Street Fighter Wiki

The V-Skill (Vスキル V Sukiru?) is a mechanic introduced in Street Fighter V.

Street Fighter V Arcade-Button-MPunch+Arcade-Button-MKick


V-Skills are free-to-use actions unique to each character. Due to their unique exclusiveness to each and every character, they help accentuate and compliment their fighting style, and are encouraged to be used for a player's advantage. As they are all activated by pressing both medium attack buttons, they replace the Focus Attack from the Street Fighter IV series.

The skill itself varies depending on the character; successfully using them builds the V-Gauge, which is needed for V-Triggers, V-Shifts, and V-Reversals. Players can use the V-Skill at the desired moment over again.

Since in Ver. 05. 001, all playable fighters gain a second V-Skill. Their original ones are referred to in-game as "V-Skill I" while the second ones are labelled "V-Skill II".

List of V-Skills

Character V-Skill I V-Skill II
Abigail Hungabee C'mon Spare Tire
Akira Kiko Rensei Tsutenda
Akuma Rakan Kiai
Alex Overhaul Overchain
Balrog KKB FFB
Birdie Break Time Chewing Time
Blanka Coward Crouch Shout of Earth
Cammy Quick Spin Knuckle Spinning Attack
Chun-Li Rankyaku Hazanshu
Cody Double Kick Crime Sway
Dan Saikyo-Style Buraiten no Kamae Saikyo-Style Otokoboe
Dhalsim Yoga Float Yoga Deep Breath
E. Honda Neko Damashi Sumo Spirit
Ed Psycho Snatcher Psycho Swing
Psycho Smash
F.A.N.G Nishodoku Sodokubu
Falke Psycho Trombe Psycho Mine
G G Barrier G Protection
Gill Divine Comet Blocking
Guile Sonic Blade Dive Sonic
Ibuki Tenrai Makibishi
Juri Kasatsushu Fuha Enzan
Kage Senha Kassatsu Sekieiken
Karin Meioken Fudo Sosho
Ken Quick Step Ryusenkyaku
Kolin Inside Slash Glacier Through
Laura Volty Line
Linear Movement
Volty Sprink
Lucia Tap-Kick Arrest Heel
Luke Hard Shot Suppressor
M. Bison Psycho Reflect Hell's Warp
Menat Soul Reflect: Kamal/Stella Soul Spiral
Nash Bullet Clear Silent Sharpness
Necalli Culminated Power Crawling Beast
Oro Onibi Minomushi
Poison Perfume Swing Cartwheel
R. Mika Mic Performance Pumped Up!
Rashid Front Flip
Rolling Assault
Wing Stroke
Rose Soul Fortune Soul Satellite
Ryu Mind's Eye Thrust Strike
Sagat Angry Charge Hanuman Charge
Sakura Haru Kaze Haru Hayate
Seth Tanden Engine Tanden Booster
Urien Metallic Aura Indignant Thunder
Vega Matador Turn Matador Flip
Zangief Iron Muscle Super Russian Kick
Zeku Fukuro (Old form)
Tenpo Kari (Young form)
Kuchiyose - Shii (Old form)
Kuchiyose - Bii (Young form)


V-Skill I

V-Skill II
