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I'm not a low level life-form. I'm Chu-Chu. Don't be a bad loser! If you wanchu apologize, you had better do it while you still can.

Chu-Chu (チュチュ, chuchu) is a playable character in Xenogears. Once mistaken by Bart to be a stuffed animal, Chu-Chu was with Marguerite Fatima during her imprisonment in Fatima Castle.

The player has the ability to re-name Chu-Chu upon meeting her.


Chu-Chu is a member of the Chu-chu race, which had become nearly extinct due to Solaris' activities. Wanting to find her ideal mate, Chu-Chu left her tribe and wandered human towns, often operating at night out of fear of being experimented upon by Solaris.[1]

Sneaking into Bledavik, Aveh, as a stuffed animal, Chu-chu was spotted by Margie, who wanted her so much that she took Chu-Chu with her. Unfortunately, Margie was in the middle of escaping from Shakhan, so when Chu-Chu's weight slowed Margie down, and the two of them were caught by Shakhan's subordinates.



Xenogears-Chu Chu

Chu-Chu's "churansformation".

She has romantic interest for Fei Fong Wong, which spooks Fei at first, but no one really notices it.

Chu-Chu is able to grow to the size of a Gear once the physical part of the limiter is removed, which she does to protect Shevat from Achtzehn. While she loses the battle, her dedication triggers Maria Balthasar's will to fight against her father. Both join the party afterwards.


Chu-Chu stands as one of the two characters in the game, the other being Maria, who lack the capability to execute Deathblows. Consequently, her combat effectiveness hinges on conventional physical strikes and Ether techniques to inflict damage.

While she suffers from low stats all around, Chu-Chu distinguishes herself from the remaining playable characters through a set of unique mechanics that are never explained within the game:

  • Her Attack and Ether base attributes receive a 100% boost while she is in battle, with the exception of the spell Forest Dance, which continues to employ the standard Ether value.
  • Chu-Chu is the only playable character able to deliver critical hits. When initiating an Attack command or employing an Ether ability, there exists a 10% chance that the inflicted damage will be augmented by 50%. Accessories like the Fei Jr. Doll, which increases critical hit rate, and the Bart Jr. Doll, which can amplify critical hit damage, solely apply to Chu-Chu even though all characters can equip them.
  • Chu-Chu has a passive ability that boosts her Attack by 50% when either Bart's or Fei's HP drops below 50%, and an additional 50% when their HP drops below 25%. These bonuses stack, allowing her to achieve a total increase of 200% if both Fei and Bart are present and meet the specified HP conditions.
  • Chu-Chu has no Gear, instead opting to grow in size. This transformation does not offer access to Booster and Special Options. Furthermore, she cannot equip an Engine, a Frame, or any Gear-related accessories. She also does not require Fuel to act. Her statistics in giant form are directly influenced by those of her regular state, and she remains the sole character capable of healing Gears.

Base parameters[]

Level 1 Attack 10
Learning - Defense 10
HP 35 Ether 12
EP 12 EthDef. 8
Agility 7 Hit% 5
Weight 48.4 Evade% 8

Ether (Spells)[]

Name LV EP Target Power Du Element Effect
Forest Dance -- 2 Ally - Single 0.4 - - Heals
Culen Prayer -- 2 Ally - Single - - - Cures PHY effects
Myrm Prayer -- 2 Ally - Single - - - Cures MNT effects
Play Dead -- 2 Self - * - Play Dead status
Maiden Kiss -- 8 Ally - Single - - - Revives with 30% HP
Forest Wind 58 4 Enemy - Single 2.0 - Wind -
Earth Gnome 58 6 Enemy - Area 2.25 - Earth -
Ancient Myth 62 10 Enemy - All 2.5 - - -

Guest Appearances & Cameos[]


Chu-chu in Final Fantasy Brave Exvius.

Chu-chu was a Raid Summon in Final Fantasy Brave Exvius during their first Xenogears collaboration period.


  • "My eyes dry out when pretending chu be a stuffed animal. Ouchu!"
  • "Nice chu meet chu! I'm Chu-Chu! I fell in love with you when I first saw you in Bledavik!! Wherever you go, I shall go chu! Oh my... I just declared my love..."
  • "Don't chu be rude to me. I'm not a low level animal. I'm Chu-Chu. Well, let's get ready chu rumble you bad boy! Get your butt ready chu be kicked across the other end of the horizon!"
  • "Kyow! I did it! I did the big big churansformation!"
  • "I'm not a low level life-form. I'm Chu-Chu. Don't be a bad loser! If you wanchu apologize, you had better do it while you still can."
  • "Fei, where are chu going without me? Chu-Chu will go anywhere, even chu the end of the world with you! Chu-Chu's maidenly pure heart is only for you! Uh humm!"
  • "Me chu! Chu-Chu want to go chu!"
  • "Chu chu chu chu chu chu chu chu chu!" (in the ending)



  1. Perfect Works, pg. 185.