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Alex! Listen to me... I stole the gas from the Russians, to help us... only to help us! Tell Farah... Tell her, Alex...
~ Hadir revealing that he stole Barkov's gas to Farah and Alex, before defecting to Al-Qatala.
I don't care about the world. I did this for my sister.
~ Hadir explaining his motives while being captured.

Hadir Karim (Arabic: هدير كريم) is a major antagonist in the 2019 video game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and the main antagonist of the Raids storyline in its 2022 sequel Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II.

He is the older brother and lieutenant of his sister Commander Farah Karim, the leader of the Urzikstan Liberation Force, who initially fought alongside her to free the country from General Barkov's control. However, he defected to Al-Qatala, feeling that he needed to go to extreme levels to free Urzikstan from the Russian general's control. After escaping custody, he returns as AQ's new leader to continue his war against Russia and protect his country from Konni. This was until he was killed by his sister, Farah and his former comrades, Captain Price and Alex.

He is voiced by Aidan Bristow, who also played Daniel Allen White in Criminal Minds.



Hadir was born as the eldest child to Walid and Fatima Karim, and had a younger sister named Farah. Walid was a professor and Fatima was a civil servant for her district in Urzikstan, both respected in their middle class community. Like his parents, Hadir has always sought to make something of himself, but grew up in an uncivil world of war-torn streets and death around every corner.

Hadir's life changed irreparably when a rogue Russian army led by General Barkov invaded Urzikstan and, in a matter of minutes, imposed their will, blanketing his hometown with ordnance and poison gas, and their mother was killed in a bombing that nearly killed Farah as well. He and Farah killed a Russian troop named J-12, who had killed Walid. One minute, Hadir was doing homework and the next, he was trying to escape rifles, gas bombs and capture. Too young, small and scared, Hadir has always been haunted by guilt over his inability to render more aide. With the help of his sister Farah, they attempted to escape, but were both apprehended by Barkov himself and were taken to a prison camp.

War Against Barkov[]

Losing his family, his home and his innocence, like many in his generation, Hadir and his sister Farah grew up in prison without guidance, education or moral instruction. These events fomented a violent and aggressive streak. For Hadir, warplanes, enemy tanks and checkpoints were a normal part of his daily life. After helping his sister lead a rebellion to break free from Barkov’s POW camp, he became a prominent figure and an influence on emerging combatants. Here, he shaped his personality and reputation as a hostile, cunning guerilla fighter. Because he was there when the shelling started, Hadir is viewed as someone to be trusted by his community and beyond.

Left an angry and restless soul with the heart of a warrior, Hadir learned to keep his cards, feelings and plans to himself. Secretive, not through deviousness, but because he had to be to survive. Farah and Hadir see eye to eye on their ultimate goal – to liberate their people – but don't always align on tactics or strategy. Today, Hadir is Farah's lieutenant, but differs with his sister philosophically when it comes to battle.

Hadir has never been beyond the borders of his country and often returns to his birth city to lead counter-occupation attacks. "I couldn't, because my dad and mum are buried here," he says. "I didn't want to be away from them. Now, it is time to go wherever we must, to achieve victory." Hadir considers more aggressive actions to be a necessary part of liberating his people. His singular purpose is to defeat those occupying his land by any means necessary.

Defecting to Al-Qatala[]

By 2019, Hadir started becoming desperate to killing Barkov and with the help of his fellow members of the Urzikstan Liberation Force, stole Barkov's chlorine gas from his Kastovian facility. He continued helping Farah aid her Western allies, particularly Alex Keller, Captain Price and Sergeant Garrick. He participated in the missions to take Barkov's airfield, capturing the Wolf and fought against Al-Qatala in the U.S. Embassy. However, after the Wolf escaped and their attempt to recapture him was intercepted by Barkov's forces, Hadir revealed what he did and unleashed the gas on the Russians and saved both Farah and "Alex" with gas masks. Hadir then joined the Wolf and the Butcher in their HQ, but escaped when an S.A.S.-C.I.A. joint team raided the place. During this, he attempts to convince Farah to join and help Al-Qatala, claiming that they were on the same side against Barkov, but to no avail.


Later, Hadir led Al-Qatala in raiding Barkov's residence in Moldova and took his family relatives as hostage as revenge for what he did to his own. As he started planning to destroy Barkov's gas factory and kill the evil general once and for all, he was intercepted by Price and Garrick. After he revealed that he found where Barkov's gas factory was, he helped them escape as Barkov's men tried to kill them. Hadir is collected from the pair by Kate Laswell and handed over to the Russian government.

He was initially feared to be killed by the Russians for his crimes on their territory. However, according to Laswell after Barkov's death, Hadir was revealed to still be alive and that the Ultranationalists under the command of Imran Zakhaev's son Victor were big fans of his actions and planning to get him out.

Return and Death[]

At some unknown point, Hadir escaped Russian custody and rose in the ranks of Al-Qatala until he eventually became their new commander. In 2022, he led AQ to raid a recently-discovered Soviet-era bunker in the Sattiq mountains in Urzikstan, which housed several Soviet-made thermonuclear missiles. He and his men also fought ULF soldiers led by Alex, whom he spared while killing the others. As AQ took the warheads, Hadir had Alex deliver a message to Farah and her allies: join him in his war against the Russians or stay out of his way. Farah, Alex and Price proceed to pursue him, and eventually catch up to him. As they reach him, they are led into a room rigged with explosives, where he finally encounters his sister and Price with Alex after a long time, who are forced to surrender.

Hadir tried to win over his sister and both Alex and Price but to no avail. So instead, he ordered to have the trio locked up until his mission was done; however they broke out and a fight to the top ensued. The trio later found Hadir in an elevator trying to escape from Atomgrad to Russia while AQ soldiers surrounded the area in a last stand to protect him. Hadir's escape route failed when the three damaged the elevator's mechanism to the point it collapsed to the ground. Found mortally wounded, Hadir tried to reason with Farah to use the nuclear device against Russia, warning that the "real Russians" were coming for Urzikstan. However, before he could give them a name, he drew his last breath. Farah then shed a tear as she acknowledged her brother's death before leaving with the others and the nuke.


Modern Warfare

Baba, I heard the bombs. I closed the windows, like you told me.
~ Hadir to Walid.
We will go through the poppies. They will hide us, let's go.
~ Hadir to Farah after killing J-12.
Find a gun. And if you get scared, use the phone to distract them. Don't get caught.
~ Hadir to Farah.
You did it. You saved us. Let us get out of here.
~ Hadir to Farah after killing two of Barkov's men.
Let us get out of here. I'll drive!
~ Hadir to Farah before driving and getting caught by Barkov and his men.
General Barkov is coming. He knows about the messages. Does he know that you are Karim?
~ Hadir to Farah while in Prison about the messages.
The revolution begins now, sister.
~ Hadir to Farah after being rescued by Price.
Marines, American. We have to go, Now!! Move out, Go, go, go!
~ Hadir to his men after recognizing Alex, the Marines corpses about the stolen gas.
Sister, it's time to go - Who is this?
~ Hadir to Farah when meeting Alex Keller.
Of course. my sister is in command, and the Russian Army is still here.
~ Hadir to Alex about Barkov and his men.
Welcome to Urzikstan, Alex.
~ Hadir to Alex.
Hadir: Alex, these charges. C4 with remote detonator.
Alex: Thanks.
Hadir: Watch my sister. Good luck.
~ Hadir and Alex.
You're in my house now, Alex. I set up shop on the edge of Barkov's base, keep those fucking dogs in check. Friends close, enemies closer. I told you we have our ways. No grenades, so we can improvise.
~ Hadir to Alex about taking over Barkov's airbase.
The Russians only understand violence, So I show them violence. Barkov has an air force, so we have one too. RC planes loaded with C4.
~ Hadir to Alex.
Alex, my planes are down. We need air support, If you really want to help us, now is the time!
~ Hadir to Alex about Air Support.
Today was a great victory for Urzikstan. Thank you, Brother.
~ Hadir to Alex after securing Barkov's air base.
The Butcher is outside, They'll burn the city if they have to.
~ Hadir to Alex and Farah about The Butcher and his men freeing The Wolf.
The Wolf was a freedom fighter?
~ Hadir to Price about The Wolf.
Stay frosty.
~ Hadir after taking down a AQ Fighter.
Alex, check this out. .338 Lapua. Armor piercing at 600 meters. I put it together myself. Please, use it.
~ Hadir to Alex by showing his sniper rifle.
We are brothers now, Alex, Make me proud.
~ Hadir to Alex.
His fruit killing skills are remarkable!
~ Hadir to the ULF Fighters about Alex's skills.
The Wolf must be coming of they wouldn't stand these forces to clear the way.
~ Hadir to Alex and Farah.
Never too much, same as before. Enemies get close, detonate them - Watch your distance.
~ Hadir to Alex about the explosives.
Yes, and now we send it back to back to the Russians!
~ Hadir to Alex.
Hadir: The gas masks are in the bunker, come quickly!
Farah: Hadir, What is this?!
Hadir: A taste of their own medicine!
Farah: What?!
Hadir: The gas! If they can use it, so can we! Go, sister, inside!
~ Hadir and Farah after the stolen gas explosion to kill Barkov's Army.
Hadir: Sister!
Farah: Get off of me! How could you do this?!
Hadir: We had no choice, Farah! All bets are off!
Farah: No, Not like this!
Hadir: Sister?! Sister!
~ Hadir and Farah.
Hadir: Alex, why did you bring her here?
Farah: I came here by choice.
Hadir: Leave, now. I can't protect you here.
Alex: Come with us, Hadir.
Hadir: No! It's too late for that, now.
Farah: Show your face and die.
Hadir: Farah, please - These people are willing to help us!
Farah: You are a liar and a traitor!
Hadir: You're wrong! You will see.
~ Hadir's ultimatum to Farah and Alex.
Hadir: Captain, please! I did not know it was you!
Price: You stupid bastard! Where's Barkov?!
Hadir: He's not here!
Price: But his family was here!
Hadir: Are you protecting him?
Kyle: No, We're taking you.
Price: Come.
Hadir: Wait! I'm not your enemy, Look. I know the gas is made, I have the location.
Price: This is Barkov's chemical factory?
Hadir: Yes, I'm taking it down. We're on the same side, Captain.
Price: Not like this.
Hadir: Then help us, please. Help my sister... Listen!
~ Hadir when apprehended by Price and Kyle.
Captain, please. Give Farah the plans, Tell her the truth.
~ Hadir to Price and Kyle.

Modern Warfare II

Drop your weapons. All of you, Now!
~ Hadir to Price, Alex and Farah.
Thank you, sister.
~ Hadir while Farah and 141 surrendered.
Stay here, Don't shoot.
~ Hadir to his men.
Alex, I gave you a message. Did you deliver it?
~ Hadir to Alex about the message.
Hadir: I left him alive to save you.
Farah: I kept myself alive to kill you.
Hadir: I'm protecting Urzikstan from our enemies, Farah.
Farah: You are making war where there was peace.
Hadir: Peace? I have known no peace.
~ Hadir and Farah.
You, let them give me to the Russians. You betrayed me, Captain.
~ Hadir to Captain Price.
And still, I stand here - unarmed.
~ Hadir to Price, Alex and Farah.
My men are here to prevent failure. If you were dead - I would mourn, But I would not kill you myself.
~ Hadir to Price, Alex and Farah.
Hadir: I love you, Farah. Even if you hate me, In that way we are not the same.
Farah: One of many.
Hadir: We take lives to save lives, sister.
~ Hadir and Farah.
Then so be it, I will not let you stand in my way.
~ Hadir to Price, Alex and Farah.
You'll be detained until I complete my mission. {...} We will see.
~ Hadir when preparing to take Price, Alex and Farah to the Cell.
Take them to the cell.
~ Hadir to his men.
You have a heart of a lion, sister. Just like me.
~ Hadir to Farah.
Captain Price, Alex, You are the only ones she will listen to. Talk to her, Protect her from herself - she is confused.
~ Hadir to Price and Alex about Farah.
I've never been sure in my life! The only question is what will I do with you and those you trust, I will not lock you in. But if you come for me, I will not hold back.
~ Hadir to Farah.
Fuck! we need to hurry. Let's go! Find them, get the core back! There they are! Get the core, Open fire! Do whatever it takes! Whatever it takes to get the Warhead back! Do what you must, Brothers!
~ Hadir to his men after Price, Alex and Farah retrieved the Nuclear Warhead Core.
I told her I wouldn't give her another chance.
~ Hadir to his men.
Let's go! Shoot them down! Keep them back! Engage!
~ Hadir during the boss fight.
No! Sister!
~ Hadir to Farah during the boss fight.
You made your choice, sister. I gave you every chance!
~ Hadir to Farah during the boss fight.
We should be fighting Russians, not each other! Don't do this! I'm trying to protect our country!
~ Hadir during the boss fight.
Farah, I'm doing this for us! For our people, for our family!
~ Hadir to Farah during the boss fight.
Keep them off the elevator!
~ Hadir to his men during the boss fight.
Stop! You don't know what you're doing!
~ Hadir when Price, Alex and Farah damage the elevator to defeat him.
Farah, you have the warhead. use it.
~ Hadir to Farah while mortally wounded.
It won't stop. You have to fight them the way they fight us to win.
~ Hadir to Farah.
Sister, Together we can stop them - like we did before.
~ Hadir to Farah.
Listen to me, Farah. They are coming, Urzikstan is in danger.
~ Hadir warning Farah.
Mama and Baba will be proud. Keep them in here, keep this clear.
~ Hadir to Price, Alex and Farah.
The real Russians...
~ Hadir's last words.





  • In "Hometown", a drawing in Hadir's house has his name spelled as "Haider" (Arabic: حيدر) which is a synonym for lion.
  • Due to being Middle-Eastern and being nicknamed by his father as "his little lion", Hadir was rumored by fans to be the reboot timeline's incarnation of Khaled Al-Asad, whose name translates to "the immortal lion". Despite further developments that supported this theory (such as Victor Zakhaev being a fan of Hadir and breaking Al-Asad out; and when Hadir returned as an Al-Qatala commander), it was ultimately disproven by Hadir's death.
  • While Hadir loved his sister and supported her cause in freeing Urzikstan from Barkov's control, there are early indications that he developed doubts about her leadership and efforts. For example, when Alex says that Farah is in command, Hadir does agree with this before adding "...and the Russian army is still here." This leans to a possibility that Hadir's defection is because he started to disagree with her methods and unwillingness to hold nothing back against Barkov's forces.

External links[]


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VC Bookie

Khaled Al-Asad

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United States Armed Forces
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Strategic Defense Coalition
Tian Zhao

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54 Immortals
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Coalescence Corporation
Sebastian Krueger | Yousef Salim | Xavier Hirtzel | Corvus

Common Defense Pact
John Taylor | Dylan Stone | Abasi Hakim

Nile River Coalition
Abasi Hakim

Settlement Defense Front
Salen Kotch | Akeel Min Riah | Bradley Fillion | Caleb Thies | Radoslav Barkov | Negrete | Phantom | Vlad Derhachov | Damien Nichols

Barkov's Forces
General Barkov | J-12 | Vladimir Makarov | Evgeny | Luka | Viktor | Andrei

The Wolf | Hadir Karim | The Butcher | Khaled Al-Asad | The Chemist | Christopher Yuter | Jessica Ramirez | Abu Sa'ir | Rasheed | El Traficante | The Banker | Mark Davies | Derek Watson | Ahmed | Alamik | Danny | Pyro | Scavenger | Rhinoceros | Sniper

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Winslow Accord
John Taylor | Dylan Stone | Javier Ramirez | Alice Conrad | Sarah Hall | Peter Maretti | Sebastian Diaz | Joseph Fierro | Jacob Hendricks

Perseus Spy Network
Perseus | Arash Kadivar | Anton Volkov | Qasim Javadi | Franz Kraus | Robert Aldrich | Vadim Rudnik | Imran Zakhaev | Bell | Vikhor "Stitch" Kuzmin | Kapono "Naga" Vang | Freya "Wraith" Helvig | Roman "Knight" Gray | Owethu "Jackal" Mabuza | Kaori "Kitsune" Tanaka | Benito "Fuze" Ortega

Warsaw Pact
Benito "Fuze" Ortega | Freya "Wraith" Helvig | Ghostface | Harry Stone | Kaori "Kitsune" Tanaka | Kapono "Naga" Vang | Owethu "Jackal" Mabuza | Roman "Knight" Gray | Vikhor "Stitch" Kuzmin

Quds Force
General Ghorbrani | Hassan Zyani

Shadow Company
Phillip Graves | Wimbush | Spaulding | Velikan | Scavenger | Bombmaker

Las Almas Cartel
Valeria Garza | Diego Salgado | Mayor Salazar | Núñez

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The Guild
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Rogue Black Ops
Lion Mask VIP

Crimson One
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The Five Knights
Russell Adler | Vladimir Makarov | Raul Menendez | Sebastian Krueger | Gabriel T. Rorke | Mace | Édouard "Templar" Couteau | Cecilia "Dame" Perrin | Hidora Kai | Vagr Modir | Rott

The Dark Covenant
Stansfield | Kryptis | Anna "Artery" Buckler | Witch Doctor | Krystof "Firebreak" Hejek | Dark Shepherd | Édouard "Templar" Couteau | Cecilia "Dame" Perrin | Nyx

Vladimir Makarov's Crew
Vladimir Makarov | Freya "Wraith" Helvig | Kryptis | Nyx | Cecilia "Dame" Perrin | Eldermann | Darling | Garrett

The Tontine
General Shepherd | Dark Shepherd | Gertrude Warnholdt | Fiona "Flamewing" St. George | Lizbeth "Kestrel" Warnholdt | Dr. Edward Richtofen | Owethu "Jackal" Mabuza | Vikhor "Stitch" Kuzmin | Templar's Shadow | Kryptis | Nyx | Cecilia "Dame" Perrin | Wicht Warden

Ascension Group
Yuri Zavoyski | Harvey Yena | Anton Gersh

Iraq Armed Forces
Saddam Hussein | Saeed Alawi

Luttazzi Crime Family
The Godmother | Don Luttazzi | Francesco | Luttazzi Security

Edward Richtofen

Shadowman | Dr. Monty

Omega Group
Lev Kravchenko | Gorev | Aleksandra Valentina | William Peck | Medvedev | Dimitri Kuhlklay | Hugo Jager

Nightfall Program
Samantha Cross | David Archer | Dr. Kassar | Contact #28

Group 935
Dr. Edward Richtofen | Dr. Ludvig Maxis | Sophia | Groph

Terminus Outcomes
Jack Fletcher | Victor Zakhaev | "Legacy" Baranov | Rainmaker | Ari "Dokkaebi" Jo | Krawvir | Bishop | Rook | Knight | Sona "Keres" Mirzoyan

Project Janus
Edward "Eddie" Richtofen | John Blanchard | Ernst Duffer | Dr. Pericles Panos | Dr. Revati Modi | Owen Guthrie

French Syndicate
Francois "Franco" Moreau | Chloe | Laurent

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