Recollection () is the 213th chapter of Yoshifumi Tozuka's Undead Unluck.
Flying on Kinto'Un, Julia asks if Fuuko is better now that her parents are together. She admits that even's somehow "studier" than before, explaining that she's felt her body weaken since the fight with Beast. She feels that something is off however, noting that she's missing something about her parents defying Souls' expectations and getting together, despite Kurusu's enhanced Unchaste. She is interrupted by Void, with him and Leila having located Bunny from the orphanage and are returning to base. Brushing it aside, she decides to reveal to everyone the truth of what happened in the previous loops.
She goes on to explain how they were all former allies and enemies that clashed on numerous occasions for the sake of their dreams, and as a result "plotted to swipe each other's seats", "stole the Roundtable from one another", "fought over Loop privileges", and "betrayed each other for the sake of our loved one". Because of Ragnarok, the negators were unable to truly understand one another, yet they all came together to protect Fuuko. As such, Fuuko has been wanting to reunite with everyone as soon as possible. She also admits she was nervous due to the 101st loop being so different from the 100th, but states that meeting Nico was "the Nico I don't know yet do know." From there, she would try and recruit the Negators, preventing their tragedies so they could all work together.
The only one left is Tatiana, aka Untouchable. It turns out in this loop, she is a bit older and famous model who loves to wear clothes. When asked if they would let it manifest or not, Fuuko states she wants to advert her tragedy, and regardless of whether or not she joins, Fuuko will use Remember on the Union, so they can remember the previous loop. With everyone agreeing, the team heads to Tatiana's location to save her.