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Got A Bad feeling

I have a bad feeling about this…

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"Chopper, sometimes you do it right."
―Kanan Jarrus[13]

C1-10P, commonly known as "Chopper," or simply "Chop," was a masculine C1-series astromech droid manufactured by Industrial Automaton that was active during the Clone Wars and the early years of the Galactic Empire. He was a member of the Spectres, a rebel cell led by the Twi'lek captain Hera Syndulla and the Jedi Kanan Jarrus that fought against the Empire. He was responsible for maintaining the Ghost, a modified VCX-100 light freighter which served as the rebel cell's main base of operations.

During his time with the crew of the Ghost, Chopper took part in numerous raids and missions against Imperial targets. Due to his old age and lack of regular maintenance, Chopper developed an argumentative, cantankerous, and mischievous personality. Despite these personality flaws, he was a loyal member of his rebel crew. Later, Chopper and his fellow rebels joined the Phoenix Cell, which was part of the rebellion. In 3 BBY, he befriended the Imperial RA-7 protocol droid AP-5. Together, the two played an important role in helping the Phoenix rebels discover a new base on the planet Atollon, which was named Chopper Base in Chopper's honor.

Over the years, Chopper would continue serving the Spectres as the group became involved in the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Chopper would also remain by Hera's side during the Galactic Civil War.


Early existence[]

"That Y-wing crashed here back in the Clone War, and my father left it as a memorial. It also happens to be the ship I pulled Chopper out of, so he still has issues with it."
―Hera Syndulla[10]

Manufactured by Industrial Automaton[2] on Lasan,[1] C1-10P or "Chopper" was known to have existed for a few decades past his expiration date. Despite his antiquated age, Chopper refused to consider himself old.[14]

During the Clone Wars, Chopper served the Republic Navy as a navigational astromech and was part of the Ryloth campaign.[15][8] During the battle, his BTL-B Y-wing starfighter/bomber was shot down and he was damaged, leading to him being found by Hera Syndulla, a young Twi'lek girl who was the daughter of the Twi'lek Resistance leader Cham Syndulla[16] and his wife Eleni Syndulla.[17] Due to his crash landing, Chopper still had issues with Y-wings and refused to ride in one.[10]

At Syndulla's side[]


Hera and Chopper spying on the refinery

Chopper then came into the services of young Hera. Following the Clone Wars, the Galactic Republic became the Galactic Empire, which refused to leave Ryloth.[16] One day, Chopper joined the young Hera in spying on Imperial positions.[17] Later, he helped her and Clone Force 99 rescue Cham and Eleni.[18] Cham came to devote more time to the Resistance's cause of freeing Ryloth and neglected his own family, particularly Hera. Due to the death of Eleni and her father's neglect, Hera came to devote more time to Chopper than her own father, which strained relations between father and daughter. When Hera left Ryloth to join the rebellion, Chopper followed his master offworld.[16]

When Hera acquired the Ghost, a modified VCX-100 light freighter, Chopper was charged with maintaining the ship. The astromech droid modified the ship's systems to the extent that only he could interact with the ship's computer.[14] During the Gorse Conflict in 11 BBY,[19] Chopper remained behind on the Ghost while Syndulla performed her mission. During the incident, Syndulla met the former Jedi Kanan Jarrus and allowed him to join them on the Ghost.[20] As time passed by, Chopper became acquainted with the growing members of the Spectres: Jarrus, the Lasat Honor Guard Captain Garazeb Orrelios, and the Mandalorian teenager Sabine Wren.[14]

Age of the Empire[]

Raid on an Imperial supply convoy[]

"I know you're fixing the shields. But I need the comm operational to coordinate our attack. Now go before I pull your battery! And while you're back there, tell Kanan to please hit something!"
―Hera Syndulla, to Chopper[14]
Grafitti zeb and ezra room

Chopper did not get on well with Zeb and Ezra

After Chopper successfully unscrambled an Imperial military frequency that revealed the location of nearby cargo ships transporting minerals to construct the Galactic Empire's war machines, Kanan formulated a plan to attack the convoy. However, the cargo report was in reality a trap set to capture rebels, and once they arrived, Kanan Jarrus, Hera Syndulla, and C1-10P instead found themselves under attack by four Imperial TIE/ln starfighters.[14] After the attack disabled both the Ghost's shields and internal comm system, Chopper found himself receiving conflicting orders from both Syndulla and Jarrus regarding which to fix first. Chopper's ultimate solution to the problem was to take charge of the laser cannons on the Phantom and destroy the final TIE fighter himself. After doing so, he received praise from Hera and Kanan in the cockpit.[7]

Enter Ezra Bridger[]

Shortly afterward, the crew of the Ghost executed a heist that resulted in a young orphan named Ezra Bridger coming aboard the ship. Chopper and Zeb initially did not welcome Ezra's presence and were hostile towards him. After reporting to Cikatro Vizago, the crew went in search of a group of Wookiees that had been enslaved by the Empire. Boarding the Gozanti-class cruiser where the Wookiees were supposedly being held, Chopper went with Sabine Wren to disable the cruiser's gravity. The ship however was revealed to be a trap, set up by Imperial Security Bureau Agent Kallus, Chopper and the Ghost's crew were able to escape unscathed, but Ezra was captured. After a brief vote, the crew elected to rescue the boy, and did so. Ezra revealed that he had discovered the true whereabouts of the Wookiee slaves–spice mine K76 of Kessel. While Chopper stayed with Hera on-board the Ghost, Kanan, Zeb, Sabine, and Ezra freed the captured Wookiees. The mission complete, Ezra decided to remain with the crew of the Ghost after Kanan offered to train him in the Jedi way.[21]

Theft of the T-7 ion disruptors[]

Droids in Distress thumb

Chopper with C-3PO, R2-D2, and Sabine

Running low on fuel and food, the crew of the Ghost decided to take up one of Vizago's standing offers to steal a shipment of T-7 ion disruptor rifles before they fell into the hands of the Empire. After boarding Star Commuter 2000 shuttle ST-45, bound to the planet Garel, the rebels made their move. Aboard the shuttle was Minister Maketh Tua, who was negotiating the arrangement with Aqualish arms dealer Amda Wabo. With Wabo only able to speak in his native tongue, Lothal's minister borrowed Senator Bail Organa's protocol droid C-3PO, along with his counterpart astromech, R2-D2 to translate the deal.[22]

As the ship entered hyperspace, Bridger and Chopper started a ruckus, causing Jarrus to request that the astromech be moved to the back of the shuttle. The pilot complied, but in retaliation Bridger demanded that Tua's droids be sent to the back as well. Despite her protest, the droids were ordered to go back, leaving the minister without an interpreter. Wren, fluent in Aqualish, offered to translate for the duo, which Tua gladly accepted. Later, when Bridger, Orrelios, and Wren took the T-7 ion disruptor rifles, Chopper noted that R2-D2 was coming closer. Syndulla ordered Chopper to distract them, which he did. Chopper rammed himself right into R2-D2, then shook his arm in apparent anger. In response, R2-D2 whipped out his electro-shock prod, but did not use it as C-3PO ordered him to apologize. But then, Minister Tua remembered Chopper from the shuttle ride to Garel and ordered her stormtrooper guards to hurry to Bay 7. Chopper only watched the Imperials run to Bay 7, not bothering to try and warn his rebel friends.[22]

While Zeb grappled with the stormtroopers, Chopper joined Sabine and Ezra who were loading crates of T-7 ion disruptors into the Ghosts' cargo hold at the neighboring Bay 8. Chopper was followed by C-3PO and R2-D2, who were seeking to escape the carnage. Chopper was initially annoyed at the presence of the two stowaways and blew a circuit when C-3PO described him as "old" and R2-D2 described him as a thief. However, Chopper chortled in satisfaction when Kanan ordered Sabine to place restraining bolts on the two stowaways. Unknown to Chopper and his companions, Bail Organa had sent the two droids on a secret mission to prevent the T-7 ion disruptors from falling into the hands of the Empire. Chopper's companions then traveled on the Ghost to Lothal with the intention of selling the ion disruptors and the two stowaway droids to the Devaronian crime lord Cikatro Vizago.[22]

The Ghost landed at a rendezvous point on Lothal and proceeded to sell the disruptors to Vizago. Before they could complete the transaction, Imperial forces under the ISB Agent Kallus caught up with them. Unknown to Chopper and the other crew, C-3PO had contacted the Imperial authorities telling them that he and his astromech counterpart had been kidnapped by a group of "criminals" in Garel. Carrying out Organa's orders, R2-D2 proceeded to overload the T-7 disruptors and was assisted by Sabine and Chopper. During the fighting, the rebels managed to destroy the T-7 disruptors and to escape their Imperial pursuers. Following their escape, the crew of the Ghost rendezvoused with Senator Bail Organa and returned C-3PO and R2-D2 to their rightful owner. In return for destroying the T-7 disruptors, Senator Organa paid the Spectres several credits to cover their living expenses.[22]

The meiloorun hunt[]

Later on Lothal, Chopper played a prank on Ezra and Zeb, removing the bolts from Ezra's bunk so that when he sat on it, he fell down on top of the sleeping Orrelios. Blaming each other, the young human and Lasat got into a fight aboard the Ghost. As punishment, Hera sent Ezra and Zeb to buy some groceries including a meiloorun fruit. However, the two rebels ran into trouble and stole a TIE fighter. After learning of their predicament, Jarrus ordered the two to destroy the vessel. Despite this, Bridger and Orrelios refused, but kept it a secret so as to preserve it. Following the incident, Sabine did a graffiti painting of Chopper playing a prank on Ezra and Zeb.[23][24]

Trap on Stygeon Prime[]


Chopper and his fellow crew

Later, Chopper and Zeb were watching Kanan training Ezra on top of the Ghost high above Lothal's surface. During the lesson, Chopper under Kanan's instruction hurled several small empty objects at Ezra in an attempt to train him how to deflect the objects with his lightsaber. However, Ezra was unfocused and was not able to strike the objects with Kanan's lightsaber blade, which he had borrowed for the lesson. In the end, Chopper finally threw multiple objects at once, causing Bridger to fall backward and off the ship, plunging towards the surface below. Jarrus then used the Force to catch the boy in mid-fall and to levitate him towards the Ghost. This unsuccessful Jedi lesson created friction between Kanan and Ezra with the former taking issue with the latter's lack of focus and unteachable character.[25]

After receiving a transmission from the former Senator Gall Trayvis that Jedi Master Luminara Unduli, a veteran of the Clone Wars, was imprisoned on the bleak Imperial prison world of Stygeon Prime, Chopper and his companions traveled to the Stygeon system in an attempt to rescue Luminara. Unknown to the crew of the Ghost, Luminara was already dead and the Empire had planted this information in order to lure the Spectres into a trap. When Kanan told Ezra that Master Luminara would make an excellent teacher for the young apprentice, Ezra moaned to Chopper that Kanan was going to "pawn" him off on some stranger. Ambivalent to Ezra's predicament, Chopper rolled away without a beep.[25]

During the mission to Stygeon Prime, Chopper remained with the Ghost on orbit to provide his companions with a get-away transport. Meanwhile, his companions entered Stygeon Prime's atmosphere in the Ghost's auxiliary craft, the Phantom, and infiltrated the Spire, the Imperial prison where Master Luminara was reputed to be held. However, Ezra and Kanan were ambushed by the Grand Inquisitor, a Pau'an Imperial agent used to hunt down Jedi. After much difficulty, Chopper's companions managed to escape the Spire and rejoined Chopper. They then traveled back to Lothal to recuperate. As a result of their experiences on Stygeon Prime, Ezra reconciled with his master and continued with his Jedi training under Kanan.[25]

Infiltrating the Lothal Imperial Academy[]

Imperial Academy Lothal

Chopper infiltrated the Imperial Academy disguised as an Imperial astromech droid

Later, Ezra Bridger infiltrated the Academy for Young Imperials in Lothal's Capital City in order to obtain an Imperial decoder containing the location of a powerful kyber crystal. Chopper along with Sabine Wren and Garazeb Orrelios assisted Ezra's mission by keeping a watch on him around the Imperial Academy. Chopper himself infiltrated the Academy disguised as an Imperial astromech droid, sporting black paint to complete his disguise. Throughout the mission, Chopper and his fellow rebels regularly corresponded with Ezra. With the assistance of fellow cadet Zare Leonis, Ezra succeeded in stealing the decoder from Agent Kallus' office. This intelligence enabled Hera and Kanan to intercept and destroy an Imperial convoy carrying the kyber crystal.[26] After the rebels had finished using the decoder, they passed it to Leonis' girlfriend Merei Spanjaf, who needed to use it to hack the Imperial data network to find Zare's missing sister Dhara Leonis.[27]

However, their plans to extract Ezra from the Imperial Academy were delayed after Ezra and Zare discovered that another cadet, Jai Kell, had shown an affinity for the Force and attracted the attention of the Inquisitor. After convincing Jai to escape with them, Ezra convinced Zeb and the other rebels to stage a diversionary attack on the Academy the following day. During the attack, Chopper planted a time bomb on an AT-DP walker, which gave the signal for Zare and Jai to hijack another AT-DP walker. Shortly thereafter, they were joined by Ezra, who had climbed the walker under the pretext of fighting the hijackers. Ezra's AT-DP walker managed to breach the blast doors, where they were extracted by Zeb, Sabine, and Chopper.[26] However, Zare opted to stay behind in order to discover the whereabouts of his sister Dhara Leonis, who had been abducted by the Inquisitor for a secret Imperial project called Project Harvester.[27]

Exploits at Fort Anaxes[]

While the Ghost was traveling in space, Ezra grated Chopper's nerves by riding on him. Ezra's spat with Chopper and Zeb distracted the three of them from the task of running a diagnostic scan on the Ghost's auxiliary vessel, the Phantom. Thus, they did not detect a fuel leak on the Phantom's engine. This mishap stranded Hera Syndulla and Sabine Wren on Fort Anaxes, a remote asteroid base once used by the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. During their trip to Fort Anaxes, Hera and Sabine were attacked by fyrnocks, a species of silicon-based predators. After much difficulty, Hera and Sabine managed to escape the fyrnocks with the help of the rest of the Ghost's crew.[28]

Empire Day[]

Ezra ignites his lightsaber

Chopper and the other rebels watching Ezra present his new lightsaber

On Empire Day that year, Chopper's companions destroyed a TIE Advanced v1 prototype and escaped with the Rodian fugitive Tseebo, a former Imperial Information Office employee who had defected from the Empire with a stolen cybernetic headset containing Imperial technical plans. During their escape, Chopper operated the Ghost's rear guns and fired on a pursuing Imperial Troop Transport. Chopper's actions enabled his rebel companions and Tseebo to escape aboard the Ghost and head into space. While fleeing into space, the Ghost was pursued by several Imperial TIE fighters led by the Inquisitor, which fired upon the Ghost. Chopper was damaged and knocked offline during the assault. Since Chopper was unable to perform his normal duty of activating the ship's hyperdrive, Tseebo transmitted hyperspace coordinates directly to the Ghost's computer.[29]

After escaping the Imperial fleet, Chopper was repaired and patched up by his fellow crew. After Tseebo's implant detected an Imperial XX-23 S-thread tracker aboard the Ghost's hull, Chopper confirmed that the tracker was indeed located on the Ghost's auxiliary vessel Phantom. Chopper remained aboard the Ghost with Tseebo and the other crew while Ezra and Kanan departed on the Phantom for PM-1203 to lure the Imperials away from their true target. After exiting hyperspace, the Ghost met up with an Alderaanian blockade runner which transported Tseebo to safety.[29] After Ezra completed his Jedi Trials at the Jedi Temple on Lothal, Chopper donated a power cell to assist Ezra in building his new lightsaber.[4]

Enter Lando Calrissian[]

Lando likes Art

Chopper and Sabine ingratiating themselves with Lando

Later, Chopper along with Kanan and Zeb visited Old Jho's Pit Stop on Lothal where they met the "galactic entrepreneur" Lando Calrissian. Short on funds, Zeb decided to bet on Chopper during a game of sabacc with Calrissian, which the latter won. As a result, Calrissian gained ownership of Chopper. Lando then forced the crew of the Ghost to assist him in a dangerous smuggling run in order to get Chopper back. This run involved trading Hera to the crime lord Azmorigan in exchange for a puffer pig, which Calrissian intended to use to find valuable minerals. To avoid competition from private entrepreneurs like Calrissian, the Empire had restricted the sale of puffer pigs. After overpowering Azmorigan, Hera escaped the crime lord's vessel in an escape pod and the Spectres returned to Lothal where Calrissian owned a plot of land.[30]

During the journey, Chopper pretended to ingratiate himself with Lando by doing little jobs for him. Ezra and Zeb also created some trouble aboard the Ghost by accidentally releasing the puffer pig, which wrecked havoc on the starship. After escaping several TIE fighters, the Ghost managed to land at Calrissian's estate with his prized cargo. However, Azmorigan and his henchmen had already arrived at the homestead with the intention of exacting revenge against Calrissian and his associates. A blaster battle broke out between the Spectres and Azmorigan's henchmen. During the fighting, Chopper managed to steal several of Calrissian's fuel canisters, which the smuggler later conceded as payment to the Spectres for their help. Chopper also freed Zeb from being held hostage by Azmorigan by firing the ship's cannons on the crime lord, forcing Azmorigan and his surviving henchmen to flee. Prior to parting company, Chopper gave Calrissian a slight "kick" to indicate that the astromech had only been pretending to ingratiate himself with the entrepreneur.[30]

The false rebel[]

Ezra vision aftermath

Chopper and the other rebels watching one of Ezra's many Jedi lessons

Later, Chopper, along with Zeb and Sabine, took part in one of Ezra's Jedi training sessions. Kanan was teaching Ezra to use his lightsaber to deflect blaster stun shots from Chopper, Zeb, and Sabine towards an assigned target: a stormtrooper helmet set on a rock. During the training exercise, Ezra experienced a vision of them fighting alongside the outspoken dissident senator-in-exile Gall Trayvis, whose transmissions had helped boost the Spectres' morale. Following the training session, the crew of the Ghost intercepted a transmission from the Senator praising the Spectres and telling them to meet at the Lothal City Capitol Building on Lothal. Unknown to the Spectres, this meeting was an operation set by Agent Kallus to trap them and Senator Travyis was actually working for the Empire.[31]

Suspecting something afoot about the Senate Building Meeting, Zeb and Ezra sent Chopper, who was disguised again as an Imperial astromech droid, to contact Ezra's cadet friend Zare Leonis. Using his disguise, Chopper managed to infiltrate the Imperial Academy and passed Ezra's note to Leonis, which told Leonis to meet him at the market place. In the process, he managed to brush some black paint onto Leonis' trousers. When a superior officer named Lieutenant Chiron saw Chopper interacting with Leonis, Leonis explained away the encounter by claiming that the droid had stopped to remind him that he had dropped his class-three code cylinder, something which he needed for his fast-tracked transfer to the Imperial Academy on Arkanis. Chiron also thought that Chopper, which he believed was an Imperial droid, had received a new coat of black paint at the repair shop.[32]

Due to Chopper's efforts, Leonis was able to meet Ezra and inform him about the true nature nature of the Senate Hall operation. Using this new information, the Spectres decided to sneak into the building through the sewers in order to warn Senator Trayvis. Chopper assisted the mission by knocking out an Imperial astromech droid guarding the manhole leading to the sewers. While his rebel companions entered the sewers, he guarded the manhole. After his rebel companions escaped with Travyis into the sewers, Chopper had to contend with a stormtrooper patrol sent to secure the sewers. Fortunately for Chopper, the stormtroopers mistook him for an older model Imperial droid and told him to notify them if he saw the rebels. After the Imperials had departed, Chopper used his electronic saw to cut through the manhole. Meanwhile, Chopper's companions discovered Trayvis was an Imperial operative and managed to escape their Imperial pursuers. Chopper's companions exited the manhole before he could finish sawing through it. While Chopper was initially startled by Kanan's lightsaber, he was glad to be reunited with his companions.[31]

Rescuing Kanan[]

Ezra transmits a message of rebellion

Chopper and his comrades watching Ezra's broadcast

The Spectres' actions eventually attracted the attention of Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, who decided to implement a final solution to the rebel problem there. Following their encounter with Senator Trayvis, Chopper participated in Kanan's plan to take control of the Empire's main communications tower on Lothal. The rebels wanted to transmit a broadcast in order to counter Imperial propaganda depicting them in a negative light. As part of the plan, Chopper would enter the tower with Ezra and Kanan in order to upload a data spike into the tower's central computer. The spike would temporarily overload the tower's systems and allow Kanan to connect the holotransmitter to the tower and broadcast his message to the galaxy. Unknown to the crew of the Ghost, Tarkin and Agent Kallus had planned to trap them in the communications tower.[33]

At first, the rebels' assault on the Imperial communications tower went according to plan. They succeeded in overcoming the token stormtrooper presence while Chopper succeeded in uploading the data spike in the central computer. However, the rebels were then trapped by a force of three patrol transports and two Imperial troop transports. While Kanan held back the Imperials, Chopper and the other rebels fled up the turbolift to the tower's summit to await their getaway transport, the Phantom, which was being piloted by Hera. The rebels were cornered by one of the patrol transports but Sabine destroyed it with a grenade. Chopper and the other rebels then escaped aboard the Phantom, with Chopper firing his rocket boosters. However, they were unable to rescue Kanan, who was captured by the Imperials. Despite Kanan's capture, Ezra still managed to broadcast a message to Lothal and the surrounding systems before the tower was destroyed by Tarkin's gunships.[33]

Chopper and the other rebels were greatly distressed by Kanan's capture and were unhappy with Fulcrum and Hera's orders that they sacrifice Kanan to avoid exposing the other rebel cells to the Imperial authorities. According to Ezra, Chopper mourned Kanan's loss like a living being. In their desperation, they hijacked an AT-DP walker in an attempt to access the Imperial network and find Kanan. However, their mission proved futile since the destruction of the communications tower had destroyed the Imperial communications network.[34] Later, Chopper along with Sabine and Zeb assisted Ezra's second plan to rescue Kanan. While Chopper distracted Hera, Ezra and the other two rebels escaped on the Phantom and visited the Devaronian crime lord Vizago with the hope of finding a lead on Kanan's whereabouts. While Vizago could not provide them with any information about Kanan, he revealed that the Imperials were using R4 courier droids to transport secure information due to the communication tower's destruction.[33]

Lothal rebels TIE

Chopper and his fellow rebels took part in a mission to rescue their comrade Kanan

With Hera's approval, Ezra concocted a plan that involved disguising Chopper as an Imperial courier droid called 264 and using him to infiltrate an Imperial computer. During this operation, Zeb and Sabine ambushed a squad of stormtroopers and stole their accompanying courier droid. The plan worked and Chopper boarded a shuttle which took him to an Imperial communications ship above Lothal. While aboard Chopper copied the ship's communications logs and took advantage of an attack by the Ghost to flee the ship. While escaping, Chopper opened one of the ship's emergency airlocks which exposed four nearby stormtroopers to zero-gravity space, killing them. Chopper then used his booster rocket to enter the Ghost. Once aboard, Chopper revealed to his fellow rebels that Kanan was aboard Grand Moff Tarkin's Star Destroyer, the Sovereign, but that the vessel was scheduled to depart for the Mustafar system.[33] Chopper also showed his displeasure towards the Imperial courier droid 264 by booting him out of the Ghost.[34]

For the mission, the rebels stole a Gozanti-class cruiser and used it to penetrate the Imperial fleet above the Mustafar system. To avoid alerting the Imperials to presence, they had left the Ghost on Lothal since the ship had become familiar to the Imperial authorities. Chopper remained aboard the Gozanti cruiser while his rebel companions infiltrated Grand Moff Tarkin's flagship Sovereign and rescued Kanan Jarrus. After Sabine disabled the Sovereign with rigged detonators, Chopper disappeared into hyperspace with the stolen cruiser. He was also contacted by Fulcrum and presumably informed her of the Spectres' plan to rescue Kanan. Fulcrum then assembled a group of starships including the Ghost and two blockade runners to rescue them. After Chopper's companions succeeded in rescuing Kanan, they were pursued by a swarm of TIE fighters. At that point, Chopper and the rebel starships exited hyperspace and wiped out the TIE fighters, allowing the Spectres to escape with their stolen TIE fighters into hyperspace. Shortly thereafter, Chopper and the other reunited rebels were present aboard the Ghost when they met a holographic projection of Senator Bail Organa and Fulcrum, who revealed herself as the Jedi Clone Wars veteran Ahsoka Tano.[33]

The rebellion[]

Escaping the Siege of Lothal[]

Maketh Tua contacts the rebels

Chopper transmitting Maketh Tua's message

Following Kanan's rescue in the Mustafar system, Chopper and his fellow rebels learned that they were part of a larger rebellion against the Galactic Empire. The Spectres also joined the Phoenix Cell fleet and took part in a mission to steal shield generators from an Imperial convoy. In response to the increased rebel activity on Lothal, Darth Sidious dispatched his apprentice Darth Vader to deal with them. Later, Chopper received a transmission from the Imperial Minister Maketh Tua, who revealed her intentions to defect from the Empire in exchange for information on rebel sympathizers in Lothal and the surrounding systems and the Empire's true plans for Lothal. After some discussion, the Spectres agreed to rescue Tua. While the other rebels went to meet Tua, Zeb and Chopper guarded the rebels' get-away transport, a star Commuter 2000 shuttle. However, Agent Kallus had already learned about Tua's defection and arranged for her death in a shuttle explosion, then which he blamed on the Spectres. The rebels fled but their shuttle was shot down by Imperial forces.[35]

Chopper and his fellow rebels fled to Ezra's former home, but they were pursued by stormtroopers. During a brief skirmish, Chopper electrocuted a stormtrooper with his electro-shock prod. After escaping the Imperials, Chopper and his companions infiltrated the Imperial headquarters in Lothal's Capital City. While Kanan and Ezra impersonated a stormtrooper and Imperial cadet, Chopper and the other crew hid in the crates that the former were delivering. The crew of the Ghost then encountered Darth Vader at the Imperial headquarters' starport. Following a fierce confrontation, the rebels managed to escape Lothal with the help of their old friend Lando Calrissian. Following the events on Lothal, the rebels reached a consensus that they could not return to the planet in order to avoid endangering its inhabitants. Unknown to the Spectres, Darth Vader had placed a tracking device on their shuttle with the intention of "killing two birds with one stone" by eliminating both the Spectres and the Phoenix rebel fleet. Although Chopper and his rebel comrades escaped Darth Vader's assault on the Phoenix Fleet, the Phoenix rebels lost their flagship Phoenix Home, which was heavily damaged by Vader's TIE Advanced x1 starfighter.[35]

Mission to Seelos[]


Chopper and his fellow rebels traveled to Seelos to meet Ahsoka's mysterious friend

Following the destruction of Phoenix Home, Chopper and his companions were again on the run from the Empire. At the suggestion of Ahsoka Tano, the crew of the Ghost traveled to the planet Seelos to seek out one of her old friends: the former Clone trooper Captain Rex. While Ezra, Kanan, Sabine, and Zeb traveled down to Seelos' surface on the Phantom, Chopper and Hera stayed behind to repair the Ghost. The other Spectres succeeded in making contact with Rex and his two comrades Wolffe and Gregor. However, Wolffe, who believed the rebels were a threat, sent a coded transmission into hyperspace.[36]

This transmission was picked up by Admiral Kassius Konstantine and Agent Kallus, the latter a perennial foe of the rebel band.[36] Chopper and Hera were aboard the Ghost when Konstantine's Star Destroyer Relentless exited hyperspace above Seelos. In response, the two crew turned off all systems aboard the Ghost to avoid detection. Meanwhile, the other crew of the Ghost and the three clone veterans succeeded in defeating a force of AT-AT walkers led by Agent Kallus and escaping offworld. Thus, the rebels succeeded in recruiting the clone troopers for the rebel cause.[37]

Encountering double trouble[]

Commander Meiloorun

Chopper and Zeb in the upside-down Phantom

Prior to one of Ezra's levitation classes, Chopper and Sabine decided to play a trick on the young Padawan by locking the astromech droid's feet to the ground. No matter how hard Ezra tried, he was unable to levitate Chopper. When Rex revealed the prank, Chopper and Sabine laughed. Later, Hera sent Chopper along with Sabine, Zeb, and Ezra to salvage some medical supplies from an abandoned Old Republic medical station. The four rebels left the Phoenix fleet and traveled to the space station. Unknown to them, another Inquisitor known as the Seventh Sister had set a trap for them.[38]

During their search, Chopper succeeded in powering up the abandoned space station. Unfortunately for the rebels, this attracted the attention of another Inquisitor known as the Fifth Brother. While the other rebels looked for supplies, Chopper stayed behind to repair the corrupted files and inventory list. He then heard a strange noise echoing through the hallways and decided to investigate. Following the source of the noise, he was cornered and electrocuted by one of the Seventh Sister's ID9 seeker droids. Although down, Chopper managed to send out a distress call to his companions. The ID9 seeker droid was able to mimic Chopper's cry and lured Ezra and Sabine into another hallway, where they were cornered by the Seventh Sister and Fifth Brother.[38]

Ezra was captured by the Seventh Sister and Fifth Brother, but Sabine managed to escape and reunite with Zeb, who was stuck in a ventilation shaft. While navigating their way through the station, Sabine and Zeb were pursued by the Fifth Brother, who managed to capture the Mandalorian girl. However, Zeb escaped and also managed to rescue Chopper. After securing Chopper onto the Phantom, the Lasat lured the two Inquisitors into the station's hangar bay. During the ensuing struggle, he managed to free Ezra and Sabine. The four rebels then escaped into hyperspace with most of the medical supplies.[38]

Rescuing Vizago[]

Chopper double barrel

Chopper attacking Azmorigan.

Following their misadventures on the abandoned medical station, Chopper and the other rebels set up camp on the planet Garel. Chopper served as a target when Ezra was doing blaster training with Captain Rex. Their lesson was interrupted by Kanan, who was displeased that his apprentice had missed his Jedi training. Later, Chopper and Ezra attended a meeting aboard the Ghost where Hera discussed an operation to aid colonists on the frozen planet of Rinn who were experiencing an energy crisis. While the other rebels took part in the mission, Chopper and Ezra were ordered by Hera to stay behind and to clean the Ghost as punishment for not cleaning the exhaust systems and laughing at Ezra respectively.[39]

While cleaning, Chopper and Ezra received a distress signal from the Devaronian crime lord Cikatro Vizago's ship, the Broken Horn. Seeing an opportunity to skip chores and to repay a favor to Vizago, Ezra and Chopper departed on the Phantom. In space, the pair sighted the Broken Horn and boarded the ship. While exploring the ship, the two separated. Chopper discovered a large supply of power generators—the ones the rebels had been looking for. Meanwhile, Ezra headed to the bridge, where he discovered that a Weequay pirate named Hondo Ohnaka had won control of Vizago's ship and droids following a game of sabacc.[39]

Ezra tricked Ohnaka into believing that he was Lando Calrissian. When an Imperial ship showed up and attacked the Broken Horn, Chopper appeared in time to program the nav-computer and jump the ship into hyperspace. After escaping the Imperial forces, Chopper revealed that Ohnaka's trade were the generators he had found. Ohnaka planned to sell the generators to a buyer at Nixus for an exorbitant profit. Following some negotiations, Ohnaka and Ezra agreed to share the profit, with Ezra getting two crates of generators. However, Ezra did not fully trust the Weequay pirate. Unknown to Ohnaka, Ezra stole his droid controller and gave it to Chopper for safekeeping.[39]

Upon arriving at Nixus, Ezra and Ohnaka discovered that the buyer was the gangster Azmorigan, an old adversary of Ezra. Azmorigan was aware that the Rang Clan had placed a bounty on Ohnaka's head. Recognizing Ezra as one of the rebels who had helped Calrissian, he also sought the opportunity to get back at Ezra. The gangster planned to kill the two by dumping them into space. However, Ezra secretly contacted Chopper. The astromech droid came to their rescue by ramming one of the crates into Azmorigan and his men. During the ensuing gunfight, Chopper picked up Ohnaka's blaster pistol and a blaster rifle from one of Azmorigan's henchmen. Chopper began to attacked Azmorigan with two blasters and stole his credits. Meanwhile, Ezra fought with his lightsaber, revealing his identity as a Jedi. After rescuing Ohnaka, Chopper and his companions departed Nixus and traveled back to Garel.[39]

While traveling back, Ezra and Chopper discovered an imprisoned Vizago in one of the Broken Horn's holds. He revealed that Ohnaka had stunned him and seized control of his droids. Chopper and Bridger released the Devaronian crimelord and confronted Ohnaka on the bridge. There, Ezra proposed a deal to the pirate, proposing that he take the generators while Ohnaka and Vizago could split the profits among themselves. Unknown to Ezra, Vizago had snatched the droid controller from him and turned the droids on Vizago and the two rebels. During the fighting, Ohnaka escaped back to Garel on the Ghost with the stolen generators. Having reclaimed his ship, Vizago dumped Chopper and Ezra in an escape pod and sent them back to Garel. Upon returning to the Ghost, Chopper and Ezra discovered Ohnaka among their rebel companions. Unlike Ezra, Chopper knew that the Phantom's autopilot was programmed to return to the Ghost. Ohnaka willingly conceded the five power generators but kept the proceeds.[39]

Mission to Ibaar[]

Later, Chopper and his companions participated in a mission to transport relief supplies to the planet Ibaar, which was blockaded by an Imperial fleet commanded by Agent Kallus. Following the failure of the first attempt which resulted in the destruction of a rebel transport and Phoenix Leader, the crew of the Ghost embarked on a mission to contact the Mon Calamari engineer Quarrie, who lived on the planet Shantipole. Quarrie had developed a prototype starfighter known as the Blade Wing, which could break the blockade. While Hera, Sabine, and Zeb traveled down to Shantipole on the Phantom, Chopper along with Kanan and Ezra rendezvoused with a transport ship to pick up supplies for their second attempt to break the Imperial blockade at Ibaar.[40]

For the second attempt, the Ghost was designated as the transport ship. The Ghost and the rest of the Phoenix fleet converged on Ibaar and were joined by the Phoenix, which was carrying the Blade on its back. Using the Blade Wing, Hera destroyed an Arquitens-class command cruiser. This enabled the Ghost to travel through the gap in the Imperial blockade and drop its supplies down to the Ibaarians. Chopper assisted Kanan and Ezra with dropping the supplies to the Ibaarians. Following the successful relief of Ibaar, Hera became the new Phoenix Leader.[40]

From foe to ally[]

Hera talks to Ketsu and Sabine

Chopper and his rebel companions with Ketsu Onyo

Chopper along with Sabine and Ezra later participated in a mission to pick up a courier at the Garel City Spaceport and transport him to Havoc Outpost. While the rebels did not know what the courier looked like, Hera had told them that the person would respond to the code phrase "It's a long way to Alderaan." After hours of waiting at the spaceport terminal, the trio discovered that the courier was a GNK-series power droid called EG-86. However, the three rebels were then cornered by a bounty hunter named Ketsu Onyo, an estranged friend of Sabine who helped her escape the Imperial Academy on Mandalore.[41]

Ketsu was now working for the criminal syndicate Black Sun and demanded that the rebels hand over EG-86. Sabine refused and the two parties prepared for a showdown. However, they were interrupted by a stormtrooper patrol and a three-way gun battle broke out. While Sabine and Ezra held back the Imperials and Ketsu, Chopper got EG-86 aboard a shuttle. After Wren and Bridger had joined them on the shuttle, Chopper shut down the pilot droid and the rebels took off into space. During take-off, Ezra fell out of the shuttle's side door and was left behind.[41]

Together, Chopper and Sabine managed to escape into space. Before they could jump into hyperspace, their shuttle's hyperdrive was damaged by Ketsu's starship, the Shadow Caster. Ketsu also shot the shuttle's site door open, causing Chopper to get sucked out into the vacuum of space. With much difficulty, Sabine managed to save EG-86 and activate the force field. Ketsu then reiterated her demands to Sabine: hand over EG-86 or face destruction. However, Chopper managed to activate his rocket thrusters and used them to fly to the Shadow Caster. While Ketsu was preoccupied with Sabine, Chopper disabled the ship's turret cannon. This ruse allowed Sabine to escape in the shuttle.[41]

However, Chopper was caught in the Shadow Caster's tractor beam and taken hostage by Ketsu. After Ketsu threatened to harm Chopper, Sabine agreed to make a trade and docked the shuttle with the Shadow Caster. The arrival of an Imperial light cruiser forced Sabine and Ketsu to put aside their differences and to work together the Empire. Sabine devised a plan to escape which involved blowing up the shuttle while everyone else escaped on the Shadow Chaser. Under Sabine's orders, Chopper overloaded the shuttle's damaged hyperdrive. When Sabine was knocked out by Imperial laser fire, Chopper and EG-86 persuaded Ketsu to rescue Sabine. Together, the quartet managed to escape on the Shadow Chaser before the shuttle exploded. The explosion also damaged the Imperial light cruiser, forcing them to abandon their pursuit.[41]

Chopper and his companions along with Ketsu then delivered EG-86 to Havoc Outpost, where he was picked up by a group of Alderaanian rebels that included R2-D2, whom he had encountered during an earlier mission to steal an Imperial shipment from Garel. Later, Chopper and his companions returned to their base on Garel, where they were reunited with both Ezra and Hera.[41]

Sabotaging the Imperial Interdictor[]

Chopper the Imperial Droid

Chopper, disguised again as an Imperial astromech droid

Chopper along with Kanan and Rex participated in a mission in the Del Zennis system to rescue Ezra Bridger and Commander Jun Sato, whose CR90 corvette Liberator had been dragged out of hyperspace by an Imperial Interdictor, a prototype Imperial warship equipped with gravity well projectors. For that mission, Chopper was painted black and red so that he could pass as an Imperial astromech droid. Meanwhile, Kanan and Rex disguised themselves as stormtroopers. Together, the three rebels traveled on a stolen Sentinel-class landing craft to the coordinates where they had last received Sato's distress transmission.[42]

Chopper and his fellow rebels managed to dock in the Interdictor's hangar bay and enter the vessel due to their disguises. Accessing a terminal, Chopper learned that Ezra was being transferred to a secure cell. Together, the three rebels made their way there only to discover that Bridger had already freed himself. Mistaking Kanan and Rex for stormtroopers, Ezra shot them with his lightsaber-blaster, stunning them for a few seconds. After Bridger spotted Chopper, he quickly realized that he had shot Kanan and Rex. When the two awoke, Ezra claimed that they had been involved in a huge fight. However, Chopper played back a projection of what really happened, prompting Kanan to scold his apprentice. Rex laughed it off.[42]

After reuniting with Ezra, the four rebels decided to rescue Commander Sato and his men and to sabotage the ship's gravity well projectors. While Kanan and Rex went to rescue Sato, Chopper and Ezra traveled to the reactor core for the gravity well projectors. Since there were several technicians in the room, Chopper used Ezra to distract the Imperials while he accessed one of the terminals and turned off the gravity controls. After sabotaging the controls, Chopper reactivated the gravity controls, causing the technicians to fall down. Ezra managed to cling onto a platform, and the two rebels fled as stormtroopers entered the area.[42]

The two droids then rejoined Commander Sato and his freed crew, and together they escaped aboard the Liberator. The rebels were later joined by Kanan and Rex, who had escaped the Interdictor in an escape pod following a skirmish on the command bridge. With Imperial reinforcements arriving in the form of two light cruisers, Sato's corvette then attempted to jump into hyperspace only to be pulled out again by the Imperial Interdictor. When the other rebels complained, Chopper told them to wait. Due to Chopper's sabotage, the Interdictor's gravity well malfunctioned, causing the light cruisers to collide with the Interdictor. Amidst the destruction, Sato's corvette managed to jump into hyperspace. Commander Sato thanked Kanan, Rex, and Ezra for rescuing him and his crew. When Chopper pointed out he had done most of the work, Bridger mollified the droid by telling Chopper that it was a team effort.[42]

Jedi business[]


Chopper and his companions traveled to Takobo to confront the Inquisitors

Later, Chopper, Kanan, Zeb, and Ezra took part in a mission to Hammertown, a settlement on the planet Takobo, by the rebels' Jedi ally Ahsoka Tano. She had discovered that the Inquisitors had a secondary mission to their primary mission of hunting down Jedi: kidnapping Force-sensitive babies. Ahsoka had managed to decode two sets of coordinates. While she traveled to Chandel, she sent the four rebels to investigate what the Inquisitors were after on Takobo. Chopper and his rebel companions traveled to Takobo aboard the Phantom, with Chopper sitting in the shuttle's astromech socket.[43]

After landing in Hammertown, Chopper and the other rebels quickly discovered that the Inquisitors' coordinates were housing units. While Kanan and Ezra traveled to the housing unit, Chopper and Zeb stayed behind at the spaceport to search for any ships belonging to the Inquisitors. Several hours later, the two rebels discovered two TIE Advanced starfighters in a hangar bay. These TIE fighters belonged to the Seventh Sister and the Fifth Brother, the two Inquisitors they had encountered on the abandoned Republic medical station. While examining the starfighter, they found an infant called Alora inside one of the starfighters. They were then cornered by one of the Sister's ID9 seeker droids but Zeb destroyed it with his bo-rifle.[43]

After rescuing Alora, Chopper and Zeb destroyed the Inquisitors' TIE fighters to prevent them from pursuing the rebels. Meanwhile, Ezra and Kanan discovered that the Inquisitors were kidnapping Force-sensitive babies. Kanan quickly contacted Zeb and instructed him to find the Ithorian infant Oora before the Inquisitors got to it. While Zeb went to retrieve Oora from a decoy droid, Chopper babysat Alora. He used his mechanical arms to put the baby to sleep and waited aboard the Phantom for his rebel comrades to return. After recovering Oora and fighting off the Inquisitors with the help of Ahsoka, Chopper and his companions fled Hammertown aboard the Phantom and fled back to Garel.[43]

Escaping Garel[]

Ryder hosting Lothal rebels

Chopper and his rebel companions in Ryder's abode

In response to Ezra's accidental disclosure of the rebel presence on Garel, the Galactic Empire assembled troops and warships for an assault on Garel. In the early hours of the morning, Chopper and Zeb were shopping the market for supplies when Zeb received word from Sabine to return to the Ghost. Ezra wanted to travel to Lothal to search for his parents, Ephraim and Mira Bridger. In addition, Sabine had received intelligence that the Imperial fleet above Lothal had departed. When Zeb reported that they had not sighted any Imperial patrols in the streets of Lothal, Sabine revealed that it was standard Imperial procedure to withdraw patrols prior to launching a major strike.[44]

Shortly, Chopper and Zeb were pursued by several stormtroopers and fled back to the Ghost's hangar bay. During a brief gun battle, Chopper hid behind several crates while Ezra, Kanan, and Zeb fought off the stormtroopers. After escaping Agent Kallus, the Seventh Sister, and the Fifth Brother, Chopper and his companions fled up the Ghost's gangplank and departed into the atmosphere. While airborne, Chopper along with Ezra and Kanan departed on the Phantom. After finding a gap in the Imperial forces, the Phantom managed to flee into hyperspace.[44]

After landing on Lothal, Chopper stayed aboard the Phantom while Ezra and Kanan went after the loth-cat that Ezra had seen in his Force vision earlier. Ezra tracked the cat to a speeder bike and managed to plant a locator on the vehicle before it departed into the wilderness. Chopper accompanied his rebel companions as they flew the Phantom to the coordinates of the locator. There, they encountered Ryder Azadi, a former Governor of Lothal who had been imprisoned for defending his parents' anti-Imperial broadcasts. Chopper and Kanan listened as Azadi recounted how Ezra's broadcast had inspired his parents and several other prisoners to stage a breakout from their prison. However, they had died during the escape attempt.[44]

Rendezvous on Lothal[]

Ryder and the Lothal rebels

Chopper transmitting Hera's hologram

Later, Chopper stayed behind with Ryder Azadi while Kanan and Ezra traveled to the town of Jalath to rendezvous with Princess Leia Organa, the daughter of the Alderaanian Senator Bail Organa, who was a secret supporter of the rebellion. Leia had come to Lothal deliver three Sphyrna-class Hammerhead corvettes to the rebellion. In order to fool the Imperials, Senator Organa had made arrangements with the rebels to "steal" the corvettes. While Kanan and Ezra were away, Chopper and Azadi were captured by several stormtroopers, who had orders to kill Azadi. However, Kanan, Ezra, Leia along with the other crew of the Ghost reappeared and attacked the Imperials. After securing the Phantom, Chopper escaped with the rebels who pretended to abduct Leia.[45]

Following their rescue, the rebels worked out a plan to steal the Hammerhead corvettes from Supply Master Yogar Lyste's base. Due to the frequent thefts of Senator Organa's ships, Lyste had installed gravity locks on the three corvettes, making it hard for the rebels to "steal" them. Azadi offered to help the rebels disable the gravity locks since he had built them during his incarceration and was familiar with their inner workings. While Kanan, Ezra and Leia distracted Lyste, Chopper along with Azadi and Sabine proceeded to disable the gravity lock on the first Hammerhead corvette. Sabine then departed on the first vessel.[45]

Sabine's departure on the Hammerhead corvette however alerted the Imperials who realized that the rebels had infiltrated the base. Chopper and Ryder proceeded to disable the second gravity lock but were spotted by Lyste and his men. Fortunately for Chopper and Ryder, Kanan and Ezra managed to knock out the Imperials with the Force. While Kanan and Ezra fought off the Imperials, Chopper and Ryder managed to disable the second gravity lock, allowing Kanan to depart on the second Hammerhead corvette. The two rebels then moved on to the third gravity lock. While Chopper disabled the gravity lock, Ryder entered the third corvette's bridge and prepared it for takeoff, knocking down an AT-AT walker by engaging the ship's thrusters. Chopper then escaped aboard the Phantom. Having seized control of the Hammerhead corvettes, Chopper and his fellow rebels returned to the Phoenix fleet with Ryder, who decided to join the rebellion.[45]

Mission to Concord Dawn[]

Fenn Rau captured

Chopper (obscured) manned the Phantom during a sensitive mission to the Concord Dawn system

Chopper later accompanied Kanan and Sabine on a mission to the third moon of Concord Dawn. Earlier, Hera Syndulla, the leader of Phoenix Squadron, had traveled to the Concord Dawn system to negotiate passage for the Phoenix rebels through that star system. Concord Dawn was home to a Mandalorian colony inhabited by the Mandalorian Protectors, a faction led by Fenn Rau. Under Rau's leadership, the Protectors had allied themselves with the Empire and subsequently attacked Hera's mission, gravely wounding the Phoenix Leader. With negotiations no longer an option, Kanan received authorization from Commander Sato to infiltrate the Protectors Camp on the third moon and destroy their Fang fighters. For this mission, Kanan chose Chopper to accompany him on the Phantom.[46]

Chopper initially grumbled about the mission but complied with Kanan's orders. After arriving in the Concord Dawn system, Chopper informed Kanan that that Sabine Wren had stowed aboard the Phantom. Sabine wanted to seek vengeance against the Protectors for harming Hera. While Kanan was willing to destroy the Protectors' starfighters, he still wanted to try a diplomatic solution. Under Kanan's instructions, Chopper dropped Kanan and Sabine near the Protectors Camp before flying the Phantom away from the base. Meanwhile at the camp, Kanan tried unsuccessfully to convince Fenn Rau to join the rebellion while Sabine managed to plant explosives on seven of the starfighters before she was discovered. Sabine challenged Rau to a duel and managed to destroy seven of the Fang fighters.[46]

After fighting off Rau's men, Sabine contacted Chopper to tell the droid to pick them up in mid-air. Despite their efforts, Rau's fighter remained intact and he attempted to use it to attack the rebel fleet. However, Kanan managed to grab onto the starfighter and damage it. After overpowering Rau, he grabbed the Mandalorian Protector and leaped into the rear entrance of the Phantom, where Sabine were waiting. Chopper then took the Phantom back to the rebel fleet. Defeated, Rau surrendered to the rebels and instructed his followers not to send reinforcements to attack the rebel fleet. He also instructed his men to stand down and to keep his capture a secret from the Empire. Due to the joint efforts of Kanan, Sabine, and Chopper, the rebels gained passage through the Concord Dawn system.[46]

Rediscovery of Lira San[]

"Yes, Chopper, that means there's a lot more of him."
―Sabine Wren, to Chopper as he grumbles about the discovery of more Lasats[47]
Finding the way to Lirasan

Chopper (right) generating a holographic map of the galaxy with Lira San's location

After Ezra received a tip from the pirate Hondo Ohnaka about the impending arrival of two refugees fleeing the Empire, Chopper and the other crew of the Ghost accompanied Ezra to Nixus Hub 218. Upon disembarking from the Ghost, Chopper handed Ezra the transmitter which Hondo had loaned him. Shortly, the rebels made their way to a cargo container, where they discovered Imperial stormtroopers arresting two Lasat refugees, who turned out to be the former Lasan High Honor Guard Gron and the mystic Chava the Wise. The rebels rescued the refugees and quickly overpowered the Imperials. Shortly thereafter, Hondo arrived at the scene and revealed that he had been Ezra's secret source.[47]

Gron and Chava wanted to travel to the legendary Lasat homeworld of Lira San, which Zeb dismissed as a myth. While making their way back to the Ghost, Chopper and his fellow rebels were pursued by stormtroopers. However, they were able to escape when Hondo closed several doors, preventing the Imperials from reaching the rebels. After fighting off more stormtroopers in the hangar bay, the rebels escaped aboard the Ghost and jumped into hyperspace. Once aboard, Chopper remarked in binary that Chava was "weird," prompting an angry outburst from the Lasat mystic. Despite this acrimonious start, Chopper cooperated with the Lasats during a ceremony to find their way to Lira San.[47]

Chopped aided the quest to Lira San by projecting a holographic map of the galaxy. After assembling his bo-rifle in the traditional Lasat way, Zeb was able to pinpoint Lira San's location in Wild Space. Traveling to the coordinates, the crew of the Ghost encountered a collapsed star cluster blocking their passage to Lira San. Shortly, they were cornered by an Imperial light cruiser commanded by Agent Kallus, a perennial foe of the rebels. Chopper and his fellow rebels watched as Zeb used his bo-rifle to guide the Ghost through the dangerous maze. The Imperial cruiser attempted to follow the Ghost but was forced to retreat due to the gravitational pull of the star cluster.[47]

Upon making their way through the star cluster, the crew of the Ghost sighted Lira San in the horizon. While the other crew had collapsed from exhaustion, Chopper alone stayed await and kicked Ezra with one of his wheels. Chopper and the other crew stayed aboard while Zeb, Chava, and Gron traveled to the planet on the Phantom. There, Zeb and his companions discovered that Lira San was home to millions of Lasat and would be a safe refugee for the Lasat species. When Zeb returned on the Phantom, Chopper grumbled upon learning that he had to put back Zeb's things in his room and that there were millions more Lasat in the galaxy.[47]

Raid on the asteroid gas refinery[]

Asteroid Belt Gas Refinery

Chopper and his companions raided an asteroid gas refinery

Chopper and his fellow rebels later took part in a heist on an Asteroid Belt Gas Refinery to obtain fuel for the Ghost and the fleet. On the way, their ship was surrounded by several purrgil, large space-dwelling creatures that could travel through hyperspace. While Hera felt threatened by the purrgil herd, Ezra convinced her not to attack the creatures. Shortly, the crew of the Ghost came to the aid of the purrgil when two Mining Guild TIE fighters attacked them. The rebels decided to travel with the purrgil and discovered that they were heading to the same destination.[48]

After the Ghost settled on a cliff overlooking the gas refinery, Sabine hatched a plan to steal several fuel canisters and use detonators to ignite the dense Clouzon-36 gas clouds nearby, destroying the refinery and denying its services to the Empire. Chopper along with Kanan, Ezra, and Sabine then jumped onto a landing platform outside the refinery. During the jump, Sabine rode on Chopper, who activated his rockets to control his descent. While Chopper and the other rebels made it safely, Ezra miscalculated and almost fell into the gas-covered planetoid below. Shortly thereafter, they were attacked by several Rodian guards.[48]

Before Sabine could ignite the detonators, Ezra convinced her not to blow them up since the purrgil depended on the gas on the survive. While Ezra used a gun emplacement to ward off the refinery's security guards, Chopper and the other rebels began loading fuel canisters onto the Ghost, which had landed on the platform. Before they could finish powering up the Ghost, Chopper and his rebel comrades were surrounded by the refinery's manager Yushyn and several guards. Yushyn demanded that the rebels surrender, but Ezra arrived with several purrgil, which attacked the Mining Guild forces.[48]

Chopper and the other rebels took advantage of this action to finish their loading and to flee the facility. Before leaving, the Ghost destroyed the gas refinery with its laser cannons. Once in space, they were reunited with Ezra and the purrgil. From Ezra, they learned that the purrgil depended on the gas to survive and to jump into hyperspace. Having completed their mission, Chopper and the other rebels followed their new purrgil allies through hyperspace.[48]

Mission to Ryloth[]

The crew of the Ghost

Chopper and his fellow rebels following the successful Ryloth heist

With the Phoenix rebels needing a safe place to land their starfighters, Chopper and the crew of the Ghost participated in a mission to steal an Imperial fighter carrier orbiting the planet Ryloth, the homeworld of the Twi'lek species and Captain Hera Syndulla. For this mission, Hera enlisted the help of her estranged father, Cham Syndulla and two other Ryloth rebels Numa and Gobi Glie. When Kanan introduced the rest of the Ghost crew to the newcomers but omitted to mentioned Chopper, the astromech droid grunted in annoyance.[16]

Later, Chopper was present when Hera gave a briefing of their plan to steal the Imperial carrier. Using a stolen TIE/sa bomber, they would board the ship and hijack it. However, Cham disagreed with Hera's plans and recommended destroying the carrier in order to stop Imperial bombing runs on Ryloth. In the end, Hera was able to convince her father to support their plans by pointing out that both sides needed each other to stop the Empire.[16]

Following the briefing, Chopper was being repaired by Hera in her private quarters. Ezra then entered the room and asked Hera about her difficult relationship with Cham. During the conversation, Hera recounted how her father had spent his entire life fighting the Separatists and the Empire. After Hera's mother died, Cham had neglected her to focus on the cause of freeing Ryloth from Imperial rule. Shortly, Cham entered the room and informed the rebels that they should be getting ready for their mission.[16]

After Ezra left, Cham quickly recognized Chopper as the old astromech droid that Hera had found during the Clone Wars. Hera responded that the droid's name was Chopper, prompting Chopper to beep in affirmation. When Cham made the offhand remark that they would have won Ryloth had Hera showed him the same devotion that she had shown Chopper (whom he termed a "second-rate junk pile"), the astromech droid grunted in protest. When Cham disparaged the rebellion as a "lost cause," Hera replied that the rebels were fighting to free everyone, including Ryloth. Cham then responded that outsiders could not be trusted and that only Ryloth mattered. Unable to resolve their differences, Cham stormed out of the room, leaving Hera alone with Chopper.[16]

Chopper accompanied his rebel comrades and their Ryloth allies as they traveled on Cham's Nu-class attack/transport shuttle to their destination. Upon exiting hyperspace, the rebels entered the stolen TIE bomber and headed towards the fighter carrier. Hera managed to trick the Imperials into letting them dock by arranging for two rebel A-wing starfighters to attack the bomber. However, once they had landed aboard the fighter carrier, Cham and his Twi'lek comrades stunned and overpowered Chopper and the other rebels. They then proceeded on their original mission to destroy the Imperial carrier.[16]

Hera managed to kick Chopper awake and got the astromech droid to free her of her bonds. After freeing the other rebels, Hera resolved that their cell would stop Cham from destroying the fighter carrier. While Zeb and Sabine headed to the munitions racks to stop Numa and Gobi, Chopper accompanied Hera, Ezra, and Kanan as they made their way to the command bridge. After fighting through several stormtroopers and blast doors, the four rebels entered the command bridge. There, Ezra used his Force powers to force the commander to order a general evacuation of all Imperial personnel aboard the ship.[16]

Soon they encountered Cham, who revealed that he had sabotaged the ship's hyperdrive. Following a lengthy argument, Hera managed to convince her father that it was in Ryloth's best interests to ensure that the carrier fall into the hands of the rebellion. The two rebel groups then worked together to stop Imperial reinforcements from recapturing the carrier. Cham instructed Chopper to repair the ship's hyperdrive's third and fourth couplings to the main reactor. Chopper succeeded in repairing the hyperdrive, and the rebels were able to escape into hyperspace after destroying an Imperial light cruiser. After Hera and Cham reconciled, Chopper and the other rebels bid farewell to their Twi'lek allies as they departed on their transport.[16]

Mission to Geonosis[]

Chopper vs Imperial astromech

Chopper and an Imperial astromech fight over the door control.

Chopper and his fellow rebels later participated in a mission to investigate an Imperial construction module above Geonosis. Upon approaching Geonosis, Chopper scanned the planet for life but there was none to be found. Suspicious, Rex requested that Chopper performed another scan which came up with same results. Ezra then sensed through the Force that all life on Geonosis had been extinguished somehow. Chopper stayed aboard the Ghost with Hera and Rex while the other rebels ventured into the module. Later, the other rebels were trapped by Imperial forces, who were helped by an Imperial astromech droid that shut the doors.[49]

Meanwhile, the Ghost came under attack from several All Terrain Defense Pods that had been hidden in the hangar. Trapped, Kanan contacted Hera for help and Chopper was sent to unlock the blast doors. Chopper rushed to the control module where he fought with the Imperial droid. After a struggle, Chopper managed to electrocute the rival astromech droid. Due to his efforts, the other rebels with the exception of Zeb were able to board the Ghost and flee into space. Unable to rejoin the rebels since he was locked in a duel with Agent Kallus, Zeb instead escaped through an escape pod but was followed by Kallus.[49]

After the Ghost managed to escape into space, Ezra ordered Chopper to track Zeb's trajectory. When the astromech droid grumbled, Ezra slammed his metal head and told Chopper not to be a "sleemo." After some difficulty, the rebels managed to track down Zeb's transponder to the icy moon of Bahryn. There, Zeb and Kallus had developed an unlikely friendship and appreciation for each other. Since Chopper did not have a good relationship with Zeb, he stayed aboard the Ghost while the other rebels greeted Zeb on the exit ramp.[49]

Accompanying the Jedi[]


Chopper flying the Phantom away from Oosalon

Chopper later accompanied Kanan and Ezra to scout the storm world of Oosalon as a potential site for a new rebel base. While Kanan and Ezra explored the planet, Chopper stayed in the socket of the Phantom and remained airborne to provide a quick get-away. His Jedi companions were subsequently ambushed by two Inquisitors known as the Fifth Brother and the Seventh Sister respectively. Following a lightsaber duel, the two Jedi managed to escape on a winged creature known as the tibidee. Chopper rendezvoused the Phantom in mid-air and picked up Ezra and Kanan. Together, they retreated into hyperspace.[50]

Once in space, Kanan arranged for Hera to meet them away from the fleet in deep space to avoid drawing the Inquisitors to the rebel fleet. Chopper docked the Phantom in the Ghost's rear section. Later, Chopper piloted the Phantom from his astromech socket when Kanan and Ezra departed with their Jedi ally Ahsoka Tano for the Jedi Temple on Lothal. The three Jedi wanted to seek answers from the Jedi Master Yoda on how to deal with the threat posed by the Inquisitors, who were making it hard for them to help the rebellion establish a base.[50]

While the Jedi entered the temple, Chopper waited with the Phantom and kept watch over the area. Later that night, Chopper's satellite picked up some movement. He quickly got into the Phantom and flew the shuttle into the sky. This allowed him to escape the Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister, who had arrived to hunt down the three Jedi. After Kanan, Ezra, and Ahsoka escaped the temple, Chopper picked them up and together they escaped into space before Imperial reinforcements could arrive.[50]

The unlikely hero[]

Finding a friend[]
The Forgotten Droid thumb

Chopper met his first friend in the form of AP-5

While the Phoenix rebel leadership had identified the planet Berzite's moon in the Yost system as a prospective location for their rebel base, their fighter carrier had insufficient fuel for the journey. Thus, Commander Sato sent Chopper and the other crew of the Ghost on a mission to steal fuel from the Imperial depot on Horizon Base. While the other rebels headed to the fuel depot, Chopper was instructed to guard the Ghost and to look out for Imperial forces. However, Chopper was distracted by the sight of a new droid leg being sold at a stall opposite the Ghost. The astromech droid had an improvised left leg that did not match his body. When Chopper raised the matter to Hera, she reminded him that they had an urgent mission and were not there to shop. Before leaving, Zeb and Ezra teased Chopped about "getting a leg up" and going "shopping."[8]

Defiant, Chopper activated his rocket booster and flew to the stall selling the droid leg. The Ugnaught scrap merchant running the stall offered to sell Chopper the leg for 500 credits. When Chopper was unable to pay, the Ugnaught told him to leave. Still undaunted, Chopper decided to steal the leg. In the midst of this, the other crew escaped with the fuel supplies aboard the Ghost and took off, having been spotted by Imperial forces. The Ugnaught merchant then spotted Chopper with the stolen leg and alerted several stormtroopers.[8]

Chopper led the stormtroopers on a wild pursuit and managed to lose them by activating his rocket booster. He managed to stow aboard a departing Imperial cargo ship. While hiding in the ship's cargo compartment, Chopper was cornered by an RA-7 protocol droid named AP-5, a veteran of the Clone Wars who had been relegated to inventory duty. Despite an initially hostile encounter, Chopper managed to befriend AP-5 by revealing that he was a veteran of the Ryloth campaign. Chopper managed to win over the other droid by telling him about how Hera had rescued him on Ryloth after his Y-wing starfighter had crashed. Chopper's respectful relationship with Hera resonated with AP-5, who chafed under an abusive Imperial captain.[8]

Chopper also used his electro-shock prod to deactivate AP-5's restraining bolt, winning the other droid's favor. When the Imperial captain arrived and attempted to reinstate the bolt, Chopper emerged from hiding and managed to stun him with his electro-shock prod. Despite knocking him out, the Imperial officer had still managed to summon reinforcements on his comlink. Chopper then quickly hatched a plan to hijack the cargo ship by luring the stormtroopers aboard into the ship's cargo compartment. The astromech droid then detached the cargo compartment from the rest of the ship.[8]

Discovering a new base[]

Working together, Chopper and AP-5 led the rebel fleet to Atollon

Together, the two droids then made their way to the cargo ship's command bridge while arguing over who should take command. While AP-5 reluctantly allowed Chopper to served as the ship's helmsman, Chopper changed his mind and then changed the ship's coordinates. Chopper intended to rejoin the rebel fleet. When AP-5 expressed concern, Chopper assured him that the rebels were better masters than his Imperial superiors. Having taken control of the cargo ship, Chopper then contacted Hera via intercom. By that stage, Hera and the other crew had rejoined the rebel fleet, which had come under attack by Imperial forces.[8]

Hera was still angry at Chopper for abandoning his post. She informed him that the rebel fleet was heading to the Yost system once they had finished refueling. AP-5, however, was also listening to the conversation, and promptly informed Chopper and Hera that the Imperials had set a trap in the Yost system. While Hera was initially skeptical, Chopper backed AP-5 up. This information proved crucial to the survival of the rebel fleet. AP-5 then informed Hera that he knew of an alternative world that lacked an Imperial presence and would be ideal for a rebel base.[8]

Before AP-5 could transmit the coordinates, the Imperial captain reappeared and attempted to retake control of his ship. During the struggle, the captain fired two shots at AP-5. Chopper fought back and managed to knock out the Imperial captain again. Chopper then proceeded to transmit the new coordinates to Hera and the rebel fleet before attending to AP-5. However, AP-5 was badly damaged by the attack but still managed to tell Chopper that he was glad to have a found a new friend. Due to AP-5's information, the rebel fleet was able to flee to a safe location.[8]

After rejoining the rebel fleet in Atollon's star system, Chopper and the other crew of the Ghost watched as Sabine repaired AP-5. In a rare act of selflessness, Chopper sacrificed his new droid leg to provide enough spare parts to repair AP-5's thermosensors. When AP-5 awoke and learned what Chopper had done, he remarked that the droid had a malfunctioning logic circuit. Chopper then uttered an angry string of expletives, prompting AP-5 to respond that his remarks were so foul that they would get him disintegrated in six systems. As the two departed the common room, the rest of the crew watched in bemusement.[8]

Establishing Chopper Base[]

Chopper Base

The new rebel base was named in Chopper's honor

Due to his efforts in helping find Atollon, the new rebel base was named Chopper Base in honor of the astromech droid. Chopper accompanied the crew of the Ghost during a delivery run to deliver power generators to the rebel base. Upon arriving, he met his friend AP-5, who complained about the lateness of the shipment. When AP-5 asked whether the rebels were always late in delivery supplies, Chopper hooted that this was the case. Later that day, Chopper bumped into Ezra aboard the Ghost, causing the young Jedi to stumble over. When Ezra asked where Zeb was, the droid pointed him in the direction of a cliff overlooking the desert. Zeb was relaxing under the sunset while listening to music.[51]

That evening, Chopper and his fellow rebels took part in the rescue of Sabine and Rex, who had come under attack from several spider-like creatures called krykna. Earlier, the two had ventured to the northern perimeter on the Phantom to investigate the disappearance of the rebel Lieutenant Dicer, who had disappeared while planting a sensor beacon there. The Ghost managed to use its laser cannons to drive away the krykna. Despite rescuing Sabine, they were unable to rescue Rex, who had been abducted by the creatures.[51]

Under Hera's orders, Chopper stayed aboard the Ghost to guard the ship. He also flew into the Phantom's astromech socket and drove the shuttle into the rear compartment on the mother ship. Chopper waited aboard while the rebels rescued Rex and made their way out of the underground tunnels that hosted the krykna nest. Chopper opened the ship's ramp to let the rebels aboard the ship. However, the Ghost was not able to leave because the krykna had spun a large web around the ship.[51]

While the rebels hatched a plan to break free of the web by using the sensor marker to drive the krykna away, Chopper helped Rex to repel a krykna intruder by pushing it out of the rear hatch. Under Rex's orders, Chopper sealed the door. After breaking free of the web, the rebels were able to return safely to Chopper Base. Chopper, along with Ezra and Kanan, departed with the former Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano on a quest to Malachor.[51]

Mission to Malachor[]

Chopper and Kanan Twilight

Chopper assisted his fellow rebels steadfastly on Malachor

Chopper sat in the astromech socket of the Phantom during the journey to Malachor. As the Phantom descended into Malachor's atmosphere, Chopper sighted another starship and reported his sighting to Kanan, Ezra, and Ahsoka Tano. Under Kanan's orders, Chopper tracked the mysterious vessel, which turned out to be a TIE Advanced v1 starfighter piloted by the Inquisitor known as the Eighth Brother. While the Jedi and Tano inspected an ancient pillar, Chopper was sent by Kanan to "get a fix" on the second ship's location.[13]

After the Jedi and Tano fell through the surface and discovered a Sith temple, Chopper contacted Ezra to belatedly warn them that they might slip through the surface. Chopper then told Kanan that he had picked up the trail of the second starship. Piloting the Phantom, Chopper eventually stumbled upon the Eighth Brother's TIE Advanced fighter. Chopper contacted Kanan who instructed the astromech droid not to let the Inquisitor offworld. By that stage, Ezra had become separated from Kanan and Ahsoka, who were pursuing the Eighth Brother.[13]

Chopper flew into the TIE Advanced's cockpit only to encounter the red blades of the Inquisitor's double-bladed spinning lightsaber. Despite the Eighth Brother's opposition, the droid managed to force his way into the cockpit. Shortly, Kanan and Ahsoka caught up with the Inquisitor. Chopper helped them trap the Inquisitor by knocking him to the ground with the ship's laser cannons. The Inquisitor was then taken prisoner by Kanan and Tano. Kanan then praised the astromech droid for getting this right for a change.[13]

Chopper was present when Kanan and Ahsoka interrogated the Eighth Brother, who was the fourth Inquisitor that the rebels had encountered. Chopper and the Jedi learned that the Eighth Brother was pursuing a "shadow," which turned out to be the outcast Sith Lord Maul. Chopper then accompanied Kanan, Ahsoka, and the Inquisitor to the Sith temple. After the temple began to open up due to the meddling of Maul and Ezra, Kanan sent Chopper back to the Phantom to prepare the ship for departure.[13]

Chopper then detected the arrival of Imperial reinforcements, which turned out to be the Fifth Brother and the Seventh Sister. Together, the three Inquisitors attacked Kanan and Ahsoka but were forced to flee when Maul and Ezra turned up. Maul forged an alliance with the Jedi to activate a Sith holocron so that they could gain the knowledge to destroy the Sith. Later, Chopper sighted a TIE Advanced x1 starfighter carrying the Sith Lord Darth Vader, who had come to the aid of the Inquisitors. He contacted Kanan who instructed him to pick them up at the top of the Sith temple. By that stage, the Jedi and Maul had killed the Inquisitors but Maul had betrayed the Jedi and blinded Kanan.[13]

Chopper and the Phantom arrived as a duel was taking place between Darth Vader and Ahsoka, who had once been Anakin Skywalker's former Jedi Padawan during the Clone Wars. After Kanan and Ezra removed the Sith holocron from the temple's obelisk, Chopper prepared the ship for departure. Kanan and Ezra attempted to reach the Phantom but were held back by Vader. However, Ahsoka stayed behind to keep Vader at bay so that Chopper and the Jedi could escape back to Atollon. As the temple imploded, the rebels escaped into space. After returning to Chopper Base, Chopper and the other rebels were forced to come to terms with Ahsoka's apparent death and Kanan's blindness.[13]

Heist at Reklam Station[]

Reclem station hologram

Chopper (bottom center) attending the briefing prior to the heist at Reklam Station

Two years before the Battle of Yavin, Chopper took part in a mission led by Ezra to rescue the Weequay pirate Hondo Ohnaka from the Imperial prison on Naraka. After the other rebels had eliminated two stormtrooper sentries, Chopper reluctantly jumped off a cliff. He did not activate his rocket boosters because doing so would trigger the Imperial sensor lights. Chopper was picked up by Zeb. Together, the rebel team headed to the prison. After unlocking the prison door, the rebels went to cell 6611 where they encountered Hondo and his Ugnaught cellmate Terba.[52]

The rebels were then attacked by stormtroopers but managed to reach the exit. Terba was killed during the escape attempt but the rebels managed to escape with Hondo aboard the Ghost. After returning to Chopper Base, Chopper took part in a mission to steal decommissioned Old Republic Y-wing starfighters from the Imperial scrapyard Reklam Station inside the gas planet of Yarma. For that mission, he sat in the Phantom's astromech socket. At Sabine's direction, they exited hyperspace at Sereeda Waypoint.[52]

At Seeeda Waypoint, the rebels were attacked by a Mining Guild patrol. Chopper and Sabine managed to shoot down one Mining Guild TIE fighter each before taking the Phantom back into hyperspace. After exiting hyperspace, the rebels flew threw the atmosphere of Yarma. The Phantom was then attacked by two Imperial DTS-series Dismantler Droids. Chopper managed to shoot down one with the ship's rear cannon while Rex dealt with the other. Despite sustaining damage to the Phantom, the rebels managed to park the ship under Reklam Station.[52]

Once aboard, the rebels and Hondo managed to convince several Ugnaught laborers to assist them in return for getting their freedom. After disabling the magnetic locks, the rebels proceeded to refuel the Y-wings. Despite refueling the Y-wings, the Imperial Commander Brom Titus discovered their presence and set magnetic locks on the starfighters. Chopper was then attacked from behind by a third dismantled droid, which zapped him and flung him on top of a Y-wing. The droid proceeded to attack Sabine and Zeb before being pushed down into the depths of Yarma by Rex.[52]

After Ezra managed to shut down the station's power unit, the rebels evacuated in the stolen Y-wings. At the behest of Sabine and Rex, Chopper reluctantly tapped into the relay navigation system and auto-piloted the Y-wings. The rebels, with the exception of Ezra, then fled into space. However, they were intercepted an Imperial Star Destroyer commanded by Governor Arihnda Pryce. Fortunately for Chopper and his team, the Phoenix Squadron arrived. Chopper directed the five remaining Y-wings into the Quasar Fire-class cruiser carrier Phoenix Nest. Meanwhile, Ezra was rescued by Hera and Kanan. After returning to Atollon, the Y-wings were delivered to General Jan Dodonna's unit.[52]

Prisoners of Maul[]

Ghost crew versus Maul

Chopper and his fellow rebels fighting Maul

Later, Chopper along with Hera, Zeb, and Sabine were captured by the former Sith Lord Maul. Maul had attacked the crew of a Hammerhead corvette and lured the crew of the Ghost with the exception of Kanan and Ezra into a trap. Chopper and his friends were bound in restraints and held in the common room. They were guarded by Maul's modified tour guide droids. Maul managed to use his Force powers to force Hera to reveal the location of Kanan Jarrus' holocron. He wanted Kanan and Ezra to hand him the Sith holocron that they had found on Malachor in order to combine their powers.[53]

Chopper later took part in the rebels' escape attempt. At Hera's instruction, Zeb knocked Chopper into two tour guide droids, knocking them out. The other rebels knocked out the remaining droids. They fled downstairs into the engine room but were pursued by Maul. In the cargo hold, Chopper under the orders of Hera activated the magnetizer. However, the Sith Lord disabled the magnetizer with his lightsaber. After locking Chopper in an adjacent room, he reasserted his authority over the Spectres.[53]

After Ezra and Kanan arrived, Maul tried to kill Kanan and ordered his tour guide droids to execute Chopper and the other prisoners. However, Kanan managed to make his way into the Ghost's cargo hold and decapitated Maul's droids. The rebels then rescued Ezra from Maul. The former Sith managed to escape into space.[53]

Extracting defectors[]


Chopper attending a briefing

After Imperial forces attacked a rebel convoy near Teralov, Chopper attended a briefing where Hera dispatched Sabine on an undercover mission to rescue several Imperial cadets from the elite Skystrike Academy who wanted to defect to the rebellion. For that mission, Chopper along with Kanan and Ezra waited on a CR90 corvette near the Academy to extricate Sabine and the cadets. When Sabine along with the cadets Wedge Antilles, Hobbes, and Rake Gahree attempted to escape in their TIE fighters, Governor Arihnda Pryce deactivated their solar collectors, leaving them stranded in space. After the rebels' corvette came under attack, Chopper complied with Kanan's orders to evacuate the ship into hyperspace despite Ezra's protests. Later, Chopper was present when Ezra made a second, this time successful attempt to rescue Sabine, Wedge, and Hobbes. He was later present at Chopper Base when Commander Sato formally welcomed Wedge and Hobbes into the Rebellion.[54]

Return to Ryloth[]

"Is that thing talking to us?"
"Looks like it's malfunctioning."
―Two stormtroopers encounter a disguised Chopper[10]
Chopper Heras Heroes

Chopper at the Syndulla residence

Later, the Spectres returned to Ryloth to ferry supplies to Hera's father Cham Syndulla, the leader of the Free Ryloth movement. After rescuing Cham and fellow rebel Numa from an Imperial patrol, the rebels learned that Imperial forces under Grand Admiral Thrawn had made military advances against the Ryloth rebels in Tann Province. Chopper later took part in a mission to recover Hera's mother's heirloom, a Kalikori, from Grand Admiral Thrawn, who had taken over the Syndulla residence. For the mission, Chopper was disguised as an Imperial astromech droid and rendezvoused with Hera and Ezra outside the Syndulla residence.[10]

After arriving at the Syndulla home, Chopper was mesmerized by the sight of the Y-wing starfighter, which he had crashed in during the Clone Wars. Cham had left the fighter as a memorial and Chopper still had issues with the fighter. Hera and Ezra managed to recover the Kalikori but proved unable to escape through the basement. With no other choice, they enlisted Chopper's help in getting through the front door, which was guarded by two stormtroopers. While Chopper distracted the stormtroopers, Hera tried to sneak out only to be intercepted by Thrawn and Captain Slavin.[10]

Thrawn promptly captured Hera and Ezra and seized the Kalikori to add to his art collection. He then delegated command to Captain Slavin, who attempted to use the prisoners to exact leverage on Cham to surrender. Cham complied with Slavin's demands and agreed to meet at the Syndulla residence at dawn. Chopper managed to find Hera and Ezra in their cell. There, Hera enlisted Chopper in an escape plan which involved planting explosives throughout the house. While planting the explosives, Chopper discovered that Slavin had planned to double-cross Cham and lure the crew of the Ghost into a trap.[10]

As the prisoner exchange was taking place, Chopper exited the Syndulla residence. Hera then ordered him to activate the explosives, which unleashed a shock wave that knocked the Imperials to the ground. The rebels the took opportunity of the chaos to escape the Syndulla residence. Later, in Ryloth's wilderness, Chopper was mingling with the other Lothal and Ryloth rebels when Hera reiterated her love for her father, Kanan, and her crew.[10]

Mission to Agamar[]

Later, Chopper joined the other Spectres and Rex on a salvage mission to Agamar to obtain proton bombs from a wrecked Separatist supply ship. While Rex, Ezra, Kanan, and Zeb explored the munitions racket, Chopper parted company and discovered several operational B1-series battle droids. Later, he witnessed his rebel companions being captured by a group of battle droids led by B1-268, who stunned them and brought them before the super tactical droid Kalani. With his friends in trouble and Hera and Sabine away, Chopper sent an encrypted distress signal that was picked up by Governor Arihnda Pryce's Star Destroyer. She sent Imperial forces from a nearby garrison to investigate Agamar.[55]

Meanwhile, Kalani forced the other rebels to take part in a simulated battle to end the Clone Wars on "his terms." Ezra and the other rebels agreed on the condition that Kalani released Zeb and gave them the proton bombs if they won. In the middle of the battle, Ezra encountered Chopper while he was trying to collapse a catwalk on a group of droidekas. Chopper told Ezra that he had sent a distress signal and had found a Neimoidian escort shuttle. However, Ezra refused to leave without his friends and told Chopper to get the shuttle ready while he fetched the others. After the rebels and Kalani made a truce in order to escape the advancing Imperials, Ezra contacted Chopper to inquire into the progress of the shuttles.[55]

Working together, the rebels and Kalani's battle droids managed to slow down the Imperial advance by rolling proton bombs onto the feet of an advancing AT-AT walker. This distraction allowed the rebels and the droids to escape in three escort shuttles. One of the shuttles was shot down, but the rebels including Chopper and Kalani managed to flee into space. Despite parting as friends, Kalani thought that the rebellion had a poor chance of success and departed for parts unknown. Chopper and the other rebels were later contacted by Hera, who inquired about the progress of their salvage mission. Despite not finding the bombs, they managed to obtain a new transport for the Ghost.[55]

Return to Concord Dawn[]

Imperial Supercommandos thumb

Chopper, Sabine and Ezra escape Gar Saxon's men

While traveling on a rebel CR90 corvette, Chopper displayed a holographic projection of the game Cubikahd for Sabine and Fenn Rau, who was prisoner of the rebellion. During the game, Sabine tried to convince Rau to join the rebellion but Rau refused. Later, the rebels and Rau attended a briefing the corvette's war room hosted by Hera and Commander Sato. After losing contact with the Mandalorian Protectors on the third moon of Concord Dawn, Hera sent Rau along with Sabine, Ezra, and Chopper to undertake a recon probe of the Protectors Camp. For the journey, the rebels traveled in the new Phantom II with Chopper sitting in the shuttle's astromech socket.[56]

During the journey, Rau broke free of his restraints and stunned Sabine and Ezra. He then landed the shuttle near the Protectors Camp and went to explore it. Chopper awoke Ezra and Sabine and used his spark projector to free them from their restraints. The three rebels then pursued Rau and quickly discovered that the Protectors had been slaughtered by another Mandalorian group. While Sabine and Rau argued, Chopper picked up a signal. The rebels and Rau were then attacked by an Imperial probe droid but Sabine managed to shoot it down. When Rau proposed dealing with the Empire, Chopper went aboard the Phantom II to secure the craft under Sabine's orders. Shortly thereafter, Chopper was detained by an Imperial Super Commando, who was part of a Mandalorian faction led by the pro-Imperial Viceroy of Mandalore, Gar Saxon.[56]

Chopper's captor led the droid to a hut where Saxon was interrogating Ezra. Ezra claimed that he and Chopper were scavengers and not rebels. When Ezra tried to claim that he was part of Hondo Ohnaka scavenging crew, Saxon realized he was lying and threatened to use Chopper as target practice. After Saxon and his Super Commandos fired a round of blaster bolts above Chopper's head, Ezra claimed that his name was Lando Calrissian. Still disbelieving the boy, Saxon ordered one of his men to blast Chopper and dig out the droid's memory circuits. Ezra then told Saxon that he had been sent by Fenn Rau. After Saxon failed to extract Rau's location from Ezra, he attempted to shoot Chopper himself. However, Ezra used the Force to deflect Saxon's bolts twice. As a result, Saxon discovered that Ezra was a Jedi.[56]

Sabine managed to rescue Ezra and Chopper by using a smoke bomb. Before they could escape aboard the Phantom II, Rau escaped on the craft, stranding the three rebels. The Spectres were then surrounded by Saxon and his men. Saxon attempted to force Sabine to yield her allegiance to him and to bring him Rau. Sabine pretended to submit but secretly instructed Chopper to activate Frequency 337 on her helmet. This created a deafening noise that temporarily disoriented Saxon and his men. The three rebels then fled through a canyon with the Super Commandos in hot pursuit. Chopper used his rocket boosters to fly and evade the Imperials while Ezra clung onto Sabine. Following a brief scuffle, Ezra ended up riding on Chopper. The rebels traveled to Saxon's starship which Chopper managed to locate.[56]

Despite losing several of their pursuers, Saxon and another Super Commando managed to track down the three rebels. Before they could kill them, Rau arrived on the Phantom II and destroyed Saxon's starship. Chopper managed to flee into the shuttle's astromech socket. Following a struggle, Sabine managed to break free of Saxon and escaped with Ezra. The rebels and Rau then left the Concord Dawn system with the latter agreeing to join the rebellion.[56]

Evacuation of Mykapo[]

Chopper and R3-A3

Chopper joining forces with R3-A3

Chopper accompanied the Spectres and Phoenix Squadron on a mission to evacuate rebel sympathizers from Mykapo. Upon arriving, the Ghost was involved in a brief skirmish with an Imperial advanced patrol. The rebels were helped by a local rebel cell calling themselves the Iron Squadron, who operated from a YT-2400 light freighter called Sato's Hammer. The Iron Squadron was led by Mart Mattin, the nephew of Phoenix Commander Jun Sato. While Kanan, Zeb, and Rex lead the evacuation, Chopper and the other Spectres visited Sato's Hammer. Hera attempted to convince the Iron Squadron to evacuate the system before Imperial reinforcements arrived. During that meeting, Chopper was involved in a scrap with the Iron Squadron's astromech droid R3-A3. Ezra and Gooti Terez managed to separate the two.[57]

Later, Chopper was present when Ezra convinced Hera to let him, Sabine, and Chopper try to win Iron Squadron over by repairing their hyperdrive. Chopper joined forces with Sabine and R3-A3 in repairing the damaged ship's hyperdrive. Despite repairing the hyperdrive, their efforts came to naught when Mart diverted the power to the laser cannons and shields. Mart wanted to fight an Imperial force led by Admiral Konstantine against the advice of Ezra, Sabine, Gooti, and Jonner Jin. After the Imperial ships opened fire, Mart agreed to leave. Chopper and the other rebels managed to return to the Phantom II but Mart changed his mind and stayed behind. Outnumbered and outgunned, the rebels were forced to leave Mart behind in his ship.[57]

Chopper, the other Spectres, and Mart's comrades later returned to rescue the young captain. After Admiral Konstantine's forces attached a magno-mine to the Sato's Hammer's hull. Hera dispatched Chopper and R3-A3 to remove the magno-mine. The two droids departed through the cargo lock with Chopper pushing R3. Flying their rocket boosters, the two astromechs managed to remove the magno mine and plant it on one of Hammer's cargo containers. Under Hera's orders, they entered Mart's ship to await pick-up. After Commander Sato arrived with reinforcements to save his nephew, the rebels dropped the cargo container with the magno-mine above the front compartment of Konstantine's Imperial light cruiser, badly damaging the ship. Chopper and his comrades escaped shortly after Grand Admiral Thrawn arrived in his Star Destroyer Chimaera. Chopper was later present at Chopper Base when Mart embraced his uncle and his crew.[57]

Mission to Wynkahthu[]

Later, Chopper and his fellow rebels would participate in a mission to obtain cargo from a stricken Class four container transport that had become stuck in the stormy upper atmosphere of the planet Wynkahthu. The pirate Hondo Ohnaka and his business partner Azmorigan had convinced the rebels to help them by highlighting the presence of proton bombs aboard the cargo ship, a commodity desired by the rebellion. Hondo had solicited the assistance of the Spectres after he had lost most of his Ugnaught crew, with the exception of Melch, while trying to retrieve the cargo.[58]

Imperial sentry droids attack

The crew encountered Imperial sentry droids on the mission

During the mission, Chopper was part of a salvage team that was led by Zeb and included Ezra, Hondo, and Azmorigan. Under Zeb's orders, Chopper proceeded to the bridge and managed to restart the ship's power. He also opened the cargo transport's doors to the cargo bay. After the rebels and their confederates had entered the cargo bay, Chopper complied with orders to open the outer cargo doors. This enabled the Ghost to reach the cargo bay. Since the ship could not land, the rebels used grappling guns to fire magnetic cables to the Ghost's hull. Chopper stayed in the bridge while the rebels loaded their proton bombs aboard the Ghost.[58]

After Sabine had received the fourth load of proton bombs, a bolt of lightning struck the Imperial cargo ship, causing the ship to list towards a vortex. Chopper informed Ezra who told the droid to meet him at the cargo bay. On the way, Chopper ran into Ezra, who was looking for Zeb and Azmorigan, who had been imprisoned in the ship's brig by a DT-series sentry droid. Together, Chopper and Ezra managed to free Zeb and Azmorigan. However, they were cornered by the sentry droid. Azmorigan destroyed the droid but alerted the other four sentry droids.[58]

Chopper and his fellow rebels raced back to the cargo bay. While the rebels exchanged fire with the sentry droids, Hondo and Azmorigan fled back to the Ghost on their treasure chests by using the cable system. With the sentry droids advancing, Chopper ignited his rocket boosters and fled back to the Ghost. Ezra and Zeb followed suit but almost fell to their deaths when the cable snapped. After Kanan pulled Ezra and Zeb aboard, the rebels and their confederates fled aboard the Ghost while the cargo ship was ripped apart by the vortex. Once everyone was safely aboard, Chopper was present when the Ugnaught Melch emerged from Hondo's treasure chest. With both sides having achieved their goals, the rebels and criminals parted company.[58]

Mission to the Lothal Imperial Factory[]

Spectres and Ryder pursuit

Chopper, Ezra, Kanan, and Ryder Azadi driving through the streets of Capital City

When the Phoenix Squadron received intelligence that the Empire was developing a new weapon at the Imperial Armory Complex, Chopper accompanied Ezra and Kanan on a mission to infiltrate the factory. After landing in Lothal's Capital City, Chopper and his team rendezvoused with their local contact Ryder Azadi, who had become the leader of a local rebel cell. Chopper and his companions managed to meet up with Ryder and escape an Imperial patrol.[59]

After reaching Ryder's stone circle hideout, Chopper was present when Ezra discussed his plans with Ryder and the former farmer Morad Sumar, who had become a worker and undercover saboteur at the factory. Morad agreed to help Ezra's team steal the secret plans and arranged for them to infiltrate the factory. For the mission, Chopper was painted the black and red of an Imperial courier droid while Ezra and Kanan disguised themselves as factory workers. Chopper was present when Grand Admiral Thrawn gave a speech berating the workers for their high rate of defective products and killed Sumar during a test demonstration on a 614-AvA speeder bike.[59]

After Thrawn ordered a lockdown of the factory, Chopper helped Ezra and Kanan escape from the assembly line by destroying another speeder bike. The rebels then fled down a corridor and headed to Section A2, where the secret plans were reportedly held. After Ezra and Kanan stole uniforms from a stormtrooper and a scout trooper, the three rebels headed to the Section but found it guarded by stormtrooper sentries. Chopper managed to gain entry into Section A2 after he electrocuted an Imperial courier droid and stole its clearance code. Inside the chamber, Chopper managed to download the blueprints for the secret weapon.[59]

Chopper and his comrades were then pursued by stormtroopers but managed to escape into a lift with the help of Agent Kallus, who revealed him as a Fulcrum operative and the source of the weapons leak. While Kanan and Ezra distrusted Kallus, Chopper believed the disillusioned ISB agent, who had helped their comrades Zeb and Sabine on earlier encounters. Kanan solicited Kallus' help in reaching a communications station. After stunning the stormtroopers guarding it, Chopper was able to use the port to upload a message from Kanan's comlink to Ryder. Kallus offered to let them use his access code but Ezra revealed that Chopper had been modified for that purpose. Ryder informed the rebels that he was launching a diversionary attack on the factory's east gate.[59]

With Kallus' help, the rebels escape to the east gate's hangar bay where they stole an AT-DP walker. Despite being attacked and crushed by an Imperial AT-AT walker under Thrawn's command, Chopper and his rebel companions managed to breach the AT-AT, overpower the crew, and rejoin Ryder and his rebel cell. They then escaped into the wilderness. Back at Ryder's encampment, Chopper transmitted the secret plans that he had stolen to Sabine, who decrypted them. As a result, the rebels discovered that Thrawn was developing a new starfighter equipped with deflector shields. Despite their successful mission, Chopper and his rebel comrades attracted the attention of Thrawn, who discovered that the rebels were using an unauthorized C1 astromech droid.[59]

The specter of Maul[]

Following the events on Lothal, Hera and the Phoenix Squadron began planning for a strike against the Imperial factory there. After Ezra fainted from experiencing a vision of the Dark Sider Maul, Chopper visited the young Jedi apprentice in his bunk and told him to get up. Chopper's insensitivity rankled Hera but Ezra remarked that the droid was right and insisted in proceeding with the mission. Later, Chopper was chatting with his friend, the former Imperial inventory droid AP-5. After AP-5 and Sabine argued about loading a new shipment of explosives, the latter remarked that Chopper and AP-5 must have come from the same supply line. In response, Chopper hooted that maybe she needed an attitude adjustment. Before the two could argue, Ezra went on the rampage after experiencing another vision of Maul. Sabine sent Chopper to fetch Kanan, which he promptly did.[60]

Mission on Geonosis[]

Spectres and Rex on Geonosis

Chopper, Ezra, Kanan, and Rex explore Geonosis

At the request of Senator Bail Organa and Rebel Command, Chopper, his fellow Spectres, and Rex undertook a mission to find Saw Gerrera and to continue his mission to investigate the disappearance of the Geonosian species. As they entered Geonosis' dusty atmosphere, Chopper steered the Ghost's steering vanes under Hera's orders. After landing near the site where Saw had lost contact with Rebel Command, Chopper accompanied Kanan, Ezra, and Rex into a Geonosian structure which led into an underground labyrinth.[61]

While underground, Chopper and his comrades discovered discarded helmets and sealed up tunnels. While Kanan and Chopper wanted to return, Ezra and Rex insisted on pressing on with the mission. After reaching a dead-end, the rebels were attacked by several B1 battle droids and a droideka. The rebels were rescued by Saw, who destroyed the droids with grenades. Saw informed the rebels that he and his team had discovered an operational deflector shield generator. They had been attacked by a Geonosian who had killed his comrades. Believing that the Geonosian held the key to what the Empire was doing on Geonosis, Saw convinced the Spectres and Rex to assist him in capturing the Geonosian.[61]

Chopper and his fellow rebels soon arrived at a large air shaft. Under Kanan's orders, Chopper shone his search light at the other side of the shaft. As a result, the rebels discovered the presence of a Geonosian, who activated his remote controller before fleeing into the labyrinth. Under Kanan's orders, Chopper activated his rocket boosters and joined Ezra in pursuing the Geonosian. Following a protracted pursuit, the rebels managed to trap and capture the Geonosian.[61]

The Geonosian did not respond to Saw's aggressive interrogation methods, but Ezra managed to gain his trust and nicknamed him "Klik-Klak." After Chopper picked up an energy reading, Klik-Klak reluctantly led the rebels to his nest. There, the rebels discovered a transmitter, which Chopper and Rex promptly began working on to establish contact with Hera. Klik-Klak also revealed that he was the custodian of a Geonosian queen egg. Following a heated discussion, Kanan agreed to allow Saw to take Klik-Klak offworld for interrogation on the condition that he was returned safely to Geonosis.[61]

After Chopper and Rex established contact with the Ghost, Kanan instructed Hera to rendezvous with them at the central air shaft. Hera managed to pick up Chopper, his fellow rebels, and Klik-Klak. Once on board, an argument broke out between the Spectres, Rex, and Saw. Saw broke his deal and attempted to take Klik-Klak with him offworld on the Phantom II. During the altercation, Saw even threatened to shoot the Geonosian queen egg. The rebels put aside their differences in order to repel a boarding party of Jumptroopers, which had been dispatched from Captain Brunson's Imperial light cruiser.[61]

After fighting off the Jumptroopers, the Ghost fled into the depths of Geonosis. There, they discovered evidence in the form of poison canisters which proved that the Empire had indeed perpetrated genocide against the Geonosians. After collecting visual imagery of the canisters, the rebels freed Klik-Klak and the Geonosian queen egg. The rebels then blasted their way through Brunson's light cruiser by firing proton torpedoes.[61]

Defending Chopper Base[]

Rebel droids and EXD-9

Chopper (middle) and AP-5 and EXD-9

Later, Chopper stayed behind with Captain Garazeb Orrelios, AP-5, and a communications officer to guard Chopper Base while the other rebels departed on a training exercise. Zeb was unhappy because he did not get on well with either Chopper or AP-5. When AP-5 asked what Zeb did, Chopper replied that they never figured out. Chopper declined AP-5's call for help in compiling an inventory of the weapons in the munitions depot. To avoid work, Chopper accompanied Zeb to the command center where the comm officer informed that a sensor beacon in Sector 6 had been struck by meteors. Chopper was initially unwilling to help Zeb but changed his mind after AP-5 reiterated his request for help.[62]

Chopper and Zeb traveled to Sector 6 in a landspeeder. After finding the damaged sensor beacon, the two found a stray "protocol droid" caught among two dead krykna. While Zeb wanted to take it back to base, Chopper advocated trashing the stray droid. However, Zeb was able to overrule Chopper as Chief of Security. The two droids then returned to Chopper Base with the stray protocol and AP-5 began to recharge the droid. After the droid revived and began scanning the munitions depot, AP-5 decided to take on the new droid as his assistant inventory droid. When the new droid identified Chopper as an obsolete C1-series astromech droid, Chopper protested but Zeb joked that he had found someone else who did not like Chopper.[62]

Chopper stayed behind with AP-5 and the new droid while Zeb headed back to the command center. There, Zeb learned from Fulcrum that the new droid was actually an E-XD-series infiltrator droid dispatched by the Empire to probe the Outer Rim for rebel bases. This Infiltrator Droid was designated EXD-9 and had lost contact with the Empire shortly after landing. Chopper was accompanying AP-5 and EXD-9 on a tour when Zeb raised the alarm. After hearing the word "rebel," EXD-9 assumed combat position and identified Chopper, AP-5 and Zeb as threats. EXD-9 attacked the three rebels.[62]

When EXD-9 proceeded to pound Zeb, Chopper tried to drive the intruder away by using his electro-shock transmitter. However, EXD-9 hurled Chopper with his mechanized fists against several crates. After Zeb managed to damage the droid by severing its left arm, EXD-9 fled into the depot to hide. Zeb then attended to Chopper, who remarked bluntly "I told you so" while AP-5 translated. The three rebels then proceeded to find the Infiltrator Droid and soon discovered that EXD-9 had cannibalized another astromech droid for power and spare parts. Chopper was unable to detect EXD-9's energy readings since the intruder was low on power.[62]

Chopper aided Zeb and AP-5's plan to lure EXD-9 out of hiding by acting as a bait. Chopper soon discovered EXD-9 cannibalizing a GNK power droid and led him on a chase. Zeb then leaped down from an overhead bridge and fought with AP-5. Chopper tried to shock EXD-9 but the Infiltrator Droid kicked him away. Following a fierce struggle, AP-5 managed to deactivate the intruder. When EXD-9 began to initiate its self-destruct mechanism, Chopper froze the countdown circuit before it could detonate a proton warhead.[62]

Following some discussion, Zeb and AP-5 decided to reprogram EXD-9 and use him as a rigged bomb to destroy his Imperial base in order to protect the location of Chopper Base from the Empire. Chopper watched as AP-5 reprogrammed EXD-9 and his timer. Chopper and the other rebels then followed EXD-9 on their landspeeder back to its pod. After Zeb disabled the pod's long-range transmitter, the Infiltrator Droid flew back to its Star Destroyer. As planned, the Infiltrator Droid destroyed the ship and several other Infiltrator Droids. Despite slowing down Grand Admiral Thrawn's hunt for the rebels, Thrawn still managed to reduce the search to 94 systems. The following day, Chopper along with Zeb and AP-5 greeted Captain Syndulla and the other Spectres. While Hera was annoyed that they had been recalled after just one day, they later learned from Fulcrum that EXD-9 had destroyed a Star Destroyer.[62]

Sabine's trials[]

Chopper was pushing several boxes of supplies past the Ghost. After briefly arguing with Sabine, he pressed on. Later, Chopper attended a briefing where the other Spectres and Fenn Rau urged her to take up the Darksaber in order to reunify the Mandalorians and bring them over to the rebel cause.[63] After Sabine completed her trials, Chopper accompanied Sabine, Fenn Rau, Kanan, and Ezra on a mission to Krownest, the home of Clan Wren. During the journey, Chopper remained in the Phantom II's astromech socket As the ship entered Krownest's atmosphere, the Phantom II was attacked by a squad of Mandalorian warriors from Clan Wren.[64]

Two of the Mandalorians flew onto the Phantom II's hull and damaged the main thrusters. The warriors did not harm Chopper but flew away after damaging the thrusters. After landing, Chopper stayed behind with Fenn aboard the Phantom II while Sabine and the other rebels accompanied Sabine's brother Tristan Wren and the Mandalorian warriors back to the Wren Stronghold. While Sabine and her comrades negotiated with Sabine's mother Ursa Wren, Chopper repaired the damaged thrusters. Fenn later left to spy on the stronghold and to help Sabine, Ezra, and Kanan.[64]

While the Wrens and the rebels joined forces to defeat Viceroy Gar Saxon and his Imperial Super Commandos, Chopper remained with the Phantom II in the forest. After the skirmish, Chopper flew the Phantom II to the Wren stronghold. Ezra jokingly chided Chopper for missing the fighting. Chopper watched as Sabine embraced Kanan and Ezra. She decided to remain behind with Fenn to help reunify the Mandalorians in the wake of Saxon's death following a duel with Sabine. Chopper and his masters then returned to the rebellion.[64]

Rescuing Kallus[]

After the rebels learned that Grand Admiral Thrawn was monitoring Kallus' Fulcrum transmissions, Chopper joined Ezra Bridger and AP-5 on a mission to extricate Agent Kallus. The rogue ISB agent was stationed aboard an Imperial light cruiser above the planet Lothal that was commanded by Lieutenant Yogar Lyste. The rebels' plan involved Ezra and the droids stealing a Star Commuter 2000 from Capital City spaceport and allowing themselves to be captured by Lyste's Imperial light cruiser. This plan worked and Ezra was captured. Chopper and AP-5 managed to evade capture by claiming they were unwilling passengers aboard Ezra's shuttle.[65]

The mission was complicated when Agent Kallus and Lieutenant Lyste were summoned for a meeting aboard Grand Admiral Thrawn's Star Destroyer Chimaera. When Lyste insisted on bringing Ezra to showcase his success, Chopper and AP-5 managed to convince Lyste to bring them aboard under the pretext that Chopper had visual footage to use as testimony against Ezra. After boarding the Chimaera, Chopper and AP-5 contact the retrieval team Kanan and Rex to inform them that they would have to land the shuttle on the Star Destroyer. Since Kanan and Rex's clearance codes were only valid for Lyste's light cruiser, Kanan tasked Chopper with finding a new set of clearance codes.[65]

Chopper and AP-5 then haggled over whether they should rescue Ezra first or steal the clearance codes. Agent Kallus resolved the dispute by freeing Ezra from his cell. Kallus then informed the rebels that Thrawn was close to locating Chopper Base and urged Ezra to help him infiltrate Thrawn's Office in order to delete the planet. AP-5 then convinced Ezra that accessing Thrawn's Office would allow Chopper to obtain a new set of clearance codes. While AP-5 waited outside Thrawn's Office, Chopper, Ezra, and Kallus managed to infiltrate Thrawn's office, delete Atollon's location from Thrawn's star chart, and steal the clearance codes.[65]

When Thrawn returned, Chopper and Ezra managed to hide among Thrawn's artifacts while Kallus reset the Grand Admiral's Imperial sentry droids to assassinate Thrawn. Having transmitted a new set of clearance codes to Kanan and Rex, Chopper and his comrades headed down to the hangar. Despite a scuffle involving Lieutenant Lyste and Governor Arihnda Pryce, Chopper and his rebel comrades managed to flee aboard Kanan and Rex's Sentinel-class landing craft. Kallus decided to stay behind in order to continue helping the rebels and also framed Lyste as Fulcrum.[65]

Ferrying Mon Mothma[]

Later, Chopper and his fellow Spectres undertook a mission at the request of Senator Bail Organa to rendezvous with other rebels in space. Due to the sensitivity of the mission, the Spectres were not given details on whom they were supposed to be meeting. While bidding their time, Chopper played a HoloNet broadcast by the Imperial broadcaster Alton Kastle, who mentioned that Senator Mon Mothma was wanted for treason against the Empire.[66]

While waiting, the rebels sighted a tactical infiltration pod approaching the Ghost. The pod had an E-XD infiltrator droid, which Chopper and Zeb had encountered earlier on Chopper Base. Chopper displayed a hologram model of the object to the other rebels. In an attempt to escape detection, the rebels powered down the Ghost and Chopper. However, the E-XD droid still sighted their ship and the rebels were forced to destroy the pod but not before it managed to alert the Empire.[66]

Shortly, a rebel Taylander shuttle Chandrila Mistress[67] escorted by the Y-wing squadron Gold Squadron exited hyperspace. After meeting Senator Mothma's attaché Erskin Semaj and Gold Leader Captain Jon Vander, the rebels began refueling the rebel Y-wings. Chopper was present when an argument broke out between the Spectres and the pilot Gold Two over the former's activities drawing attention from the Empire. During the argument, Chopper uttered an insult at Gold Squadron in binary. Hera then backed up her crew by stressing that they had acted the best with the information they had.[66]

When the Ghost and the rebel ships were attacked by an Imperial light cruiser and Gozanti cruiser, Chopper helped Hera to take the ship into hyperspace. The Spectres were joined by Mon Mothma and her crew who were forced to abandon their stricken shuttle. Chopper joined forces with Mon Mothma to free the Ghost's hatch from the stricken Chandrila Mistress. Later, Chopper remained aboard the Ghost with Hera, Zeb, Mon Mothma, and her crew as they traveled through the dangerous Archeon pass, which went through the Archeon Nebula. During their journey, the rebels came under attack from a prototype TIE Defender piloted by Commander Vult Skerris and lost three Y-wings.[66]

After the Ghost exited the Archeon Nebula, they found their path blocked by two Imperial Star Destroyers commanded by Governor Pryce and Admiral Konstantine. While Chopper helped Hera to ready the hyperdrive, Mothma tried to stall Pryce with a list of demands. Pryce rejected Mothma's demands and ordered her Star Destroyer to drag the Ghost using their tractor beam projector. However, the rebels managed to break free with the help of Jon Vander and Ezra's Y-wings, which fired proton torpedoes the Archeon Nebula. This created an explosion which damaged Pryce's Star Destroyers and allowed the rebel ships to flee to Dantooine. There, Chopper and the other rebels were present when Mon Mothma gave a speech and founded the Alliance to Restore the Republic.[66]

Alliance to Restore the Republic[]

Imperial reprogramming[]

"Sir, there are no base coordinates stored on this droid."
"If it cannot divulge the location of their rebel base, then I will use it to lead us there. Initiating takeover."
―An unidentified Imperial technician and LT-319[68]
Network terminal

Chopper being reprogrammed by Imperial agents to now serve the Galactic Empire

Chopper experienced a traumatic chapter in his operational life when he accompanied AP-5 and Wedge Antilles on a mission to steal clearance codes from the ISB station on the moon Killun 71 for the upcoming rebel assault on Lothal. During the mission, Chopper and AP-5 constantly argued over Captain Syndulla assigning the task of collecting the clearance codes to AP-5, a former Imperial inventory droid who was familiar with Imperial systems and structures.[68]

After disembarking at Killun Station, the two droids proceeded without incident through a sensor checkpoint. However, Chopper's arrival at the base was detected by the crew of an IGV-55 surveillance vessel. The ship's controller LT-319 suspected that Chopper was the unregistered rebel droid that Grand Admiral Thrawn had warned them about and decided to slice into Chopper's systems so that he could find the location of Chopper Base for the Empire. While Chopper waited for AP-5 to return, the astromech droid plugged into a network terminal at the ISB base.[68]

However, the Imperial listening crew used this conduit to hijack and reprogram Chopper from afar. While the Imperial controller found that Chopper did not carry the coordinates for Chopper Base, he decided to use the hijacked astromech droid to obtain the necessary data. Due to his reprogrammed state, Chopper did not initially respond to AP-5's promptings. The reprogrammed Chopper returned to the rebel crew's stolen Sentinel-class landing craft. While AP-5 was suspicious about Chopper's changed behavior including speaking Imperial Code 16, the oblivious Antilles welcomed Chopper's more pliable attitude.[68]

Upon returning to the Ghost, the reprogrammed Chopper tried to download the ship's hyperspace logs. However, AP-5 had alerted Hera who had gone to the cockpit to confront her astromech droid. Hera reminded Chopper that she always wiped his data after every jump as a security precaution. While Hera was distracted with alerting Ezra, Zeb, and Wedge, Chopper entered the engine room and brought the Ghost out of hyperspace. After detaching from the Sentinel shuttle, Chopper locked his comrades in the cargo bay and tried to expose them to zero gravity space.[68]

Acting under LT-319's orders, Chopper then attached a data spike to the Ghost's navigation computer and began downloading the ship's travel logs. While the download was taking place, Chopper spotted AP-5 trying to open the cargo bay doors from the outer control panel. Under LT-319's orders, Chopper grabbed two blasters and attacked his friend. Chopper was unable to push him in the first round and AP-5 managed to open the cargo bay. However, Chopper returned for a second loop and pushed AP-5 into space.[68]

Chopper then returned to the Ghost's cockpit only to be stunned by Zeb's bo-rifle. After Ezra removed the data spike, Hera decided to retaliate against Chopper's Imperial slicers by reversing the feed on them. After plugging Chopper back to the ship's systems, she used the droid's visual processor to send a fierce message to LT-319 and his team. Chopper began to convulse as he became a conduit for the data surge which overwhelmed the Imperial surveillance vessel's system, causing the ship to explode. As a result of the reverse feed, Chopper's Imperial reprogramming was removed and his original programming was restored.[68]

As Chopper rebooted, Hera pleaded for her buddy to return. This moved even Ezra and Zeb, who did not usually get on well with the astromech droid. After Chopper returned, his fellow rebels celebrated. An apologetic Chopper and his rebel comrades then greeted AP-5, who was sullen that his moment of solitude in space had been disturbed. When AP-5 expressed his suspicion that Chopper was still compromised, the frustrated astromech droid slapped him with both appendages. One struck Wedge by accident and the young pilot expressed frustration with droids.[68]

Mission to Tatooine[]

After Ezra received an apparent warning from Kanan's Jedi holocron and the Sith holocron that Master Kenobi was in danger from Maul, Chopper and the other Spectres, Rex, and Commander Sato attended a briefing at Chopper Base's command center. Apart from Ezra, the other rebels believed that Kenobi was dead and that Ezra should prepare for the upcoming strike on Lothal. However, Ezra decided to proceed with his mission to find Maul and stole an RZ-1T trainer. Chopper stowed aboard the ship and accompanied Ezra on a journey to the desert planet of Tatooine.[69]

After entering Tatooine's atmosphere, Chopper flew the trainer while Ezra used the two holocrons to guide them to Kenobi's purported location. While Chopper guarded the ship, Ezra discovered that Maul had used the fragment of the Sith holocron to lure them to Tatooine. The two were soon attacked by several marauding Tusken Raiders, who tried to force their way into the RZ-1T. Ezra saved Chopper from being clubbed by a Tusken Raider and the droid in return saved Ezra from being attacked by another raider. During the skirmish, their starship was destroyed by the Tusken Raiders' slugthrowers. The Tusken Raiders were then slaughtered by Maul, who disappeared into the canyon.[69]

By daybreak, the two rebels had reached the exit of the canyon. Chopper proposed following the ridge in order to find a settlement. However, Ezra was influenced by an apparition of Maul to follow him into the desert. After some argument, Chopper reluctantly followed Ezra into the desert. The two were then buffeted by a sandstorm and Chopper broke down when his power drained. Meanwhile, Ezra was overcome by heat exhaustion and tormented by apparitions of Maul. Before the elements could claimed the two rebels, they were rescued by Kenobi.[69]

Kenobi powered up Chopper and tended to the unconscious Ezra. That evening, the two rebels met Master Kenobi who told Ezra that he had been misled by Maul into leaving Atollon. After Kenobi told Ezra to return to his rightful place with the rebellion, Maul surfaced to finish his score with Kenobi. Chopper and Ezra left on Kenobi's dewback mount north where they found Maul's starship Nightbrother, which they used to return to Chopper Base. Meanwhile, Kenobi defeated and killed Maul in combat. Upon arriving back at Chopper Base, Chopper and Ezra were greeted by Zeb, Kanan, and Hera. Ezra apologized for leaving and reconciled with his adopted family.[69]

Battle of Atollon[]

Prior to the planned rebel attack on Lothal, Ezra Bridger reluctantly credited Chopper for helping bring the rebellion together. However, the rebels were unable to launch their attack on Lothal since Grand Admiral Thrawn had discovered the location of Chopper Base and dispatched his Seventh Fleet to blockade the Atollon system. As a result, both Phoenix Squadron and General Dodonna's Massassi Group were trapped on Atollon. With the Empire preventing any escape into hyperspace with an interdictor vessel, Hera decided to send Chopper along with Ezra on the Gauntlet fighter Nightbrother to escape the Atollon system and seek help offworld. As part of the escape plan, Hera planned to launch an attack on the Imperial formation to find an opening.[70]

Escorted by the Ghost and the Y-wings of Green Squadron, Chopper and Ezra braved the Imperial naval blockade. During the assault, the rebel forces sustained heavy casualties at the hands of the Imperial Star Destroyers and TIE fighters. In the end, Commander Sato sacrificed his life and ship Phoenix Nest by ramming into Admiral Konstantine's interdictor cruiser. This gave Chopper and Ezra's Gauntlet the window of opportunity needed to flee into hyperspace. Chopper was present when Ezra unsuccessfully tried to petition Mon Mothma for help.[70]

When Chopper suggested returning, Ezra insisted that they seek Sabine first. The two rebels then took the Gauntlet to Krownest, the homeworld of Sabine Wren. There, Ezra appealed to Sabine's mother Countess Ursa Wren for help. Since Clan Wren was locked in a civil war against the pro-Imperial Clan Saxon, Ursa and Fenn Rau were initially unwilling to aid the rebels. In response, Ezra said he would return and Chopper beep in agreement. When Sabine wanted to go along with her rebel comrades, Ursa relented and allowed volunteers and ships to depart for Atollon.[70]

Chopper stayed aboard the Gauntlet during the Mandalorian counter-attack on the Seventh Fleet. He manned the ship while Ezra, Sabine, and several Mandalorian warriors boarded the second interdictor cruiser and destroyed its gravity well projectors. After the Mandalorians had destroyed the cruiser, they escaped aboard the Gauntlet and fled into space. This attack enabled the surviving rebel forces led by Hera and Dodonna to flee into hyperspace. Chopper was in the engine room with AP-5 when Rex recommended doing a third jump to cover their retreat to Yavin 4.[70]

War on Mandalore[]

Chopper accompanied Ezra, Sabine, and Kanan on a mission to Mandalore to assist Clan Wren's efforts to rescue Alrich Wren, the patriarch of Clan Wren and Sabine's father. Prior to the assault on Alrich's prison, Chopper repeated Sabine's message to Ezra that a Jedi like him should quickly master a Mandalorian jetpack. Following a brief skirmish, the rebels and Clan Wren forces managed to secure the outpost with the help of Bo-Katan Kryze, the leader of Clan Kryze. However, the allies discovered that Governor Tiber Saxon was transporting Alrich to the capital Sundari for a public execution.[71]

The rebels and Mandalorians later ambushed the Imperial convoy carrying Alrich and managed to rescue Clan Wren's leader. However, this victory was overshadowed by news that Governor Saxon had deployed an AT-DP Arc Cannon Prototype carrying the Duchess, a powerful weapon capable of incinerating Mandalorian warriors by targeting the beskar alloys in their armor. The Duchess had been created by Sabine during her days at the Imperial Academy of Mandalore. The rebels and Mandalorians managed to rescue Sabine's mother and brother Ursa and Tristan Wren and escape of one of Bo-Katan's Gauntlet fighters.[71]

To atone for her role in the creation of the Duchess, Sabine agreed to lead a mission to destroy the arc pulse generator, which was stored aboard Tiber Saxon's Star Destroyer above Sundari. For the mission, Chopper and Kanan volunteered to erase the data. Chopper used his rocket booster to fly into the Star Destroyer's hangar bay while the others used their jetpacks. The rebels and Mandalorians were soon spotted and fought with the ship's Imperial sentries. Chopper, Kanan, and Ezra found a network terminal. While the Jedi fought off Imperial stormtroopers, Chopper proceeded to delete the data on the Duchess from the ship's computers. The operation ended in the rebels' favor when Sabine managed to reprogram the Duchess to target Tiber Saxon and his stormtroopers' armor.[71]

Chopper and the rebels and Mandalorians then fled Tiber Saxon's Star Destroyer before it was crippled by the malfunctioning Duchess. After returning to Bo-Katan's camp, the Mandalorians appointed Bo-Katan as their leader and the wielder of the Darksaber.[71]

Taking out the Jalindi relay[]

Chopper along with Kanan, Ezra, and Sabine traveled to the rebel base on Yavin 4 where they were joined by Zeb and Rex, who had already relocated there with the remnants of Phoenix Squadron. Soon they were joined by Hera and her Y-wing squadron, who had returned from a mission. Hera's squadron had been ambushed by Imperial forces and had sustained considerable damage. Hera, who had lost her astromech during the supply run, hugged Chopper and remarked that she wished he had been on their mission.[72]

Chopper later accompanied his fellow Spectres on a mission to install a spike on the Imperial relay station on Jalindi. During the mission, Chopper along with Ezra and Sabine descended onto the dish, taking care not to activate their jetpacks until after passing the five hundred meter mark. As the rebels struggled to maintain their grip on the shifting dish, Chopper collided with the main antennae before toppling onto the main deck. Chopper survived and the rebels began to proceed with their mission. However, they were interrupted by the arrival of an Imperial light cruiser, the Marauder, which was commanded by Commander Brom Titus.[72]

Ezra tried to pose as the relay station's commander but only drew the attention of Commander Titus. With their presence discovered, Sabine decided to plant detonators. With the relay station alerted, Chopper aided his rebel comrades by realigning the dish to harry the stormtrooper defenders, causing them to fall into the abyss below. While the rebels battled the Imperial forces on the relay station and Jalindi's skies, Saw Gerrera and his Partisans arrived in a U-wing. After dropping proton bombs on the station, Saw evacuated Chopper and his rebel comrades. The resulting explosion destroyed the Jalindi relay and Titus' light cruiser. Saw's U-wing then jumped into hyperspace, taking Chopper and his fellow comrades along.[72]

Working with the Partisans[]

Saw then enlisted Chopper and his fellow Spectres on a mission to infiltrate Faos Station. Following the earlier events on Geonosis, Saw wanted to investigate what the Empire was working on that had led them to wipe out the Geonosians. Saw had intelligence that the Empire was moving cargo through Faos Station. While Chopper objected to the mission, he was outvoted by Ezra and Sabine. After submitting to a paint job, Chopper and the other rebels infiltrated Freighter 2716 aboard a container with Chopper towing the crate. Saw's comrade Edrio followed behind in a U-wing.[72]

Once aboard the freighter, Chopper hacked into the ship's manifest and found that Freighter 2716 was headed to the remote and empty Tonnis sector, where Saw believed the Empire was hiding something. After Chopper found that hold 17 was a restricted area, Saw led the rebel boarding party there. Since the holding area was guarded by stormtrooper sentries, Chopper lured the stormtroopers out so that his rebel comrades could ambush them. Chopper also electrocuted the lead stormtrooper. Inside the holding area, they encountered several power and reactor technicians, who had been forcibly dragooned for some unknown project.[72]

After taking out another stormtrooper patrol, Chopper was tasked with leading the liberated prisoners to the ship's escape pods while the other rebels sabotaged the ship's hyperdrive in order to force it to drop out of hyperspace so they could escape. However, the Imperials aboard learned of their presence and jettisoned the escape pods. Noticing that the escape pods were being jettisoned, Chopper ordered the prisoners to retreat back to the cargo hold. When the Ishi Tib Mich Matt complained about the rescue, Chopper rolled on his leg with one of his ambulatory struts. Meanwhile, Ezra, Sabine, and Saw discovered that the freighter was transporting a large kyber crystal.[72]

Having disabled the hyperdrive, the rebels found the freighter in the middle of empty space with a Star Destroyer commanded by Captain Slavin approaching. Unwilling to concede failure, Saw fired on the kyber crystal, destabilizing it. He then escaped with Edrio on a U-wing, leaving Chopper, the other rebels, and the prisoners behind. Unable to stop the crystal from self-destruction, Ezra ordered Chopper to contact Hera and to evacuate the prisoners aboard a Lambda-class shuttle waiting in the hangar. After taking out the guards, Chopper and the prisoners boarded the shuttle. A squad of stormtroopers led by the Death trooper DT-F16 arrived but Ezra and Sabine took out the Imperials, and escaped aboard the shuttle.[72]

Since the shuttle was equipped with deflector shields, Chopper and the others survived the explosion which engulfed Freighter 2716 and Slavin's Star Destroyer. However, their engines were disabled. Fortunately, the rebels and their charges were rescued by Hera, who arrived in the Ghost. Out of gratitude, the liberated passengers decided to join the Rebel Alliance.[72]

Return to Lothal[]

Polluted Lothal

Lothal was heavily polluted by this time due to the Imperial war machine.

Chopper accompanied the Spectres on an undercover mission to Lothal to obtain intelligence on the Empire's new TIE/D Defender Elite project. Vizago managed to smuggle the Spectres into the city of Jhothal while delivering a shipment of puffer pigs. After fleeing Imperial forces, Chopper accompanied Ezra and Sabine to Jho's former cantina, which had been taken over the Empire following his execution. While Ezra and Sabine entered, Chopper waited outside and was questioned by two stormtroopers.[73]

The Spectres managed to avoid arousing the attention of the Imperial authorities with the help of Jai Kell, a former Imperial cadet that the Spectres had befriended four years earlier. Jai had since joined Ryder's Lothal resistance, who had alerted the Alliance to the TIE Defender Elite project. After exiting the cantina and reuniting with the other Spectres, Chopper scanned the surrounding infrastructure. Using Chopper's information, the rebels escaped down the sewers. Despite being pursued by Imperial forces, the Spectres managed to establish contact with Ryder Azadi's Lothal resistance. Ryder and Marida Sumar evacuated them in a U-wing starship.[73]

The TIE/D Defender Elite heist[]

While Ezra, Sabine, Zeb, and Ryder Azadi traveled to the Imperial testing facility where the TIE/D Defender Elite was being tested, Chopper remained with Hera and Kanan in Ezra's old tower. Despite encountering Grand Admiral Thrawn and Governor Pryce, Ezra and Sabine managed to steal the TIE/D Defender Elite and acquire its flight data recorder for the Alliance.[74] The following day, Chopper stayed behind at the camp while Ezra, Zeb, and Kell returned to the crash site to retrieve the hyperdrive. Despite being pursued by Imperial forces, Zeb managed to return with the hyperdrive in a commandeered Imperial Troop Transport. After Sabine fixed the hyperdrive to Ryder's U-wing, Chopper and Hera departed Lothal with the stolen flight recorder. After escaping Thrawn's Imperial fleet, the two landed safely on Yavin 4 and presented the flight recorder to Mon Mothma and Erskin Semaj.[75]

Raid on Lothal[]

Chopper was present during the Alliance military briefings when Hera tried to convince Rebel Command to attack the Imperial factories on Lothal. While the leaders discussed the matter, Chopper and Hera waited outside. Hera persisted and convinced Mon Mothma to approve the strike operation on Lothal.[76] During the Attack on Lothal, Chopper sat in the astromech socket of Hera's T-65B X-wing starfighter. Upon exiting hyperspace, Hera's strike force was intercepted by Thrawn's Seventh Fleet, which deployed TIE fighters to attack the rebel starfighters. Chopper and Hera's X-wing was pursued by Commander Vult Skerris' TIE/D Defender Elite but Hera managed to outwit the Imperial pilot, causing him to crash into the bridge of a Star Destroyer. This created a gap in the Imperial formation which allowed several surviving X-wings to enter Lothal's atmosphere.[77]

However, the rebel starfighters were then ambushed by a flight of TIE fighters lying in wait. Chopper and Hera's X-wing crash-landed in the streets of Capital City. Chopper exited his astromech socket and tended to the unconscious Hera. With his transmitter damaged, Chopper was unable to contact Ezra and Kanan for help. With the help of several civilians, Hera and Chopper managed to flee into the streets before Imperial forces arrived. While navigating the streets, Chopper and Hera encountered Mart Mattin's wrecked X-wing. Mart's astromech droid R3-A3 was killed while trying to protect his master. Chopper and Hera hijacked an Imperial Troop Transport and used it to subdue the stormtroopers accosting Mart. After Hera and Chopped subdued the remaining stormtroopers, Mart allowed Chopper to use R3's transmitter to ensure that the droid did not die in vain.[77]

After replacing Chopper's transmitter, Hera ordered the group to retreat from the city. The rebels were then ambushed by the Noghri tracker Rukh. Following a brief fight, Chopper helped his comrades subdue the Noghri by stunning him. Chopper then led the rebels to a sewer entrance only to find it guarded by Imperial stormtroopers and an AT-DP. While Mart distracted the stormtroopers, Chopper under Hera's instruction opened the drain hatch. Sabine then knocked out the AT-DP walker with a landspeeder. Chopper and Mart managed to enter the sewers but Hera was subdued and captured by Rukh. Chopper refused to abandon his master until Hera shot the astromech socket controlling the hatch. Hera's sacrifice enabled Mart and Chopper to escape and link up with Kanan's forces, who retreated due to the failure of the assault.[77]

Rescuing Hera and Kanan's death[]

After regrouping at the Lothal resistance's mountainside redoubt, Chopper helped Ezra, Sabine, and Zeb assemble three loth-bat gliders for a mission to rescue their leader Hera Syndulla, who was being imprisoned at the "Dome" in Capital City. Later, Chopper and Zeb rode the speeder bike which drew the gliders towing Kanan, Ezra, and Sabine into the air. Zeb and Chopper then watched as their rebel comrades flew to the "Dome."[78]

Despite rescuing Hera, the Spectres suffered a major blow when Kanan sacrificed his life to hold back an explosive wave at the Lothal City fuel depot. Chopper and Zeb greeted Hera, Ezra, and Sabine when they returned to the rebel base in their police gunship and learned about Kanan's passing. While the other Spectres mourned, Chopper wheeled up to a grieving Hera and held her hand while beeping sadly.[79]

While Hera was mourning Kanan's death in private, Chopper tried to comfort her, Hera lashed back that he did not understand. When Hera blamed herself for Kanan's death, Chopper comforted her by pointing out that Kanan brought her Kalikori back. He then told Hera that Kanan was a worthy member of her family. Hera realized that Chopper was right and added a piece of Kanan's holocron to her family's Kalikori to honor his memory. Hera later told Chopper that despite Kanan's misgivings about the Rebellion, he was right that they could change things. Chopper was present when Zeb and Sabine reported that the fuel depot explosion had disrupted Imperial TIE Defender production on Lothal, making Kanan's sacrifice worthwhile. They were joined by Ezra, who told them that their next mission was to the Lothal Jedi Temple.[79]

Mission to the Lothal Jedi Temple[]

Chopper accompanied Ezra and the other Spectres on their mission to the Lothal Jedi Temple. The Spectres were transported to the Jedi Temple by a pack of loth-wolves, with one of the wolves carrying Chopper in its mouth. The loth-wolves were able to generate hyper tunnels which enabled them to travel speedily to the Lothal Jedi Temple, which lay on the planet's northern hemisphere. Upon arriving, the Spectres discovered that the Empire and Mining Guild has set up an excavation camp on the site of the Jedi Temple. While Ezra and Sabine infiltrated the camp disguised as scout troopers, Chopper, Hera, and Zeb watched the camp from the outside perimeters.[80]

At Sabine's request, Chopper rerouted an Imperial transmission from the Imperial Minister Veris Hydan's mobile command center. As a result, the Spectres learned that the Emperor was interested in uncovering the secrets inside the Jedi Temple. Despite the difficulty involved, the rebels decided to persist with their mission. Sabine was shortly captured, but Ezra managed to unlock the Painting of the Mortis gods and enter a portal. After Minister Hydan ordered Imperial forces to search for intruders, Chopper and his rebel comrades fled to the outskirts of the camp.[80]

After relocating to a safer location, the Spectres continued monitoring the camp. Unsure about where Ezra had gone, the Spectres decided to mount a rescue mission for Sabine. Infiltrating the camp, Chopper was assigned to keep watch outside the painting where Ezra had been last seen. Meanwhile, Hera and Zeb helped Sabine escape from Hydan's mobile command center by activating one of the thrusters, causing the structure to topple. They then fled towards the portal where they were joined by Ezra, who had encountered Ahsoka Tano inside the World Between Worlds and barely escaped the Emperor. While the rebels sealed the portal, Chopper commandeered a Mining Guild excavation driller. The Spectres then escaped the temple before it collapsed into the ground.[81]

Trapping Governor Pryce[]

Chopper later participated in Ezra and Ryder Azadi's plan to lure Governor Pryce into a trap at the Lothal cliff dwelling. This was part of Ezra's plan to liberate Lothal from Imperial rule. As part of the plan, Ryder pretended to betray the rebels by revealing their base to Pryce in return for a pardon. After Pryce attacked the cliff base with a fleet of patrol transports, stormtroopers, and jumptroopers, Chopper complied with Ezra's orders to contact Hera, who was offworld recruiting allies, and warn her of the Imperial assault.[82]

During the battle, Chopper was pursued by a stormtrooper but managed to throw him off a ledge. Governor Pryce managed to knock out the rebel's ore crawler, taking out their last defensive position. Chopper and the other rebels were captured by Pryce's forces. However, Pryce and her troops were then ambushed and overwhelmed by Hera's reinforcements and a pack of loth-wolves. Pryce and several Imperials were taken prisoner, allowing the rebels to proceed with the next stage of their plan.[82]

Liberation of Lothal[]

"Chopper? Chop! Chop, wake up!"
"[Chopper powers up and complains]"
"Oh, really? Yeah, that must be tough, but can you please see if you can contact the Ghost? It's almost time to get out of here."
―Sabine Wren and Chopper[83]

Chopper took part in the joint rebel assault on the Dome, the center of Imperial power on Lothal. The rebels managed to secure the control room. Before they could activate the Dome's thrusters, which turned out to be a mobile Imperial Planetary Occupation Facility, Grand Admiral Thrawn returned aboard the Chimaera and blocked their path.[83]

Under Ezra's orders, Chopper relayed a transmission to Thrawn. Ezra told Thrawn that he held his army hostage inside the "Dome." However, Thrawn countered by bombarding Capital City, having arranged with Rukh to disable the Dome's deflector shield generators. Thrawn then demanded that Ezra come to him and surrender. When Ezra decided to confront Thrawn in order to save his friends, Ezra along with Sabine helped him to escape aboard a patrol transport.[83]

Chopper later warned his rebel comrades when a party of stormtroopers tried to storm the command center. While two teams of rebels ventured into the Dome to restart the north and south shield generators, Chopper remained in the command center with Hera and Sabine. When he tried to access the network terminal, Chopper was electrically shocked. As a result, Sabine told Rex to find a manual override.[83]

Chopper rebooted after the rebels had succeeded in restoring the shield generators, shielding Capital City from Thrawn's second bombardment wave. Under Sabine's orders, Chopper contact the Ghost for a pick-up. He later activated the Dome's engines for take-off. As the rebels escaped aboard the Ghost, Chopper passed Ezra's lightsaber to Sabine. This allowed the rebels to cut a hold through the window and climb onto the roof, where they were evacuated aboard the Ghost.[83]

Following the destruction of the "Dome," Chopper relayed a pre-recorded message by Ezra to the other Spectres and rebels. In that message, Ezra bid his adopted family farewell and told them he had taken the path least expected.[83]

Galactic Civil War[]

Theft of the Death Star plans[]

Chopper on Yavin

Chopper in the Great Temple prior to the orbital attack on Scarif

Chopper was present at the Rebel Alliance's secret base on Yavin 4 after Rogue One had infiltrated the Imperial complex on Scarif in order to steal the plans for the Empire's Death Star, a new superweapon capable of destroying entire planets.[11]

Chopper was eventually stationed on Home One, where he met the B1 battle droid R0-GR and got off on the wrong foot.[84]

Mission on Endor[]

Chopper and Artoo

Chopper and R2-D2 on Endor

Chopper was with Hera and the Ghost on Endor sometime after the battle which took place there when Han Solo, Chewbacca and R2-D2 were tasked by General Leia Organa to get ration bars for some members of the indigenous sentient species of Ewoks, who wanted to eat captured stormtroopers. Hera gave the envoy permission to give their supplies to the Ewoks, though before she and Chopper retreated back to the Ghost, he faced R2-D2 right to the dome.[85]

Chopper was practicing with spears along with two other Ewoks when Hera arrived to tell him that some leftover Imperial TIE fighters were headed to the Bright Tree Village. As Hera got inside the Ghost, Chopper decided to recruit the two Ewoks that were with him. After Chopper and his new crew went to the guns of the ship, Kneesaa managed to take out two TIEs out of the sky during the dogfight. After the fight, Hera complimented Chopper's new crew before taking them back home.[86]

Following the Battle of Endor, Sabine Wren painted a mural in LothalNet comm tower E-272, formerly Ezra Bridger's solitary place of residence, depicting the Spectres, including Chopper, on Lothal, flanked by a pair of Loth-wolves and several Loth-cats. Chopper occupied the lower middle of the painting.[83]

New Republic Era[]

New duties[]

Chopper also served as a companion to Hera's son Jacen, while taking care of the kid, Chopper brought out his playful side despite his usually cantankerous personality.[2] He also served the New Republic along with Hera, who started to work with Vanguard Squadron,[12] though he was separated from her when Hera went to work closely with Alphabet Squadron and participated at the Battle of Jakku in 5 ABY.[87][88] Chopper joined Syndulla on a venture to[89] the planet[2] Batuu, where they visited Black Spire Outpost.[89]

Inspection on Corellia[]


Chopper and Hera meet up with Ahsoka on Corellia.

Around 9 ABY,[90] Chopper reunited once with Hera when they went to the planet Corellia. The pair then met up with Tano to inspect the Santhe Shipyards, which had been taken over by the New Republic following the end of the war, in order to verify whether Morgan Elsbeth still had any connections inside which might have helped her escape from custody a while earlier. While Tano and Hera proceed to inspect the facility further, Chopper stayed on the Phantom II. However, it did not take long before their mission went awry, after an unauthorized transport took a Super Star Destroyer's hyperdrive core away, ignoring Hera's instructions to land. Hera returned to the Phantom II and told Chopper to start the engine, which he did, and the pair took off to intercept the transport while Tano engaged Morgan Elsbeth's mercenaries, Marrok and Shin Hati on the ground. The transport opened fire at the Phantom, forcing Hera to maneuver trying to evade it, and eventually the two came close enough to allow Chopper to throw a homing beacon at the ship at the last moment before it escaped to hyperspace.[91]

Going rogue on Seatos[]

The incident, which proved the existence of Imperial remnants hiding deep within sensitive new Republic installations, worried Hera, who called in a meeting of Senators Rodrigo, Mawood, and Hamato Xiono, as well as now Chancellor Mon Mothma in Home One. After they arrived at the meeting, Chopper left Hera to meet with Jacen, who greeted him happily, and the two proceeded to play around while Hera reported to the Senators. Chopper also told Jacen that his aunt, Sabine Wren, would become a Jedi, having overheard Hera and Ahsoka's discussion about the subject in the shipyards. After a while, Hera returned to them, informing them that the Senate had rejected her request for an investigation.[92] Dissatisfied with this response, Hera, along with Chopper and Jacen and accompanied by a T-65B X-wing starfighter squadron under Captain Carson Teva of the Adelphi Rangers departed Home One and headed to track down the source of the beacon Chopper had planted. Upon arriving on Seatos, they found a giant hyperspace transport ring, the Eye of Sion reading for takeoff; realizing its nature, Hera had the squadron attack it. The Eye, however, jumped to hyperspace, destroying an X-wing and damaging all ships in its path.[93]

After repairing whatever damage they could, Hera landed the Ghost on Seatos, where she inspected the Seatos reflex point for any signs of Imperials. After clearing the area, she allowed Jacen to disembark, all the while being protected by Chopper. The three encountered the architect droid Huyang, who had accompanied Ahsoka and Sabine to the planet, and explained to them what happened. As they were waiting by the shore, Jacen heard lightsabers clashing through the Force, and Chopper and Hera jumped to the Ghost, eventually discovering Ahsoka in the water, having just awoken from a Force vision in the World Between Worlds. Hera was later contacted by the New Republic, who dispatched three cruisers to apprehend her and the pilots under her command[94] and bring them to Coruscant, where Hera was court martialed. While in the court, C-3PO arrived, bringing a message from Leia Organa claiming to have sanctioned Hera's mission herself; Senator Xiono initially refused to accept evidence from a "mere droid", leading Chopper to angrily whistle in protest, prompting Teva to shush him.[95]

Return of Ezra Bridger[]

When the same ship that Baylan Skoll and Shin Hati had used to massacre an entire starship's crew arrived at the hangar of Home One, Chopper joined Syndulla and a security force to confront the intruder, who revealed themselves in damaged stormtrooper armor. Chopper, however, quickly[96] realized the individual before them was a disguised Ezra Bridger,[97] finally returning home. Chopper quickly rushed to his friend's side, earning him a head pat, before Bridger removed his helmet, much to Syndulla's shock.[96]


"And then there's that droid. Chopper or something? It's got lots of attitude for a machine."

Chopper's Imperial wanted poster

Due to his advanced age and lack of consistent maintenance, Chopper developed a sarcastic, and cranky demeanor. While Chopper got on well with Hera, Kanan, and Sabine, he had a fraught relationship with Ezra and Zeb, whom he often played tricks on.[99] Chopper had a respectful relationship with Hera because she rescued him from a wrecked Y-wing starfighter during the Ryloth campaign and adopted him,[8] giving him more attention than her estranged father Cham Syndulla.[16] Unlike other astromech droids such as R2-D2, Chopper did not care about being loved by the organics he worked with and seemed to dislike other astromechs. While he was always cantankerous, stubborn, and irritable, Chopper did have the crew's best interests in mind and would always help them during a problem, prompting his partners to forgive his personality quirks. Though he did not get along with the Ghost's computer, the Phantom followed Chopper's commands without question.[14]

Chopper also had a mischievous and psychopathic streak which led him to sometimes endanger both sentient beings and other droids. On one occasion, he nearly caused the death of Ezra by knocking him off the Ghost in mid-air. Despite the incident, he showed no remorse and continued tossing jugs at him. Zeb suggested his personality flaws were due to damaged logic circuits.[25] Later, he ejected from an Imperial communications ship, launching himself harmlessly into space but causing a group of stormtroopers to be sucked into the void with him. Chopper appeared to particularly dislike other droids and never hesitated to cause them harm, whether his mission called for it or not. On one occasion, he became jealous of the Imperial courier droid 264 and threw him out of the Ghost in mid-air.[34]

Despite his cantankerous quality and seemingly sociopathic programming, Chopper was also capable of showing affection, when it suited him. Despite their hostile first encounter, he grew fond of C-3PO, after the latter complimented him for his polite "manners."[22] In addition, Chopper also had a sense of team spirit and loyalty to his fellow Ghost companions. On one occasion, his affection towards Kanan led him to join forces with Sabine, Zeb, and Ezra on a mission to rescue Kanan.[34] On another occasion, he refused to leave Sabine behind and persuaded her estranged friend Ketsu Onyo to rescue her from her derelict shuttle before it exploded.[41]

Chopper XWM

Chopper works on the Ghost

Despite starting off on the wrong foot with Ezra, Chopper eventually developed a working if somewhat uneasy relationship with the young Jedi rebel. On one occasion, he rescued Ezra and Hondo Ohnaka from being killed by the crime lord Azmorigan.[39] While Chopper did not get on well with Zeb most of the time, Zeb still respected the astromech droid well enough to rescue him during a fraught mission to salvage medical supplies.[38]

At times, Chopper could also be selfish and once allowed his desire for a new droid leg to get him stranded on Horizon Base. While Chopper had no friends due to his selfish and cantankerous personality, Chopper earned a friend in the form of the maltreated RA-7 protocol droid AP-5. AP-5 came to regard Chopper as a friend after Chopper freed him from his restraining bolt, thus giving him the will to overcome his programming and to rebel against his Imperial superiors. Working together, the two droids hijacked an Imperial cargo ship and managed to find a safe world for the rebellion to establish a base.[8] Due to his experience of crash-landing in a Y-wing, Chopper had a fear of the starfighters and refused to get one even several years after the Clone Wars.[10]

Chopper and his friend AP-5 shared a grumpy outlook and a rigid adherence to schedules. This made them close friends. Chopper once suggested that Sabine needed a change in attitude when she remarked that he and AP-5 came from the same supply line.[60] Chopper's pride in his technical and repair skills once led him to fight with the Iron Squadron's astromech droid R3-A3, who was equally territorial and protective of his ship Sato's Hammer. Still, the two bonded after working together to remove a magno-mine from the Iron Squadron's ship.[57]

Chopper's laziness led him to opt out of helping AP-5 catalog the munitions inventory. Later, he attempted to opt out of helping Zeb inspect a damaged sensor beacon in Sector 6. Still, Chopper was smart enough to "choose between the lighter of two chores." Chopper's unfriendly nature led him to object to Zeb adopting the stray droid EXD-9, who turned out to be an Imperial Infiltrator Droid. Despite his uneasy relationship with Zeb, Chopper had enough sense of team spirit to help his comrade fight off EXD-9.[62]

C1-10P Chopper 2018 SWI Regional Champ alt card

Chopper could be a menace to Imperial forces.

Chopper's cantankerous nature once led him to argue with AP-5 during a mission to steal clearance codes from an ISB base on Killun 71. He resented the fact that AP-5 was given the mission instead of him. Chopper was also known to sulk when things did not go down his way. He was unable to resist Imperial programming and almost killed his Spectres comrades on one occasion. However, Chopper's rebel comrades managed to save him from himself and remove the Imperial programming. After realizing that he had pushed AP-5 into space, Chopper was apologetic. However, he was insulted when AP-5 sarcastically did not accept his apology and struck him and Antilles in frustration.[68]

Despite his sometimes uneasy relationship with Ezra, Chopper beeped in agreement when Ezra told Clan Wren they would be returning to Atollon if the Clan was unable to render the rebels assistance.[70] The two had grown close over the years, with Chopper the only individual[96] who recognized a disguised Bridger when he returned to the known galaxy.[97] Chopper had a close bond with his master Hera and refused to abandon her when they being pursued by Imperial forces following an ill-fated strike on the Lothal Imperial factories.[77] Chopper and his fellow Spectres mourned the death of their comrade Kanan. Chopper comforted Hera while she was mourning for Kanan and pointed out that the late Jedi Knight was a worthy member of her family.[79]

Chopper's sense of comradeship with the Spectres led him to participate in several missions on Lothal including the Lothal Jedi Temple,[80] trapping Governor Pryce,[82] and the pivotal Liberation of Lothal. On one occasion, Chopper risked danger to himself by accessing the network terminal at the Dome and being electrified in the process. However, his resilience meant that he was able to reboot.[83] In his later years, companionship with Jacen Syndulla brought out his playful side.[2]




By the time of the Siege of Lothal, Chopper had existed for a few decades past his manufacturer's expiry date. As a result, most of his original components had been replaced by secondhand parts. Chopper made himself an invaluable member of the Ghost by customizing the vessel to such a degree that he was the only one who understood its systems well enough to maintain it. Despite his mechanical skills, he preferred to do mundane activities such as playing dejarik rather than performing his allocated chores aboard the Ghost. His favorite feature was his electro-shock prod, which he used to shock enemies on a number of occasions.[4] Chopper communicated in binary, a common droid language. Unlike R2-D2, Chopper had a retractable wheel instead of a retractable leg.[14]

Chopper was equipped with a rocket booster that allowed him to fly for short distances and to outrun foes. As a former military droid who had served during the Clone Wars, Chopper was equipped with a spark projector. Chopper was also known to have a mismatching left ambulatory strut, which was green. Chopper was dissatisfied with this situation and desired a new ambulatory strut. Despite his selfish streak, Chopper respected the former analyst droid AP-5 enough to sacrifice a new ambulatory strut to revive his friend.[8]

Chopper was capable of homing in on power readings and navigating through labyrinths.[61] Chopper was also familiar with undercover work and was sometimes painted in black and red to mimic an Imperial astromech droid.[59] He also knew how to download Imperial clearance codes from ports.[65]

As an astromech droid, Chopper could be used as a conduit to transmit and relay signals. A team of Imperial slicers led by LT-319 were able to slice into Chopper's systems and turn him into a double agent droid. Later, Hera removed the Imperial programming by reversing the Imperial feed back at the slicers' ship, destroying it.[68]

Chopper's transmitter was damaged during a failed strike on Lothal. He inherited the fallen astromech droid R3-A3's transmitter to ensure that Hera could still contact the other rebels and that R3 did not die in vain.[77]

Behind the scenes[]

"If Artoo is the family dog, Chopper is the cat."
Star Wars Rebels Executive Producer Dave Filoni[100]

Designer Michael McMaster posing between Chopper and R2-D2

C1-10P appears in the animated television series Star Wars Rebels, which began airing on Disney XD in fall 2014, portrayed by series executive producer Dave Filoni.[83] Although his dialogue is incomprehensible on the finished show, writers still had to type out Chopper's lines for Filoni to perform.[101]

Chopper's appearance is directly inspired from concept artist Ralph McQuarrie's original Episode IV design sketches for R2-D2. According to Filoni, Chopper's actions were meant to reflect his destructive and cantankerous nature. Filoni also stressed that he and the production team had carefully selected the names of the series' characters in order to imbue them with a sense of purpose and meaning.[102]

At the behest of Filoni, the writer, director, and R2-D2 Builders Club member Michael McMaster constructed a fully articulated, life-size model of Chopper for reference in creating the animated series. McMaster's final product was built in about eighty-seven days.[103] Chopper appeared on a 2014 episode of America's Funniest Home Videos.[104]

Chopper is the star of Chopper Cam, a staple sketch of the webisode series Rebels Recon, in which he features as an actual working droid at the studios of Lucasfilm Ltd., who is often set to do menial tasks but finds various ways to skive off work or annoy the crew. In the first half of Star Wars Rebels Season Four, Chopper's corner was usurped by his rival R3-A3 until the latter was killed off in "Rebel Assault."[105]


Non-canon appearances[]


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 SWRM "Factsheet: Chopper" — Star Wars Rebels Magazine 6
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Ultimate Star Wars, New Edition
  3. Star Wars: The Visual Encyclopedia
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Star Wars Rebels: The Visual Guide
  5. 5.0 5.1 Star Wars Rebels: Head to Head
  6. AltayaCite "BB-8 and Other Astromech Droids" — Star Wars Encyclopedia
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "The Machine in the Ghost"
  8. 8.00 8.01 8.02 8.03 8.04 8.05 8.06 8.07 8.08 8.09 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 8.14 8.15 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "The Forgotten Droid"
  9. 9.0 9.1 Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Hera's Heroes"
  11. 11.0 11.1 Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
  12. 12.0 12.1 Star Wars: Squadrons
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Twilight of the Apprentice"
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 Star Wars Rebels: Rise of the Rebels
  15. SWYT-Logo Rebels Recon #2.18: Inside "The Forgotten Droid" | Star Wars Rebels on the official Star Wars YouTube channel (backup link) (Posted on StarWars.com)
  16. 16.00 16.01 16.02 16.03 16.04 16.05 16.06 16.07 16.08 16.09 16.10 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Homecoming"
  17. 17.0 17.1 TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Devil's Deal"
  18. TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Rescue on Ryloth"
  19. Star Wars: Timelines dates the events of A New Dawn to 11 BBY.
  20. The Official Star Wars Fact File Part 117 (SYN1–4, Hera Syndulla)
  21. Star Wars Rebels: Spark of Rebellion
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 22.4 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Droids in Distress"
  23. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Fighter Flight"
  24. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Fire Across the Galaxy"
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Rise of the Old Masters"
  26. 26.0 26.1 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Breaking Ranks"
  27. 27.0 27.1 Servants of the Empire: Rebel in the Ranks
  28. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Out of Darkness"
  29. 29.0 29.1 Star Wars Rebels: Ezra's Duel with Danger
  30. 30.0 30.1 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Idiot's Array"
  31. 31.0 31.1 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Vision of Hope"
  32. Servants of the Empire: Imperial Justice
  33. 33.0 33.1 33.2 33.3 33.4 Star Wars Rebels: Battle to the End
  34. 34.0 34.1 34.2 34.3 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Rebel Resolve"
  35. 35.0 35.1 Star Wars Rebels: The Siege of Lothal
  36. 36.0 36.1 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "The Lost Commanders"
  37. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Relics of the Old Republic"
  38. 38.0 38.1 38.2 38.3 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Always Two There Are"
  39. 39.0 39.1 39.2 39.3 39.4 39.5 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Brothers of the Broken Horn"
  40. 40.0 40.1 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Wings of the Master"
  41. 41.0 41.1 41.2 41.3 41.4 41.5 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Blood Sisters"
  42. 42.0 42.1 42.2 42.3 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Stealth Strike"
  43. 43.0 43.1 43.2 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "The Future of the Force"
  44. 44.0 44.1 44.2 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Legacy"
  45. 45.0 45.1 45.2 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "A Princess on Lothal"
  46. 46.0 46.1 46.2 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "The Protector of Concord Dawn"
  47. 47.0 47.1 47.2 47.3 47.4 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Legends of the Lasat"
  48. 48.0 48.1 48.2 48.3 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "The Call"
  49. 49.0 49.1 49.2 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "The Honorable Ones"
  50. 50.0 50.1 50.2 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Shroud of Darkness"
  51. 51.0 51.1 51.2 51.3 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "The Mystery of Chopper Base"
  52. 52.0 52.1 52.2 52.3 52.4 Star Wars Rebels: Steps Into Shadow
  53. 53.0 53.1 53.2 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "The Holocrons of Fate"
  54. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "The Antilles Extraction"
  55. 55.0 55.1 55.2 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "The Last Battle"
  56. 56.0 56.1 56.2 56.3 56.4 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Imperial Supercommandos"
  57. 57.0 57.1 57.2 57.3 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Iron Squadron"
  58. 58.0 58.1 58.2 58.3 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "The Wynkahthu Job"
  59. 59.0 59.1 59.2 59.3 59.4 59.5 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "An Inside Man"
  60. 60.0 60.1 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Visions and Voices"
  61. 61.0 61.1 61.2 61.3 61.4 61.5 61.6 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Ghosts of Geonosis"
  62. 62.0 62.1 62.2 62.3 62.4 62.5 62.6 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Warhead"
  63. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Trials of the Darksaber"
  64. 64.0 64.1 64.2 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Legacy of Mandalore"
  65. 65.0 65.1 65.2 65.3 65.4 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Through Imperial Eyes"
  66. 66.0 66.1 66.2 66.3 66.4 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Secret Cargo"
  67. StarWars-DatabankII Chandrila Mistress in the Databank (backup link)
  68. 68.0 68.1 68.2 68.3 68.4 68.5 68.6 68.7 68.8 68.9 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Double Agent Droid"
  69. 69.0 69.1 69.2 69.3 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Twin Suns"
  70. 70.0 70.1 70.2 70.3 70.4 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Zero Hour"
  71. 71.0 71.1 71.2 71.3 Star Wars Rebels: Heroes of Mandalore
  72. 72.0 72.1 72.2 72.3 72.4 72.5 72.6 72.7 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "In the Name of the Rebellion"
  73. 73.0 73.1 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "The Occupation"
  74. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Flight of the Defender"
  75. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Kindred"
  76. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Crawler Commandeers"
  77. 77.0 77.1 77.2 77.3 77.4 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Rebel Assault"
  78. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Jedi Night"
  79. 79.0 79.1 79.2 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "DUME"
  80. 80.0 80.1 80.2 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Wolves and a Door"
  81. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "A World Between Worlds"
  82. 82.0 82.1 82.2 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "A Fool's Hope"
  83. 83.0 83.1 83.2 83.3 83.4 83.5 83.6 83.7 83.8 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Family Reunion – and Farewell"
  84. Star Wars: Droidography
  85. ForcesOfDestinyLogo-Dplus Star Wars Forces of Destiny — "An Imperial Feast"
  86. ForcesOfDestinyLogo-Dplus Star Wars Forces of Destiny — "Chopper and Friends"
  87. Alphabet Squadron
  88. Victory's Price
  89. 89.0 89.1 TwitterLogo Star Wars (@starwars) on Twitter: "space mom has arrived Meet Hera Syndulla for a limited-time in Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge® at the @Disneyland Resort." (backup link)
  90. Star Wars: Timelines dates The Mandalorian to 9 ABY. As TwitterLogo Star Wars (@starwars) on Twitter: "Ahsoka, a new Original Series, starring @RosarioDawson and set within the timeline of @TheMandalorian, is coming to @DisneyPlus." (backup link) states that Ahsoka is set in the same time period as The Mandalorian, it must also be set around 9 ABY.
  91. AhsokaS1 Logo Ahsoka — "Part Two: Toil and Trouble"
  92. AhsokaS1 Logo Ahsoka — "Part Three: Time to Fly"
  93. AhsokaS1 Logo Ahsoka — "Part Four: Fallen Jedi"
  94. AhsokaS1 Logo Ahsoka — "Part Five: Shadow Warrior"
  95. AhsokaS1 Logo Ahsoka — "Part Seven: Dreams and Madness"
  96. 96.0 96.1 96.2 AhsokaS1 Logo Ahsoka — "Part Eight: The Jedi, the Witch, and the Warlord"
  97. 97.0 97.1 StarWars Ahsoka Analyzed: 7 Highlights from "Part Eight: The Jedi, the Witch, and the Warlord" on StarWars.com (backup link)
  98. Rebel Journal by Ezra Bridger
  99. Star Wars Rebels: Meet the Rebels
  100. StarWars Star Wars Rebels: Meet Chopper, Grumpy Astromech Droid on StarWars.com (content now obsolete; backup link)
  101. TwitterLogo Gary Whitta (@garywhitta) on Twitter: "Been joking about BB-8's blips and bloops but on Rebels we actually had to write all of Chopper's dialog so Filoni could perform it. They were some of the most fun lines to write, even though nobody would ever understand them." (backup link)
  102. StarWars Star Wars Rebels: What's in a Name? on StarWars.com (content now obsolete; backup link)
  103. SWYT-Logo Droid Design: Chopper from Star Wars Rebels Comes to Life | Star Wars Rebels on the official Star Wars YouTube channel (backup link) (Posted on StarWars.com)
  104. SWYT-Logo Star Wars Rebels' Chopper Visits AFV on the official Star Wars YouTube channel (content obsolete and backup link not available)
  105. Rebels Recon

External links[]
