Undead Unluck Wiki

Justice (ジャスティス Jasutisu?) is the Concept-Type UMA that embodies the concept of justice. They are the "Fifth Master Rule UMA" that sits at the fifth seat in the Master Room.


Justice takes the form of a knight wielding a large two-handed sword and wearing a full set of plate armor, complete with spurred greaves. It is unknown what lies beneath the armor; the only visible part of Justice's body is a single, large, glowing eye.

When they reach Phase 3, Justice's size increases, transforming into a hulking giant; their armor changes shape, becoming more elaborate and with sun-shaped symbols on the shoulder pads, while their helmet becomes a sort of visor, revealing a thick ponytail on the back of the head and the lower part of their face. Their sword also increases in size, and along with it, a shield appears, also with a sun-shaped symbol on its surface.


Not much is known about their personality due to them not speaking despite new and dangerous situations occurring within the Master Room.


Like all other UMAs, Justice was created by God at the beginning of the loops, when he began adding rules to the newly created world to test humans. Justice in particular was added to "inflict conflict on humanity", giving birth to free will and out of that come independence.

Sick Arc[]

They are first seen when Fuuko enters the Master Room, looking silently in her direction. During this time they do not do anything, letting current events play out.

Unstoppable Arc[]

On September 30th 2015, Apocalypse calls the Master Room in order to get Master Rule representatives for the next quests, stating he needs a minimum of 2 Master Rules to participate and gives them 3 minutes to decide who will go. They along with all the other Master Rules wish to be representatives, before Andy begins to attack the Master Room. While Andy is attacking the Master Room, they do not interfere with the battle are supposedly captured in the Soul Chain, along with almost all the other Master Rules.


Justice has shown to be a skilled swordsman, managing to perform and even injure Yusai, a master swordsman.


  • Sword: In combat, Justice uses a common two-handed sword, which is lost when Yusai uses Undraw to prevent them from drawing it from her body. This sword is replaced with a larger, more ornate sword befitting their size when Justice enters Phase 3.
  • Shield: A round shield with a sun-shaped pattern, which also appears when Justice enters Phase 3.


  • Justice wields a longsword, while their corresponding Negator, Juiz / Julia, wields a rapier.


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