Undead Unluck Wiki

Lucy (ルーシー Rūshī?) is a kid that Andy has saved in his journey.


Lucy is a young girl. She has blonde hair and wears plain black clothes; due to her condition wears a face mask.


Lucy is very curious but timid due to not having many opportunities to socialize due to her ability. She has a very active imagination and her favorite story is Peter Pan, even leading to her mastering Astral Projection after Ghost's appearance. Lucy cares deeply about her mother and wants to save her from Ruin.



Lucy gained her ability seemingly at a very young age, leaving her constantly frail and sickly. Her mother was always there to take care of her. Shortly after the addition of Ghost, she even learned to Astral Project - one of the first people in the world to do so.

Ragnarok Arc

While Andy is searching for Ruin's castle, he comes across a nearly empty town filled with many UMA's Juniors which he easily defeats. He encounter's a young girl who tells her about Ruin and Ghost passing through and killing many people, also thanking him for saving her from one of the Juniors. She asks him to save her mom from them since she was at church when they were attacked and turned into Blood's Juniors - to which Andy agrees.

She rides on the DB with him as he easily cuts down Insect and Thirst, even managing to perceive the resulting alterations. Once Seal appears and attacks Andy, she tries to protect him but gets easily sealed. As Seal taunts Andy, he sneezes - this makes Andy jump into one of the scrolls to get sealed up as well, much to Seal's confusion.

Within Seal's Internal Dimension, she, Andy and several captured UMAs are stuck to the walls with a sticky black substance. She tells him that sometimes the others get pushed toward the shining orb in the center and comments that "it looks hot" just as Cloud gets pushed into it and screams in pain. Andy concludes that Seal's sneeze was a product of her ability, telling her she is a Negator: Unhealthy. She despairs at knowing she will never be less sickly but when Andy asks how she made Seal sneeze without actually getting burnt, she reveals her Astral Body to him and explains how to use it, even teaching it to the other sealed UMAs.

Using Astral Projection, everyone's souls manage to exist Seal - though he quickly recaptures the UMAs. Andy gets held down by Seal while Lucy tries to appeal to Ruin. When Ruin goes to kill her mother, Rip arrives and manages to break the talisman holding them, thus freeing their bodies as well. While Andy and Rip fight, Ruin and Seal escape. While Andy is on the ground, unable to heal due to Unrepair, he manages to ask Lucy to pull the card out of his head, momentarily giving Victor control. As Victor wasn't the target that was harmed, Unrepair deactivates and Andy regenerates, allowing him to defeat Rip and Latla.

After Andy leaves, she stays behind at the castle with her mother, telling her that they'll dig graves for them.

Later, she is seen witnessing God's arrival on earth and is killed alongside everyone on the planet as the 100th Loop ends.

Powers & Abilities

Unhealthy (不健康 (アンヘルシー) Anherushī?): Lucy's power is a self-targeting ability that negates any and all forms of healthiness within Lucy.

Astral Projection: With the addition of the Ghost, Lucy over time gained the ability to separate her soul from her body assuming a ghostly form that allows her to pass through objects and even inside the Seal.


  • Lucy's Popularity Results:
  • According to Lucy's profile in Volume 12:
    • Her hobbies are astral body walks and reading.
    • Her special skill is astral projection.
    • She likes her mom's rice porridge.


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