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When the V-Gauge has one bar. It allows the player to use a V-Reversal.

The V-Reversal (Vリバーサル V Ribaasaru?) is a mechanic introduced in Street Fighter V. V-Reversal is one of four divisions of the V-Gauge, along the V-Skill, V-Shift, and V-Trigger.



Executed by pressing forward and pressing all three punch or kick buttons after blocking an attack, the V-Reversal uses one bar of the V-Gauge to perform a counter technique, similar to the Alpha Counter of the Street Fighter Alpha series.

Some V-Reversals are attacks that either knock down the opponent, or push them backwards to give their character some space, dealing Provisional Damage and being incapable of knocking an opponent out. Other V-Reversals places their character on the opposite side of the screen. V-Reversals are safe on block (with the exception of Cammy's) and are strike and projectile-invincible, though can be grabbed if an opponent recovers in time. They also reduce the user's stun gauge on hit and whiff, making them useful in scenarios where being stunned is a significant threat.

List of V-Reversals

Character Button V-Reversal Damage
Abigail Arcade Button Kick x3 Ontario Drop 60
Akira Arcade Button Punch x3 Gutsy Counter 60
Akuma Arcade Button Kick x3 Gosenkyaku 60
Alex Arcade Button Kick x3 Big Boot 60
Balrog Arcade Button Punch x3 Buffalo Headbutt 60
Birdie Arcade Button Punch x3 Pepper Pot 60
Blanka Arcade Button Punch x3 Quick Rolling 60
Cammy Arcade Button Kick x3 Strike Back 60
Chun-Li Arcade Button Punch x3 Sou Hakkei 40
Cody Arcade Button Kick x3 Prison Breaker 60
Dan Arcade Button Punch x3 Saikyo-Style Kaihi Jutsu 0
Dhalsim Arcade Button Punch x3 Yoga Mala 60
E. Honda Arcade Button Punch x3 Raiden-Ho 60
Ed Arcade Button Kick x3 Kill Step 0
F.A.N.G Arcade Button Punch x3 Nikaiho 0
Falke Arcade Button Punch x3 Psycho Impulse 60
G Arcade Button Punch x3 G Revenge 60
Gill Arcade Button Kick x3 Pyro Reverse Kick 60
Guile Arcade Button Punch x3 Reverse Back Knuckle 60
Ibuki Arcade Button Punch x3 Hanagasumi 60
Juri Arcade Button Kick x3 Kaisenrenkyaku 60
Kage Arcade Button Punch x3 Senbugeki 40
Karin Arcade Button Punch x3 Yasha Gaeshi 60
Ken Arcade Button Kick x3 Senpu Nataotoshi 40
Kolin Arcade Button Kick x3 Third Eye 0
Laura Arcade Button Punch x3 Double Slap 60
Lucia Arcade Button Punch x3 Hammer Knuckle 60
Luke Arcade Button Kick x3 Ejector 60
M. Bison Arcade Button Punch x3 Psycho Burst 60
Menat Arcade Button Punch x3 Left Eye of the Lion 0
Nash Arcade Button Punch x3 Sonic Move 0
Necalli Arcade Button Punch x3 The Calling 60
Oro Arcade Button Punch x3 Ashi Barai 60
Poison Arcade Button Punch x3 Power Cord 60
R. Mika Arcade Button Kick x3 Peach Gator 60
Rashid Arcade Button Punch x3 Sliding Roll 0
Rose Arcade Button Punch x3 Soul Reflect 60
Ryu Arcade Button Punch x3 Hashogeki 60
Sagat Arcade Button Kick x3 Tiger Revenge 60
Sakura Arcade Button Kick x3 Floral Spin 60
Seth Arcade Button Punch x3 Calamity Shutter 60
Urien Arcade Button Punch x3 Anger Snap Fist 60
Vega Arcade Button Punch x3
Arcade Button Kick x3
Short Backlash
Zangief Arcade Button Kick x3 Muscle Explosion 40
Zeku Arcade Button Punch x3 Toushi 40



  • The inability for V-Reversals to score a KO follows the nerf Cross Cancels acquired on their native game in the latest update.

