


X-Wing Rogue Squadron 4, also labeled as "The Rebel Opposition, Chapter 4", is the fourth issue in the Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron series of comics. It was released on October 31, 1995 by Dark Horse Comics.

Publisher's summary[]

Tycho Celchu must make the hardest decision of his lifetime: choosing between saving his friends and supporting his cause. Disguised as an Imperial fighter pilot, Rogue Squadron flyer Tycho Celchu has successfully infiltrated the Imperial troops. But success turns sour when his TIE fighter unit encounters Wedge Antilles and Rogue Squadron! If he abandons his post with the Imperial fighters, he abandons the cause of the New Republic; but if he stands his ground, he risks killing his comrades. Either way this Rebel plays, he plays a losing game . . .

Plot summary[]

In the forests of Cilpar, Tycho Celchu reunites with Imperial forces, still undercover. Aboard their transport, Celchu reunites with Winter, whom the Imperials believe is Princess Leia Organa. Winter explains that she was in Celchu's X-Wing during the earlier battle and that Wes Janson was with them in the other transport. The transport arrives at a secure Imperial facility where Winter (still pretending to be Organa) meets with Governor Norquest, who invites her to dinner. Norquest proposes that the New Republic is dying, but that she did not have to die with it.

Elsewhere, Imperial spy Vance Rego comes across Rebel forces, deceptively informing the rebels that the Empire captured Organa and Janson, motivating Wedge Antilles and Elscol Loro to rescue them. Splitting their forces into two teams, Rego and Loro recover an empty spacetrooper suit.

At the Imperial base, Celchu is promoted to senior flight officer for the anticipated rebel attack. As the TIEs launch into the air, Celchu makes his true allegiance known to both his Imperial and Rebel allies. On the ground, Rego reveals his intentions to Loro and Groznik, causing the Wookiee to throw him out of their speeder. Hoping to catch up to Loro and Groznik and kill them, Rego covers the spacetrooper armor which fell with him in the crash, but a wild ronk that was hiding inside bites off his arm.

Loro and Groznik reunite with their forces, informing them that Rego was the traitor. As Rogue Squadron makes short work of the Imperial defenses, Groznik helps free Loro from the clutches of Moff Boren Tascl; Loro spares his life however, determined to leave his fate to the courts. With the Imperials defeated, the rebels moves to depart the planet with Celchu and Winter leaving in a Lambda-class shuttle. With Rego presumed dead and nothing to keep Loro on Cilpar, she decides to stay with the Alliance, flying Celchu's X-Wing offworld at Antilles' insistence.


Dave Dorman's original painting for the cover of this particular issue depicted Tycho Celchu wearing a TIE fighter pilot's uniform, rather than the uniform of an Imperial officer because an editorial mishap resulted in Dorman receiving the incorrect reference material for the cover. The mistake was discovered only after Dorman had submitted his work for approval and this resulted in Dorman painting what was deemed to be the correct depiction of Celchu onto a separate board and then digitally incorporating it into the original painting.[2]

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