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This profile contains major spoilers for the Gotrek and Felix novels

I am a Dwarf! My honour is my life and without it I am nothing. I shall become a Slayer. I shall seek redemption in the eyes of my ancestors. I shall become as death to my enemies, until I face he that takes my life and my shame.
~ Gotrek Gurnisson, swearing upon the Oath of the Slayer

Only a fool or a maniac is never afraid, only a child or a coward lets his fear master him. It is the mark of a Warrior that he masters his fears
~ Gotrek musing on the nature of being a Slayer
A vow is a vow, and a dwarf doesn't give up a vow just because it's impossible


Gotrek Gurnisson is the worst (or the best depending on how you look at it) Dwarf Slayer to ever take the oath. Having committed a crime so terrible that only death in battle will serve as atonement, Gotrek has fought and slain numerous monsters, including hordes of orcs and skaven, a giant, trolls, Chaos warlords and sorcerers, an entire Black Ark of Naggaroth, and even a Bloodthirster of Khorne, and unfortunately (in his mind) lived to fight another day. His inability to find the heroic end he seeks begins to take its toll after a time, and by the events of Orcslayer, Gotrek is becoming worried that all that remains for him is a pathetic doom against unworthy opponents like goblins, or even worse, death as a result of old age. An experienced adventurer before taking the Slayer Oath, Gotrek has travelled across many lands and faced numerous foes of the dwarfen people, and possesses some engineering experience, including the ability to pilot gyrocopters. Gotrek is also a very grim and moody figure, even by dwarfen standards, and possesses the same stubborn character, obsession with honour, oaths and grudges, unerring sense of direction, prodigious love of ale, and general distrust of non-dwarfs that is typical of his people's culture. Like all slayers, Gotrek shaved his crimson hair into what usually is a crescent-shaped mohawk. He is described as broader than he is tall, heavily muscled, and wears a patch to cover an eye which he lost in battle with orcs and goblins. He is also far stronger than the average dwarf and is able to perceive secret passageways in seemingly impenetrable tunnel walls. He is seemingly impossible to kill, having survived, among other things, single combat with a Bloodthirster of Khorne, being hit by a stone hurled by a trebuchet, being catapulted into an orc ship and falling three hundred feet off a cliff.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 8-A normally, up to High 6-C with Statistics Amplification | At least High 6-C | 5-C, possibly 1-A with the Rune of Unbinding | 1-A

Key: Base | With the Hammer of Fates | Avatar of Grimnir | In the Realm of Chaos

Name: Gotrek Gurnisson

Origin: Warhammer Fantasy

Gender: Male

Age: around 50 | Around 150

Classification: Dwarf Slayer. Chosen of Grimnir

Powers and Abilities:

All previous enhanced, plus:

Within the Realm of Chaos:

Attack Potency: Multi-City Block level normally, (Gotrek is vastly stronger then any creature in Warhammer Fantasy. During his travels he has defeated Orc Warbosses, Trolls, Giants,[65] Chaos Champions, Dragons, Dragon Ogres and pretty much every other large creature that exists) up to Large Island level with Statistics Amplification (When in the presence of a powerful opponent, the Runes on Gotreks Axe begin to glow and amplify his strength and speed to where he was ls able to trade blows with and banish a[44] Bloodthirster but was initially overwhelmed. Later on in his life he fought the same Bloodthirster without issue[66])

Attack Potency: Large Star level (Comparable to although weaker then Grimgor. The Incarnates can contain an entire Wind of Magic inside of them, Azyr Mages using this power can move Stars and the most powerful Mages like Caledor Dragontamer to create things like the Great Vortex which is powered by the energy of multiple Stars[67]), possibly Universe level+ (Archaon and Sigmar survived the Chaos Rift which destroyed the Universe.[67][68] The Winds of Magic contain enough energy to create individual spacetimes.[69] Leading to the cyclical nature of the Multiverse.[70] Gotrek has been resurrected as the Avatar of Grimnir[71] and possesses both of his axes now[26]. Can trade blows with unsealed[72] Be'lakor who he defeats at the same time as an Army of Daemons[72]), possibly Outerverse level with the Rune of Unbinding (The Rune of Unbinding is described as capable of damaging the Chaos Gods themselves[26])

Attack Potency: Outerverse level (Capable of destroying the true form of Daemons within the Realm of Chaos[72]. The full power of the Rune of Unbinding/Grimnir's axes is described as a threat to the Chaos Gods themselves[26], which absorbs and destroys the influence and essence of Chaos itself[72]. Gotrek's rampage through the Realm of Chaos was so thorough that it eventually just spits him back out into reality in Age of Sigmar. Aethyric entities are capable of ascending and descending the three layers of the Warp with their power varying depending on the layer)

Speed: At least Massively Hypersonic (Gotrek regularly speed blitzes characters on this level[73]), possibly Relatavistic reaction and combat speed (Capable of reacting to Light based attacks with his axe[37]), | Unknown, At least Massively Hypersonic (an Unknown amount faster then before) | Unknown, At least Massively Hypersonic (an Unknown amount faster then before) | Immeasurable (Capable of moving in areas beyond the concepts of time, space, or distance[74])

Lifting Strength: Varies from Class M (Has crushing feats on par with Saurus Warrios and Leaders being able to crush rocks and steel), up to Class T when amped by his Axe (Should be comparable to this feat) | Class T (Comparable to Bloodthirsters of Khorne) | Class T (Comparable to Archaon)

Striking Strength: Multi-City Block level up to Large Island level with Statistics Amplification | At least Large Island level | Moon level | Outerverse level

Durability: Multi-City Block level normally (Capable of trading blows with essentially any and all creatures in the Warhammer world. Including Giants, Dragon Ogres and Dragons etc which are on this level) up to Large Island level with Statistics Amplification (Capable of trading blows with a Bloodthirster) | Moon level (Comparable to unsealed Be'lakor who he was able to casually defeat offscreen) | Outerverse level (Capable of trading blows with Daemons in all 3 layers of the Warp)

Stamina: Superhuman; Gotrek is able to fight at full capacity even after being drugged with enough Skavenroot to knock out a large animal, after digging a 50 foot tunnel, without food/water for days while[75] his internal organs where slowly being shredded and his lungs where filling with fluid[31] | Infinite; Comparable to Grimnir who has been holding the Chaos Gate for tens of thousands of years without rest

Range: Below Standard Melee Range. Higher with jumping attacks and throwing his Axe | Same as before | Below Standard Melee Range, Higher with jumping attacks and throwing his Axe. Infinite with the Rune of Unbinding which when activated, reverted the affects of Chaotic Influence[46] on Grimnir's fortress, which was causing it's dimensions to stretch unto infinity[48] | Outerversal

Standard Equipment: The fabled Axe of Grimnir | The Axe of Grimnir and the Hammer of Fates | Both Axes of Grimnir


Gifted. Gotrek is (despite his looks) not a stupid Dwarf. Gotrek is an expert Archeologist, Geologist, Architect, Astronomer, Engineer, Miner and Historian.

Genius in combat, Gotrek is suprisingly skilled for what is all intents and purposes a berserker style. Adept at utilising the design of his axe to disarm his opponents.

  • Skilled Axe wielder. Capable of trading blows with multiple opponents at once that each possess vastly more combat experience then him.
  • Even without his famous Axe, he is a force to be reckoned with, utilising a brawler style of hand to hand combat which incorporates throws and powerful strikes. Regularly takes advantage of his absurd strength, small size and environment.

Gotrek is almost akin to a force of nature, his absurd determination and the nature of how he approaches battles without caring about his own life but paradoxically has had his destiny altered to only be able to die at Grimnir's hands, to the point where the most powerful opponents the Warhammer world can offer don't hold a chance at even fighting him without possessing enough magic to overcome the sheer power of his destined doom.

Weaknesses: Gotrek is bound by the Slayer Oath, which compels him to seek out dangerous enemies and die a heroic death in combat. He can be somewhat reckless in his pursuit of this goal. Has limited options against ranged attacks. He doesnt decide how much his statistics are amplified by his Axe, the potency of this scales with the power of his opponent.


Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Runic Axe: Gotrek's axe is a powerful runic weapon with various abilities, such as increasing his strength and speed, negating and destroying magical and supernatural forces, and bypassing the durability and immunities of beings like daemons and undead.

Fate Manipulation: Gotrek is blessed by the Ancestor God Grimnir, who has altered his destiny so that he survives all his various challenges and eventually locates Grimnir's fortress. This blessing also grants him a powerful aura, which can affect his companions, intertwining their destinies with his.

Power Nullification: Gotrek can cut apart magical and supernatural abilities, rendering them useless. In addition, his axe can negate the durability, immortality, and regeneration of his foes.

Notable Matchups





  1. Elfslayer: Page 88
  2. Gotrek and Felix Anthologies: Page 64
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Gotrek and Felix Anthologies: Page 94
  4. Slayer: Page 164
  5. Orcslayer: Page 63
  6. Trollslayer: Page 3
  7. Skavenslayer: Page 27
  8. Trollslayer: Page 15
  9. Trollslayer: Page 37
  10. Giantslayer: Page 43
  11. Page 8 Inferno Magazine issue 36
  12. Skavenslayer: Page 141
  13. 13.0 13.1 Gotrek and Felix Anthology: Page 212
  14. The Reckoning: Page 35
  15. Orcslayer: Page 111
  16. 16.0 16.1 The Serpent Queen: Page 136
  17. Zombieslayer: Page 111
  18. Manslayer: Page 72
  19. Daemonslayer: Page 132
  20. Elfslayer: Page 60
  21. 21.0 21.1 Orcslayer: Page 91
  22. 22.0 22.1 Road of Skulls: Page 157
  23. Zombieslayer: Page 149
  24. Daemonslayer page 167-168
  25. Trollslayer: Page 73
  26. 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.3 26.4 26.5 Slayer: Page 189
  27. Beastslayer: Page 162
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 Gotrek and Felix: 6th edition rules
  29. Beastslayer: Page 135
  30. Manslayer: Page 148
  31. 31.0 31.1 Zombieslayer: Page 95
  32. Beastslayer: page 163
  33. The Serpent Queen: Pages 183-184
  34. 34.0 34.1 Slayer: Page 208
  35. Beastslayer: Page 31
  36. 36.0 36.1 36.2 36.3 Road of Skulls: Page 205-206
  37. 37.0 37.1 37.2 Dragonslayer: Pages 41/42
  38. Beastslayer: Page 89
  39. Gianslayer: Page 49
  40. City of the Damned: Page 150
  41. Road of Skulls: Page 57
  42. Elfslayer: Page 175
  43. Kinslayer: Page 200
  44. 44.0 44.1 44.2 44.3 44.4 Daemonslayer page 167-168
  45. Daemonslayer page 161
  46. 46.0 46.1 Slayer; Page 206
  47. Slayer; Page 204
  48. 48.0 48.1 Slayer; Page 160
  49. Slayer; Page 202
  50. Slayer; Page 187
  51. Demons of Chaos Armybook: 8th Edition
  52. 52.0 52.1 Codex: Chaos Daemons (8th Edition); pg 6
  53. Codex Chaos Daemons 8th edition: Page 7
  54. Path of the Renegade; Chapter Ten
  55. Giantslayer: Page 51
  56. Beastslayer: Page 57
  57. Demonslayer: Page 158
  58. Elfslayer: Page 181
  59. Manslayer: Page 175
  60. The Reckoning: Page 51
  61. Inferno Magazine issue 36. Page 28
  62. 62.0 62.1 Red Snow: Page 14
  63. Kineater: Page 164
  64. The Reckoning: Page 22-23
  65. Giantslayer: page 165-166
  66. Slayer: Page 137
  67. 67.0 67.1 The Sunderring: page 261
  68. ETA
  69. Warhammer Age of Sigmar – What Exactly are the Mortal Realms and Who Lives in Them?
  70. Sons of Ellyrion page 179
  71. Slayer: Page 187
  72. 72.0 72.1 72.2 72.3 Slayer: Page 206
  73. The Serpent Queen: Page 171
  74. Slayer: Page 202
  75. Zombieslayer: Page 77
  76. The Reckoning: Page 7
  77. Trollslayer: Page 147
  78. Zombieslayer: Page 163
  79. Road of Skulls: Page 41
  80. City of the Damned: Page 220
  81. Trollslayer: Page 123
  82. Gotrek and Felix Anthology: Page 40
  83. Gotrek and Felix Anthology: Page 47
  84. Road of Skulls: Page 175
  85. 85.0 85.1 85.2 City of the Damned: Page 129
  86. Elfslayer: Page 229-230
  87. Road of Skulls: page 117
  88. Gotrek and Felix Anthology: page 116
  89. Gotrek and Felix Anthology: page 119
  90. Charnel Congress: Page 51
  91. Slayers Honour: Page 49
  92. Beastslayer: Page 163


Discussion threads involving Gotrek Gurnisson