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That Jerk as He Stands Is (今のアイツは Ima no Aitsu wa) is the 173rd chapter of Yoshifumi Tozuka's Undead Unluck.


As the Union prepare to time warp, Isshin the 12th stays behind so he can watch Haruka grow up. Meanwhile, Chikara's parents, Phil's Mother, and Bau all enter the Roundtable as well, with the former three to be with their loved ones, the latter so the other memebers of the science team to surpass him. After using Apocalypse to skip 16 years, entering May 1st, 2015, the book attempts to scare Fuuko by stating she's missed some Negators. Fuuko counters with certainty she hasn't. Nico asks how Fuuko can be so confidant, and figures out that she's been using the occult to somehow know the future. Before he can question further, Fuuko runs off on the Kinto'un as Chikara's parents use leave for home with help from Move.

The next day, in Paris, France, Fuuko meets with with Latla to discuss the truth. As it turns out, when Latla was 5, Fuuko met her and made a promise to her to meet up in 16 years while honing her fortune telling skills until then. After telling Latla what happened during the last loop, Latla remakes on how kind of a man Rip is, and then asks her what she should do in this loop to save her sister. Fuuko vows to save the three from their fate, and explains that the best chance is for Latla and Rip to become Negators. While Fuuko is confidant that Latla will become one, she is unsure of Rip. However, Latla explains that he has well pass that conditions to become Unrepair, having made a name for himself in cardiology and globetrotting as well, gaining as much medical knowledge as possible, stating that he's an even better doctor than his 100th loop self.

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Chapters and Volumes
One-Shot Undead + Unluck
Volume 1 1234567Extras
Volume 2 8910111213141516Extras
Volume 3 171819202122232425Extras
Volume 4 262728293031323334Extras
Volume 5 353637383940414243Extras
Volume 6 444546474849505152Extras
Volume 7 535455565758596061
Volume 8 626364656667686970
Volume 9 717273747576777879
Volume 10 808182838485868788
Volume 11 899091929394959697
Volume 12 9899100101102103104105106
Volume 13 107108109110111112113114115
Volume 14 116117118119120121122123124
Volume 15 125126127128129130131132133
Volume 16 134135136137138139140141142
Volume 17 143144145146147148149150151
Volume 18 152153154155156157158159160
Volume 19 161162163164165166167168169
Volume 20 170171172173174175176177178
Volume 21 179180181182183184185186187
Volume 22 188189190191192193194195196
Volume 23 197198199200201202203204205
Volume 24 206207208209210211212213214
Volume 25 215216217218219220221222223
Other Chapters 224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239
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Sick Arc
Chapters 173174175176177178179180181182183