Undead Unluck Wiki
"If you join me, then I'll deactivate my ability. If you don't, then that wound... won't heal until I'm dead."

Rip to Unseen, Chapter 19

Rip Tristan (リップ=トリスタン Rippu Torisutan?) was a member of Under. He is a Negator with the alias Unrepair.

He is currently part of The Union in the 101st loop and is seated at the 11th seat.


Rip has mid-length blond hair and wears an eye-patch-like mask that covers most of the right side of his face. He wears a dark purple suit with a white tie, brown finger-less gloves, and a white t-shirt underneath. Blood is often seen trailing out from his eyepatch from an accidental self-inflicted wound that stays open due to Unrepair. He has a small pair of blood bag earrings which hang off of each ear. Rip has a beauty mark on the edge of his left eyelid and cheek. He's regarded as being a bit of a pretty-boy.[2]

His legs are the Artifact Blade Runner.[3]

After becoming a child, he loses the suit and wears a hoodie, shorts, and sneakers.

A few months later, in the Unbelievable Arc, he is no longer seen wearing the eyepatch at the time of disguising himself as a Union cohort.

In the Autumn Arc, he returns to wearing his child attire and eyepatch. When Anno-Un uses a drawn copy of the Artifact Life is Strange on him, Rip ages 15 years, returning to his biologically accurate adult appearance, with his child-size clothes now too small.

In the 101st Loop, he never got his eye injury and as such never wears an eye patch. Furthermore, he only installed Blade Runner's right leg with Latla installing the left leg.


Rip is very playful and methodical. He is introduced as being somewhat merciful, giving Unseen a chance to join him instead of killing him with his ability,[4] though he's later shown to have no issue killing Negators he deems useless. He also has some sort of grudge against The Union, seeing how he refuses to hand over Unseen.[4] That said, he also is shown to be nice to enemies he respects, and even offers Fuuko and Andy spots on his team despite their attempts to kill him.

His kind hearted side was shown further when he was with Akira Kuno, when Akira used the Time Control Artifact to bring him back to his adult body, he told Akira that they can possibly revert him and save Akira's life, this is also shown with Leila.

Latla states that Rip will continue to be the Villain and not the Hero because he will do whatever it takes to save Leila, implying he was a truly good person as a Surgeon before her death took place.



When he was a child, Rip befriended Latla and her sister Leila, who suffered from a degenerating illness. From a young age he was highly intelligent though lazy, but with encouragement from the sisters he became a successful surgeon with the ultimate goal of curing and marrying Leila. Years later, when came the time to operate on Leila, Latla predicted it would successful as Rip began the procedure. At about halfway through the operation Rip and Latla gained the Negations Unrepair and Untrust, respectively, thus ensuring Leila couldn't heal from the surgery and the procedure would certainly be a failure. Leila died shortly afterwards, sending both of them into a spiral of despair during which Rip considered taking his own life, barely saved by Latla, who accidentally made him cut his own eye. Both became resentful of the world and began searching for a way to undo their mistake; at some point they joined Under with the goal of using Ark to revive Leila.[5]

Unrepair Arc[]

Unbelievable Arc[]

Autumn Arc[]

Spring Arc[]

Ragnarok Arc[]

Sick Arc[]

Powers & Abilities[]

Unrepair (不治 (アンリペア) Anripea?): Any damage inflicted by Rip cannot be repaired, be it by natural healing, Negator abilities or an UMA's regeneration, thus rendering even minor wounds possibly fatal.[4] This also includes actions that would indirectly heal the target if repairing them is the intention, such as injuring oneself further or trying to stop the bleeding. Rip explains to his targets that killing him will undo his ability, therefore turning attacks against him into healing techniques that he can negate.

Master Knifemanship: Rip is very skilled at using his scalpels in combat, using them both as blades and as projectiles. He uses them in conjunction with his negation so that any cuts he creates will never heal.

Surgical Skill: Rip used to be an extremely proficient surgeon and retains that medical knowledge, but because of Unrepair he can never perform surgery again.


Blade Runner (走刃脚 (ブレードランナー) Burēdoran'nā?): An artifact that Rip has instead of legs which allows him to shoot blades by kicking. It also has thrusters that allow him to fly and move with great speed. In the 101st loop, he only has the right leg while Latla has the left, allowing them to push the artifact even further.

Scalpels: Rip has a plethora of scalpels on his person. He uses them both as blades and as projectiles.

Unnamed Blade Arm Artifact: During Ragnarok, Rip replaced his left arm with an unnamed artifact, similar in appearance to Blade Runner, that took the form of a metallic arm with an extendible blade at the wrist.


  • Rip's Popularity Results:
    • 7th in the First Popularity Poll
    • 10th in the Third Popularity Poll
    • 15th in the Fourth Popularity Poll
  • According to Rip's profile in Volume 4:
    • His hobbies are collecting eye patches, knives and teasing Latla.
    • His special skills are dissection, sewing and cooking.
    • His favorite dish is pasta.
  • His name has a double meaning. It could mean Rip, as in a large cut, or Rip, as in the acronym for "Rest in Peace".


  1. https://twitter.com/undeadunluck_of/status/1694182682350297435
  2. Undead Unluck Manga: Chapter 22, Page 8
  3. Undead Unluck Manga: Chapter 27, Pages 10 - 11
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Undead Unluck Manga: Chapter 19, Pages 16 - 17
  5. Undead Unluck Manga: Chapter 49

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