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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
This article is about the Daryl Series character. You may be looking for Martin.

Our camp, which was being rebuilt, was raided by Pouvoir, and three of our people were captured. (...) Martin Fournier, Fallou Boukar and Emile Thibault.
―Losang and Jacinta talk about Pouvoir raid.[src]

Martin Fournier is a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon. He is a resident at the Montmartre Rooftop Community.



Nothing is known about Martin's life prior to or as the outbreak began.


Season 2[]

"La Gentillesse Des Étrangers"[]

In a meeting at the Nest, Losang reveals that the Montmartre Rooftop Community was raided by Power of the Living and three of their people were captured. Martin, Emile, and Fallou are revealed to be the ones who were captured.

Later that day, Daryl, Mathis, and a team of scouts prepare to ambush the Pouvoir convoy set to pass through a nearby deserted town. While the rigged explosives do not detonate as the convoy passes through, Daryl opens fire on the Guerriers, sparking a brief battle. The Guerriers are all defeated and the prisoners, including Martin, are rescued. Martin, along with Fallou and Emile, is brought back to the Nest for medical care.

"Moulin Rouge"[]

Martin arrives at the Nest with the rescue team and his fellow prisoners.

"Le Paradis Pour Toi"[]

Following the Pouvoir's attack on the Nest in which many guards and villagers were killed, Martin's fate is left unknown. He was either killed in the attack or was among the Nest survivors to merge factions with the Pouvoir.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Martin has killed:

  • Possibly numerous counts of zombies


Daryl Dixon[]

Season 2[]
