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This article is about the Daryl Series character. For other pages with the same name, see: Lilly

You took good care of me, all this time, since we lost mama and papa. Promise me... you'll look after my baby.
―Lily to Isabelle. (Translated from French)[src]

Lily Carriere is a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon. She is the sister of Isabelle and mother of Laurent.


Paris, Île-de-France[]

Little is known about Lily's life prior to or as the outbreak began except she had a sister named Isabelle and that they had lost their parents some time before Monument Day. Afterwards, Isabelle allows Lily to live in her apartment in Paris to help take care of her. In early 2010, Lily had an affair with Isabelle's boyfriend, Quinn, and conceived a child with him. She kept the pregnancy a secret from both Isabelle and Quinn.


Season 1[]


In a flashback, Isabelle frantically collects a hidden box of cash and calls for her sister Lilly in her apartment, who is unaware of the chaos going on. Isabelle informs Quinn that she won't leave her sister behind, and she speaks with her young neighbor Aimée as Quinn helps Lily get her stuff into the car. The little girl tells Isabelle that her father didn't come home last night and her mother's crying on the phone. Isabelle tells Aimée to go back to her apartment, promising Aimée that her mother will look after her and making the little girl promise to stay inside. Isabelle, Quinn, and Lily leave as Isabelle looks around at the unfolding chaos in Paris.

Isabelle, Quinn and Lily drive through the French countryside. On the radio, an announcer orders people to stay in their homes and not to horde supplies, no looting and robbery won't be allowed. Isabelle makes them stop at a gas station after Lily feels sick and Quinn hides a gun in the back of his pants. Quinn offers to get Lily to a doctor, but she refuses, insisting that she only needs a minute. Lily throws up, hitting Quinn, and admits that her stomach hurts. Looking at Lily's enlarged stomach, Isabelle realizes that her sister's pregnant and Lily admits that it's been a few months, and she apologizes for not telling Isabelle sooner because she was scared. Pulling Isabelle aside, Quinn tells her that they can't take Lily with them in that condition because they're going somewhere secluded where there's no baby hospitals. They have to stay mobile as it's not safe and they can drop Lily off somewhere safe along the way such as a clinic. Reminding Isabelle that he always takes care of her, Quinn tells her to trust him. Under the guise of a hug, Isabelle steals Quinn's car keys from his pocket and pretends to agree with him. While Quinn goes to make a few calls and find Lily somewhere safe, Isabelle steals his car and drives off with her sister.

Lily panics that something is wrong with her baby because she's in pain. Spotting an ambulance parked up ahead, Isabelle decides to stop in the hopes that the paramedics can help them. However, walkers appear from behind the ambulance, and the two women are quickly forced to flee.

During a thunderstorm, Isabelle drives up to the abbey, confident that the nuns have to take them in. Véronique greets them at the gate along with a young Sylvie, explaining that Sylvie is her student who believed that they were her parents coming to pick her up. Père Jean introduces himself and notices that Lily was bitten on the arm by one of the walkers on the roadside. The nuns treat Lily's bite and Père Jean tells her to get changed into a gown. Isabelle is upset that her sister is 7 months pregnant and kept it from her, but Lily explains that she was afraid that Isabelle would be mad at her. Isabelle asks who the father is, but Lily is interrupted by a contraction and Isabelle soothes her sister by singing Alouette which their mother had used to calm them down at bedtime. Isabelle helps Lily change into the gown, and Lily acknowledges that her sister has taken good care of her ever since their parents died. Lily makes Isabelle promise to look after her baby for her.

In a flashback, Lily goes through labor, assisted by Isabelle, Père Jean, Véronique and another nun. Lily dies in the middle of it from her bite and Père Jean prepares to perform an emergency C-section on her in order to save the baby while Isabelle desperately calls out to her sister. Lily suddenly begins moving again as she reanimates and Véronique restrains Lily as the priest performs the C-section. The baby is successfully delivered, albeit not breathing at first, but Jean, Véronique and the other nun manage to revive him which the priest declares to be a miracle. As Père Jean begins to perform what appears to be an exorcism on the zombified Lily, Isabelle carries her newborn nephew past the awed nuns. Finding a statue of St. Laurent, Isabelle decides to name her nephew Laurent after the saint.

"Paris Sera Toujours Paris"[]

Isabelle retrieves a picture of Lily from her apartment for Laurent who has never seen his mother's face. Isabelle later gives the picture to her nephew who shares it with Daryl Dixon.

After meeting Isabelle again, Quinn appears to be genuinely upset to learn of Lily's death. Much to Isabelle's shock, Quinn reveals that he had an affair with Lily and is the father of Laurent, something that Lily had never told her sister before she died.

"La Dame de Fer"[]

Laurent looks at a photo of Lily by the Eiffel Tower, as he stands by it himself. Laurent also looks at the photo while he was at Demimonde, as Quinn tells him about his mother.

Season 2[]

"Vouloir, C'est Pouvoir"[]

Laurent looks at the picture of his mother while talking to Daryl about Isabelle's death.


Killed By

Lily is bitten on the right arm by a walker, eventually she succumbs to the infection and reanimates.

Lily is eventually put down by her sister and the members of the Abbey of Saint Bernadette.




Daryl Dixon[]

Season 1[]

Season 2[]

Episodes 1 2 3 4 5 6
Season 1 🖼 🖼
Season 2 🖼
Season 3
Appears Voice is heard
👁 Appears with no lines Appears in a flashback
Appears as a walker 🖼 Appears in a photograph/video
Appears as a corpse Appears in a hallucination/dream
