
- Dominia Yizkor
- Dominic
- Donald Marquand
- Dora
- Douglas
- Drive
- Duke
- Duneman Isle
- Durandal
- Durandal (song)
- Dämmerung
- E.S.
- E.S. Asher
- E.S. Dan
- E.S. Dinah
- E.S. Gad
- E.S. Issachar
- E.S. Joseph
- E.S. Judah
- E.S. Levi
- E.S. Naphtali
- E.S. Reuben
- E.S. Simeon
- E.S. Zebulun
- Ebert
- Eckbert
- El-Crescens
- El-Regrs
- El-Renmazuo
- El-Seibzehn
- El-Stier
- Eldridge
- Elehayym Van Houten
- Elements
- Eleonora
- Eli
- Elly's squad
- Elru
- Elsa
- Elze
- Emeralda
- Emil
- Emilio
- Encephalon
- Encephalon (episode)
- Enemy Ship Invasion
- Enneagram
- Era
- Erde Kaiser
- Erich Van Houten
- Erich Weber
- Erin
- Ernest Luis
- Escape
- Eternal Recurrence
- Ether
- Ethos
- Ethos Dig Site
- Ethos Gate
- Ethos Headquarters
- Etrenank
- Etrenank Gate
- Everyday
- Excalibur
- Excalibur (No. 1)
- Excalibur (No. 2)
- Ezekiel
- FIS-6
- Fallout
- Farrin
- Fatal Fight (Jin & Margulis)
- Fatal Fight (Ver. 2)
- Fate
- Fatima Castle
- Fatima Jasper
- Febronia
- Febronia (No. 2)
- Febronia (song)
- Fei Fong Wong
- Fenrir
- Fifth Jerusalem
- Fighting KOS-MOS
- Final Crisis
- First Meeting
- Followed Space Shuttle
- Forgotten Sanctuary
- Fragments of Lemegeton
- Franz
- Ft. Jasper
- Fuel Air Explosion
- Fyodor
- G-Elements
- Gabriel
- Gaetia Key
- Gaignun's Office
- Gaignun's Private Beach
- Gaignun (cat)
- Gaignun Kukai
- Gaignun Kukai Jr.
- Galaxy Federation
- Game Over
- Game Over (Mechanic)
- Game Over (Music)
- Garry
- Gaspar Uzuki
- Gate Out
- Gazel Ministry
- Gear
- Gebler
- Gebler Battleship
- Gedalya
- Gemini
- Gene
- General Terrun
- Giant Wels (Enemy)
- Gig
- Ginevra
- Gizem
- Gnosis
- Gnosis (song)
- Gnosis Terrorism
- Godsibb
- Golgoda
- Goliath
- Goliath Factory
- Grahf
- Grandgrowl
- Great Joe
- Green Sleeves
- Grimoire Verum
- Guglielmo
- Guinness
- Gustavo
- Haishao
- Hakox
- Hamel
- Hammer
- Hammer (Boss)
- Hammer (Xenogears)
- Hannah
- Hans
- Haramiya
- Haramiya Ice Cream
- Hartman
- Hecht
- Heimdal
- Helen
- Hellenne
- Helmer
- Hepatica (KOS-MOS)
- Hepatica (No. 2)
- Hepatica (No. 3) ~ I Believe in You
- Herald
- Here He Comes
- Here He Comes (No. 2)
- Here She Comes (KOS-MOS)
- Hermann
- Hermie
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