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Your prophecy inspired these people. Held them together all these years. We've come too far to let it all be foiled now by weakness. (…) What we all want is to be certain. Without that... everything falls apart.
―Jacinta to Losang after revealing she ordered for Daryl to be killed.[src]

Jacinta is an antagonist and a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon. She is a resident of the Nest, serving as Losang's right-hand woman and Union of Hope's second-in-command.

Jacinta remained in the position when Losang took control of Sabine's army of Guerriers and accepted them into the Union of Hope. After his demise, she becomes the de-facto leader of both factions until her death. She served as the secondary antagonist of Season 2 and the primary antagonist of the episode "Au Revoir Les Enfants".


While Losang is deeply religious and pragmatic, Jacinta appears to be far more fanatical and extreme in her beliefs and actions. Jacinta repeatedly pushes for Losang to test Laurent's possible immunity to the Wildfire Virus through having him publicly bitten and expresses concern that the doubters in the Union of Hope will rise up against their leadership. She also pushes for Losang to get rid of Daryl Dixon and crosses the line of attempting to have him assassinated, something that Losang wasn't willing to do. Even though doing so put Isabelle and Fallou in harm's way, Jacinta justified her actions as being necessary, even going so far as to manipulate the deeply traumatized Emile into turning on his friends.

Despite her strong facade and claiming that they were bound to win as God was on their side, Jacinta is visibly shaken after she is bitten. Hearing Ash's Plane, Jacinta quickly pulls herself together, but the loss of Laurent proves to be a devastating blow to her, leaving Jacinta with nothing to left to live for. As a result, she commits suicide rather than trying to save herself through amputation of her bitten arm.



Nothing is known about Jacinta's life prior to or as the outbreak began.


Season 2[]

"La Gentillesse Des Étrangers"[]

In a meeting at the Nest, Losang reveals that they have received a troubling report from Paris. The Union of Hope camp there, which was being rebuilt, was raided by the Power of the Living and three of their people were captured. Jacinta lists them as Martin Fournier, Fallou Boukar, and Emile Thibault, causing Sylvie distress due to her romantic relationship with Emile. Sylvie tells Losang that Emile is her friend, and Isabelle explains that Emile and Fallou had helped Daryl's group to get out of Paris. Jacinta realizes that Genet will use them in the hopes of locating the Nest, but Isabelle doesn't think that they know the Nest's precise location. Jacinta points out that they can't be certain and Mathis tells Losang that he hopes to have a report from his scouts soon.

Later that day, Jacinta argues to Losang that they should move the ceremony up, but Losang tells her that they still have work to do. Jacinta warns Losang that he'll never win them over, and certainly not Daryl. Losang is sure that they have time and Laurent isn't ready. Jacinta asks if Laurent isn't ready or if it's Losang that's not and, looking at where the boy is playing with Sylvie, Losang admits that they're not.

"Moulin Rouge"[]

Laurent attends a class with Jacinta, but he is visibly distracted, much to her annoyance.

Bells toll as the rescue team triumphantly returns with Martin Fournier, Emile Thibault, and Fallou Boukar. Sylvie embraces her boyfriend who is visibly haunted by his experiences as a prisoner of the Power of the Living. Laurent hugs Daryl and gives him a figurine of a dog that Laurent had carved for his friend. Losang greets Daryl as everyone heads inside of the Nest.

As Laurent finishes his prayers, Losang asks the boy if he hopes for Daryl to stay at the Nest which Laurent confirms, but he thinks that Daryl misses Carol and his other friends and vice versa. Losang acknowledges that Daryl is a good man, but Laurent's future requires more than good aim with a weapon which is why Laurent is here with them. Losang knows that the boy isn't sure about all of it, but that's okay because "doubt is the question that faith answers. You doubt because you are special, not because you aren't." Laurent is clearly anxious to leave, admitting that Daryl wants to teach him something and that it's a surprise. Despite being visibly unhappy, Losang allows the boy to leave.

Once Laurent is gone, Jacinta warns him that Daryl will leave again, and she asks what will happen if Laurent wants to go with him. Losang believes that Daryl will eventually come around and that some people just need time. However, Jacinta warns him that they don't have time because even among the faithful, there are doubters and they've grown tired of waiting for deliverance. Losang states that the doubters are always free to leave if they don't support the Union of Hope's mission, but Jacinta worries that they will rise up as well. Jacinta insists that the answer to doubt isn't faith, but rather proof. Proof will bolster the boy and strengthen the Union of Hope. Jacinta wants Losang to move up the ceremony as it would send a strong signal. Losang watches through the window as Laurent hugs Daryl and the two head off together as he considers Jacinta's words.

The next morning, Isabelle wakes up and finds Laurent gone from his room with signs of a struggle and a grappling hook attached to the windowsill. Isabelle frantically searches for the boy, telling Daryl that Laurent has gone missing. Daryl notices sand on the floor of the room near the grappling hook and realizes that someone took him. Losang and Jacinta arrive, and Jacinta reports that two men climbed over the wall and knocked out Tarim, their guard. Tarim reports that one of the men had a tattoo on his face, meaning that it was a Guerrier. Losang realizes that someone had told Genet where the Nest is and Laurent is being taken back to Paris. Jacinta warns them that the tide will come in soon and they quickly move out.

Outside, a rescue team suits up, and Losang orders his men to bring Laurent home and to follow Daryl's lead. Jacinta gives one of the soldiers some rounds for Daryl's shotgun which he hands over to Daryl. Emile—now with short hair—objects to Fallou coming with them as the older man should rest and heal, but he insists upon going. Sylvie explains that she had told Fallou that she needs someone to keep an eye on Emile and she places her necklace on her boyfriend. Isabelle also joins the rescue mission despite Losang's objections that this could be dangerous, and the rescue team departs to find Laurent.

Later, Losang quotes Descartes that doubt is the origin of wisdom, suggesting that he has doubts about their plan. They'll do the test, and it'll work, but they'll still have to deal with Daryl when comes back. To Losang's shock, Jacinta admits that she amended the order to their soldiers, telling them that Daryl was in the way of their mission and that Losang felt that he would be an obstacle as long as he was around, and it should be done by now. Losang furiously confronts Jacinta over her actions as they not only set up Daryl to be killed, but Isabelle and Fallou too. Jacinta admits that they were not part of the plan, but Losang's prophecy inspired these people and held them together for all of these years and they've come too far to let it all be foiled now by weakness. "Is this who we are, Jacinta? Is this who we wanna be?" Losang emotionally questions. However, Jacinta tells him that what they all want is to be certain and without that, everything falls apart. Unbeknownst to the two, the assassination attempt has failed and Daryl's group are on their way back to rescue Laurent and to stop Losang.


As the Nest prepares for the ceremony, Sylvie frantically searches for Laurent, warning people that the Union is going to kill Laurent. Sylvie shrugs off Losang's attempts to grab her as Jacinta orders two approaching soldiers to escort Sylvie back to her room. Continuing to yell warnings and call for Laurent, Sylvie runs onto the parapet where she is cornered from both sides by Union soldiers. Losang tries to convince Sylvie that it's for the best, but Sylvie believes that Losang is only going to kill the boy with his ceremony instead. As the two argue, two soldiers grab Sylvie by the arms from either side, although Losang orders them to back off of her. In breaking free, Sylvie accidentally falls over the side of the parapet to her death in the courtyard below, horrifying Losang and the gathered crowd. As Jacinta comforts him, Losang sadly declares that Sylvie's faith was weak.

All of the Nest's residents gather in the courtyard for the ceremony. Unnoticed by anyone, Daryl, Isabelle and Fallou sneak in with Isabelle and Fallou standing amongst the crowd and Daryl on the stairs leading up to the parapet. As Losang speaks to the crowd, Jacinta and Gilbert lead a dazed and drugged Laurent in. "My friends, the time has come. From across France, from Germany, from Spain, we've come as pilgrims to be part of this community out of a shared belief of faith in what is yet to come. The journey here has been long and hard. Some have had doubts at times. It's natural to doubt. We've had to be patient to prove that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, a future where we will no longer be vulnerable to the bite of the hungry ones. Now is the time to cast doubt aside and to embrace hope, to celebrate the inspiring power of our unity and love. We are all human, and even the hungry ones, lost to us, carry with them the memory of love. So, who better to confirm our faith in Laurent than someone we've just lost, but who loved him dearly. And now, her love will deliver us all."

As Losang speaks, a cloaked and tethered walker is led out into the middle of the courtyard where Laurent is guided to meet it. Much to her friends' shock and horror, the hood is removed to reveal a zombified Sylvie who is guided towards Laurent to bite the boy. Before Sylvie can bite Laurent, Daryl shoots her in the head with an arrow, putting his friend down and quipping that the "show's over motherfucker." Daryl takes aim at Losang, but he's forced to shoot a Union soldier instead when the man tries to shoot him, giving Losang the chance to escape. As the crowd runs around in a panic, Isabelle and Fallou grab Laurent and make their escape, as does Daryl. Subsequently, Laurent and Fallou manage to escape from the Nest, but Daryl and Isabelle are eventually caught and tortured for information without any success.

"Le Paradis Pour Toi"[]

While Losang interrogates Isabelle, Jacinta argues that this is a waste of time, but Losang cuts her off. Losang tells Isabelle that they're going to offer the flock proof of their faith, it must be done, and so he needs her to tell him where the boy is. A guard rushes in with the news that the gate has been breached and intruders are moving up the mountain. Seeing that Losang is beyond reason, Isabelle takes advantage of the distraction to slash him across the face with the broken drain cover that she had grabbed. As Jacinta and the Union soldier restrain Isabelle, the furious Losang grabs a knife off of a table and stabs Isabelle in the abdomen. As Losang stares in shock at what he did, another man enters with the news that Genet's army is in the village. Grabbing Losang, Jacinta departs with him and the Union soldiers to defend the Nest, leaving Isabelle lying on the floor.

Genet interrogates Losang, demanding to know where the boy is and if he's with the American. Losang tells Genet that she won the battle and to leave Laurent out of it, however, she intends to win the war. Losang rebukes Genet that their war should be with the dead, hopelessness and despair, not with an innocent child. Genet states that she can see how Losang has lulled the sheep into submission with empathy and concern, and asks him if he thinks that all of this time, she's been relying on only the truth. Genet reveals that they had found Isabelle and that she's dead when Losang tells Genet that Isabelle won't tell them anything. Losang is shocked to learn that he had killed Isabelle, and Genet asks if she was hiding the boy and fearing what Losang would do to him. Losang states that Isabelle had nothing to fear, but admits that he fears for his people and the future.

"When the boy escaped, I feared that God was protecting him from me. I doubted myself, even my faith. But I don't anymore. Because I realize now that God was protecting him from you." Genet derisively asks if the American works for God, but Losang states that everyone serves God whether or not they believe, even Genet. Genet states that if she finds the boy, it will prove that God is on her side, and orders Sabine and the Capo to scour the countryside for Laurent as he couldn't have gotten far. Genet tells Losang not to worry so much about the future as he doesn't have one and departs, leaving Losang and Jacinta locked up in the Nest's jail.

At dawn, Sabine and Dr. LaFleur visit Losang and Jacinta in the Nest's jail. Sabine reveals that Genet is dead, killed by the American. Losang takes the fact that Genet went after Laurent and died as proof that God is on the Union's side. Sabine tells Losang that Genet's way wasn't enough, but neither is Losang's, leading Jacinta to ask what happens now.

Now the leader of both the Union of Hope and the remnants of Genet's people, Losang leads the Guerriers into a gathering of the Nest's surviving inhabitants and announces that all is forgiven. Losang welcomes the Power of the Living into the Union of Hope, declaring "let us merge our dreams for a better, stronger future. Ahead is the promised land. Laurent will take us there. Let's find the child."

"Vouloir, C'est Pouvoir"[]

Losang enters with a number of armed Union soldiers and Guerriers including Jacinta, Mathis, Gilbert, Dr. LaFleur, Valon, and Sabine. Nadine discreetly signals Stéphane to hide Laurent and the two climb higher up on the catwalk surrounding the community. Losang calls that they mean no harm and to not worry or to be alarmed by the Guerriers who are brothers and sisters united in their common cause. However, the Union's cause will be lost without the boy because Laurent is the chosen one and he needs to be protected. Sonia tells Losang that they sent Laurent to the Nest, but Jacinta states that Laurent was taken from them, lured away by the American. Sonia begins making preparations to have the community help search for Laurent, but Losang stops them, noticing Laurent's Rubik's Cube on a nearby table which Mathis retrieves for him. Losang sends his men to split up and search for the boy.

Seeing Jacinta getting close to Laurent and Stéphane's hiding spot, Fallou emerges from hiding and takes one of the Guerriers hostage, drawing everyone's attention to him and giving Laurent and Stéphane the chance to move. Fallou rejects Losang addressing him as his brother, causing Losang to suggest that he's a fallen brother who is under the spell of apostate Dixon. Seeing Laurent and Stéphane move, Fallou releases his hostage and surrenders, proclaiming that Losang might speak the word, but Daryl lives it. Losang insists that Daryl is only faithful to himself, wanting to go back home to his own world.

At Demimonde, Laurent finally admits that he's afraid that if he goes with Daryl, Daryl will die too. "The sisters, Isabelle, Sylvie -- they're all gone because of me. Everyone. Everybody I love dies." Daryl attempts to comfort the boy, but he's interrupted by a commotion below as Losang and his men enter, and the club's staff move to distract them. Seeing them coming, one man helps Stéphane-- who was helping to get the fuel ready -- to escape. Anna sends Williams to block the stairs while she helps Daryl and Laurent escape, but Jacinta notices them heading to Quinn's room. Confronted by Losang, Anna mockingly answers his questions, but Jacinta follows a breeze to a hidden door leading into the Catacombs of Paris.

In the catacombs, Daryl, Laurent and Stéphane find each other and split up after hearing Losang coming. Finding this, Losang splits up, taking Gilbert and Valon while Dr. LaFleur and the others go with Jacinta. Daryl has Laurent hide, promising to come back for him and Losang walks right by the boy's hiding place without seeing him.

Elsewhere, Stéphane ambushes and strangles Mathis before shooting the female Guerrier when she goes to investigate. Stéphane sneaks up on Dr. LaFleur, disarms him and shoots the mad scientist in the head with his own rifle, killing him. Jacinta attacks Stéphane with her sword, but Stéphane grabs and strangles her. Jacinta manages to stab Stéphane in the shoulder with a knife and break free, but he just grabs her and flings Jacinta into the wall before walking away.

Later, unnoticed by anyone, Jacinta begins to stir, having only been knocked out.

"Au Revoir Les Enfants"[]

In Paris, Anna tells Vinyl that she used to live on this street when she had first run away to Paris from her little village to become a singer. Anna had hated her mother for not believing in her, but Anna now thinks that maybe her mother was just trying to protect her. Anna wonders if her mother would be ashamed of what she's become, and admits that she doesn't know what's become of her mother, guessing that she's still back home in Karelia.

Vehicles surround the car and Guerriers and Union of Hope soldiers emerge, guns drawn on Anna, Vinyl, and their driver. Anna gets out and is greeted by Jacinta whom she remembers from the Demimonde. "You came with a man and left alone," Anna quips. Jacinta wants the same thing that Losang wanted, but Anna's no more willing to help the other woman than she was Losang. Jacinta has one of her Guerriers shoot Anna's driver before a Union soldier beats him to death, but Anna is unmoved. Jacinta knows that Daryl's group has an airplane, and threatens to have Sabine blow off Vinyl's face next if Anna doesn't help her, but again Anna refuses, simply stating that this is why she doesn't make friends and she doesn't give without getting something good in return. What Anna really wants is to go home, back where her people are, so she offers Jacinta a deal: help Jacinta to find the boy in exchange for Anna getting the plane and the pilot which Jacinta accepts.

Jacinta and her forces arrive outside of the stadium entrance and Anna explains that the plane is on the other side near the race track and Daryl's group won't see them coming this way. Jacinta leaves some men to cover the entrance in case of an escape attempt and Anna leads the others inside before stopping to look at a poster advertising the Eiffel Tower. Anna remembers talking with Laurent about the famous landmark while he was being held captive by Quinn at the Demimonde and telling the boy that she hopes that he gets to go home soon. Making a decision, Anna tells Jacinta that they need to go through the garage which will lead them to the track.

Anna leads Jacinta's forces through the gate into the second section of the parking garage, eying an emergency exit as they pass by it. Hearing the sounds of the undead, Anna smiles and, having led Jacinta's forces into a trap, makes a break for the exit. A herd of burners fall upon them as they retreat, devouring two Union soldiers. One burner bites Jacinta in the arm who is splashed with its blood when Jacinta shoots her attacker in the head. Unable to get the exit door open, Anna tries to follow Jacinta's men back through the gate, but they lock it on her. Jacinta furiously accuses Anna of knowing about the burners and Anna tells Jacinta that Daryl will kill her. Jacinta is sure that they will prevail because God is on their side, but Anna states that "God gave up on us a long time ago." Burners grab Anna from behind and devour her with the woman accepting her fate, not even screaming as she dies. In the main area, Jacinta looks at her bite wound and, hearing the sound of the plane, orders two of her men to check it out while everyone else follows her.

Taxing towards the makeshift runway, Ash is forced to stop because of a problem with air in the fuel line, this time accepting Daryl's help in repairs. Standing guard, Stéphane and Fallou notice a Guerrier on a motorcycle and warn the others of that they have incoming. Ash orders the others to give them some time to get down the runway and Daryl hugs Laurent, promising to see the boy again soon. Two Union soldiers open fire from the stands and, taking cover in a set of starting gates, Stéphane and Fallou take out both men. Daryl and Carol say a silent goodbye as she boards the plane, and Daryl orders them to go, joining Stéphane and Fallou. As the plane taxis to the end of the runway, the three men move the starting gates to serve as a barricade for them. Jacinta's vehicles drive onto the field and Stéphane throws a grenade at one, killing the driver and the gunner. Both sides take cover, with Stéphane's fire killing two more Union soldiers, including the passenger who survived the grenade thrown at his jeep. Reaching the end of the runway and seeing the gunfight, Carol asks Ash if they're good, which he confirms after looking at Laurent in the backseat holding his guitar.

As the plane begins taxing down the runway, Jacinta orders her men to move forward to stop it. The Guerrier on the motorcycle races after the plane, followed by Daryl. As the Guerrier shoots at the plane, Daryl takes up position and fires at the man, missing on the first try and killing him with the second shot. An ATV carrying two more Guerriers drives out in front of the plane and rushes headlong at it. Daryl takes aim at the driver, but he is forced to turn and shoot two Union soldiers who attack him from the side. Daryl takes aim again, but he is forced to quickly reload, having run out of bullets. Before Daryl can try again, the driver is suddenly shot from another angle, sending the ATV careening off of the runway. With the path clear, Ash makes it into the air, cheering "suck it, motherfucker!"

Laying in the grass on the other side of the runway, Carol looks at Daryl, having chosen to leave the plane at the last minute. Both sides stop firing, the battle coming to an end now that Laurent and Ash have escaped. Everyone watches as the plane flies overhead, on its way to America and Daryl and Laurent wave goodbye to each other. Bitten and devastated at having lost Laurent, thus leaving her with nothing left to live for, Jacinta puts her gun beneath her chin and kills herself.


Killed By

After being lured into a trap by Anna, Jacinta is bitten in the left arm by a burner. Sinking into despair following the escape of Laurent in Ash's Plane and with nothing left to live for as a result, Jacinta commits suicide by shooting herself in the head.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Jacinta has killed:


Episodes 1 2 3 4 5 6
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Appears Voice is heard
👁 Appears with no lines Appears in a flashback
Appears as a walker 🖼 Appears in a photograph/video
Appears as a corpse Appears in a hallucination/dream


  • Jacinta is the only supporting character to appear in every episode of Season 2.
    • Her and Emile are the only supporting characters to appear in every episode between their introduction and death.
    • She is the first supporting character from any TV Universe show to appear in every episode of a season while only being credited as a co-star.
  • Jacinta is the first character to commit suicide in The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon.