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Species Blade
Gender Female
Japanese VA Yuri Yamaoka
English VA Naomi McDonald
Appearances Xenoblade Chronicles 2
This article is about Obrona in general. For gameplay information, see Obrona/Gameplay.

Obrona (カムイ) is a character in Xenoblade Chronicles 2. She is Akhos's Blade.

Appearance and personality[edit]

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Story arc[edit]

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In other words, yes we know it's unfinished; we just didn't want to leave it blank in the meantime. You can help complete it.

As a party member[edit]

Main article: Obrona/Gameplay (XC2)

As an NPC[edit]

Obrona can be found at a random location in Garfont Village after Rex takes over the Merc Group, provided she is not equipped to her Driver or sent on a Merc Mission. The specific locations she may be found at are listed here.


I'm booooored... Don't you have anything fun for me to do?


  • In English, Obrona is voiced by Naomi McDonald, who also voices Sheba.

In other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
United Kingdom flag.svg English Obrona
Japan flag.svg Japanese カムイ
France flag.svg French Obrona
Germany flag.svg German Obrona
Spain flag.svg Spanish Obrona
Italy flag.svg Italian Obrona
China flag.svg Chinese (simplified) 神威
Taiwan flag.svg Chinese (traditional) 神威
South Korea flag.svg Korean 카무이
