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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
This article is about the Daryl Series character. For other pages with the same name, see: William

William is an antagonist and a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon. He is a soldier for Power of the Living.



Nothing is known about William's life before or as the outbreak began.


Paris, ĂŽle-de-France[]

At some point following the outbreak, William became a soldier for a political movement called Power of the Living.

Season 1[]

"L'âme Perdue"[]

William will appear in this episode.


William will appear in this episode.


Killed By

William is stabbed to death by Sylvie after they engage in a fight.

His brain is later destroyed by Isabelle and Daryl before he could turn.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims William has killed:

  • 1 unnamed nun (Alive)
  • Numerous counts of zombies and possibly unnamed people





Daryl Dixon[]

Season 1[]


  • While this Guerrier's name was not mentioned in dialogue, it was revealed that the Guerriers in Codron's squad that attacked the abbey were all named after the actors who portrayed them, such as with Jèrèmie and Richard.
  • William Cagnard also portrayed a separate character in Season 2, Anna Valery's unnamed car driver in "Au Revoir Les Enfants".