

Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Canon version of this subject.  This article covers the Legends version of this subject. 


"I can hardly believe it…where did the time go?"
"Where time always goes. There's a giant black hole in the center of the galaxy, and it just sucks it right up."
―Bria Tharen and Lando Calrissian[1]

Time, a measurable part of the universe's structure in which events occur in sequence, was regulated by Galactic Standard Calendar (which was based around the Galactic standard second) in most places within the galaxy. The invention of hyperdrive allowed spacers to bypass the laws of time physics and keep time dilation from happening during interstellar travel. There were a number of individuals in the history of the galaxy who actually managed to time travel in ways which defied the standard sequence.

Some societies measured time with units other than those used by the Galactic Standard Calendar, such as kets, klekkets, grimnals, cergl-units, and progressions.

Time was sometimes measured around the legendary conflict known as the Battle of Yavin.[2]


"Alas, time, pitiless time, is that selfsame tyrant before which all are humble."
Zeta Magnus[3]

In major galactic society, historians have divided galactic history into multiple eras, usually defined by a series of conflicts or a specific ruling . These periods can be named after a particularly notable Chancellor, a war, a government, or for other reasons.

The following is a list of time period widely accepted by galactic society.

Name Begins Ends
Pre-Republic Era 25,053 BBY
Expansionist Era 25,053 BBY 20,000 BBY
Great Manifest Period 20,000 BBY 17,018 BBY
Indecta Era 17,018 BBY 15,000 BBY
Kymoodon Era 15,000 BBY 11,987 BBY
Pius Dea Era 11,987 BBY 10,966 BBY
Ductavis Era 10,966 BBY 9000 BBY
Rianitus Period 9000 BBY 8000 BBY
Subterra Period 8000 BBY 7000 BBY
Manderon Period 7000 BBY 5000 BBY
Post-Manderon period 5000 BBY 4000 BBY
Old Sith Wars 4000 BBY 3950 BBY
Inter-Sith Wars period 3950 BBY 2000 BBY
Draggulch Period / New Sith Wars 2000 BBY 1000 BBY
Great Peace of the Republic 1000 BBY 22 BBY
Clone Wars 22 BBY 19 BBY
Imperial Period 19 BBY 4 ABY
Post-Imperial era 4 ABY

Another time period was the Stromma species Expansion Period, during which they fought many wars against the Quesoth species.[4]


I find your lack of faith disturbing

I find your lack of sources disturbing.

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Notes and references[]
