- "Little Petey" Terrone
- "Uncle" Paulie Franchetti
- 8-Graves Street Subway Station
- AKS-74U
- A Real Rain Has Come
- Abandoned Church
- Abdul Salaam
- Abe Hunter
- Absolute Immortality
- Abysmal Maw
- Adele Postma
- Adelmo's Mother
- Adelmo Estacado
- Adolf Hitler
- Adrienne Estacado
- Af and Hemah
- Agnes
- Al Fred-Georges Gavory
- Alexandra
- Alexandre Quartermaine
- Alexandria Petrovich
- Alfred Blackmoore
- Alfred Pennyworth
- Alkonost
- Alkonost's Knight
- All Clear
- Amali
- Amani
- Amelie Dubois
- Anchorage Strip Club
- Ancient One
- Ancient Ones
- Andy Cohen
- Angele
- Angelus's Construct
- Angelus's Familiar
- Angelus (Comic)
- Angelus (Comics)
- Angelus (Game)
- Angelus (Games)
- Angelus (Video Game)
- Angelus (comics)
- Angelus Warrior
- Angelus Worrior
- Angie
- Anthony
- Anthony Estacado
- Anthony Pinetti
- Antonio Estacado
- Aphrodite IV
- Appolonia Franchetti
- Aram
- Archaeologist Darkling
- Ares IX
- Ares IX: Darkness
- Ariana Estacado
- Arianne De La Croix
- Ariel Chylde
- Arm of the Night
- Army of Darklings
- Artie Fawcett
- Artie Fawcett's Gas Station
- Artifact
- Artifacts
- Arvo
- Ashes of the Unnamed
- Asylum
- Athena Jones
- Attionette Rodriguez
- Aunt Sarah
- Aunt Sarah's House
- Baltimore
- Bar Keeper
- Barzini
- Barzini's Concubine
- Barzini's Coven
- Bashirah
- Bastet
- Batman
- Baubier
- Becky
- Belasco Estacado
- Belial
- Benedetta Maria Ferro
- Benny
- Berlin
- Bernadette
- Berserker Darklings
- Beto
- Big Mickey
- Bill Haagensen
- Billy Sherman
- Bissinger
- Black Captain
- Black Guidon
- Black Hole
- Blagg
- Blair Dray
- Blakey
- Blinding Sun
- Bllas
- Blood Bag
- Blood Pearl
- Blood Sword
- Boathouse
- Bobby Caballero
- Bobby Ravada
- Bog
- Bolo
- Bragg
- Brimstone Club
- Broadside Paper Factory
- Bronville Hotel
- Brotherhood
- Brotherhood Melee
- Brotherhood Veteran
- Brotherhood Veteran Melee
- Brotherhood Whip
- Brotherhood of Darkness
- Brothers of Men
- Bruce Wilder
- Bruno
- Bud Langley
- Bud Starling
- Bus Passenger
- Butcher Joyce
- Butcher Joyce (Comic)
- Buttman
- Cain
- Cake
- Canal St. Subway Station
- Candace's Boyfriend
- Candace Cypress
- Candy Club
- Cannon
- Cannon Driver
- Canty Berridge
- Caprio
- Capris Castiglione
- Captain Fincher
- Cardinal Crease
- Cardinal Innocent
- Cardinal Jasper
- Carin Taylor
- Carla Denton
- Carlo
- Carlo Estacado
- Carlos Toledo
- Carmella Stagliono
- Carter
- Castle
- Castle of Horrors
- Catacombs
- Cathead
- Catwoman
- Cedro Valdez
- Cellar
- Central Station
- Cervantes
- Channel 6 HQ
- Charlene Warburton
- Charlie
- Charlie Hazelgrove
- Charlotte
- Cheng
- Cherub
- Cherub Hostile
- Chestburster
- Chief
- Chiles
- Chime of Deliverance
- China Minn
- Chip Feary
- Christabelle
- Christian Estacado
- City Hall Station
- Clairvoyant
- Clairvoyant's Mother
- Clark McKendricks
- Clem
- Coin of Solomon
- Colborne
- Colborne's Henchman
- Colborne Standard
- Colette
- Colonel
- Colonel Sampayo
- Colt King Cobra
- Colt MK IV Series 70
- Compton Scarr
- Conquistador
- Corporal Greenwood
- Corpses Can't Talk
- Count Dracula
- Count Orlok
- Count Von Orlok
- Cpt. Eddie Shrote
- Creeping Darkness
- Crescent of the Sun
- Cristofano De Vesci
- Cristoforo Gaestanci
- Crucified
- Crystallized Gauntlet
- Cull
- Cypress Ecotours Fanboat Rental
- Damon
- Dana Cutrone
- Dana Cutrone's Apartment
- Daniele Baptiste
- Danielle Baptiste
- Danny Estacado
- Dante
- Dark Axe
- Dark Essence
- Dark Man
- Dark Prince
- Dark Shield
- Darkalien
- Darkling
- Darkling (Comic)
- Darkling (Comics)
- Darkling Girl
- Darkling Kittens
- Darkling Spider
- Darklings (Comic)
- Darkness
- Darkness: Infinity
- Darkness (Comic)
- Darkness (Comics)
- Darkness (Game)
- Darkness (Games)
- Darkness (Video Game)
- Darkness Creature
- Darkness Exoskeleton
- Darkness Foot-Creature
- Darkness Guns
- Darkness Infinity
- Darkness Virus
- Darkus
- Darling
- David Graves
- David Lizewski
- Dead-End Job
- Deal with the Devil
- Dean
- Deceiver's Grasp
- Deckard
- Deconstruction Delay
- Delgado
- Demon Arm
- Demon Arms
- Demon Cop
- Demon Heads
- Demon Riders
- Demonic Shield
- Dev Ravada
- Dick Garber
- Dinner Out
- Djinn
- Dmitri Mihailov
- Doctor
- Doctor Smith
- Doctor Strange
- Doktor
- Dolfo
- Dominguez
- Dominic Alberto
- Donatella Estacado
- Donna
- Donnie
- Doppelganger
- Dorothy Paine
- Dos Amigos
- Double Zero
- Dracula
- Drag Darkling
- Drug Depot
- Duke Ross III
- Dutch Oven Harry
- Eddie
- Eddie Shrote
- Elle
- Ember Stone
- Emerson Darke
- Emil Cruikshank
- Emma Cayce
- Empress
- End of an Era
- Engraved Skull
- Enrico
- Enrico's
- Enrico Esposito
- Enter the Gauntlet
- Enzo
- Enzo Scardina
- Erewhon
- Ernesto Macabeo
- Ernie Deval
- Ernie Palanco
- Ernie Palanco (Game)
- Esmee
- Estacado
- Estacado Family Mansion
- Estelle
- Eva
- Eva - Daughter of Dracula
- Everything Burns
- Facehugger
- Fat Tony
- Father Brendan
- Father Dominique
- Father Fabiano
- Father Jean
- Father Raskin
- Female Cop
- Female Federal Agent
- Female Rebel
- Ferdinand
- Ferryman
- Festest
- Fool's Phylactery
- Forced Entry
- Fort Knox
- Four Horseman of the Apocalypse
- Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
- Frances Fox
- Franchetti Mafia (Comic)
- Franchetti Mafia (Comics)
- Frank
- Frank Marshal
- Frank Mortis
- Frank Rottenberg
- Frankie
- Frankie Franchetti
- Frankie Franchetti's Lawyer
- Frankie Tieri
- Freak Show
- Freydis
- Frontiersman
- Fulton St. Subway Station
- Fun and Games
- Galvani
- Gangsta
- Garber's Warehouse Guard 1
- Garduna
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