Villains Fanon Wiki

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Villains Fanon Wiki
Villains Fanon Wiki
Aha... Thanks for that compliment. You see, the world can be a cruel place. Nobody ever has reasons, we just do it because we enjoy it. Your either an asshole or a weakling. That's life. I hate to break it to you *whispers* not really *stops whispering* but your free trial of being able to live is over. That's it, no more framing, no more useless gang. I'll kill you and your friends with my bare hands... But first, I'll have fun tormenting you.
~ Scarlet Spiker explaining her enjoyment of hurting others, right before torturing Natalie.

Villains who are in it For the Evulz commit atrocious acts simply because they can and enjoy every second of it. For obvious reasons, they are almost always Chaotic Evil.

See this page that this category is named after.

All items (145)
