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This article is about the organization formed from the Mandalorian Royal Guards. You may be looking for The Mandalorian Protectors commanded by Mandalore the Resurrector.
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"As my personal guard, you are the only ones I can trust to investigate this matter."
―Duchess Satine[3]

Journeyman Protectors, also known as the Protectors of Concord Dawn or the Concord Dawn Protectors, were an ancient group of elite Mandalorians who maintained balance in their warrior culture. Formerly known as the Mandalorian Protectors or Mandalorian royal guards while guarding the ruler of their homeworld Mandalore, the Protectors retreated when Mandalore was taken over by the Galactic Empire, and they made a camp on the third moon of Concord Dawn under the leadership of Fenn Rau. The Protectors allied with the Empire, but after Rau was captured by the rebels Kanan Jarrus and Sabine Wren, who fought with honor, the Protectors' sympathies turned against the Imperial occupiers. In 2 BBY, the Protectors were wiped out by the Imperial Viceroy Gar Saxon and his commandos in an attempt to lure Rau out of hiding.


Concord Dawn protectors

Protectors firing at rebels.

The Mandalorian Protectors,[13] or simply the Protectors, were an ancient group of elite Mandalorian warriors.[7] Charged with the protection of the Mandalorian ruler, a being known by the title of the Mand'alor, they recruited the best warriors from Mandalore's clans.[14][10][15]

Some of the best pilots in the Mandalore sector, they flew Fang fighters, and wore multiple sets of gear, including ceremonial and traditional combat armor[14] as well as full piloting gear including blue jumpsuits, air packs, and helmets.[8]

The Concord Dawn Protectors acted as a militia[16] of lawmen[2] that were known and feared throughout the Mandalorian sector.[16] The Journeyman Protectors[2] continued to use Fang-class starfighter, and were flown by the best pilots in the sector resulting in the Fang-class becoming a common sight in the Concord Dawn system and across Mandalorian space. Most of the impressive starfighters were sold to the Concord Dawn Protectorate, but a small handful that made their way away from the Protectors were acquired by the Black Sun crime syndicate and resold.[16]


Galactic Republic Clone Marshal Commander CC-1138 was one of the few clone troopers who trained with a former Journeyman, which for some explained his reputation as a loner.[2]

Clone Wars[]

Though Mandalore had largely turned its back on its more war-like past[1] by the time of the Clone Wars,[6] the Mandalorian Protectors were one of the few traditions to continue,[1] charged with protecting New Mandalorian leader, Duchess Satine Kryze.[14] In the year 21 BBY,[17] the Protectors assisted Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi in rounding up all the people who were present at or near the Death Watch bombing of the Memorial Shrine in Sundari's Peace Park. They later escorted the Duchess, Master Kenobi, and the bomber's body to Mandalore's moon of Concordia.[6] The Mandalorian Protectors continued protecting the Duchess and her entourage aboard the Coronet, where they defended her and several senators from assassin probes. When Senator Tal Merrik of Kalevala revealed himself as a traitor, the royal guards fought and destroyed boarding B2-series super battle droids alongside Grand Army of the Republic clone troopers.[9]


The Mandalorian Protectors with Duchess Satine Kryze

Duchess Satine later mobilized the Protectors to lead a private investigation into a poisoning outbreak in Sundari. Satine's investigation led to the reveal of a larger black market conspiracy, and the Protectors aided her and Republic Senator Padmé Amidala locate the base of the black market. While some Protectors kept Satine safe during the following skirmish, others worked with Amidala to defeat and arrest the perpetrators.[3] The conspiracy continued unraveling, eventually revealing that Prime Minister Almec had organized the black market on Mandalore. Almec had control over his own police force, and sent them to kidnap Duchess Satine in her home. Several Protectors were brutally killed, and their bodies were discovered by Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano and Satine's nephew, Korkie Kryze, who later rescued the Duchess and arrested Almec.[18]

The Journeymans worked directly with the Republic during the Clone Wars. They were brought in to train clones troopers, with their leader, Fenn Rau, training clone pilots.[8] At the Third Battle of Mygeeto, the Protectors under Rau fought alongside the Grand Army of the Republic as Skull Squadron rescued Jedi General Depa Billaba and her Padawan, Caleb Dume.[19]

Late into the Clone Wars, Death Watch returned to Mandalore with a large criminal army to supplant Satine's reign. Satine made a speech to the crowds gathered outside her palace, with the Protectors standing behind her. Death Watch leader Pre Vizsla arrived to confront Satine, and the Protectors raised their weapons to defend the Duchess, though she had them lower their defenses so she could speak with Vizsla. The Death Watch and their criminal armies overpowered the New Mandalorian forces, and Vizsla later entered the throne room to again confront Satine. The Protectors prepared to fight, but Satine had them stand down as she was not willing to have her or her forces be provoked to violence. The Duchess surrendered to Death Watch, and she, the New Mandalorian Mandalorian Government Council, and her Protectors were arrested and brought to prison.[20] Some of Satine's allies later attempted to free her, though after two failed attempts she was murdered by the new ruler, Maul,[21] who had defeated Vizsla in combat and claimed his place.[20]

Protectors of Concord Dawn[]

Journeyman Protector-SW Card Trader

A Protector in his gear with a WESTAR-35 blaster pistol

At some point after the Imperial occupation of the Protectors homeworld Mandalore, the Protectors left Mandalore and established a base on the third moon of the Concord Dawn system. Led by Fenn Rau, they forged an agreement with the Empire. The Protectors, however, maintained their feelings of hatred towards Death Watch and the clans that had aligned with it, such as Clan Wren, considering them traitors for the organization's role in the fall of Mandalore.[7]

In 3 BBY,[22] the Spectres, Hera Syndulla and Sabine Wren, along with two Phoenix Cell pilots were sent to Concord Dawn to negotiate the usage of their hyperspace routes. The negotiators were attacked by the Protectors in orbit, led by Rau. Spectre leader Kanan Jarrus was sent to destroy their Fang fighters to stop further conflict. In truth, Kanan was attempting to finish Hera's mission, to negotiate terms. Sabine stowed away on board the Phantom, against Kanan's wishes, to eliminate Rau for severely injuring Hera in a dogfight. After capturing their leader and destroying their Fang fighters, Rau was forced to let the rebels use their hyperspace routes.[8]


In 2 BBY,[23] the Imperial Viceroy of Mandalore, Gar Saxon, discovered that the Protectors were allowing rebel ships to travel through the Concord Dawn system in order to avoid Imperial sector patrols. In an attempt to lure Fenn Rau back, Saxon and his Imperial super commandos attacked the Protectors' encampment on the third moon of Concord Dawn and wiped them out. When Rau traveled back to Concord Dawn with Sabine, Ezra Bridger, and Chopper, they discovered that the Protectors had been decimated. After escaping Saxon, Rau decided to join the rebellion.[10]


Following the outbreak of the Mandalorian Civil War after the skirmish on Krownest, and the deaths of Viceroy Gar Saxon and his brother Governor Tiber Saxon during a mission to Mandalore, various Mandalorian clans declared for Satine's sister Bo-Katan Kryze to lead them, with Rau also declaring that the Protectors were with her.[11]

Behind the scenes[]

The Protectors' sigil is taken from concept art by Joe Johnston for Boba Fett.[24] Lucasfilm Story Group member Matt Martin confirmed on the Rebels Recon for the Star Wars Rebels episode "Twin Suns" that the Protectors were the same guard that served Satine during Star Wars: The Clone Wars.[14]



Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 StarWars-DatabankII Mandalorian Guard in the Databank (backup link)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Star Wars Character Encyclopedia: Updated and Expanded
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Corruption"
  4. Ultimate Star Wars, New Edition
  5. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "The Protector of Concord Dawn"
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "The Mandalore Plot"
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 StarWars-DatabankII The Protectors in the Databank (backup link)
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "The Protector of Concord Dawn"
  9. 9.0 9.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Voyage of Temptation"
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Imperial Supercommandos"
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 Star Wars Rebels: Heroes of Mandalore
  12. FFGXWMG Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures GameProtectorate Starfighter Expansion Pack (Card: Concord Dawn Ace—Protectorate Starfighter)
  13. StarWars-DatabankII Fang Fighter in the Databank (backup link)
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 SWYT-Logo Rebels Recon #3.20: Inside "Twin Suns" | Star Wars Rebels on the official Star Wars YouTube channel (backup link) (Posted on StarWars.com)
  15. SWYT-Logo Rebels Recon #2.19: Inside "The Mystery of Chopper Base" | Star Wars Rebels on the official Star Wars YouTube channel (backup link) (Posted on StarWars.com)
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 No Disintegrations
  17. Star Wars: Galactic Atlas
  18. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "The Academy"
  19. Kanan 10
  20. 20.0 20.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Shades of Reason"
  21. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "The Lawless"
  22. Star Wars: Timelines dates the events of "The Protector of Concord Dawn" to 3 BBY.
  23. Star Wars: Timelines dates the events of "Imperial Supercommandos" to 2 BBY.