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The Hecht is a flying Aveh battle ship tasked with attacking the power reactor in the eastern sector of Nortune, the capital of the Kislev Empire.

The ship is assigned by Solaris to be piloted by Dominia Yizkor, the Earth Element, who would control the ship from a built-in Gear mounted atop its hull. Due to the interference waves of the Gate Generator to the southwest, the Hecht must be piloted manually to the location in order to be able to attack, right up until the last minute, wherein the Gear can detach and launch to safety[1]. To help in this effort, the Hecht would be escorted by Gebler soldiers, including Elly and her squad.

Dominia's mission is to attack the power reactor in the eastern sector of Nortune, which would destroy most of the country and leave the other half left inhabitable for centuries. This 'purge' of the Lambs in the area would free the Gatekeeper from their control.

The Hecht is intercepted over Nortune by Fei and Rico in their Gears. After Fei forces Elly to look at the city on fire and confronts her on her actions, he rejoins Rico and defeats Dominia.


Xenogears 045 Course Change

Elly helps save Nortune, Kislev.

As Fei and Rico struggle to change the course of the Hecht, Elly rejoins them, allowing the three to shift the Hecht's trajectory. As it shifts towards Nortune's residential district, their Gears overheat, forcing Fei and Rico to let go of the Hecht. Elly refuses to let go, redirecting the ship away from the city, nearly sacrificing herself if not for the efforts of a mysterious sinister-looking winged Gear.


Hecht is German for a genus of pike, which was also used to name a World War II German mini submarine.


Perfect Works, pg 79. (Gear spec conversion table)

  1. ↑ Perfect Works, pg. 95