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The Darkness Wiki

"Hiya, Wenders! You ugly bucket of sick!"
– Darkus to Wenders [src]

Darkus is a unique Darkling appearing in The Darkness comic series.



After Angelus's Familiar dies, Jackie creates a darkling named Darkus and puts it into Wenders pants. He then declares that he will be coming to Liberty Island to talk business with Sonatine and if Wender reveals anything to him, Darkus will bite off his genitalia.

Wenders Failure[]

Wenders tries to get Jenny on the boat, saying that if he doesn't a monster in his pants will bite of his genitalia. Jenny instead grabs the chains and runs back on the island. Sensing that Wenders has failed to complete his orders, Darkus bites off his genitalia.


Darkus expressed extreme hate towards to Wenders. He would always curse and name him awful things. After Wenders fails to save Jenny, Darkus shows lots of enjoyment in punishing him.


  • Darkus is the first Darkling Jackie made by himself.

